Not Real, But Feels Real: Demystifying Psychosis & Delusions

Not Real, But Feels Real: Demystifying Psychosis & Delusions

Dr. Tracey Marks

6 лет назад

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@streetcone303 - 30.11.2023 09:24

The background music makes it difficult to focus on what you are saying.

@paddysyron - 28.11.2023 03:12

Its a term originally used to describe Irishmen. Then ye realized how to make money out of it

@TanDaGodDiva - 16.11.2023 06:49

Thank you so much for sharing last month i was diagnosed with brief psychosis im being strong but the battle get hard sometimes

@Magickacademy - 15.11.2023 17:40

Does psychosis accompany detachment? If so, how often?

@VaoDxArchAngel - 15.11.2023 02:12

When you say that "someone can't be talked down from their delusions and their psychotic symptoms" I beg to differ, but it might be because my friend wasn't psychotic? I remember he told me that our friend group and I told him he was being delusional which he clearly was and he realized later and said it was because of us talking him down. Maybe it was because he was psychotic, but it passed? He hasn't been delusional since. Got any input on this?

@owena7434 - 12.11.2023 03:42

When did that music start playing 😳

@moi26praise47 - 05.11.2023 19:22

Thank you!

@Sprakogkreativitet04 - 05.11.2023 01:54

I saw a husky go into the bonfire even though it didn't really happen but it was bery distressing to see it's dead body spinning round in the smoke

@pinaronta - 30.10.2023 12:40

Why is the background music so high

@WhoIsModernDoll - 26.10.2023 02:06

I want to stay on abilify. It works great as an antipsychotic. No more mind reading or voices. However, restlessness and anxiety is unbearable when present. Wondering if I have PTSD or if it's just a side effect of the Abilify I'm experiencing. Are there any medication additives to Abilify that can make the anxiety go for good?

@shaunghishing9965 - 17.10.2023 19:35

I've been through that. It all started after cutting alcohol and detoxing at home, couldn't sleep for 4 day straight and one night it began exactly at 12am with 3-4 girls singing and same music tune continuously on left side of ear. I looked outside my house and saw people walking there were many people standing so i called my cousin too but when we came out again there were nobody. After sometime it got worst those singing girls opened a portal at my home with thousand of man and woman i can hear them call me by name, threatening me and my family. They knew everything what you think and what you love everything because they were all connected mentally. They threatened me first, made me feel guilty, ashamed me and called me every words that hurt your feelings. I was ready to die either by stabbing or by hanging at that moment but i realised there were good ones too who motivated me not to and begged not to kill myself. The bad ones already knew that i love my family more than me so yah they started hurting my family i can't even share that info it crushes my heart to even think or go there. It lasted for 24 hours i guess im not sure coz time doesn't not apply in that world it's a permanent thing. All my family's were frightened at that time, next day i told my bro to get some sleeping pills i had 2 of em at once and began to ease slowly. Such experience I won't even let my enemies have it, it was pure evil brutal, dirty at its peak every bad stuff you name it. It's been almost now I've been sober but the nightmare is still and i can't openly share it with anyone I'm thinkng to visit psychiatrist. Learnt many lesson, motivated me to move forward, i started to believe in gods more since then. In hindi Alcohol you call it Sharap "curse" thats what that thing is

@bobby8097 - 16.10.2023 07:00

What I hate about this is that I have so many symptoms of schizophrenia but I have autism and I can’t tell if it’s because of my autism that I have these symptoms

@MokshDealer - 15.10.2023 20:50

Whats not there but it is there ,is called Shi Va umm thats our God Shiva 🙏🏽 from our Sanatani perspective point of view and shiva is the God of destruction to all evils that exists 🙏🏽

Its not like we donot respect other peoples religion we do respect 🙏🏽

Talking about psychosis ... it vary's upon person to person and their intensity to keep a balanced life as well,some likes to live alone there is nothing wrong with it... as we love eating a different dish but the nature of the dush was is ans will be the same .... so if some are not born ready to cry thats ok too... coz life long its not but a adventure that will make u cry,happy,sad,Mad,and ❤

There is no Love portion nor any one can create it ... the catch is : we humans needs to love and respect each others and appriciate the god,it dosent matter which god it is .. thats all 🙏🏽 Respect Humanity❤Lets not take this beautiful life as granted

@brianlarson1952 - 14.10.2023 04:51

Really good information thanks

@babyscarr3 - 12.10.2023 17:08

I been dealing 😢 with ts 🤬 since I was a child I just passed away 2 years ago from my brain 🧠 tumor surgery but my brain 🧠 tumor doctor and Allah brought me back to life and dignose with PTSD and bipolar schizophrenia and phychosis 🥴but I'm blessed to see 25 this year I stamp ✅ dat 💰👨🏿‍🦯⚰️⚰️🥀⏳💯

@LonsHouse-sf4vd - 12.10.2023 08:26

That feces one hits differently

@merisibunker9719 - 09.10.2023 03:37

I had a doctor accidentaly put me on 25mg of Aderal XR for months instead of 5mg. This lead me to not sleep which brought me into psychosis. 😢
I had it for a year. Hospital visits were the new normal. I had dilutions about my Mom. Thinking she was verbally abusive. That's my story. I'm back to normal now and have done a full three hundred sixty degree turn, and I'm one hundred percent better. But I'm still not the same. I never will be the same again.

@loeandbehold4808 - 04.10.2023 17:40

Ive had 3 or 4 psychotic episodes in my life as a result of psychotic depression, and ive been fortunate in that i was grounded enough in relality most times that i didnt lose myself in it. Thankfully because of this and the amount of episodes i had, i was able to be more aware of what my psychosis looks like and when im experiencing it. I experienced hallucinations and delusions, but the most dangerous part was derealization. The only thing that helps with suicidal thoughts to me is knowing what itd do to my family, and if i believe nothing is real, then i lose that.

@ShaneMullis - 01.10.2023 05:58

For some odd reason marijuana really helps my schizophrenia I used to smoke and do drugs all through my teens but I find just occasional weed in conjunction with exercise and risperdal I’ve found the only psychotic symptoms I still have is visual and tactile hallucinations and a total flat affect but other than that I find regular weed consumption really reduces antipsychotics side effects but another thing to note is that nicotine actually induced acute psychotic symptoms if it is ingested with thc so to all my fellow schizophrenics and people with bi polar or ptsd if you use marijuana keep it to just weed and occasional use and it really won’t effect current proteome or acute phases

@punkmom08 - 27.09.2023 01:14

and yes I have had the bug crawling sensation especially at night trying to sleep. Do you think it could be when i try to come off of my medication?

@punkmom08 - 27.09.2023 01:11

what if you are manic depressive with generalized anxiety disorder and you start to get paranoid thoughts? Not voices or hallucinations. I recently saw news reports on Antisemetic activity going on in my Home state. I have also had ideas of drug cartel activity where i work.

@reliableinc.8474 - 24.09.2023 07:19

Thank you!

@thebringerofsalt551 - 23.09.2023 08:28

I had a manic psychotic episode years ago and was experiencing delusions of both the persecutory and religious varieties. I didn't get any help and told no one (although people noticed that I was acting weird and I did get in a little trouble at school), and after about a month it just went away on its own. Since then, nothing. It's been 7 years. I seriously doubt I'll ever have another episode again. Just wanted to say that in response to your last point about how people can't just be talked down from their delusions and that medication is necessary. Everyone is different of course but in my case, it really just went away on its own without any medication or treatment of any kind.

@user-bn7hf7ku9u - 21.09.2023 04:21

I wonder what if your having trouble focusing thinking un controlled movements talking fast your mind races u feel scared all the time my son died in july

@nicolasdiazvelazquez9403 - 17.09.2023 09:01

I lived with my aunt for about 3 to 4 years after His third squizofrenic attack. Those were Rought years, i was 11 when His episode started, she believed that she was pregnant of the son of god. After she started to take pills, she got into a strong depresión and had maniac episodes, like randomly wanting to go buy cigarattes at 4 am. Shit was hard haha , if Someone has the chance to seek profesional help for him or a family member it should do it. Bad grammar sry

@francy7385 - 17.09.2023 01:41

Hallo, what Is residual schizophrenia?

@NKRAIEM - 14.09.2023 18:08

Your wonderful. Thank you!

@zainibrahim4707 - 12.09.2023 23:38

Dr Tracey, I had a dream of becoming a secret agent for MI6 like James Bond because I fell in love with the character since I was a boy and I feel the secret service of my country is watching everything I do. I take antipsychotics till now and numerous people in Syria dejected what I told them, but I feel everything is happening to me is arranged and part of a mischievous plan. Is this psychosis or schizophrenia. I don't see or hear things, but this idea is always present, that everywhere I go and everything I do is watched by the secret service

@prohabetamu - 11.09.2023 11:35

Why educated black ppl like u quite about black on black crime.

@SurfingTheMentawais - 07.09.2023 08:32

I talked myself out of my psychotic symptoms. I experienced a persecutory delusion for 7 months. The 2 key factors that enabled me to self-abort were 1. Having family and friends tell me they were with me no matter what, and 2. Having a family member go through some of my fixed delusions with me and ASK me why this would happen (rather than TELLING me I needed a doctor). This logical, non-judgemental approach led me to reconsidered what was happening and eventually stumble upon a medical condition called 'auditory hallucination'. This was a 'eureka moment', and from then on the psychosis ended.

@survivingpeacekitten9966 - 07.09.2023 00:56

Turns out I am extremely allergic to epinephrine and norepinephrine. I was diagnosed with ADHD last year and they started me on Adderall. I ended up suicidal and hospitalized 4 times before a psychiatrist (the 4th one I saw) figured out what was wrong with me. Experiencing a psychotic episode is horrendous and horrid for me and my whole family. They put me on Lamotrigine which CAUSED me to have auditory and visual hallucinations. They stopped when I stopped that medication. It is scary to see and hear things that aren't there!

@xy-qy2yg - 04.09.2023 21:32

I had auditory hallucinations from steroids. They put me on a benzo and ruined my life.

@darcichambers6184 - 04.09.2023 02:56

My psychosis was sever enough in my deepest depression that at first I was wrongly diagnosed with schizophrenia. That got corrected to bi-ploar with psychosis (now bi-ploar 1 with phycosis). Mine are auditory hallucinations. I've had my diagnosis for 28 years and suspect I've been living with it for at least 32 years. The voices are loudest during a depression and during my teens. Now, they don't constantly hound me. And my main way of keeping them away is to keep my mind busy. If I'm actively doing something, visually engaged, or auditorily engaged I can keep the voices away. I'm good at avoiding silence without at least a book to read. This is just my way of coping, it mostly works. For when it doesn't.... well I'm retired now and my husband knows about my medical issues. He lets me know if I start acting oddly. He works from home.

@GloriaW888 - 30.08.2023 16:51

Hard to hear with the loud music in the background.

@otto6833 - 28.08.2023 16:39

I wanted to learn what the term meant. Sadly on your video, you a picture of trump in a negative way. Sad political divide a good video no need for this. Again thanks for the video, wont subscribe.

@frankypadilla5579 - 24.08.2023 10:12

One time I got bakers acted. One morning I woke up and in a psychotic state I smelled gasoline in the air. In my mind I believed the whole city was gonna blow up. I ran for my life and tried to evacuate people. It was all in my head.

@Myslexia - 17.08.2023 11:52

Psychosis is the madness of witnessing a Lovecraftian horror. It is every fear becoming real. It is every imaginable sensory input all at once, and being unable to process any of it. There is nothing to do but curl up and endure the onslaught until it passes. It seemingly lasts for an eternity, when in reality only a handful of minutes has passed. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy.

@toni4729 - 13.08.2023 13:53

Sorry, I can't help thinking that a lot of different medications can do this to people.

@toni4729 - 13.08.2023 13:49

You're a cheerful type of person. I'll go to bed tonight and someone is bound to be in the room with me, or a cockroach will walk across my bed. One thing that does happen though, I don't know why it happens at night but my fridge lets out one hell of bang sometimes. It frightens the living hell out of me.

@melvinkelly1604 - 12.08.2023 04:18

Do you talk about yourself? What you need to be talking about all the helpful people at the hospital, people who go there have a 8x10 outside area if they go outside at all. Some people are not going home at all and you let them mind their business which is not your job to do, most people who are mental places are normal people who are stressed out. I’ve been to about 10. I’m a certified peer support specialist and when I go in f something I always wonder where all the mentally I’ll people are.? My mother had severe psychological problems after drinking a whole lot. Night and day drinking. We were affected by that me since age 6. I’m on medicine

@melvinkelly1604 - 12.08.2023 04:08

I didn’t hear me anywhere in there. I don’t think I’m anybody but me. I think you’re confusing asking a person if he could be Jesus. Well that answer would be yes. That doesn’t mean we the has powers. That’s what the legal Christian people think ♊️❤️🌈🇺🇸

@fromseedtomedicine6269 - 09.08.2023 23:56

The best video

@stephaniec8573 - 09.08.2023 23:40

You are extremely smart. Thank you

@joemay2640 - 29.07.2023 01:03

Man would love to have you as my doctor, cycosis PTSD are hell to deal with.
My current doc doesn't realy do mental health,
Such a warm caring doctor ❤

@amattu8347 - 28.07.2023 01:44

I swear when I had my c section years ago, i had an auditory hallucination where i could hear my cousin talking on the phone while I was still in hospital

@user-sp5vb3rr3i - 27.07.2023 16:16

Hi Tracey, I’ve had a couple of episodes that I’ve thought were psychosis but maybe don’t match the criteria you’ve provided. I believed for a while that if I performed some kind of act that went against social norms, I would “break out of a sort of “matrix”” that was holding me back. I ended up cutting myself badly (but not enough to be suicidal), and truly believed it had worked. One time I believed so certainly, but only for a moment, that my (very sweet) dog was about to attack me. That only lasted a moment, but was very scary. Finally, I heard two men speaking behind me and I heard it as if they were speaking directly in my ear and I felt threatened (but not that they were saying anything specifically threatening). Do these instances count as psychosis, or are they something else? I have Bipolar I. Thank you!

@CosbyFan - 25.07.2023 20:06

You’re working for them

@roseofjade8106 - 24.07.2023 21:53

😂 ghost r real lmao lmfao
