Protecting Yourself Abroad | Do this After You Leave the US to Stay Safe

Protecting Yourself Abroad | Do this After You Leave the US to Stay Safe

Picky Girl Travels the World®️

1 месяц назад

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@MsLadyBelle - 29.01.2025 06:06

If you don’t ever plan to return to the US, why do you still keep your US citizenship?

@neshawilson4729 - 29.01.2025 07:13

America got beef with everyone smh… we going down

@deborahscott9811 - 29.01.2025 14:19

Hello, I don't see your mailing list, I'd like to sign up.

@GeorgianaSidiaren - 29.01.2025 14:35

Are we to be concerned about the Mexican cartells

@JaeSwift10JamellaSwift - 29.01.2025 14:57

This was very informative, thank you. Please make a video on foreign bank accounts. I want to open an account with HSBC because they are international. On another note - I would not be surprised if Americans seek asylum in MX.

@kemi1486 - 29.01.2025 16:05

This is such valuable information 👍🏾. That man baby and his sh!tty diaper is exploding on the US and will eventually leak out on the rest of the world. What a mess his voters created. SMDH!

@jajones431 - 29.01.2025 16:07

Another very informative episode. However, many of the tips are applicable no matter where one resides. Unfortunately, we live in a world where awareness and preparedness shold be priority and can be a game changer.

@AnyaTraveling - 29.01.2025 17:03

Good Day Everyone I am watching on the replay.

@NiNi4real802 - 29.01.2025 17:18

Thanks PickyGirl for this information.

@Refreshing_Words - 29.01.2025 17:29

Watching the replay. I always learn something from your talks. Thanks!

@KoffeeSpillsTheTea - 29.01.2025 18:37

Once when I was traveling through Mexico, I somehow lost my passport. I had to go to Acapulco to get to the nearest US Embassy. I was on a night bus traveling, and there were a bunch of soldiers along the route that kept stopping the bus. We all had to get out and present our papers. I didn't speak any Spanish, and I was the only English-speaking person on board. I tried to explain to the bus driver that I didn't have my passport, so he knew somewhat what I was dealing with. Every time I got asked, I would try and explain my passport was stolen. The army folks were so angry, but for some reason, they'd let me get back on the bus after yelling at me. I'm sure it was holding up the bus. At our final stop before we arrived in Acapulco, we got stopped again. I was dreading it. When they got to me, I again tried to explain about my passport. The men started complaining again. Suddenly, the bus driver started yelling back at the soldiers. They had a pretty tense exchange, and I was just holding my breath. Then the soldiers came back and were yelling at me even more. I started crying. The bus driver stood between me and the soldiers, said something to them, and then turned to me and said, "Get on the bus!" I got on the bus, crying. But they let us go. I got to the hotel and had some sleep, and then, I got up and went straight to the embassy. I was scared. They luckily got me a new one within 24 hours. Picky Girl is right- do NOT be out there in a different country and you don't have your papers on you!

@dlross173 - 29.01.2025 18:47

I think it's smart to have money elsewhere. I think having your money with Chime or Paypal.... I bet the government couldn't stop those online banks from allowing me to access that money.

@denacollins352 - 29.01.2025 19:19

Are we a threat? Good thinking. The world is upside down.

@nelliehyder8303 - 29.01.2025 19:31

Good morning from Austin, Texas. It is 10:27 am now. 1-29-2025. I appreciate you. I learned about your channel by watching Stephanie Perry's videos. I love motivational videos. Thanks so very much and keep up the good work.

@evelyngolden2272 - 29.01.2025 19:45

Cathing the replay on Wednesday morning.

@Nikitta43 - 29.01.2025 20:25

Catching the replay

@Q6234-x5m - 29.01.2025 22:21

I didn't know color copies of identifying documents were considered fraudulent. Are black and white copies okay?

@Fallgrrrl - 29.01.2025 23:19

Awesome video as usual. Good tip on securing a MX drivers license to carry on your person, as opposed to one's residency card. Never knew that about the color passport!

@SpeakSteph - 29.01.2025 23:55

Yes, upload the DITL video, please!

@ladama3201 - 30.01.2025 02:08

Excellent video 😊

@jlw7441 - 30.01.2025 04:54

One cannot have a false sense of security anywhere. Just saying.

@aliceearley3842 - 30.01.2025 05:32

Thank you for your platform.

@djdavis5480 - 30.01.2025 06:12

This is a very scary video as someone trying to figure things out. But I appreciate the food for thought. It's definitely not going to far... 🥴

@denicagilmer7951 - 30.01.2025 06:22

I don't understand color vs black and white copy of your passport. I keep a copy of my passport on me, and it just happens to be in color. Wow! I learn something new every day :)😊

@sthom2841 - 30.01.2025 11:20

The Trump administration has stopped issuing passports with the sexual designation of "X." It must be either Female or Male.

@Ready4Raw - 30.01.2025 11:51

This video is all of my thoughts!

@Childlesstravelchic - 30.01.2025 16:31

Watching the replay. I have been preparing to leave with my mother. I will leave an edited comment when I am done.

@LifelessonswithJan - 30.01.2025 17:10

Thank you for a very informative and thought provoking session. Much appreciated.

@sthorn5 - 30.01.2025 21:57

I want to move to Mexico City, but I have 5 rescue dogs and renting a place might be a challenge.

@reece_ease - 31.01.2025 00:35

Replay .hay hay 🎉❤😎

@reece_ease - 31.01.2025 00:39

Pretty earrings..

@reece_ease - 31.01.2025 00:55

Threats of retaliation is a real concern...agreed.😮

@reece_ease - 31.01.2025 01:05

Would I need to surrender my u s. Passport?

@reece_ease - 31.01.2025 01:12

Love history and research🧐👌🌞

@reece_ease - 31.01.2025 01:14


@reece_ease - 31.01.2025 01:18

Capital victim...😢😮😊

@reece_ease - 31.01.2025 01:21

Believer in a "go bag"...and the throwback to cash can help with usages of ccard_%fees...

@reece_ease - 31.01.2025 01:37

Believer in a "go bag"...and the throwback to cash can help with usages of ccard_%fees...

@reece_ease - 31.01.2025 01:37

Good talk...🎉

@lucillewomack6128 - 31.01.2025 04:08

Thank you for the straight talk! Too many people want to separate “politics” from the conversation but it is central, especially for POC.

@Nikitta43 - 31.01.2025 16:59

Wow, I did not know about making a colored copy of your passport

@tibbytwostep1875 - 31.01.2025 18:40

Cash reserve - Wise doesn’t issue a credit card to Americans now. Will have to open a local account or find some other app 😑

@tibbytwostep1875 - 31.01.2025 18:41

You have done the best job covering all the bases. I’m brand new to living abroad and it takes getting used to.

@professlch6347 - 01.02.2025 18:01

Your commentary is so useful and smart. Thank you.

@Stephbraids - 12.02.2025 11:13


@kayokarma - 13.02.2025 19:44

Replay! Various reasons for planning my exit at the ends of the year, however, if I can swing it closer to August even better! Also considering Co-living options, joining or starting a small, medium, even large co living community. Let’s talk about us grouping/collective resources, larger spaces, villas etc to benefit our overall daily needs, wants, enjoyments. Let’s talk

@dennisrobinson8008 - 14.02.2025 23:17

Make sure no one from one of the entities here didn't follow you over.... Sometimes one can be that insane on wanting to ruin your life that they might find you going out of a country an easier way to take your life.

@karenmills6120 - 17.02.2025 06:35

Your videos are always on point. Thanks for all you do. I look forward to hearing more from you while on this journey.

@FatimaGerman-g2r - 02.03.2025 07:05

I was in Cuba with my mom and daughter( Obama administration ) and I thought we were running out of cash. My ATM card would not work. Called and BofA said,” Oh ,we don’t do business in that country. Is there anything else I can help you with?” No. You are leaving me stranded and not allowing me access to my own money, so no. I didn’t think to check because the card worked seamlessly in Europe. Luckily my mom’s bank did allow us access and it turned out I did have more cash than I thought ( I mixed up the 2 different local currencies .) for 10
Minutes abject fear took over. Never again will I not do my research .

@actionvj - 04.03.2025 02:15

Just catching up on this one. Great information as always. 👍🏾
