Hello Neighbor 2 | Review in 3 Minutes

Hello Neighbor 2 | Review in 3 Minutes

The Escapist

1 год назад

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@LucasHaddad313 - 02.01.2024 04:16

It's a okay game I still somewhat like it at times.

@TheCreepypro - 15.03.2023 21:31

still a surprise to me that they made a sequel

@virgilt1051 - 19.02.2023 07:55

Extremely disappointed by this one. I enjoyed the first game alot more.

@TheQuilavaQueen - 22.01.2023 12:46

This game is so buggy, that it can be beaten in a shorter time than it takes to watch this video and that is really funny to me

@-........ - 04.01.2023 23:10

the absolute balls of tinybuild to double down on that one

@sand5305 - 29.12.2022 05:19

I enjoyed the game and it's still being updated
When it comes to complaints
I do miss the old more scary music and screen effects from the first game
But over all the ost still slaps

And the ai however is better and worse at the same time the ai can hear more things like the neighbor could in the original alphas but because it's always trying to think of ways to cut you off it awkwardly stops alot
The hello neighbor 1 ai however had a problem of randomly jumping through windows even when there is no reason to and not being able to get around his own house
Due to how big it got

But at the same time he would set up more cameras water buckets and bear traps in areas you go alot and once he was chasing you unless you were high up he was fast as hell and didn't once stop in his pursuit

So over all the new ai is an upgrade and a downgrade at the same time
The puzzles however alot more nice and granted not everyone of them can be good but they are a huge step up

I had a reasonable amount of fun avoiding the ai personally but one thing that was annoying is once the ai seen you in an area they would check that area over and over such as the baker repeatedly going up and down stairs and then they started checking the balcony after seeing Me on it once

@Tacoskillzzz_VR - 17.12.2022 20:15

I thought this was a horro game but since it’s not many I should play it

@RealMasterChief117 - 13.12.2022 09:13

This game is like stepping in dogshit. Except you step in it with your mouth.

@marcangelus - 11.12.2022 03:47

The comment about the best part being when the AI gets stuck in a door and you can explore at your own leisure is so true. The puzzles are actually pretty decent, and if you took the AI out completely, I would have been completely satisfied playing this as a sort of 'escape room' puzzle adventure.

I found fairly early on though that after you get this mountable cctv camera, you can mount it on a door, get the AI to chase you through the door and catch you, and when you respawn, the AI will be on the near side of the door, unable to go back through it because the camera is blocking their path. I probably played more than half of the game this way because it was cool to just solve the puzzles without having to keep hiding every few seconds, but there are a few levels where it's not possible.

@tt_maximus_clapz2941 - 11.12.2022 00:36

Personally I think its better for people (well atleast pc players) to just get the first one and play the custom maps that are better than this

@Xavier6854 - 10.12.2022 12:36

i have the game and i say its not too bad but also not good its like medium i mean u can just easily get out of the neighbor's sight but sometimes he does outsmart u by sometimes i mean like 5% of the time but i think the price is worth it if u want a horror puzzle game buy it. The story is good and strange and i love it and i think its better than the first game in my opinion please no hate its my opinion im on day 3 and i think im close and people say its 2 hours long but thats only if u are good at the game its taken be like 4 days to get to day 3 i love it idk if u love it tho but i do so in my opinion if u like what i said here u should maybe get it but dont target me if u hate it. i love it oh and i got the game on gamepass so i got it for free but even if i payed that price i say... ITS WORTH IT except for the dlcs they suck and are not worth it so get the main game i will update this when i finish the game and i know this is a long comment so if ur reading this have a nice day!

@ChristopherTiihonen - 10.12.2022 02:55

The game seems like it would almost be better for not having any AI enemies. Just make it a puzzle game instead.

@uyeah1234 - 10.12.2022 00:18

Is that the other frost? Didn't expect him to be here.

@tbu_drachenkater5397 - 09.12.2022 22:39

And another milked franchise, that began promising. What a shame…

@user-so4tx7zs5r - 09.12.2022 17:03

The dev should let it go. They cant fix this.

@pjwestin - 09.12.2022 08:13

Wait, was Hello Neighbor 1 even finished? I remember it being in early access for like 5 years and then never heard about it again.

@abluerat7087 - 09.12.2022 02:26

I wish they made the game in a way that the ai actually tries to outsmart you

@PugLifeJM - 09.12.2022 01:27

So it's just as bad as the first but without what little the first had that made it slightly unique.

@doifhg - 08.12.2022 23:27

Surprised this had a sequel

@elymoji - 08.12.2022 22:47

I think MatPat would enjoy dissecting this review frame by frame 👀

@jaredrcox - 08.12.2022 22:20

well we went through a zombie crazy. open world craze. hunger games crazy. now its time for Vague plot

@sognar2240 - 08.12.2022 22:09

If there ever was a game that didn't need a sequel, that's the one

@-aste8445 - 08.12.2022 21:42

Review is longer than the speedrun record of the game... 8)

@latbat58 - 08.12.2022 21:26

What is game pass?

@ultgamercw6759 - 08.12.2022 21:20

One thing you forgot to mention was that this game is 2 hours long for 30 quid and has three day one dlc out which total to almost paying for the game twice. I'm all for short games but charging that much is crazy.

@TheNameIsSR - 08.12.2022 21:18

When I first saw the teaser for Hello Neighbour years ago I was really excited about the concept of an AI adapting to how you play, constantly trying to outsmart you. Such a shame they forgot what was supposed to make the game unique

@Justking - 08.12.2022 21:16

This game might not be perfect, but it's a huge step up from their previous works.
The puzzles are actually understandable without smashing your head against a wall and it's not as glitchy as past games

@titanuranus0 - 08.12.2022 21:10

I love the subtle dig at the “Game Theorist” community

@spamytv - 08.12.2022 21:06

You were too nice

@pvzsoccer - 08.12.2022 21:05

I feel like this game could've been better if The Guest and The Man In The Hat actually appeared
