The Bethesda Showcase Leaks Are Getting Even Crazier…

The Bethesda Showcase Leaks Are Getting Even Crazier…


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@themanbaldmartin373 - 31.05.2024 11:20

33 weeks away… maybe fallout 3?

@JoshuaSmith99 - 31.05.2024 04:56

No one is expecting a new Fallout game that goes back to the RTS isometric Diablo style gameplay. I have a feeling that is what they are working on. Might even just call it "Fallout" ©2024 or 2025.

@trickortreataz4680 - 31.05.2024 02:22

Apologies to anyone who may have said this already and while it is an opinion Fallout New Vegas is the best Fallout game. Obsidian is owned by Msoft and they have indicated they would like to work on Fallout in the past. Hmmmmm problem solved assign Obsidian to do a West coast Fallout like I don't know Fallout LA? Bethesda you fast track Elder Scrolls 6. Ok? Ok! Everyone happy? Yes! Phil Spencer you are welcome!

@johnbruce3999 - 30.05.2024 23:23

is it possible it's a fallout new vegas remaster instead of fallout 3? i mean new vegas is a amazing game and people seem to love new vegas way more

@theangryimp1345 - 30.05.2024 22:43

If xbox dose die wont we need all sorts of tech to keep save data and our game we paid for?

@gmmgrey1852 - 30.05.2024 21:51

I feel really really bad for the people that have been making the actual Remake of Oblivion for YEARS now, it's supposed to come out in '25/'26, and Bethesda really should just have supported that project instead of wasting resources in their version of a remake/remaster. Skyblivion is a 1000% better in every way.

Bethesda should put all those resources towards changing and overhauling Starfield.

@onthaloose7521 - 30.05.2024 20:41

Texting that number isn’t a tease for anything… It says 33 weeks from now because it’s referencing vault 33 in the show. People find anything from nothing. lol

@allxtend4005 - 30.05.2024 20:14

ohhhh they will do high resolution texture patches to Fallout 3 and remove Windows Live and nothing more, belive me this is bethesda they gave a FK about Fallout 3 and they still will.
This is not a remake and not a remaster this game wont run good like the older game on modern systems, they wont fix the memory and CPU core Problems for sure.
THEY WONT FIX IT stop thinking that the Textures they upscaled with AI is something awesome, all we get is nothing more then a mod can do for 69,99 or 79,99.l

@bgreezy1424 - 30.05.2024 20:03

Xbox Gamepass as a subscription service on PS

@aaaaaaaaaaaaaafafaff - 30.05.2024 19:20

Whoever is making game choices is so blind to the market. They would make millions if they made remakes of all fallouts, fallout 5, NV 2, maybe even a spin off isometric, etc etc

@alexott4855 - 30.05.2024 18:21


@TrickyDryad - 30.05.2024 18:11

solid updates, thanks

@aredmenace1399 - 30.05.2024 18:06


@wizardcake8820 - 30.05.2024 18:01

If they are gonna remaster a fallout gsme, i hope its better done that the several bearly noticeable changes in skyrim eith its remasters

@Theson97 - 30.05.2024 18:00

Yea let’s rush out a game Microsoft cuz that’s always worked well and been critically acclaimed in the past. I swear gaming executives live in a lala land and not in reality 😂.

@kris9811 - 30.05.2024 17:54

If we get remaster of fallout 3 then I will buy xbox. Hopefully remaster include enhance weapon gameplay and craft and modify weapons.

@crewrooster4282 - 30.05.2024 17:16

Man I used to watch you back in the day to get f04 mods. You helped me make some of my best playthroughs. I hope that the fallout resurgence get you to 1m subscriber's

@drcrowlee - 30.05.2024 16:59

I have a feeling that one of the things todd was referring to on Kinda Funny was the Fallout Fortnite crossover going on right now. No one is mentioning it because it's underwhelming and fairly lame.

@abyssal-labs - 30.05.2024 15:32

I don’t trust a dam thing from Bethesda anymore their games have really sucked in recent years

@teleportingkitten1324 - 30.05.2024 13:40

The funny 33 number acult witchcraft like that number.

@teleportingkitten1324 - 30.05.2024 13:37

Everything is going according to plan. Do the exact opposite of what people want.

@brownie43212 - 30.05.2024 11:35

Trash video.

@nadimulislamtonoy9604 - 30.05.2024 11:09

Fallout 2 remaster would be good like Resident evil.

@iatbif - 30.05.2024 03:31

Hoping for a possible persona 6 teaser at the Xbox showcase and some elder scrolls teasers

@bearman9033 - 30.05.2024 03:22

I love the fallout games that have been released but i seriously hate the modern trend of just remake good games and not making new stuff. Like why do people want a new vegas 2? Why not want something new? I love new vegas the most so id be kinda bummed exploring everything for 7 thousandth time 😅

@turdwallet8840 - 30.05.2024 01:46

Its definitely not medieval or the dark ages in the year zero. Those don’t start for another 500 years.

@millerrepin4452 - 30.05.2024 01:30

What if the lack of fallout news is because another studio is working on it.

@scottjackson8771 - 30.05.2024 00:52

Skywind is mostly done and that’s all I care about as far as remasters go

@Harly206 - 30.05.2024 00:29

It’s a bit annoying when Phil Spencer talks about games only shipping where gamepass exist and you continue to build your library and money into Xbox just for rumors to keep spreading about Xbox going full third party.

@WhiterunGuard001 - 29.05.2024 23:41

Fallout 3 remaster 😂😂

But they won't allow Obsidian to do a new vegas remaster or and a new vegas 2🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

@sofaking1627 - 29.05.2024 23:39

Doesn't matter what Bethesda announces if there's not a release date attached.
Remember when they announced TES 6? Fat lotta good that did other than generating hype that went nowhere.

@mikysama7823 - 29.05.2024 22:38

Fallout 1 and 2 remake could be a good idea instead of remastering most recents games. New fallout players ( and most players who started with f3 or fnv ) will never play old schools fallout games. Which sucks since they are the best fallout games.

@WizzZz450 - 29.05.2024 21:55

They need to remake it instead. I don't want FO3s crappy story, world building, and RPG elements like its lack of choice. I find if they just slap a coat of new paint on it peoples nostalgia is gonna be fading and new players looking for a RPG will be quite disappointed. Especially without FO4s looter shooter elements which make it replayable in the first place along with its settlement system.
Like with the consoles and PCs we have now do you really want Washington DC to still be explored by the use of tunnels? How it literally doesn't rain in a place that rains 24/7 irl (but that would mean megaton would be a giant pool oops)? Or how the capital wasteland is just a dirty dusty death pit with absolutely no greenery except an oasis?
I want a remake. It's a game that has a lot of potential but really just floundered. The brotherhood of steel especially along side the enclave needs a drastic rework.
I'd say the same thing for new Vegas that it needs a remake with its development time only being 18 months with a lot more to add that sadly wasn't like a more dynamic outer Vegas and more content in general for the factions like Legion which is pitiful when playing New Vegas today. (though a remake not as extreme, maybe a better word can be used)
Edit: like maybe even remake both and release them as a bundle like what was done with the Batman Arkham series on modern consoles. I would honestly love and pay well over 60 dollars for it.

@JDT6712 - 29.05.2024 21:38

I’m glad they tightened up on leaks. I knew the storyline and setting for FO4 before they even announced it. By the time 76 was announced we had no clue what was going on when the colored Please Stand By screen came up. It was cool to not have leaks again.

@Pummicloud - 29.05.2024 21:17

i would like to see new vegas remaster cause where show ends in s1 and seems like s2 is coming out 2026

@paladin3894 - 29.05.2024 20:25

They are turning into choke artists it sucks

@IMeanMachine101 - 29.05.2024 20:20


@ScarletKingDemi - 29.05.2024 19:54

Ain't no way elder scrolls fans ACTUALLY think they got it worse. Go cry into your Dragonborn body pillow and let us have our moment 😭😭😭

@ThrobbGoblin - 29.05.2024 19:33

It's been 13 years since an Elder Scrolls game released, and the fact that Bethesda doesn't care makes me angry and disgusted.
It's one thing if they just ignore the franchise, it's another when they announce Elder Scrolls VI in 2018 and then pretend it didn't happen for the next six years.

One positive thing that's come from all of this blackpilling since Starfield released: I am finally, officially, completely immune to hype regarding anything that Bethesda releases in the future.

@SamahLama - 29.05.2024 19:16

So nothing new basically

@Marcustheseer - 29.05.2024 18:29

mmm i was kind of pissed that somehow steam deleted my fallout 3 saves last week but now am starting to wonder if it was a sign?

@PantyGoblin - 29.05.2024 17:55

The speculated game being dragon age is very likely due to the next entry launching within the next year on top of EA partners with Microsoft around their game launches. so I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if dragon age dread Wolf is showcased during the Microsoft showcase

@breakn2007 - 29.05.2024 17:50

I for 1, am not interested in any remaster. Done played the games. FO4 has peaked my Interest a lil. But it's not a online game. It would get played & deleted. Not interested in ANY of the other stuff Bethesda has had leaked. Unless it's FO76 & I see zero FO76 stuff.

@RandomPNW - 29.05.2024 17:47

Im predicting fallout for the switch

@KeithElliott-zd8cx - 29.05.2024 17:20

remember - that chart of upcoming games lists fo3 remaster for 2024, but that doesn't matter. Starfield was listed 2021, dlc 2022. We also don't have the oblivion remaster, doom year zero, project kestrel, platinum, etc - which are all BEFORE fo3 remaster...
Sure, fo3 remaster's probably jumped to the top of the list, but, this paper saying 2024, when starfield was delayed 2 years, means it wasn't almost done for a 2024 release.

@Toiarc - 29.05.2024 16:44

Its not remaster. Its Update. Patch. Stop talkin about remasters as new games and just call them new update patches.

@Groove_Gamer - 29.05.2024 16:41

Definitely going to be showing off Skyline Valley since it's releasing in June.

@gearhero79 - 29.05.2024 16:35

I would play a remaster/remake of fallout 3. With better gunplay and same system(just updated) would be fun

@dreadpirate.roberts - 29.05.2024 15:10

Bethesda releasing ES6 this year would be the most Bethesda thing ever though.

@user-rk5vb4xu8u - 29.05.2024 13:08

Why dont they just fucking pay the mod teams for newvegas and fallout 3 and just get it out.. most of the work is fucking done..
