Tatiana Eva-Marie & Avalon Jazz Band - Sunshine (Irving Berlin)

Tatiana Eva-Marie & Avalon Jazz Band - Sunshine (Irving Berlin)

Tatiana Eva-Marie

4 года назад

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@billycarter5270 - 03.12.2023 04:52

Une belle voix

@OscarGomezràmirez-j2u - 15.12.2023 04:36

Muy buen talento felicidades

@giorgiocollura1596 - 27.12.2023 15:12

me encanta este mix está espectacular para comenzar bien el día. gracias y felicitaciones

@billclark6787 - 27.12.2023 23:27

I wonder how many marriage proposals she gets each day. I'm thinking of making a bid myself. But I have to check with my wife first. She might actually be okay with it.

@gerardomarquina4805 - 02.01.2024 02:45

I almost speak and undestand french but oI like very much this jazz band

@gerardomarquina4805 - 02.01.2024 02:46

So Iam so surprised.... They sing in English and in french so brightly

@Philosofo45 - 14.01.2024 00:17

Increíble, parece que estuviera cantando un ángel, que voz tan hermosa.. Tatiana Eva-Marie está bendecida con esta voz, llega a lo más profundo del corazón más exigente.

@Locke19901 - 19.01.2024 19:01

More Vinny! hehehe

@henrymydlarz7486 - 27.01.2024 02:58

I never liked jazz...... until now! Good on you, Tatiana! Others!

@salvamanu727 - 28.01.2024 16:32

I like that you identtify yourseith yoursel with a greeting of a sign that you give, Thank you verymuch beautiful.

@chicago207 - 30.01.2024 03:45

JB's theme song...😅😊😮 he'll heading off into the sunset very soon. Hopefully the Dimms as well, time for a housecleaning. 😊😊😊

@harper626 - 18.02.2024 02:41

what a smile she has? if you see it, it has to make you happy (and want to smile too).

@billharrison3569 - 21.02.2024 04:43

Totally in love with this chanteuse!!! Where did she come from???

@davidwinet5607 - 26.02.2024 08:23

Tight band! The guitarist and fiddler plat so well together

@mosheacimanbehar7535 - 27.02.2024 15:11

Tatiana toujours aussi charmante y les musiciens sont magnifiques (le violoniste est très "Grapelli"...).

@AntonioLiperoti - 19.03.2024 00:38


@bahort - 10.04.2024 06:53

They performed at my neice's wedding in Rome about 5 years ago and I was captured to the degree, I think I ignored everything else that was going on that night.

@josephhenry4725 - 21.04.2024 23:41

She is just gorgeous ..love you..makes my clouds go ..thanks..an old man.

@Daniel-sf5gw - 25.04.2024 16:14


@jiviekartinki - 27.04.2024 07:03

Beautiful! No artificial enhancement, so pure ! Thank you ♥️

@billwendell6886 - 30.04.2024 16:11

Sadly lip-sync is way off.

@manuellopez2950 - 26.05.2024 18:31


@larryhall1786 - 28.05.2024 04:30

Sunshine--that's what you bring with every song, Tatiana!

@boccca2 - 08.06.2024 19:15

Tatiana tem uma voz linda, sua interpretação é incrível. Talentosa e linda

E teremos Tatiana em São Paulo1 em 25/07/24!

@yvonnewilson-platnauer5816 - 17.07.2024 16:18

Happy days! ❤

@domenicocavalli73 - 28.07.2024 07:33

Che meraviglia ,bravissimi

@christopherlyons5900 - 29.07.2024 18:44

I do like this, but Irving Berlin has never topped my list of Great American Songbookers. I ilke me some Gershwin, some Cole Porter (represented here), some Arlen/Mercer, but most of all, I adore Rodgers & Hart, and am saddened to not find any renditions from the AJB. For all I know they've performed some live. I mean, who hasn't done Blue Moon, at one time or another? (Not usually with the verse, which is beautiful, but so rarely performed).

If one might be so bold as to suggest this little-performed gem, from 1931. It is called "A Lady Must Live." Performed in the original stage musical, on Broadway, by the stage actress and chaunteuse, Jeanne Aubert, playing a Frenchwoman who knows well the siren song Lorenz Hart loved above all things. In the musical, she is explaining to the young hero why she attempted to seduce him away from his sweetheart. NOT apologizing. All's fair. The late Mary Cleere Haran's rendition, from her Hart tribute album, is the best I've found to date. I'm sure there is room for improvement.

Some women are colder than steel--
From such a fate Heaven preserve us!
Some women repress what they feel,
And that's why some women are nervous.
A woman is just like a plum
That ripens and falls very soon.
But should she refuse to succumb,
She swiftly dries up like a prune.

Life is love and know that
Love is life and so that
Should make you forgive,
For a lady must live.
When no love is calling,
All her joys start falling
Like sand through a sieve,
For a lady must live.
I've never thought that holding a hand
Meant throwing your soul away,
Had Mother Eve obeyed that commandment
Where would we be today?
We have lips; why waste them?
If you want to taste them,
You ought to forgive,
For a lady must live.

How can love be vicious
When it's so delicious?
So you must forgive,
For a lady must live.
With my John and my Max,
I can reach a climax
That's proof positive
That a lady must live.
If she is not a cold-blooded person,
What is a girl to do?
But if I looked like Aimee McPherson,
I'd be a good girl too.
What's the siren song for?
What is my chaise longue for?
So you must forgive,
For a lady must live.
Yes, you must forgive,
For a lady must live!

(Now I suppose the Aimee Semple McPherson reference is a mite dated, and perhaps cruel--anyway, she wasn't bad-looking--but the famed female evangelist was saying the theater was the devil's workshop, even as she borrowed heavily from stage and screen to make her revival meetings more engaging. Mr. Hart was perhaps nursing a wee professional grudge there. Perhaps a more up-to-date rhyme could be arrived at. Anyway, it's in character for the woman in the play to sing that, since she has a grudge of her own towards those who say love outside marriage is a sin. There are those who say McPherson was not in a position to cast any stones at that glass house).

@nevillemignot1681 - 04.09.2024 13:42

This so cool, and i must say so very sexy!!

@tonyjongedijk9738 - 07.09.2024 05:03

My favorite Singer and band

@hankmcnally1622 - 07.09.2024 06:40

Who is that violinist, incredible.

@Mary-u3x - 15.09.2024 23:08


@stillbatting - 20.09.2024 19:52

Lightens the mood gorgeously, adorable...

@stillbatting - 06.10.2024 21:31

Just delightful beyond words, an adorable excursion into musical delights....

@RWBHere - 06.10.2024 22:04

The band 'clicks' right from the first note. A superb performance by you all. Thanks! 🙂👍

@PremKumar-nk3db - 13.10.2024 14:27

@flaviotine - 23.10.2024 14:02

Linda! Linda! Linda!

@flaviotine - 23.10.2024 14:05

Temo um infarto, de tanta beleza, alegria, simpatia, etc.

@johnboger6 - 01.11.2024 02:50

Who's the fetching one with the guitar, I mean the one sitting?

@luohan109 - 08.11.2024 13:19

Anyone know what is the name of the guitarist sitting down on the right in Red striped long sleeve T shirt?

@zimnochmusic - 14.11.2024 06:29

@tomdevlin5412 - 18.11.2024 07:09

The violinist was genetically made to play the violin.

@ElizabethWilliams-i5r - 25.11.2024 08:18

So beautiful.
Please tour Australia
We love you.

@allencampbell8322 - 24.12.2024 03:50

Her presence is remarkable

@noahbrewster8263 - 27.12.2024 22:17


@이원익-h5v - 26.01.2025 16:28

4년이 흘렀네요 다시 듣기

@ElijahOmollo-v9y - 03.02.2025 08:37

They are alllll a beuty❤❤❤🎉viva eva❤ and tatiana

@CarlosBedollaMacias - 22.02.2025 06:18

Hermosa canción y preciosa interpretación.

@CarlosBedollaMacias - 22.02.2025 06:26

i Qué bella forma de mirar tiene la jovencita de la guitarra !

@CarlosBedollaMacias - 22.02.2025 06:40

Lo mismo digo.
Es un gran descubrimiento encontrar esta excelente banda.
