How Games Make "Boring" Movement Seem Interesting

How Games Make "Boring" Movement Seem Interesting


2 года назад

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Kasai05 - 02.10.2023 05:31

If you play Dayz, you will be walking more than anything else and still enjoy the game. XD It's one of my most played steam games for that reason alone.

SARTHAK - 01.10.2023 22:33

Fast = fun

tomdubois - 01.10.2023 21:03


Jaquelyn Magikarp
Jaquelyn Magikarp - 27.09.2023 02:33

Starfield ain't taking any advice

Spuder małpiszon
Spuder małpiszon - 23.09.2023 11:01

Quake has the best movement

draginater215 - 23.09.2023 09:15

boing boing boing boing boing

♠️Mace of Spades♠️
♠️Mace of Spades♠️ - 20.09.2023 10:18

I walked halfway through God of War before realizing I could run 🤦‍♂️

Terkan - 19.09.2023 21:28

I really don't like fake urgency in games. If it doesn't actually change the story if I'm late, it's pointless.

I habitually completely ignore fake urgency.
"Hurry!" doesn't mean anything to me in games anymore.

DiawanVoid - 19.09.2023 04:23

Half-Life games unintentionally made one of the most fun movement through b-hopping, item jumping, and backwards bhops.

Minecraft - 18.09.2023 13:52


838190 - 17.09.2023 06:29

Genuinely curious, Why didn't you use any minecraft clips? what do you think about Minecraft's movement system? Since it's the game I have the most hours in, it's like my base movement system I compare all else to.

Whooshmeifgay - 12.09.2023 22:59

Insomniac’s Spider-Man’s web slinging was truly incredible. I feel like there were times where I was just swinging around Manhattan instead of playing the game… it’s like following the road rules while driving on gta… except instead of doing it out of boredom or to simply enjoy a bit of peace, it’s just the pure fun and feeling of being Spider-Man.

Heike Steinheim
Heike Steinheim - 12.09.2023 13:11

No but is that also how god designed my life? Make it dangerous, so i wont notice, its boring af?

yannick - 10.09.2023 18:25

i realized i kinda disliked pokemon arceus and zelda botw but could not figure out why until i realized how dreading it felt just going places

Lyon Percival
Lyon Percival - 09.09.2023 04:17

Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-Man are some of the best games that make normal travel more fun than fast travel

Enby Fabulosity
Enby Fabulosity - 07.09.2023 23:07

I hate when games make me button mash to sprint. As someone that gets joint pain rather easily, it seriously hinders me. coughGTAVcough

iamemil - 06.09.2023 22:18

In short: Make it more complicated.

smile4 - 06.09.2023 09:53

Man made a 17 minute video on video game movement and didn't talk about CSGO once.

levithedestroyer - 05.09.2023 04:46

and fallout new vegas which has none

dont beat me up i love nv i have over 300 hours in it

Mary - 01.09.2023 05:12

Wildstar had the best mount movement and animations that I've ever seen in a game.

Hambre - 30.08.2023 19:17

A game that handles this well is the long dark. Its a survival game and most structures are few and far between especially in the harder areas, so theres a lot of walking involved. The main threats of the game are the cold and wolves, so while walking youre constantly watching your cold meter tick down until you freeze, trying to guess what weather is coming soon and mistaking rocks for wolves or bears. Theres also an interesting system, where your clothes can limit your movement, so if you have a really warm thick pair of trousers on then youll be slower than normal, and the amount youre carrying in your backpack also changes the way you approch getting to a destination bc it can make you slower and at a higher risk of spraining an ankle. The ambient sound of your footsteps also changes with what you have in your pack, example if you have a large amount of water then you can hear a sloshing sound. All this with the tension from the uncertainty that youll live if a random blizzard starts or if you hear a wolfs howl and begin to plan what youll do to survive, all creates a perfect atmosphere in a game with a whole load of walking, i really reccomed the game btw.

DragonMeido - 26.08.2023 13:51

my favorite walking sequence will always be
2b walking towards the shopping mall

Konoha Nation
Konoha Nation - 15.08.2023 17:50

Hey what was the pixel game at the start of "the use of tension" section? It looks fire

joule400 - 31.07.2023 02:53

i always enjoyed morrowinds take on flying

its walking, with S T Y L E

Dan N
Dan N - 27.07.2023 10:57

:PPPPPP walking in games is boring as hell. thank god for fast travel.

A Friendly Fox
A Friendly Fox - 22.07.2023 21:03

How to make a boring video seem interesting

SoundRogue - 21.07.2023 23:46

What you mention in this video is me down to a tea; the reason why I play platformers and games with fun movement because I don't like boring movement, I even play on a speed up emulator when playing Pokemon games.

leegofilms - 20.07.2023 15:58

Good video! I think you touch on it toward the end, but positive forms of tension are useful too. Mystery, intrigue, something to pull you forward. Even on replays, good architecture concepts help make this feeling repeatable.

Hawk of the Reborn
Hawk of the Reborn - 18.07.2023 15:56

Walking is fun.

How about make a game where it "forces" you to walk in a very indirect way through "hidden"(as in it is never mentioned in the game, the player has to just figure it out on their own) mechanics that are tied to the character itself. Make the player have to "roleplay" the character properly to get some kind of in-game bonus that isn't video-gamey.

Can you jog forever? No. You'll get tired and winded, and will HAVE to walk again. (Pro tip, walking to catch your breath is way better to slow your heart rate down to normal compared to just stopping to a standstill.) Death Stranding is the only game I've ever seen so far that rewards normal walking pace and "punishes" always running/jogging

BiggieBinks - 18.07.2023 08:14

Super Mario 64 is always fun to just run around in. Because theres always different ways to get accross different areas and mario runs so fast that it feels really fun. I could run around bob om battlefield for ages

naattxx naattxx
naattxx naattxx - 17.07.2023 16:39

"Alien: isolation" kinda felt like a high tension walk simulator for me

doo oouge
doo oouge - 16.07.2023 03:34

The real magic was making a long video about walking NOT boring 👏

Munchkin of Pern
Munchkin of Pern - 15.07.2023 20:50

I really love the movement in GW2’s Mount system. Unmounted movement is very simplistic and can get very boring if you aren’t exploring, but especially in mainline PoF (the second expansion, which introduced the mounts), each mount has its own style of movement and its own tools for navigating 3D space, and you can fluidly switch between them at the drop of a hat. The introduction of the Skyscale undermines that a little bit, but it also requires you to either invest a lot of time, effort, and resources to acquire, or it will require you to buy a separate expansion once SotO comes out. And I’m fully expecting SotO to change the experience with the Skyscale and shake up how it affects movement.

Kayleigh Boelts
Kayleigh Boelts - 13.07.2023 21:18

I gotta say, conversations while walking is one of my least favorite things. I would rather have a cutscene and then dash to the next point

Teth - 11.07.2023 09:00

I have spent the majority of my time in Skyrim walking, and I have no regrets.

Grimsikk - 04.07.2023 04:22

recently became obsessed with the Little Nightmares franchise, and those games are a masterclass of keeping slow movement engaging.

Peter the average🇺🇦
Peter the average🇺🇦 - 26.06.2023 15:04

The best example of this is just cause 3 and 4

CheezeeButter - 24.06.2023 19:24

Papers Please just left the chat

Water Zerks
Water Zerks - 24.06.2023 01:55

I was thinking of making a game where if you don't do a certain mission within a certain time after getting the mission the world would change drastically because they weren't there to stop it from changing the way it did. Maybe have a really nice cutscene sequence to pull the whole thing together.

EBS_Games 643
EBS_Games 643 - 03.06.2023 08:21

Every time I see your username I instantly go
Ra ra razbuten

Dinen - 29.05.2023 01:56

Death Stranding be like:

imnotyourfriendbuddy - 22.05.2023 07:31

These are the reasons why I stopped buying games, BORING. Even if I like the game a single playthrough aint worth the cost. if you are a developer stop with the slow walk must hold up unskippable cutscene. it doesn't pull players in it is boring and has the opposite effect. skippable cutscene or loading screens are not irratating like the slow walk. It's bad even if the writing is good. We aren't reading philosophy, we don't need time for reflection. Also stop with the one way climbing. Have more gameplay, don't stretch out a little. gamers don't care about how the character is moving its right leg. How about don't have really long travel scenes at all. Don't make the world too big for the gameplay. People still play tetris because it's fun.
