Boeing 314 Flying Boat in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - Early 1940s - Military Boarding, Taxiing & Takeoff

Boeing 314 Flying Boat in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - Early 1940s - Military Boarding, Taxiing & Takeoff

Ken Butz

3 года назад

2,648 Просмотров

Early 1940s footage of the U.S. military boarding a Boeing 314 Clipper flying boat and taxiing out for takeoff among U.S. Navy ships. Appears to be Pearl City Base, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Includes a few shots of the aircraft airborne.
The United States Navy assumed control of all of the Pan American Clippers in 1942. If this is the Honolulu Clipper, it failed en route to San Francisco and landed in the ocean, 650 miles east of Oahu at 11.30 pm in total darkness.
It was damaged during salvage operations and sunk by the Military after drifting some 150 miles.


#Boeing_314_Clipper #flying_boat #U.S._Navy #U.S._military #1940 #1940s #Pearl_City_Base #Pearl_Harbor #Hawaii #Pan_American #Clipper #Boeing #Boeing_314 #US_Navy #San_Francisco #Pan_American_Airways #Pan_Am #Oahu #Honolulu_Clipper #sunk_by_the_Military
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