jules daly || underneath the tree

jules daly || underneath the tree


55 лет назад

543 Просмотров

***Please watch in 1080pHD with headphones for better viewing purposes***
"I want to know why I brought these kids here if it wasn't to give them a Merry Christmas."
Merry Christmas everyone & happy holidays to those who celebrate something else! Here's a small edit I did for my favorite Christmas movie.
Please don’t dislike this video because you don’t like the ship or the character(s). Everybody is free to ship whoever they want with whoever they like. I respect you, your ship and your works so, I expect the same from you – from a vidder to another.
Coloring : maryxstuart
Program : FCPX
Movie: A Princess for Christmas
Twitter : @heartofjmo
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/xxfallendreamsxx/

#fanvidfeed #aprincessforchristmas #katiemcgrath
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