this new sims competitor is so realistic it's SCARY

this new sims competitor is so realistic it's SCARY


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Merle Nauland
Merle Nauland - 23.11.2023 21:57

at this point - with alle the life-sim games that didn't or haven't come out, I can't help but look at this more like an idea for a game and less like an actual trailer for a game. if this is a game, that will actually come out I can imagine having a bit of fun with it. It lowkey reminds me of GTA but with less crimes and more just living, walking and surviving in a world? does this make sense? idk. But that does sound kinda fun.

big yikes to the AI thing and big hope for the 'CAS' to become more divers.

MekaHonics - 23.11.2023 21:46

You should have taken that sponsorship. They give you freedom on what you can say because at the end of the day, criticism is needed so the game can be improved upon for the finale release. And yh they sponsored another creator and they just told her to do an honest review video.

Kook_bunny 17
Kook_bunny 17 - 23.11.2023 20:03

Ngl when i saw the news about this game, it got my attention because of the graphics. I love creating sims and buildings, and since this looks so realistic, it's perfect for me. I can also just create my oc's if i want to see them in a more realistic way. Can't wait for the game to come out😭😭💜

paranoidiomatic - 23.11.2023 19:25

this is very likely set in seoul, there's the lotte tower in the background so.... is this produced by lotte helppp 😂
but yeah it's korean, this WILL be binary, they are very conservative there unfortunately and they're also very focused on work and fitting in society, so that's definitely a lense you have to view this game through

Urszula Wrona
Urszula Wrona - 23.11.2023 17:35

Can can you judge just by looking at those faces that they are binary?

Cream - 23.11.2023 16:28

한국 게임 dokev 또한 화제의 게임이였지만 도중에 망한것 같은데 ,

inzoi도 dokev 처럼 될것같은 느낌.

simsalutation_georgia - 23.11.2023 13:00

Its basically a simmer with only alpha cc and overrides

Ella - 23.11.2023 12:08

I think with a game that realistic and the graphics being so detailed, unless you have a really high running pc I doubt that most people will be able to play it. Like my laptop sometimes lags while playing the sims 4 with all the cc and the mods I have. It will be interesting to see how it will play out, personally nothing to me will be able to top the sims, and the hyper realistic graphics will probably cause a few problems and definitely a lot of lag.

Kriszta Bucsi
Kriszta Bucsi - 23.11.2023 11:44

I love it a lot. Way more than the sims! Finally I wouldn’t need thousands off CC’s and mods to enjoy a game

Ryan Perez
Ryan Perez - 23.11.2023 11:44

I feel like its not gonna get far. i just have feeling. im excited for para and life by you.

Josh - 23.11.2023 02:27

Well it's about damn time they made Second Life 2.

Jenksims - 23.11.2023 02:19

Literally the sims 4 aged so badly, you literally see so much hate videos about sims 4, grow up seriously

Quintyss - 23.11.2023 00:48

This looks really ambitious and would probably kill my PC, lol. Looks great, though.

paul jones
paul jones - 23.11.2023 00:35

Hey, You don't need a high end PC if you get it on the next gen console, PS5 or XBOX SX.
You know it makes sense. Im'e sure it's coming out on Console. It will look Amazing on
My PS5, When it eventually comes out that is. I do have a SX, But i prefer my PS5 to be
Honest my friend.

Bramble - 22.11.2023 23:08

It looks like the graphics of people from recent console games. Like Detroit Become Human or Last of us. Idk if I like the realism for Simulation life games 😂 I don’t want them to be too realistic would make it harder to play & do things you shouldn’t/can’t do irl but are fun to do in games because they’re games.

Rene Austin
Rene Austin - 22.11.2023 23:01

People want realism not cartoon characters all the time especially as the sims and other games like this are played more often than not people over the age of 11, so i think realism suits the age demographic

Zennethe - 22.11.2023 22:59

As for "gender" customization? It's a Korean game. They won't buy into political gender stuff from the west. Asking them is insulting their culture.

Rebecca Waller
Rebecca Waller - 22.11.2023 22:28

Uncanny. Uncanny Valley indeed.

金云 - 22.11.2023 22:10

People in the comment talk like sims 4 have diverse (racially) character customization. Its all western/European/American. Theres not a single good customization for asian sims. I had to DOWNLOAD cc from Korean cc creators for better racial customization options

Annoar97 - 22.11.2023 22:07

tbh all of these life simulators just remind me of gta graphics and stuff 😂

Zennethe - 22.11.2023 22:05

There's a game called Dead by Daylight. It's similarly the biggest monopoly game in it's genre. Every game that shows up in it's genre gets hyped up as the "Dead by Daylight killer." It never really happens.

金云 - 22.11.2023 21:56

You can tell right away this is made by Koreans. Very beneficial for someone like me who likes k beauty standard and they clearly are incorporated in that game. I only play games with good looking people so I dont care about uncanny 😃😃

Carolyn Owen
Carolyn Owen - 22.11.2023 21:17

This feels like God of War for the girlies

Black By Design
Black By Design - 22.11.2023 20:50

Where's their website?

Devvy - 22.11.2023 20:12

With regards to the gender thing, it would be more difficult to code the game for characters that neither identify as a male or as a female given all interactions are generally done with a character playing either role. Even irl, all relationships depend on at least one person taking on either role at times (think which one of you would defend the other on the streets or do the heavy lifting in a house over which one of you is great with picking things for the house and caring for the kids). IRL, such roles might shift between both persons depending on circumstances and the general need in a specific moment.

If we were to therefore have a game that tried to have two characters where one or neither is playing the role of either/both the male or the female in the relationship then we'd essentially end up with a system similar to what Wicked Whims allows players to choose in that you'd need to force ALL characters in the world to play the roles of both males and females and then roleplay the differences between characters yourself.

The above works as a temporary stop gap but causes problems on its own as now you no longer have characters that are strictly male or strictly female and thus operate within the parameters of either which can hurt the realism of your roleplay but as for it being easier to code, not really, since you'd still pretty much be using a binary system just that all characters would have access to the actions, animations, etc. of both primary genders. That said, I'm all for inclusivity so hopefully they'll come up with a great implementation or they could at least use the current level of customisation in Sims + Wicked Whims as that'd be better than having nothing at all.

Beetle - 22.11.2023 20:06

i was all for it, then i saw ai involved and now i have no interest :/

Betty - 22.11.2023 16:18

I'm not interested in realistic looking lifesims, this does look cool, but i don't want to play it. Not to mention the low-mid casual player, probably won't be able run this. It already looks like it's struggling in the video and i assume they have a great system to use. I wouldn't go out of my way to buy something to play this either. I'll pass on this one, but i look forward to watching others play it.

Jessie - 22.11.2023 13:44

Nothing can replace Sims ❤

Anna - 22.11.2023 13:13

I think the sims 4 is already aged in a poor way, the clothes is just a catastrophe

Chrystyle Wynn
Chrystyle Wynn - 22.11.2023 13:02

I actually like realistic simulation games of course Sims is always #1 in my heart but would love to play this game and would probably enjoy it. I do hope to see more diversity, pronouns, and other stuff like sims. Not saying be an exact copy of Sims but hopefully have some stuff to makes other feel included. We don’t really know what to expect from the game so I have high hopes for the game and will play in the future.

Koby Seton
Koby Seton - 22.11.2023 12:42

Day 30 of asking to do a fixer upper video for my cabin on the gallery

Mrs. L
Mrs. L - 22.11.2023 12:23

As someone who played The Sims back in 2000, watering plans is NOT something I miss. It's hideous job to keep your plants alive!

ʚ neen ɞ
ʚ neen ɞ - 22.11.2023 09:02

as a Harvest Moon player as a kid it's always super saddening to hear people say Stardew is the "original" of farming games which is 100% not true. ConcernedApe literally made Stardew because he missed playing Harvest Moon and Stardew is heavily inspired by Harvest Moon. I know Harvest Moon is not so popular in USA, but pleasee don't say something like Stardew is the original of farming game and smth like Stardew dupes because technically Stardew is also a Harvest Moon dupe.

Kate Talotta
Kate Talotta - 22.11.2023 08:07

The style of the characters really calls to people who use cas mods and cc. I have seen people's modded games look pretty similar to this.

I'm personally a fam of thise style without having to use a ton of mods and cc. But i do hope it also ends up witb a culture of mods and cc like the sims has!

Mike Jw7361
Mike Jw7361 - 22.11.2023 07:34

These are the character and world graphics I was hoping for with Sims 4, I was massively disappointed. The game looks to be a day 1 purchase. Incredible. Blows all competition out of the water. Hey 'Life by You' devs; Watch this; Actually shows fun!!

Seraphina - 22.11.2023 06:58

I am quite interested in this. I think that, specially if the game allows for modding and, on top of that, encourages and makes it easier, it will be a really big release.

nikki - 22.11.2023 06:03

it looks so cool

Kerosene Skies
Kerosene Skies - 22.11.2023 04:47

It looks like a life sim game but with the graphics of like Black Desert for example :)

A Girl Named Lex
A Girl Named Lex - 22.11.2023 03:40

Idk I’d love a realistic life sim. It would be nice to have some realism

WhatTheDogDoin - 22.11.2023 03:40

Well, simsie...we have to keep in mind that the game is based in Korea, which is more traditional. I understand that many may not feel “represented” and etc. due to being used to the U.S.’s standards, but Korea has its own standards too 😶. the lack of gender options shouldn’t necessarily be a deal breaker as you said it would be for you, but that’s just my opinion. 🤷‍♀️ it looks like a great game. Cant wait to see you potentially try it out in the years to come

LK - 22.11.2023 03:39

Thanks for the video on your thoughts about this game. I don't think it's a game for me because I don't see it being current enough with character customization or lifestyle choices.
With that said, I don't believe that competitor simulation games will "kill" the Sims. However, I agree that competition makes things better for players of simulation games. No one company should feel it can make a less-than-perfect product and then try to "fix" it with constant DLCs and extra little bits of content for more and more money. I expect games that I purchase should be playable and enjoyable just playing vanilla. If there's so much missing that just playing vanilla seems not fun, then I'm disappointed. I look forward to actual, healthy competition in the simulation genre of games. I feel that it will make games become better for everyone.

r - 22.11.2023 03:27

tbh i prefer the more game looking life simulators so i will stick with the sims but i admire the realism in other games

Sim Haeda
Sim Haeda - 22.11.2023 03:10

This is Korean. I don’t see it doing the more non binary thing. And honestly I don’t think it’s that big a deal because at the core people are more masculine or feminine. And scientifically male or female.

downward - 22.11.2023 02:25

Okay so im gonna have to turn graphics all the way down, got it

Jordan Vogel
Jordan Vogel - 22.11.2023 01:17

I want to see you play with let's game it out sometime. That's will be great

MonAhgasInsomniAroELF - 21.11.2023 23:21

has lilsimsie ever played Ooblets? because i feel like she would love it, since it's similar to stardew valley

Shanty Shin
Shanty Shin - 21.11.2023 23:12

Mh. About genders, to be fair, that's a south korean studio, it's not really a question there, genders, they're not there for the moment. And really, without trying to be rude to anybody, some people don't care, really. I understand that it's important to feel and be represented, all the more as a minority - I'm metis, so yeah, I know - but is it so important to have "non-binary" bodies? A non-binary body, is it not a male or female body in chosen clothes? (I'm not non-binary neither transgender, I don't know, I ask a question) Non-binary people, even if they talk about themselves as "non-binary" have the body they have and a body can't really be non-binary, can it?

As I said, I'm metis, born in the late 80's, there wasn't a lot of metis or even black people on TV, in the late 80's/90's - or maybe in my TV, to be fair -, and there wasn't in my close circles of family and friend either (my black dad quitted before my birth, my mom and known family's white), and I grew up good. Yes, some things were not easy, yeah I had some questions and have some sort of scars about all that, but much more about my father quitting than be being metis. I grew up with Buffy, Angel, Charmed and all taht stuff and, man, there wasn't a lot of black/metis people in there, and even if I would have liked it, it wasn't such an issue as everything seems to be now for everybody.
But maybe I'm just too old or too far away from those questions to really understand all that.

I mean, if they have some sort of non-binary or transgender thing - anything - in the game, I would be pleased, that's cool and inclusive and respectful - even if it's not perfect, because trying is better than not - but if it has not, I'll understand. The context is important and the entire world doesn't resolve around the same questions at the same time, and Asia is really not the same culture, with really not the same ideas and ideologic and moral compasses.
The question is important, yes, but it's not for everybody.
Even if, in the same tone, having the pronouns choice in Starfield really made some people fit a trantrum for nothing. All that for a choice they have to make, life's not hard enough to be so enrages by a pronoun choice to make? *sigh* Better having a choice to make than not...

Milkcookie - 21.11.2023 22:25

Jesus loves, Jesus saves, Jesus heals, I pray everyone is well and healthy and whatever mental, physical, emotional battle you’re going through just know Jesus is a prayer. 🫶🏽

100SmilesAway - 21.11.2023 22:07

this game is so korean. it looks really cool
