This home is now Sold! Add up charming curb appeal, 2-story brick home, gated motorct, updated kitchen & master bath, all counter tops updated with granite/undermount sinks/new faucets, 25x20 brick porch w/bead board cei, & a lrg, free-form gunite pool - you get one heck-of-a-buy for under $300,000 in River Oaks. Kitchen updates incl painted cabs, granite, new sink & faucet, & s/s appls incl Bosch 5-burner gas cktop & frig/frzr. Master Bath updates incl granite dressing
area & bath, tile flrs & shower, faucets. & more
Presented by:
Judy McLellan & The JudyMac Team
Crye-Leike Realtors
Cell 901-277-5839 Office 901-756-8900
#Judy_McLellan #Crye-Leike_Realtors #38120 #Home_for_sale_in_East_Memphis #TN #River_Oaks_Subdivision