Wizard101: How I Got Stuck In Wizard City For 2 Years Straight

Wizard101: How I Got Stuck In Wizard City For 2 Years Straight


2 года назад

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@RepairTechonYouTube - 10.04.2024 21:14

Crazy to see we all have similar memories with this game.

@killer4life313 - 09.08.2023 14:25

Just like me frfr

@elijahmahone9358 - 28.05.2023 18:48

True story right here man I was young and got to dragonspyre this was when the lvl cap was level 60 I got stuck on a collect quest for 4 years I did 4 battles and only got one out of the 3 collects I needed. quit the game and came back lmao got the remaining collects the first fight back.

@ishenews612 - 09.05.2023 07:34

i played wizard 101 around 2010 -2011 i quit a while ago however i hope one day i will be able to get past the paywall. so i guess 12ish years running and still not being able to get past wizard city and i even missed the time it went free for a short while to rub it in even more.

@josefwilk6884 - 21.02.2023 00:52

i got stuck for five years because of the paywall

@Thefrostedslime - 19.02.2023 18:17

I spent probably 5 years, and before I got membership I was level 32 with Deer Knight since my friends gifted me packs every now and then and got one from Knight’s Lore

@annwynbeneaththewaves - 19.02.2023 16:47

my parents would buy me a game , but they refused to spend money on add-ons for a game . which made me wish wizard101 was just a game u had to buy since u cant even progress after a couple hours of playing without spending money anyways

@anubion42 - 12.02.2023 08:06

god playing fire elf tag in peoples castles was my go to when i had no membership lol

There would be up to 6 of us all hiding in the same spot just praying they didnt find us because escape was never an option lol

@Attqched - 11.02.2023 15:52

I remember I use to play wiz with my mom and when she stopped playing with me I was stuck at krokatopia and so I did wizard city, krok, grizzleheim and wysteria's side quests because I didnt notice the star that was Main Quest for like a LONG time, I also had the swift shark mount and I sold it for like 80 gold

@Lokiip - 01.02.2023 22:22

Paying for each area is moronic 😂
I did it for the first couple areas as a kid then realized how much cheaper just paying a sub was. The amount of YEARS you'd have to sub to have it equal just a couple areas paid permanently is ridiculous. Never again after that day.

@user-iu6sd8su3e - 25.08.2022 22:02

Wow way better audio quality than the last one I watched glad to see you’re improving and still at it! Keep up the good work

@samuelsmith5064 - 10.07.2022 22:24

I remember as a kid not understanding I needed a membership so I just walked around the tree near the schools 100 times trying so hard to figure out what it meant by talking to the krokatopia guy in the tree I was so lost and just fought randoms enemies until I got my first membership 2 years later 😭😭

@nassir1907 - 02.07.2022 16:13

i was stuck there for ten years bro

@alanvang2931 - 02.07.2022 08:56

I remember asking random ppl to let me fight the storm kraken as a kid

@kristofaification - 25.05.2022 19:35

Ah yes this game. The one we all loved for some reason. Had some kind of charm. And that I keep coming back to every once in a while staying for a few months then disappearing again. As a kid I played this game for hours on end with no real endgoal just playing cause I enjoyed it. Again some kind of charm it had. Now as for how long I was stuck in wizard city... Well let's just say I started playing shortly after the game came out and I didn't get my first membership until my first year in college... So

@chrisl9469 - 24.05.2022 02:15

I used to grind the kraken all the time. Me and a bunch of other broke kids just killed him over and over again for free mounts lol, there was always a fight to be one of the four in the battle

@fredcoleman6594 - 23.05.2022 22:27

Back when I first went to Azteca back in 2015 I was a balance and I was stuck in Azteca for a week because it was my first time in Azteca I remember a friend told me that he was stuck in Azteca for a whole year after I helped him past Azteca he disappeared from the game entirely I haven't heard from him since pretty sad 😢 I do miss him sometimes

@amberlino72 - 23.05.2022 14:09

Oh i remember when i was stuck in Wizard City. It was just killing Kraken and doing the house dungeons all day long. Also remember packing my deck with shields and heals so i can get more xp from battles. Got to level 37 before i even started Krokotopia when i got a membership eventually.

@prisonmike6210 - 22.05.2022 01:01

This was me back in the hay day of wizard101 kind of like the old pirates of the Caribbean mmo if anyone played that years ago.

@BigMonkeyKing101 - 21.05.2022 22:32

I got stuck in Wizard City for a decade . . .

@oroboros4858 - 21.05.2022 20:35

Same exact thing happened with me, I am now back 10 years later to reach max level and finish what I started

@4Gummybear4 - 21.05.2022 11:41

I remember hitting level 35 when I was a mere 10 year old, only doing wizard city quests, constant mob farming, Holiday dungeon events and housing dungeons of friends. Lol 10 year old me was very committed. A decade later, I finally am able to buy membership myself and now have a max wiz.

@medieval526 - 20.05.2022 18:13

been playing for 10 years... just recently made it to mushu cus I either didn't want to buy my way through the game or couldn't. wiz is still my go to childhood nostalgia game and is by far my favourite to this day

@lioncat79 - 20.05.2022 02:23

that paywall is not supposed to be here now!
they already have transactions, and a GODDAMN CROWN SHOP!
They should remove paywalls! This shit is so outdated as FUCK!

@crinf3 - 19.05.2022 20:43

My account was on level 36 for 5 years until last year

@lonely_kirby7899 - 19.05.2022 10:45

i had almost the exact same start as u and went through the same things just as you. eventually i was able to get crowns and that would be what i wanted for my birthday all the time so when i last left off i had gotten to krokotopia and did a lot. It was only until last week that i came back to the game and i made it up to marleybone

@napkarap6751 - 18.05.2022 23:25

I love u daddy<3

@tarushipandey6717 - 18.05.2022 21:27

My brother used to play this game when we were younger and during quarantine I found my way back to it. I didn't have any membership but still I got to level 24 as I'd give ten quizzes almost 4 days a week and earn crowns. I was able to buy collasus boulevard, cyclops lane, firecat alley. Then when I got a quest in krokotopia it went easy for me because they'd made krokotopia free for that time and wizard city too so I could sample the zone.

But then that offer ended and also I got a quest in Marleybone. I don't have the stamina to give any more crowns so I had to leave the game and I guess I'll start playing again when I start making my own money.
Playing this game all those hours was a truly blissful experienced for me.

@johnjosephlyoko2295 - 18.05.2022 15:40

Bro I did the same thing

@koalanate5549 - 18.05.2022 13:15

I remember back when my parents didn’t wanna buy me a membership I used to grind scare crows near nightsides tower it was such a grind but I ended up hitting level 20 before getting a membership haha

@truthseekers1620 - 18.05.2022 10:04

should be called take my money 101

@liambacon7060 - 18.05.2022 09:44

Your basically summing up my life 12 years ago

@yannitus9482 - 18.05.2022 09:25

I was stuck until 2020, for last few years all I've been doing is battling the kraken over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

@aotox5173 - 17.05.2022 10:05

Man i feel u i was stuck in the first krokotopia area farming cyclopses from lvl 13 to 20 in order to farm gold to buy a shitty cow samurai pet xD, fortunatelly Gameforge gave away every area till mooshu for free pernament.

@pat5196 - 17.05.2022 07:04

I started in summer 2014 and I had no money for membership until 2021 summer 😒

@Duldii - 17.05.2022 05:19

Its okay only 2 years.. I've been on the game since 2011 and played consistently throughout 2011-2015 .
I reached level 31 with no membership , no crowns ,no nothing .
Later in 2016 my uncle bought me my membership and there i started ..

@auntiespancakes2528 - 17.05.2022 03:18

I was stuck in wizard city back when I was 8 for like a year and a half and I’d just kill rotting fodders for hours on end and it eventually got me up to like level 18. Finally my mom bought me a bundle while we were at GameStop one day and I had to quest 10 levels ahead for the rest of the game. That meant I was around lvl 40 while just starting mooshu

@RH-sx6cj - 17.05.2022 02:57

Ok I just wanna say that , I am still in this dam situation lol~ maybe someday I will use my own money to buy the member (just dont wanna let my mom think that I am over into the game which could make me spend lots of money), cuz I am only questing on the events like birthday or what cuz they open free membership on those time lol and I think that's all I can do for now(btw I actually still wasting time on fooling around in "common" XD

@hydro695 - 17.05.2022 00:00

You not buying membership/crowns doesn’t mean you were stuck in wizard city. Being stuck in an area means you can’t beat a certain boss/mob because it’s too difficult not because you don’t want to spend money. I wasn’t able to buy anything either when I was a kid but that doesn’t mean I was stuck there.

@zigman8333 - 16.05.2022 23:46

I literally went through almost the same exact experience down to fighting the field guards and Kraken 100k times a night after school, wouldn’t trade those days for anything either, took me about 2-3 years to buy crowns too, bought all of wizard city-dragonspyre with crowns before getting a membership finally 😂

@sorphelia5890 - 16.05.2022 23:29

the first thing i did when i got my first credit card was get myself a wizard101 membership. four months later, i spent 30 quid to get a kookaburra. no regrets here but maybe it wasn’t smart?

@cyrusvile6622 - 16.05.2022 23:29

I feel click baited……. I love it!! You glorious bastard 😂😂😂😂😂😂

@BuggysNose - 16.05.2022 23:19

Does anyone know if there is a way to get ship of fools other then the 35 spellements to unlock it? I spent $25 and only got 3 so I’ve given up on buying packs.

@beurreamoustache3333 - 16.05.2022 22:14

me who got stuck for 11 years

@neelaanshbatra8402 - 16.05.2022 21:30

It's so fascinating that you made this video cause i relate to it so well. I started playing this game in 2013 and i was 9 at the time, similar to you i didn't have the courage to ask my parents for the money to buy a membership so i just farmed triton avenue, winterbane and pagoda.I brought my wizard up to level 30 without any membership through continuously farming XD. I finally brought membership with my own money last year and it felt so good to move beyond wizard city .
Love your videos btw, keep up the good work my guy :) .

@gerdaschmutzfu4620 - 16.05.2022 21:23

Well I played in 2011, it was free till Celestia

@sabercat5490 - 16.05.2022 20:44

Was this a vid from the beginning of when you did the life walkthrough?

@sabercat5490 - 16.05.2022 20:43

Though this is your expirience with the game as many others, it still frustrates me to know that KI still hasn'tat the very least made wiz city free. After everything they have done thus far with this world. Although there are still some things i wish they could change with wiz city.

@Spyredragon - 16.05.2022 20:41

i was stuck in marleybone and mooshu for a year because i was so bad at this game ! lol. i never made it past celestia before i quit wizard101. i only got a couple years of membership because i begged to my parents.
