The wisdom of the shaman don Juan. Quotes and aphorisms from the work of Carlos Castaneda

The wisdom of the shaman don Juan. Quotes and aphorisms from the work of Carlos Castaneda

Quotes of the Great

2 года назад

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Peter Nelson
Peter Nelson - 03.10.2023 02:37

I couldn't wait for the next Castaneda book to come out at the time. I was reading Seth and Castaneda and the world shifted... or I did.

Nick Turner
Nick Turner - 18.09.2023 03:19

Some of the quotes sound like The Sphinx from Mystery Men.

Pan_be V_nice
Pan_be V_nice - 17.09.2023 21:32

ridiculous quites... who the fack listens to that shit??????????/

Pan_be V_nice
Pan_be V_nice - 17.09.2023 21:31

Is the dude in the picture the honest Don Juan who devoted his life to seducing women??
why 'Don Juan' is a warrior? In which war did he participate???

Alaina August
Alaina August - 10.09.2023 19:43

“If you don’t have a woman . . . .” are indeed words of a sha-man. Women are not objects to be had. Carlos had 4 or 5 such objects simultaneously. After he died, they disappeared—some believe a case of mass suicide. Objects don’t value their freedom. He got that part right. * “Things don’t change, just how you look at them”—Epictetus said it first 2000+ years ago. So, too, quotes Castenada puts into the mouth of an old Indian are repetitions and approximations of words from many, many sources from the Greeks to Romans like Marcus Aurelius. Interesting novels from a lying, pathetic grown up abused child.

Hard Core
Hard Core - 03.09.2023 14:51

i read a lot of books and nothing attack our selfimportant ego so as Carlos books sience of yoga from patanjali sutras of joga is real answer after Carlos and explai some things like teleportat ion in Carlos books where he said that it comes from internal silence in yoga tell that yogi operate with force which made world dont go appart itd.

Hard Core
Hard Core - 03.09.2023 14:42

from first to last book he talk about important to stop internal dialog which is anyway not ours

Hard Core
Hard Core - 03.09.2023 14:39

Something push us to made picture of the world but nothing push us to take it seriusly

Spiriteye - 21.05.2023 18:00

Never trust the words of anyone no matter how famous if they use other than natural Meditation ( like chemicals ,plants , mushrooms etc) 👿😫😩😵
Meditation overcomes the ego mind 100% if use chemicals and still have the ego process , the false perceptions from the chemicals get mixed with the false perceptions from the ego .
And your basically INSANE and will never get free in this lifetime , maybe the next reincarnation . Mother nature will remove you like a bad disease in her universal pure body of Eternal Energy Spirit.❤

Shogun - 27.04.2023 23:57

mehh another godless so called wise man... ego, ego,ego....

Yitbarek Mekonnen
Yitbarek Mekonnen - 24.03.2023 15:34

this monstrous corpus has many wits; it knows how to win rats(women)

rafremafetei - 10.03.2023 08:22

"If you don't have a woman for a long time..."

As far as I know Castaneda nor Dom Juan never said anything alike.

Johnny's Mac
Johnny's Mac - 28.02.2023 10:06

Cuz u chump

Sycamore Knox
Sycamore Knox - 27.02.2023 16:56

Carlos and the Witches comes to mind.

tennis video tips
tennis video tips - 18.02.2023 09:22

I read all Castaneda books. And I'm Mexican and lived and loved this books. I believe this was life before the return of the lord Jesus Christ. And I believe God the Father eagle power the fire with in made himself human as he is God and he is a Spirit he made himself human because perhaps not for the native American Indian and Mexican indian who were good. But Satan has long arms and invaded every culture. Don Juan talks about a monster and inorganic beings.
Today all we need to be perfect I sto believe in Jesus Christ God resurrected king. But I keep the warrior teaching s in my heart. But John 3:16 now that is in my heart mind soul foreger...

We r nothing we r weak we ain't shamans Jesus is our hope and our God and 💕

TagoMago - 06.02.2023 22:36

I always remembered; "A warrior knows nothing"

Dennis St.Pierre
Dennis St.Pierre - 20.12.2022 15:55

Still have all Casteneda’s books . Pick them up from time to time .Always a good read.

David Brown
David Brown - 24.11.2022 21:57

“Your problem is that you think you have time.”

The Cosmos, the Tao, Great Nature, the Dharma … whatever … all express by creating-sustaining-annihilating. Lather-Rinse-Repeat.

There are three paths within us through which the current of the Life Force flows. Upwards toward the Divine; downwards toward the Material; and outwards toward other beings.

In this small sense … you ARE at the center. And so is everything and everyone else.

Time. While we have it … we must become not just ‘alive’ but’enlivened’ to find and fulfill our destiny … our bestowed mission in this world.

We get one chance … one shot. It’s a pity to miss the X-Ring.

Mr. Shark Tooth
Mr. Shark Tooth - 21.09.2022 23:40

You do all realize that Carlos Castaneda was a master bullsh*tter, right?

Bewusst Sein
Bewusst Sein - 16.08.2022 08:22

Don juan is the real deal.. nietzcshe,buddha and emannuel are also a real gem.. i am amazed these beings existed.. wow..

Lance Cash
Lance Cash - 13.08.2022 06:47


Thoughts N2 Things
Thoughts N2 Things - 05.07.2022 19:14

"Your problem is that you think you have time"

Kevin Porter
Kevin Porter - 24.04.2022 18:46

Great Wisdom

Mr. Magikbox
Mr. Magikbox - 15.04.2022 10:07

Quotes are Don Juan’s. Not Carlos’s.

George Black
George Black - 17.02.2022 09:36

If you don't have a woman for a long time this means you're a beta loser with no game lol

jay jones
jay jones - 10.02.2022 12:06

Why does his first philosophy contradict his third

sweetbabyray1000 - 23.01.2022 16:49

What book is that "Woman", "Appreciating Freedom" quote from?

Rahil - 20.01.2022 11:20

Interesting thoughts. I'll add this: We often long for the opposite of what we have. When we are single we long for a companion and when we have company we dream of solitude. But I have heard with the right person and with the correct attitude time seems to go by very quickly, and you hardly feel you have had enough together. Either way, there is likely a season for all things in life.

Exoverse Interdimensional
Exoverse Interdimensional - 20.01.2022 08:31

Thanks for an outstanding upload and compiling all this

Cristopher Giorgi
Cristopher Giorgi - 19.01.2022 19:23

Listen to everyone drives you insane.
Cit. Someone maybe...

Hugo Cachua
Hugo Cachua - 18.01.2022 18:01

Read the book

Andy Appleton
Andy Appleton - 16.01.2022 02:01

"Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives being offended by someone." I'm starting to understand the mentality of the SJW.

V1Ncento - 15.01.2022 17:52

Your computer voice makes this video miserable. Can't you just read the text expressively, like you are a person with actual organic vocal chords?

Daniel - 15.01.2022 17:28

"Your problem is that you think you have time"


PettyInterests - 15.01.2022 16:25

Was Carlos trying to start his own cult or did he succeed?

Vens6 kens
Vens6 kens - 15.01.2022 14:36

my god these quotes are really another level.. Im started wondering who is Carlos Castenida.. and the image so profound that he looks really has attained something...

Janis Blums
Janis Blums - 14.01.2022 19:28

This quote seems off about the women,the more longer im without them the more free i feel…

Sephiiiii - 14.01.2022 16:16

euh.. ppl do your research carlos castaneda is a hoax, he made it all up..

Paul Johnston
Paul Johnston - 14.01.2022 12:17

Now imagine a dark entity is sayin 75%

Snardlefarb - 14.01.2022 05:21

Nothing like a robot to rouse the inner hippy.
CC is a fungi.

Trumpfan - 14.01.2022 02:30

No woman = no problems.

DeadmaN 2112
DeadmaN 2112 - 14.01.2022 00:52

And people believe this bullshit?

Psyanide - 13.01.2022 21:10

"If you don't have a woman for a long time, this always leads to the fact that you stop appreciating your freedom." Incorrect, if you don't have a woman for a long time it's most likely because you've seen ''beyond the veil'' that society puts up. People go against the grain CONSTANTLY, chasing this preconceived notion set by society that one is a half that needs another to be complete when you are already a whole, you're just insecure and unsure of yourself and have become lost in society's engrained concept of getting your self-worth externally rather than internally, that if you don't have a partner you are somehow lesser than someone who requires the affection and admiration of another person to feel confident and secure, therefor you are more free than the person bound by, essentially, a kind of social credit/status.

roger Sun
roger Sun - 13.01.2022 10:50

Don Juan wasn't real. The books were fiction.

john d
john d - 13.01.2022 00:25

Confucious say "Man who go to sleep with woman problem wake up with solution in hand" !
