How David Gilmour Uses Stacked Compression

How David Gilmour Uses Stacked Compression

Michael Banfield

1 год назад

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justfine77777 - 03.10.2023 06:00

If I could only have one pedal, it would be the Boss CS-3. I love a standard Strat, and it is the biggest game changer in my gear in over 40 years.

Kyzor-Sosay - 29.09.2023 03:08

I heard Lowell George stacked compression too, I tried it,liked it,continue to use two compression pedals,sounds good.

Glicksman1 - 28.09.2023 09:21

Essentially, using multiple compressors in series, each set moderately grants all of the benefits of compression while avoiding the sonic anomalies that occur when using a single compressor at high settings.
I use a Cali 76 Deluxe and and an Xotic SP in series (one into the other), both at moderate settings. This way I get as much compression as I wan without it sounding a if I'm using a compressor. This method also permits sharp attack along with the compression if you want it.
Using compressors in series that utilize different methods of compression (the Cali 76 is a classic FET-style, and the Xotic SP is a Ross-style) increases the complexity of the sound in a very satisfying way.
Roger McGuinn pioneered this technique. It works nicely for him, it does for me, too, and it will for anyone who tries it.

Bishop Eddie
Bishop Eddie - 25.09.2023 04:02


teknical100 - 24.09.2023 22:03

Thank you!

elmer - 17.09.2023 18:59

Could've said all of this in about 5min 8)

lanthaniated1 - 17.09.2023 07:52

Awesome demo, compression and sustain really helps with nuances, especially DG bends and trailing notes.

Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Palpatine - 07.09.2023 20:02

It sounds good, but I prefer having complete control over the dynamic

Vova Green
Vova Green - 22.08.2023 20:52

было интересно...спасибо!🙂

Deaner - 19.08.2023 20:22

The On and Off soundlevel/volume is so different? Not the best way to compare sound.. :-)

Tung Tobak
Tung Tobak - 16.08.2023 21:38

Best cheap compressor I've tried is the Ampeg Opto Comp. I actually bought several, use it for both bass and guitar. I never hear anyone talk about it. Optical compressors are definitely my favourite. I have a Dynacomp but I find it noisy for recording.

OEMPlus - 11.08.2023 05:29

compression + dirt = magic

Kahfai - 06.08.2023 08:49

Too much talk.

The Duderino
The Duderino - 01.08.2023 21:56

Hey Michael ! Love the work you’re doing here ! I’m new to the pedal game and was wondering if you had to choose 1, which pedal would be best to emulate that classic Gilmour tone ? Thanks

Alican Gülişli
Alican Gülişli - 27.07.2023 00:42

It doesn’t sound like Gilmour, not even close. Could have been a lot better with the same budget actually

Jonny E
Jonny E - 25.07.2023 08:37

I really like that a lot of your gear can be easily found and are widely available to the general public.

ALAIN VB - 03.07.2023 11:17

Bonjour avec le mxr dyna o. Peut equaliser dans l aigu et cela doit rendre plus aigus au final ??

Kevin Clements
Kevin Clements - 14.06.2023 16:25

He is alsoan anti semite

Max Power
Max Power - 14.06.2023 05:29

Whoops, missed a bend completely. That would be difficult on a Strat.

John Pick
John Pick - 08.06.2023 23:30

Thank you.

baz barret
baz barret - 23.05.2023 19:52

Thank you this is a really interesting and useful and thought-provoking video never thought about stacked compression and regardless of what people say about it coming through a little iPad speaker. The whole point is to inspire you to get a couple of compressors and start experimenting for yourself ✊ so thank you. I’m about to go and do that now 👍

circleeh - 23.05.2023 12:29

I swear by my Pignose Optical Compressor. And I've never needed to swear at it!

Spooky Robison
Spooky Robison - 20.05.2023 22:32

You don’t need compression…. It’s all in your hands

Tuto Hallgrim
Tuto Hallgrim - 20.05.2023 18:54

in my opinion, mxr is the winner

Matt Begin
Matt Begin - 20.05.2023 09:50

I run a keely two knob and a cs-3

Jacob Houser
Jacob Houser - 17.05.2023 10:52

Zero chance Gilmour stacks a CS-2 with another compressor because it already has an mind melting level of sustain available. All you’re doing it making your chain noisier.

ASK JDOG - 16.05.2023 08:48

Sweet.. love a good compression pedal.

joxyjoxyjoxy1 - 16.05.2023 04:57

That's the closest i've heard anyone come to the Brick n the Wall tone, which, IMHO, is the greatest guitar tone of all time.

Lucas Zembrzuski Guitar
Lucas Zembrzuski Guitar - 15.05.2023 13:44

Hey Michael, thank You for this video!, can You tell us what pickups do You have in Your strat? Sounds really nice :)

ShredRocket - 15.05.2023 01:31

Dude, you have great content, however too much talk!

Safe & Sound
Safe & Sound - 14.05.2023 07:19

Stacking compression instead of using distortion pedals.

HarryGuit - 12.05.2023 19:39

Get rid of compression for good! It takes the soul out of music, so what‘s the point?

terry smith
terry smith - 12.05.2023 17:21

Good tidings, Master Banfield. Wilt thou be kind enough to inform me as to the title of the first tune you used to test thine magic boxes? I recognize it not. Thank you my lord.

matulda megasen
matulda megasen - 12.05.2023 13:38

You're doing a great job!

Alexandre Beauvilain
Alexandre Beauvilain - 12.05.2023 11:08

super super interesting, and very well explained. Thanks.

Александр Фролов
Александр Фролов - 11.05.2023 09:59

Very informative video! Thanx alot!
BTW, chorus pedal after gain pedal?

9finger Guitarman
9finger Guitarman - 11.05.2023 03:20

As a guitarist this is way overboard. If you lay your hand on the bridge and strum lightly instead of strumming from the shoulder or elbow, you have more control with your hands in sensitivity and control dynamics better and do less work to achieve it. Let your hands do the work. If you bend notes with your wrist and fingers instead of picking the neck up several inches in the air every time you relax and work much less and you don't get tired as fast instead of looking like you're trying to swim in the air like you do. Your fender tube sound is great and your playing is nice but compressing is better for bass, drums and vocals. Throw the big muff in the garbage and use a tube preamp for distortion. 90% of your playing is in your hands, relax.

Comfortablyannoyed - 10.05.2023 18:37

Saying compressors make quiet sounds louder and louder sounds quieter is a classic simplistic error. But you're a guitar player and ,I assume, not a sound engineer. It's a little more complicated , but it may help someone very untechnical get a very basic grasp

_ Göggels
_ Göggels - 09.05.2023 12:18

The red one sounds early 70s, Obscured by Clouds, Zabriskie Point, Meddle

Daniel N
Daniel N - 08.05.2023 07:24

Omg! Less talking more playing. Wtf dude? I did not select the video to watch you talk.

Paul Weber
Paul Weber - 07.05.2023 08:13

Excellent vid, thank you!
However, one KEY aspect when listening to comps in a clean sound settings is that the comp'd sound should be at the same level (sound pressure levels). Why is that? Because our ears are primed to Loud = "Better", in turn because, Fletcher-Munson (cue "loudness" controls on vintage hifi amplifier units).
So - when AB'ing the clean vs. comp sounds one should always match the volume of the two signals to get the best picture of what is happening and if the comp settings are correct in terms of squish / pump, fattening, release, etc

Bobby Breaux
Bobby Breaux - 06.05.2023 20:08

When you had the CS-3 on with the Cali, the attacks vary enough for a tight delay effect. That’s why it’s so fat. It’s the same effect as having 2 amps running. You really made that CS-3 shine. I didn’t know they could sound so good. I have a CS-2 and it’s my favorite compressor, especially for leads and heavy rock overdrive. It makes the guitar thump. I have an xotic compressor for cleaner and subtle compression. I’m going to try stacking them now!

Joseph Wright
Joseph Wright - 06.05.2023 03:49

Reverb seems to be a wonderful companion with compression, as it seems to smooth things out even more and provide a soft sonic space for notes to trail into the distance.

Area Man
Area Man - 05.05.2023 23:29

Great video!

Henry Diaz
Henry Diaz - 05.05.2023 15:46

You know why it's similar? Because it's the exact same thing, just with cursive writing. It sounds no different. And anyone that falls for this time honored tradition is a clown, a fool, a child, or all 3. And no pedal will make you sound like anything else but you with a pedal. The reason Gilmour sounds the way he does is his hands, not his equipment. And here, you English think you're so much smarter than everybody else. Tsk, tsk.

Norton Scarton
Norton Scarton - 05.05.2023 03:58

Great class

Jason Cola
Jason Cola - 04.05.2023 17:34

soung great

Dmitri Starostin
Dmitri Starostin - 04.05.2023 11:12

David Gilmour's compressors were no doubt better balanced in terms of Fourier series: these newer ones only carry one fourth or one third of the whole spectrum. I wonder: his compressors probably carried up to the 10th harmonic. So they probably went into some ultrasound modulation too, up to 40 kHz. This is what I miss from the times of Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and others.
