Sleepwalkers: Best Incestuous Werecat Movie You Never Saw

Sleepwalkers: Best Incestuous Werecat Movie You Never Saw

JoBlo Horror Originals

1 год назад

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RAVENWOLF - 15.10.2023 00:08

Im 54 .. i saw it when i was younger and im watching it tonight .im in ❤ with ALICE KRIGE. watched Gretel and Hansel. Trying to find she will. She my favorite actress ❤

RAVENWOLF - 15.10.2023 00:05


Spartan Warrior
Spartan Warrior - 29.09.2023 18:51

Here are some hard facts on: INCEST... and incest has been going on since the beginning of time itself and to this day it still goes on in all house holds in all countries...99.9% of it is all hidden, and also kept quite keeping it a secret...

incest is in he Bible and all other religious Books, as it is very clearly stated within this Holy Book: that everyone on the planet believes in...

That God Made Adam in his own image, from the clay from the earth and breath life into him giving him domain over all the Birds of the air, all the fishes of the sea and all creatures that creepth upon the earth, he then Took a RIB from Adam and clay from the earth and created Eve for Adam s companion, Adam and Eve had a total of 10 son's and 18 daughter's...

Now no where in this BIBLE the Holy BOOK does it say that God Created all these other people upon this earth today... now does it??? so the only Logical simple truth is... that we are all part of Adam and Eve - Children's... as we are all part of their Bloodline... as this is clearly state within.. and everyone knows this simple fact... that this would be incest happening for so many people to be here today...

Take your time thinking about this!!! ??? ... before you answer this... where did everyone else come from??? if you don't believe in incest... or that it happens or still happens or the whole BIBLE is mere BULLSHIT... or you believe in the BIBLE and that this is a HOLY BOOK... which one is it??? you cannot picks parts fro m the BOOK its the whole BOOK and Nothing but the BOOK...

People Don't realise that when they get with someone, its their sister or brother, which is also your dad or mom... the stories about deformity through incest is all lies, its all really connected to chemical meds... by DR's who all work for the pharmaceutical companies... who have been ding this for years now and even to this day, they are still doing it... all the Royals and also the elites families all do keep the bloodline pure and clean...but we are all bother sisters, mom and dads... this is a fact you cannot make this stuff up, its all facts...

To this day no one can answer this...

Who are the people always trying to control another... 99.99% of the people are all all uneducated... and they all have been controlled by Religions, men and women in all government held offices as Public Servants including he local ones in the areas of a town, or city or small holdings like a village... The EU NAZI Gestapo POLICE FORCE and the NAZI Legal BAR ltd Corporate Society of all WHORES there are all WHORES... lying, cheating, betraying, kidnapping, murdering, stealing, deceitful, deceptive, in so many ways... and everyone ha been lied to, cheated, and some even murdered....

Ika Patino
Ika Patino - 20.09.2023 17:50

They should have bought a little .22 rifle and shot the cats if they were that dangerous.

neonangel2687 - 18.09.2023 22:51

Good to see this movie get some love. I've always really liked it.

Harvardseye - 14.08.2023 05:40

watched this movie as a child with my mom i love you mom ❤

Venus Axe
Venus Axe - 20.07.2023 23:18

I love this movie and for the most part anything Stephen King related! Have it on DVD. Thankfully, I was raised right and my mom is kick ass! It is such a flick and wild ass ride! Plus, cats! Clovis was the best. I'm such a cat lover.

But wow, growing up and later recognizing all these familiar faces and directors from so many films I love was such a treat. Mark Hamill outta nowhere! 😍 This is probably my first introduction to Alice Krige too, she was epic and so frightening.

Érick Von Engelwalten
Érick Von Engelwalten - 27.05.2023 16:09

I watched this movie as a little child. Too early to understand sexuality and themes. But the deliberate violence and cat massacre was enough to scare

Cory Brooks
Cory Brooks - 16.05.2023 01:25

I was hoping this review was gonna be better sense sleepwalkers is one of my favorite movies.
The dude talking sounds like a robot. Like, he is reading a script word for word.
I didnt even get halfway through before i watched a diff video.
If this dude wants to keep doing commentary, he needs to learn how to not sound like a robot while he is reading.

Playing In Vestapol
Playing In Vestapol - 11.05.2023 04:36

I love this movie. I watched it with my Wife and Mother. It gave my mother nightmares for weeks. My Father told me "Never let her watch another horror movie".

blade brown
blade brown - 09.05.2023 06:47

I stayed up late one night in like ‘93 to watch Sleepwalkers, not expecting to develop a crush on Madchen Amick as a kid that would sustain 30 years later 😂😍

DangerDoom - 02.05.2023 00:40

100% grade A, cocaine fuled cheeseiness. Its a great movie to just watch and laugh at, especially while stoned out of your mind 😂

The Terbear
The Terbear - 21.04.2023 21:11

I just remembered how goofy this movie was and all the random cameos from directors of horror. And as a cat dad felt bad for the cats being killed.

Shamar Miller
Shamar Miller - 19.04.2023 17:35

One of my favorite movies since a kid

Susan - 16.04.2023 00:03

I remember years ago I found this video on the internet of this moshpit, and in the middle, this big dude picks up this little dude and swings him over his shoulder, and just when you think he's about to throw him down, instead he pulls down the little guy's pants and starts buttering up his corncob in front of everyone. I've been trying to find that video for the last ten years. This is NOT that video, so my search will continue. See ya!

evernevermore 2687
evernevermore 2687 - 15.04.2023 20:54

As ridiculous and cheesy as this movie is, I still love the hell out of it. It's certainly not boring.

Alien Moose Studios
Alien Moose Studios - 15.04.2023 02:18

One of my most favorite movies ever 🤩😍🍿🎥😻

IMustBe Crazy
IMustBe Crazy - 14.04.2023 17:52

I liked the police cat.

Beau Mcnally
Beau Mcnally - 14.04.2023 02:52

I really enjoy this movie

Merritt - 13.04.2023 13:35

Alice Krige, Brian Krause & Mädchen Amick also raised the level of the film beyond what could have been a laughable mess very easily. Some guy and his mother have an incestuous relationship and turn into big cat who are then killed by some little cats.

Hush Money
Hush Money - 12.04.2023 05:14

If that kid in Pet Cemetery got hit by a semi thered be nothing left but liquid. He wouldve came back from the dead as a cup of tomato soup.

J.G. Michael
J.G. Michael - 12.04.2023 03:19

What's the background track music on this?

slanderman - 10.04.2023 05:59

You sound like norm McDonald

TacticalMattFoley - 09.04.2023 08:37

I saw this film in a local theater shortly after it was released. Early in the movie when the "Big I" is occurring on screen, the entire theater gasped. However, no one got up and left...

T Obe
T Obe - 09.04.2023 01:54

Does he stab a cop in the ear and called him a "copcicle" ? If so I did see this

Mad Mountains
Mad Mountains - 07.04.2023 17:54

Joke's on you, I saw this movie TWICE.

ernie bernie
ernie bernie - 07.04.2023 01:31

Great video! I loved this movie since I was a kid. Glad to see a video on it.

Alex Smart
Alex Smart - 07.04.2023 00:52

Mädchen Amick(and Jennifer Connelly) is always watchable. Sweeping up and dancing while listening to her Walkman(or on the slow ride with a Coin operated horse ). Do you love me ? Oops, anyone have some change ?

Let's Talk Horror
Let's Talk Horror - 06.04.2023 22:29

It's so bad it's wildly entertaining, and I give it 9 Cop Kabobs out of 10 😆.

Rio Broski
Rio Broski - 06.04.2023 22:13

I have it on VHS.

Salty Misfit
Salty Misfit - 06.04.2023 20:28

My friend asked me one time, was this the movie with the cop on the cob. Which is both extremely absurd and accurate 😂

EastToWest - 06.04.2023 19:23

This movie deserves some credit for making young girls terrified to go in the woods with strange boys. I know I was after seeing it. I remember I bought the cd (soundtrack) The song was so creepy and good. Good campy King flick.

Perfection, NV
Perfection, NV - 06.04.2023 19:07

The real thing that sticks with me from this movie is the opening and credit song and the movie theater Do You Love Me scene ... I was like 10 😂

Josh T.
Josh T. - 06.04.2023 04:05

I remember watching this when It first came out. Good Movie

Apexone - 06.04.2023 00:35

My family and I used to watch the VHS of that flick all the time. I was recently thinking about watching it again, now I see this.

David Hoover
David Hoover - 05.04.2023 20:16

"Best Incestuous Werecat Movie You Never Saw" - oh, I saw it. I'm not going to say it was high cinema, but it wasn't that bad.

H0lland0ates 79
H0lland0ates 79 - 05.04.2023 19:02

A great King film

cicolas nage
cicolas nage - 05.04.2023 18:53

I remember only watching this to see the Clive Barker cameo, I was and still am a huge Clive Barker admirer and when I saw the lil cameo with him and king I laughed my ass off

J. Allen
J. Allen - 05.04.2023 08:57

Love Stephen King. I remember watching this movie as a kid and when he morphed multiple times in the car my mind mirrored the deputy in that scene. Lmao

Robert Smiley Jr
Robert Smiley Jr - 05.04.2023 05:46

That black cop was funny him and Clovis made the movie

Robert Smiley Jr
Robert Smiley Jr - 05.04.2023 05:44

This is one of favorite movies and is that what they were 🤔 what was the explanation to why they feared cats 😼

EZ Does It
EZ Does It - 05.04.2023 02:54

“…Swipe left material” 🤣

Michael Mcdonald
Michael Mcdonald - 05.04.2023 01:04

Clovis is the REAL star of sleepwalkers.

Andrew Shuster
Andrew Shuster - 04.04.2023 22:22

IDK I really enjoyed this movie when I first saw, I don't know why it gets hate from people for and talk like it's so bad. Honestly the movie isn't that bad. It's an enjoyable ride.

Dchardinay Cole
Dchardinay Cole - 04.04.2023 16:06

This scared me the practical effects were too much!

Doc Holliday
Doc Holliday - 04.04.2023 03:21

Love this one.

Mastah Sho'Nuff
Mastah Sho'Nuff - 04.04.2023 03:10

I'll never forget when she stabbed the cop with the ear of corn. I was terrified as a kid😅

Jim F
Jim F - 03.04.2023 19:00

The audio mix on this video is awful, the background music is louder than the narration.

Collecting on the Cheap
Collecting on the Cheap - 03.04.2023 15:10

Think a more obscure King based movie is A Return To Salem's Lot. It's definitely not a great movie, but I really enjoy it as an Eighties horror movie.
