How Landlords Ruined Everything

How Landlords Ruined Everything

Tom Nicholas

1 год назад

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MJ - 08.11.2023 04:21

the place i currently live is an old motel for the nearby train station. the laundry/ maintenance room is as big as (if not bigger than) my apartment and im only paying maybe $175 less than when i started renting a whole house 2yrs prior. i live in a smqll town so when i was looking then, every apartment was around $500. when i had to look again this year, every single place had doubled.

TechyBen - 24.10.2023 16:39

It could have been done with a little L shape or similar. An "alcove" or whatever. It's stupid like that.

stefanopatriarcajr - 23.10.2023 20:31

Poor Britain. 500 years of stealing half the worlds wealth has caught up to you.

Zenben - 22.10.2023 20:19

Bad/good landlords and bad/good tenants exist, not that profound. Good/bad information resources also exist. Bad landlords and tenants incentivise each other.

Also shelter contribute to an increase in tenants getting hit with CCJ's and no longer being a viable tenant prospect for at least 5 years because they fail to inform people of the fine print when you refuse to pay rent and get hit with a section 8.

stefanopatriarcajr - 12.10.2023 19:29

Don't blame landlord blame the politicians.

My Coding Channel
My Coding Channel - 04.10.2023 08:57

Lol all the parasites or parasite defenders (temporary embarrassed landlords) are out here only with ad hominems against Tom

Captain Mystic
Captain Mystic - 04.10.2023 06:43

I think one of the biggest things that people end up missing is that a landlord buys a house for the land. While a tenant buys a house for the home.
If a landlord could make more money extracting gold from the property they would have done so already and forgone the house entirely.

Arghans - 03.10.2023 14:35

In fairness Plymouth is full of properties like that and many are sat, empty on the market for dead cheap prices. Unlike London the sub division of property hasn’t been because of lack of supply but because wages are so poor, we have to share to get the rent down. Even if you can rent an entire property you have to find band B as C and above can just be out of reach as council tax is insane in the South-West.

Arghans - 03.10.2023 14:30

My one bed flat has the room. It forms the window for the bathroom. 😂

IHateSweetgumTrees - 02.10.2023 20:16

I live in a popular tourist and university town. Housing here is beyond ridiculous. All of the individual landlords realized they could make more money posting their cute garage apartments, townhouses, and lofts on airbnb and vrbo. Massive property management companies from the nearby big cities have swooped in and erected these massive, ugly, expensive “luxury” student housing blocks. The literal only options for people looking to rent are expensive, soulless, tiny apartments where you have 300 neighbors or these massive 4 bedroom 2 bathroom ranch style houses that are like 2 miles from campus. These get left out by the short term-rental landlords because they’re normally 80s suburb type ugly and are miles away from the historic touristy parts of town/ the university campus. You’d think that these houses would be perfect for college students, but my city has a VERY strict “u plus 2” rule, which states that no more than 3 non-directly-related adults can live at the same address, which makes the 4 bedroom houses useless to students, who can’t generally afford to pay the rent for an unused bedroom. The penalty for breaking this rule is a fine of 1000 USD imposed on EACH resident EVERY day until the people who aren’t on the lease move out. After 10 days, everyone gets evicted. This rule has caused even more big property developers to erect massive managed “communities” right outside city limits with 4 and 5 br houses and apartments. The issue here is that my town is in the mountains and the natural environment is incredibly fragile. These developers flatten and destroy hundreds of acres of Montane grassland at a time. My town has very little public transit so busses don’t go to these communities, so residents have to drive into town to work or go to school. My town has decent bike infrastructure and everyone rides a bike at least sometimes, but the infrastructure isn’t maintained in the winter, which is about half the year. Students have to drive and pay for $1000/ semester parking passes and the traffic in my tranquil mid-sized mountain city is insane.

techmouse1101 - 18.09.2023 16:18

You will never see fairness or equality in the housing market until private property is abolished.

techmouse1101 - 18.09.2023 16:17

I just moved earlier this year, and a few months ago we actually got our deposit back. It was only a couple hundred dollars, but this was the first time this had ever happened to me.

The world really is changing.

Terramancer - 11.09.2023 03:50

How dare you post this anti landchad propaganda. You filthy rentoids will never be happy despite what we land chads do for you.

darth static
darth static - 03.09.2023 10:48

Avarege redditior

TheMrVengeance - 02.09.2023 12:55

Hm, while weird and awkward, I'm not sure I'd mind "the room". Seems like it'd be fine as a bedroom, only really spend much time in there when it's dark anyway. But then again, I'm also unsure why people want "big bedrooms". After fitting in a bed, nightstands and perhaps a wardrobe, any more space seems wasted for a room where 90% of the time you'll be with your eyes closed unconcious. I'd prefer to have that space for my other rooms where I actually hang out and spend time.
("The room" also doesn't seem all that dark. Paint that wall white or even hang a mirror near there and I think that one awkward window lights the room up pretty decent.) 🤔

Alexander L.
Alexander L. - 28.08.2023 06:24

mao was right

Greenie - 24.08.2023 11:15

This entitled white boy is spewing socialist propaganda.
The governments strict zoning laws have lead to a housing shortage, not landlords.

Robitaille Copeland
Robitaille Copeland - 19.08.2023 11:42

the unhinged liberal betas on resetera that agree with you crack me up lmao

Troy Walker The Progressive Anarcho Communist
Troy Walker The Progressive Anarcho Communist - 11.08.2023 05:07

Dox yourself 😅
