James Cameron and Tony Robinson visit the Titanic

James Cameron and Tony Robinson visit the Titanic


1 год назад

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Erik Haar
Erik Haar - 10.08.2023 06:32

I bet he would have had a cunning plan to save the Titan...

Cathal - 02.08.2023 19:30

So she wasn't a cleaner...... Imagine how many cleaning women who never got a chance in life. And the people who they are cleaning for often don't have even half their brain capacity

Heronimo msefya
Heronimo msefya - 28.07.2023 12:36

Such an extraordinary lifetime experience, thanks to James Cameron and the Whole team

yvonne moujalli
yvonne moujalli - 21.07.2023 12:00

What an epic journey ,few times I though that I was there with them .Thanks learned more about the disaster looking @ the real one .R.I.P to all victims of an arrogant man .

Objet D'art
Objet D'art - 20.07.2023 23:57

How he clicks his fingers at Tony 108.05 lol

Eka Gelashvily
Eka Gelashvily - 20.07.2023 01:47

Olga and the exchange! The best!

The Seeker
The Seeker - 20.07.2023 00:36

look at the difference between these subs and that piece of crap that got destroyed

Steelninja's Gaming
Steelninja's Gaming - 20.07.2023 00:26

i reckon James Cameron ought to do a movie about Titanic. I think it would do well. especially with his interest in the subject.

Dulguun tsg
Dulguun tsg - 19.07.2023 08:31

Слабоумие и Отвага

Dale Bowman
Dale Bowman - 19.07.2023 02:02

James Cameron even had 2 subs on deck that's how you do it

Lilian Schultz
Lilian Schultz - 19.07.2023 01:55

Даа, прикольненько. Даа, прикольненько.

cullysview - 19.07.2023 01:29

How the titan never had a optic cable or a cord connected to the top of them providing oxygen and at least have a system were they can be dragged up

Travel Tec & Tours
Travel Tec & Tours - 18.07.2023 20:51

1M views and over 14K Likes but, still over 2.6k subs for this masterpiece. It's been so miserable as Titanic 🙄😐

Travel Tec & Tours
Travel Tec & Tours - 18.07.2023 20:36

To be honest, this channel deserves hundreds of thousands of Subscribers 🙏🔥🙄👍

Count Alucard
Count Alucard - 18.07.2023 19:38

Have they ever brought up some Rusticles?

Newest Tech Reviews NTR
Newest Tech Reviews NTR - 18.07.2023 18:23

Jim is a snotty guy. Preserve what you can. It’s rotting away

Nick 2506
Nick 2506 - 18.07.2023 17:46

Wallace Hartley - The Bandmaster - was my Grandfather's Cousin. There is a monument to him in Colne Lancashire. This is where my paternal family hail from. A very distant relation, but i am still very proud of him.

Thomas Donald
Thomas Donald - 18.07.2023 15:39

Its quite nice to see all countries working with each other and getting on with a common goal

Raquel Guzman
Raquel Guzman - 18.07.2023 11:12

Did Cameron Went to Visit Titanic . In a Real Submarine?

John Henry
John Henry - 18.07.2023 03:36

They need to rescue artifacts from the titanic

ALLISON COMPEAUX - 18.07.2023 02:57

Very well done. So many interesting people involved. Beautifully haunting and emotional.

Carl Coppola
Carl Coppola - 18.07.2023 02:52

They have so much stuff about James Cameron talking like he knows everything about submersibles there are so many other people out there that's know so much more than him it was funny when they were interviewing he was wearing a shirt looks like he was supposed to go dirt bike riding heating bills at other people designed it other people did everything he just got his ass in it and went down I don't think people understand that

Spigot - 18.07.2023 02:06

This is great and all, but I think it could be done cheaper.... what if we built a big wooden submersible?

M&M - 18.07.2023 01:03

I guarantee you, if it happened today. they'd all react like a bunch of cowardly animals! literally pushing women and children out of the way to save themselves! They don't know what respect is anymore, or dignity. I highly doubt they'd know how to "die like gentleman." Think I've said enough..

broxibear101 - 18.07.2023 00:00

From start to nearly the end, it was breathtaking and just wow!! But you need to stop the dramatic fake ending because it’s not a film and no-one was here to see the typical fake drama we see on social media every day.

78a67h - 17.07.2023 23:44

It must have cost Cameron millions. Though his fascination with the Titanic is understandable, his almost obsessive repeat dives are pretty incomprehensible. The craving for power and what big money can do may provide an answer.

zherin - 17.07.2023 22:19

Why does this research vessel only go half the speed of the Titanic? Have we not made technological improvements since 1912?

Don Lunn
Don Lunn - 17.07.2023 21:29

Incredible vid. I would not have gone down there. All respect to Tony Robinson. In 2023, it is now time to leave the Titanic alone. It is a graveyard! Leave it now and respect the people who died on this disaster of a ship. Due to cost cutting by its Builders,”No” not it’s builders. They are beyond reproach. It was the owners that were the cost cutters. Not the guys who were terrific tradesmen. They had to work with what was provided. There are obscure statements from guys who worked on the Titanic. You just have to find them somewhere on the internet. Or in a Book written by an obscure author. But they are out there. Anytime I find a book about the Titanic I buy it in the hope that there are some statements by the men who built it.
Strange how something that happened way before you were born could take up so much time in your life. But it has always been with me since I first learned of the disaster

As far as I’m concerned it was truly an ugly ship. There was nothing that was beautiful about it. Or it’s sister ship. But! History is History.

Don Lunn
Don Lunn - 17.07.2023 21:10

So what was the brief? Leave the artefacts or bring them up ? Certain artefacts should be rescued. But others should be left. Bring up an amount. Which is history itself. But leave the rest to Titanic history. And time.

Don Lunn
Don Lunn - 17.07.2023 20:18

We know conclusively that the iron/Steel was garbage. We know “Now” that there was a fire in one of the coal bunkers, that was never put out. Thereby weakening a bulkhead. We know that there were not enough lifeboats. What company would send a ship to sea with not enough lifeboats. You could go on and on. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

And now we have another disaster, Due to once again a disastrous design. This time of the submersible.

Med 45
Med 45 - 17.07.2023 19:27

The amount of time, money, effort and professionalism that went into these trips.

rawsnake - 17.07.2023 14:33

I thought this was a new video (but then i saw it was in 360p) Still nice and i respect James, he seems very humble, like very few are among famous people. Him and Keanu Reeves are the ones i personally like the most

nick wilson
nick wilson - 17.07.2023 11:32

If you get the chance, go to St Johns NF, it's a beautiful place!

BList - 17.07.2023 03:15

That's the face of a man who knows how to build a sub that actually works and is certified

Fiona Saunders
Fiona Saunders - 16.07.2023 21:13

I am glad to hear James Cameron mention the shocking meanness of White Star Line and the Asters, they dident pay for unclaimed dead baby coffin and funeral, the surviving crew did that. The bandsman family who were given a invoice to pay, for the uniform, of their dead son..
Lastly the many survivors left to fend for themselves. Thankfully various volunteering organizations came to their aid.
Come on Astors ,get out of your gold encrusted lounge suites and track down all those families, the wonderful people of Newfoundland who sorted out this mess for you.

Steven Griffin
Steven Griffin - 16.07.2023 20:42

To think they could have just gone to a camping store and saved millions.

LovesAllAnimals99 - 16.07.2023 19:05

No way!!

earl steves
earl steves - 16.07.2023 18:49

Thank you for that. Lots of info

Philip Mulville
Philip Mulville - 16.07.2023 16:12

What a brilliant documentary. Tony Robinson is a tremendous storyteller, and James Cameron’s knowledgeable and passionate is unsurpassed. I have great respect for the Russian technical team whose experience and expertise made these dives possible.

peter larsson
peter larsson - 16.07.2023 10:24

thank you,now i understand why titan inploded

Digital Ali
Digital Ali - 16.07.2023 10:10

hey but i think i saw a titanic survivor lady said there wasnt anyone playing music when the ship went down..like we see in the film Titanic she said every one was fighting for their lifes..

i salute sir james cameron for gifiting us the film Titanic..our emotions for the ship and survivors are becuase of his 1997 movie..so thanks to him.may god bless him.......very nice human he is...no pride very downto earth person

Lori Kodama
Lori Kodama - 16.07.2023 07:42

I think it was a miracle that they were able retrieve all of their bots.

Danny Boylan
Danny Boylan - 16.07.2023 07:30

Damn they did Olga so dirty! Lmfao

Koss G.
Koss G. - 16.07.2023 05:43

Ladies comments real frustrating and stupid....

Mas Shoudy
Mas Shoudy - 16.07.2023 02:31

Titanic, the never ending story.

joe2grand - 15.07.2023 22:04

Good job Tony Robinson didnt use the Titan to visit the site, as he would have become 'Tiny Robinson'

Macca Macca
Macca Macca - 15.07.2023 13:46

I have skid markes in my undies...
