Artie Lange Details What It's Like to Kick Heroin | Joe Rogan

Artie Lange Details What It's Like to Kick Heroin | Joe Rogan

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@joshuabrewen7750 - 29.12.2023 03:27

I tell people all the time that if you’re going to do it again it more dangerous to quit fentanyl than to keep doing it

@Zarinotsorryy - 18.12.2023 09:22

4th day tomorrow hopefully I can make it

@jasonbachelor604 - 11.12.2023 12:03

The rumours and misinformation is staggering. Rogan believes Cops are oding from crims sweat. FUCK OFF

@alibobobaba1337 - 07.12.2023 01:51

Yep, the longer away from it you can get the better. Been through multiple rehabs for 3-4 weeks or detox. One of the best things I ever did was a 6 month program. Gave me enough time for my brain to start healing itself from years of that garbage

@nicolesargsyan8113 - 23.11.2023 08:10

9½ years clean from Heroin, 15 years clean from meth and 7 years clean from alcohol. It is possible just never give up!

@robertbrown1839 - 20.11.2023 23:37

If he could have cut down on the gambling, then he wouldn’t feel as much money pressure and wouldn’t have been on the road so much. If he wasn’t on the road he might not have needed the drugs. Like dominoes - gambling, road, drugs, schedule. The thing that gets me is, he saw the Jackie template play out and he went down that path anyway. Jackie completely disappeared after the show. If he could’ve just fit into the schedule.

@schrodingerscat8621 - 10.11.2023 15:09

Well I never considered doing heavy drugs, but I think Artie talked me into it!☠️

@jodavey - 04.11.2023 19:40

I heard a great joke with a guy saying "I guess us crackheads arent the worst" comparing fetanyl deaths

@BlkGibson - 02.11.2023 06:14

Artie is such a good story teller. Hope he's doing well.

@writersofastory - 23.10.2023 03:57

Artie is such a gifted storyteller. So effortlessly funny in ways so few are. If he had just found a way to get clean during the Sirius Stern years his career and life would likely have reached its full potential.

@rustygazes256 - 19.10.2023 14:28

Methadone is far far worse withdrawals are extremely bad , and worse it takes weeks sometimes mouths.

@adamforbes9259 - 07.10.2023 22:31

Wanna know how evil this country is...what if you were only in on short bits on purpose...they knew any addict needs more time....when entire towns jobs rely on corrections work, it's not to their benefit for you to get clean.

@kimdisaturd1409 - 07.10.2023 18:47

Coward stern is a pc sellout.

@shainedupuis2649 - 02.10.2023 23:30

I know it sounds weird, but I am actually grateful for the fentanyl take-over of the heroin market. It's what gave me the initial drive to stop because I couldn't get heroin anymore and I didn't like what the fentanyl did. A shot of heroin would last all day while the fentanyl would wear off in a couple hours.

@bNasty8619 - 23.09.2023 22:44

Dude what happened to Arti Lange. Doesn’t even look like he used to. Hopefully he is doing good. I’ve been clean three and half years off of heroin. It takes your soul and if your lucky you will make it out alive.

@TheDeathOfPassion - 23.09.2023 09:18

Does not look like Artie Lange at all but at the same time all melting corpses look different. Dirty deeds rip motherfuckers

@CattleRustlerOCN - 06.09.2023 22:48

Glad Arty is better. I can't get over how different he looks. Haven't seen him since the Stern years on terrestrial. I was like who is this person doing a great Arty voice impression? 😮

@jamesstewart8377 - 31.08.2023 14:17

I’ve been an addict for 20+ years….

@richiehoyt8487 - 24.08.2023 10:04

Thank God, as far as I can ascertain, the heroin supply in Ireland is still unadulterated with Fentanyl or Xylozene (given the greed of the human leeches "runnin' ting", probably just a question of time, though - I mean, just how greedy do you have to be when the profits from smack aren't sufficient?!) Anyway, the point I was gonna make - some years back, I had just come out of hospital after surgery, and I had one of these things called a Talwin on me that I had managed to palm, and that very same day I had to attend at this clinic for an unrelated dressing change, for ulcers I'd gotten as a result of heroin abuse many years before. Because these dressing changes were painful in the extreme, as I was leaving the clinic with my (now late) wife, I turned around to her and said, "Just excuse me for a minute, Hon, l gotta go use the Gents", seeing this as an ideal time to remove the coating on the Talwin, crush and snort it. In the minute or two it took me to walk back out to the foyer and rejoin my wife, I was hit with the worst withdrawals of my entire life. (I was on a very high dose of methadone, 150mls, plus what I was 'topping up' by on the streets) So bad were these withdrawals, that for some minutes, it didn't even hit home with me that these were withdrawals, being an order of magnitude worse than anything i'd ever experienced before - which is saying something! At first I thought I was dying; then, when it clicked why I could barely stand, and why I was gushing water from just about every orifice and sweat gland, I merely felt like I wanted to die! (I managed not to wet myself, but only just!) Making it worse was the fact that my wife thought I might be at death's door, thinking it was some kind of bad reaction to the surgery I'd had only about 36 hours previously, and I'm trying to dissuade her from calling 999 (the emergency № here), trying to convince her I was OK when I so clearly wasn't! In part, I just 'didn't need that drama', not to mention the risk that they might misguidedly hit me with some Narcan. Mainly though, I knew it would 'kill' my wife - she was maintaining on about 30mls of Methadone (which of course, she had started using on account of our relationship - you know, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" kinda deal), but while I was still very much "What're those things? Never mind, gimme some!", she was virulently anti~drugs, particularly opiates, and would have seen the fact that I was back to my old tricks literally within a few hours of being discharged from hospital as a tremendous betrayal (once it was clear that I was OK, which, luckily, after 2 or 3 hours, I was). So yeah - turns out the manufacturers had 'spiked' the Talwin with Naloxone precisely to prevent people preparing them for injection or insufflation, this apparantly having been something of a trend in certain territories in the '70's & '80's, notably in Australia, I believe. There being no particular tradition of it in Ireland though, it wasn't something that was 'in the lore'. Nonetheless, I should have been 'on my guard', because even using the tablets the way I had been in hospital - sublingually, after sucking off the coating, I had noticed they had a bit of a dark 'edge' to them, not unlike the 'snake dreams' some people get when they are new to opiates; or ironically, the feeling you get when you start to come down off of suboxone when you've been hitting it for several days (without other opiates in your system). Of course, the gimmick with them was that the Naloxone in them would be destroyed in your stomach, in which case they were a fine painkiller, maybe somewhere in between DF118 (Dihydrocodeine, I think ) and Oxycodone. But f%&k with them, and the Naloxone meant that you had the hazard, or benefit (depending on your point of view) of preventing possible overdoses, and going a good part of the way to preventing their abuse by making people instantly averse to them. So yeah - there, at some length, is my story, which I had intended, essentially, as an anecdote, but also maybe as a bit of a cautionary tale for anyone happening across some of these things. There is a bit of an unfortunate sequal to the story though. Maybe a year later, my wife had copped some 'bogey' Xanax from one of her girlfriends, which she normally used for her crippling anxiety, but she wasn't above partying a little with them occasionally, as she did, this particular night. And so there she was, bopping around, but she was starting to get a bit 'messy' so I advised her to "Sit down before (she fell) down". Then I went to take a crap. The fact that she was 'konked out' didn't bother me at all - I knew she was well able to 'handle' her benzo's, and if anything, I was relieved I didn't have to worry about her hurting herself bumping off things. We'd been down this road many times before; mostly me (almost always me!) but her more than a a few times herself, so I wasn't worried. At all. In spite of the fact that after the last time, when she had 'slept' for 3 days straight, she had made me promise to call an ambulance if it ever happened again. If I'm honest, it never really crossed my mind that she might need an ambulance, and insofar as I actually did give the matter some consideration, I straightaway rejected it, at least in part because of the fear that, her being on methadone 'n all, that they might give her Narcan more or less as a matter of routine, thereby (in my mind) plunging her unnecessarily into just horrible dope~sickness, much as I had experienced... So anyway, I went to 'the Jakes' with an easy mind, taking no particular hurry, but when I came out I knew we (she!) were/was in trouble. I won't say, for the sake of her dignity, how I knew, and it's probably not what you may be thinking - but don't worry, should you ever have the misfortune to encounter this 'symptom', it's fairly unequivocal. So yeah - it was the worst, she'd gone over. In spite of my complacency, I wouldn't, of course, have let things go so far, but the time I spent in the toilet might have made all the difference! As it actually turned out, it wasn't simply a matter of a few Xanax and 20mg of Methadone, though make no mistake, that in itself would be plenty to kill an unhabituated person, and, most definitely, a child. In fact she had guzzled a couple hundred mils of my Methadone, and a fistful of Lyrica (Pregabalin), something I'm dependant on for good medical reasons, but it's another filthy drug. Not much of a buzz to it but enough to make it most certainly attractive to inmates... not least, because one thing it does do is potentiate the effects of opiates (and obviate the withdrawals.) Unfortunately, they are hideously addictive in their own right, bringing the sort of withdrawals that, even leaving aside the enormous physical discomfort, will definitely cause you to consider 5oo¡c¡de. Oh, and they are highly dangerous in overdose; if there's an antidote to them, I'm unaware of it. In my wife's case, it wasn't 5oo¡c¡de. The inquest ruled misadventure, but even aside from that, and allowing for the possibility of 'kidding myself', I know in my own mind it wasn't 5oo¡c¡de. (I think what it was, was the old, old story of someone taking something for a buzz or whatever and then either throwing caution to the wind, or actually forgetting what or how much they had already taken!) I came on here to warn people of the danger of being 'stung' by Talwin. It turned into something else - these kind of comments are always a drag, but if it serves as a warning to even one other person! It's not even so much that it's a question of the danger of these particular drugs (though that too!) It's the danger of complacency, it really can be a killer. I'd called ambulances for complete strangers, many of whom I'm sure didn't thank me for it! But I didn't extend the same favour to my wife, even after she had made her feelings on the subject known. Well, that's on me. Please, don't allow yourself to be in the same position!

@ericolson1430 - 20.08.2023 20:38

What a nightmare heroin and pain pils create. You end up working only to feed your addiction. Cant stop once your hooked and maintain your job. Just a shitty endless cycle of pissing your money away on something that after awhile wont even get u high just keep u from being sick.

@user-gm6bb9pk7s - 19.08.2023 14:40

I once did H with artie Lang, woke up with a bloody ass and my wallet missing, also a massive shit in my fish tank, thanks art...

@Streetfightingman420 - 18.08.2023 15:41

The denial of death takes life times to deal with , sometimes we never deal with it

@jerkergudru7688 - 17.08.2023 10:42

” They can get it out of your body but never out of your mind” might be the most acurate statement ever been said about opioides in general and Heroin, especisly Heroin, because Heroin has a soul, just lika the most wonderful person you’v ever met.

The way he describes the withdrawal is very inaccurate according to me, yes it’s the sum of all the terrible things a human has the capability to feel, all at once in the most intense way possible. The problem in his description according to me is the timeline. I don’t agree when he is talking about something like five days or so. When it comes to Buprenophine (Suboxone, subutex) you start to feel like shit after about 24h but it’s around day 4 or 5 it hits you and you realist all the shit you’re been feeling the past days was mostly your mind fucking with you and now on day four you realize the real withdrawal is here and it hits you like a fucking train, and now you will have to live with the most physical and mental acute withdrawal symptoms for the next 2-4 months because of the very long half-life time of Bupreniphine, like methadone whits is even worse, much worse I know people who was still shitting themselves by pissing out of they’re ass after six months.

When it comes to Heroin, the last time I came off i was locked up. And after two months i still could feel the physical withdrawal. The first two weeks i managed to get about 15-20 minutes of sleep every second or third day, until the doctor prescribed me 30 mg of Zyprexa ( Olanzapine ). A medication you give to patients who are psychotic and more or less uncontrollable, and 30 mg is the dose they give to more or less knock them out or at lest calm down patients who are psychotic. And that helped me get one or two hours of sleep every night if I was lucky. I believe Zyprexa (Olanzapine) is banned in USA but it is still used in sweden.

So when he is talking about days of withdrawal it makes me wonder what kind of heroin he had access to. But i really wish he was right. Maybe he only was on it for a couple of months or a year. I’ve been on Opioids for 15 years, everything from oxy, heroin to Fentanyl. During one period i took 70 mg of Fent everyday (cyklopropylfentanyl) now I’m on Methadone since 2019, 110mg per day. Just about to visit the pharmacy to pick seven new bottles up to last me until next week.

@nyk3334 - 14.08.2023 06:50

Methadone detox is absolutely frightening. I’m on 526 days. It does get better but darn it’s slow going. Very slow. It’s doable though folks.

@ownageDan - 13.08.2023 20:09

so much ill informed stuff being said here, yikes

@davegonnaway6007 - 11.08.2023 16:07

Ends up all over your shoes dont try it...

@ddevilisinthedetails - 08.08.2023 15:16

To say junkie dehumanizes people that have become dependant on substances the way players normalizes people into a game. Dying or dependence is not a voluntary act. People cannot be reduced to junkies. they had a dependence and died trying to manage/recover from it.

@user-ex3tf1rr6i - 08.08.2023 14:30

details *??!?!? he interrupts himself and refraims, again again and again without getting anywhere !!!! what a IDIOT

@timoraymo - 07.08.2023 11:03

This is the kind of real info the world needs.

@BigRunts - 07.08.2023 07:17

In LA you only get 2 days rest ..

@emilyl6746 - 07.08.2023 00:43

I feel bad for people with addiction. I often wonder how much of a role genetics play. I've never had a desire to do drugs. And I rarely drink. But I'm definitely more of a Type A personality. I'm very self-reliant and hate the idea of not being in control. I think this is largely why drug use has never appealed to me.

@jonor1337 - 05.08.2023 19:16

None of that is true about cops overdosing from touching fentanyl. Its been debunked. You have to ingest it.

Ive gone through precipitated withdrawals like artie. He's absolutely right. I was so out of it all i remember was shaking and sweating. I couldnt even remember the first 24 hours. Was completely delirious, shitting and puking. Its the worst thing you could ever imagine.

@mottopanukeiku7406 - 05.08.2023 07:27

Whaaa..??? I did a double take. I honestly thought that he was either in an institution, had died, or had lost his face. So very glad to see him looking good and sober. Positive vibes to him to keep it up. What a great story that would be.

@nickdebenedetto2267 - 04.08.2023 22:23

i was wicked into all-things Artie for a couple years, read his books, listened to old Stern shows, etc.
saw him do stand-up in Poughkeepsie shortly before the pandemic crap hit, he was hilarious. i had a table right next to the stage and he high-fived me as he left the stage.
seems like a great dude.
as a suboxone "patient" myself I know exactly what he's talking about when he tells of going into immediate withdrawal after taking a sub with junk in your system.
i had a 50mg per day Methadone habit years ago. i ran out of dones on a vacation and had a sub as a backup. i'll never forget how sick i got. and worse than the sickness was the total emotional breakdown that comes with such intense withdrawal. I had to convnice my family that I had the flu. it was a beautiful, hot sunny day and I was curled up in a shower stall crying like a helpless child. one of the lowest moments of my life.
live and learn.
stay sober Artie!

@suelynnb5867 - 04.08.2023 20:30

Woah, woah, woah… “It’s weeding out a lot of junkies”?

@quantumprocess5954 - 04.08.2023 19:44

You kick it away as soon as you encounter it or the asswipe offering it. Who wakes up with a desire to do heroin or meth ? Never understood it.

@matsommer5039 - 04.08.2023 14:25

this guys nose looks fcked up

@FlyGuy2000 - 04.08.2023 02:43

That set is so sterile compared to what Joe has it looking like nowadays.

@michaeldonovan782 - 04.08.2023 02:33

Mad respect to all of ya'll out there who're either in the process of getting sober or in recovery. If you're reading this, you're worth it! It takes a lot of courage to do what you're doing.

@joevespa3157 - 03.08.2023 23:29

That's Artie Lange WOW 😲😳

@michaeluholik9712 - 03.08.2023 18:56

The thing about suboxone u have to wait fir the withdrawal’s then take it that’s what prolongs the withdrawal’s

@barbaraadams8219 - 03.08.2023 17:56


@nimitz1739 - 03.08.2023 13:30

Charlie parker was 24 when he died

@aliceschmid9697 - 02.08.2023 21:24

Fentanyl is not syronger. It is lipid soluble, meaning it goes into crlls immediatrly. No delay. And hits you all at once.

@aliceschmid9697 - 02.08.2023 21:23

Wow. His nose is sooooo much better.

@user-lg1oo6ev7k - 02.08.2023 07:15

That is not Artie Lange. Who the hell is that?

@IMadeMyYoutubeNameAge17 - 02.08.2023 07:06

What studio was this lol

@alphabeets - 02.08.2023 06:22

Maybe stay off the drugs. Nothing funny about this.

@robjones8003 - 01.08.2023 23:14

He is high in this interview, just like he's smoking his heroin right now.

@davidosborn8782 - 01.08.2023 21:24

The end of the line for me was the same. I can't do this anymore. I miss my family and the short time going through WDs was so worth it! Never looked back. As bad as things are today I Love life!
