Advice For Self Taught Dancers

Advice For Self Taught Dancers

Ti & Me TV

4 года назад

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@AeraYoo - 16.04.2020 17:57

Thank you Miss Auti! I teared up when you told us to give ourselves a pat on the back. It means so much to me to feel like my efforts are going somewhere and I'm sure plenty of people feel this. Here's to you and your inspiration during this inward time of the coronavirus. Hope you and your family are staying safe and well! Love you and appreciate all the wonderful videos you inspire me with and giving me great things to keep working on! To all the self-taught dancers out there, let's get it!! 👟👟💎💖💕

@hello14359 - 29.04.2020 06:56

Hi Auti! Thank you for your dancer corner videos I find them really motivating! (: I hope to pick up contemporary dance this summer but I'm a complete beginner. Do you have any recommendations which of your videos I could start with and then move onto? (: Thank you!

@suzuki5843 - 30.04.2020 20:50

Thankyou so much for this! Teenage self-taught dancer here. My brother constantly makes fun of me, and my friends are all in studios. Thanks for the inspiration!

@janedoex1398 - 09.05.2020 14:40

I do the most basic steps atm and work on muscle development and flexibility. I noticed I forgot to roll out my muscles only today. I just want to be able to have a better posture and get moving and maybe a bit more. Atm working out for 30 to 90 min a day. But I'm 40.

@caleb-wj4nn - 10.06.2020 19:14

you are my person ☺️❤️❤️

@hannahsuzuki3919 - 15.06.2020 05:39

Thankyou so much for this! I gave up dance after my second year so my brother could play hockey. My single mom said we'd eventually have enough money for dance later, but we got a new child, and our money's being directed to him. I know I'll now never be in a studio again, and I left it at that. Now I'm a teenager, and I'm starting to dance again. Your videos help motivate me. I went on a break after hurting my knee and when I started to dance again my family made fun of me. I feel like I can't get help from anyone, so I got in a hole where I just stopped dancing and was really discouraged. Eventually, I started to dance in my room or on our deck outside. I got out all my feelings and emotions out through dancing, and here I am. I dance daily and love it. I know I won't be a professional, or ever dance on a stage for an audience, but now that thought doesn't hurt too much. Dancing is my passion and love. I don't need someone's recognition: I just need myself and dance. So thankyou for helping me through this journey!

@tempest2711 - 16.06.2020 23:37

I am self teaching myself right now and made a dance channel to keep myself motivated, if anyone is interested. It is Critical Points Choreography

@rosealielycan - 20.07.2020 20:08

As a self taught dancer, who has always wanted to be clasically trained, i never felt valid in my dancing, and felt lesser than taught dancers. I want to see if i can teach myself ballet because i dont have the money. Other dancers say i shouldnt cause its dangerous, and i know that, thats why i want to learn

@ndonindyoko1115 - 11.09.2020 23:59

I do ballet but I really really want to to contemporary dancing.

@someclown2309 - 01.11.2020 21:42

My mom told me i would have to pay for my own dance if I wanted to do it, she says I would just quit on the first day :( I don’t have the money, since I’m not old enough to get a job. I don’t have a lot of discipline since I’ve never done anything like this before. I do combat training, and my teacher said dancing could really help with grace. I’m a very tall skinny awkward person, and I hope that this can just build confidence. I’m going to try, and I’ll update this as I go along. I have no idea what to do but I’ll try my hardest. I want to dance because I want to express myself, and I want to help myself to get more fit, and to just be graceful and confident. I really hope I can teach myself and learn to dance :))

@monique3984 - 16.11.2020 01:58

hi miss auti, i have a question - would someone be able to learn to do contemporary moves / jumps when self taught? if so, how? i want to get good at contemporary - do i have to master ballet in order to do this?

@urmom_69 - 17.11.2020 01:10

lol so its quarantine and imma be the next maddie ziegler lets go 🙄

@audreyspace3760 - 17.11.2020 01:19

I almost cried when you said I’m proud of you! Thank you 😭😭😭😭😭

@loveintheair80 - 17.11.2020 07:40

I don't know why how much ever i try to dance it looks like i am not using energy to my dance what should I do

@sophiafia9155 - 25.11.2020 05:36

this was exactly what i needed to hear right now. as a self taught dancer, it’s sometimes really discouraging and confusing and this really helped ❤️ subscribing now 👍

@hannahking8492 - 02.12.2020 01:32

I am a self taught dancer and gynast your channel has helped me so much now I am in professional dance!

@katelynbroadney4900 - 22.12.2020 13:31

I'm 14 and I really have a passion to start dance but because of lack of money and time, I decided to self teach myself to dance and it's been 3 months and I accomplished my splits,turns and some dance terminology this channel has inspired me a lot to continue dance. Love you miss Auti♥️♥️

@UserName-xi8rm - 27.12.2020 03:00

I’ll never be as good as my mother she was the best dancer at her college, and people still talk about her at that college 30 years later ! . My mom lived in a country with a lot of opportunity for a dancer , but there’s no proper training where I live so I’ll have to teach myself meaning I’ll never become the dancer I wanna be :(

@mariposacynthi - 02.01.2021 11:33

ty! I really needed this! It gets very hard sometimes because I feel like I can’t get a skill right or I just feel like I’m not improving but I am going to keep going and hoping one day I can get dance classes💞

@chelsea6523 - 06.01.2021 23:35

"2020 is going to be stellar" that aged well

@thisshiningrose8929 - 21.01.2021 11:33

Personally, dancing comes naturally, I have this leg flexibility, a little back flexibility, But it was not always like that, my flexibility journey was not always easy, I watch a girl called Anna Mcnulty, everyday, two times a day for stretching and I got much better, anyway. I don’t like the idea of “going to a studio” because I do mostly improv dance, and I really enjoy it. I dance because I love to, not because my mom told me to, or because other girls and boys at my school did, I dance because I have a passion for it and I am motivated, If you are not motivated then dance might not be for you, the passion is different for everyone, my sister loves animals, my mom loves to cook, my dad is mean(I don’t live with him) my brothers are good at gaming. Basically, find the thing that lights your soul on fire 🔥 Maybe that is dance or maybe it is something completely the opposite, only time and curiosity will tell. Be the best you can be!

@skyler4667 - 24.01.2021 18:10


@yameli.itzeli - 27.01.2021 22:07

For a long time I wanted for become a dancer since a kid but my family was not wealthy plus my mom never encouraged me to do anything when I was younger. For the past year i've been trying to get flexible, being my healthiest as I can, and trying to stay constant with my work this really gave me inspiration! ❤ Thank you so much!

@angelbackmon2147 - 01.02.2021 02:53

I’m a self taught dancer and it really takes hard work🤗

@urma8720 - 01.02.2021 17:22

I can almost do the splits!!! :)

@marianesquillo9443 - 06.02.2021 19:15

I've always been interested in dancing and people have told me i'm pretty good at it so I asked my mom if i could learn contemporary, she was pretty surprised but she said she'll try to find one, I've done a bit of gymnastics so i know some basic tricks, i kinda knew that there weren't really any dance studios here in my city, then quarantine started, so at june i started learning easy kpop dances though i know i'm not really good at hip hop stuff but i led my mind to believe it's the only thing i can do, i stopped dancing for 3-4 months because i think i weren't improving, i'm chubby, i have huge thighs, and when i see dancers it kinda brings me down because they look so toned and i look like melted ice cream, and i was always told by other people to stick to singing and leave the dancing to other people. It was November 2020 when i started dancing again, my flexibility was horrible, and my jumps were lower than they already were because i never had good jumps, and everything was just a mess, it's currently February and my flexibility is getting better i can do some of my old tricks again, i'm currently striving for better feet, arms, jumps and control specially turns.

Sorry if that was messy HAHAJSJA it's currently 12:14am in my country and i'm trying to type without my parents noticing that i'm awake HAHAHAHAHHA

@asablue4615 - 07.02.2021 11:42

I'm teaching my self cause where I live I don't have access to anything .... I can't even sign up in foreign online classes. Thanks for supporting us

@FortunesFilms - 23.02.2021 03:23

honestly ty! ive gotten really good at contemporary aince the paat month!

@noodles9182 - 28.02.2021 02:06

Thank You!! I really needed this. I want to learn ballet so bad💕💕

@milksquad4160 - 05.03.2021 23:24

I’m in a competitive team for juniors but I’m trying to get better at ballet because I’m acro dancer!

@MegaG2005 - 24.03.2021 10:18

I started dancing in this lockdown and I want to continue even after that

@justwatching4941 - 02.05.2021 08:13

I'm 16 years old and before, I really thought I'm old enough to try and learn dancing but now I will! Hoping. Thanks for this vids btw!

@sweetlilella1983 - 01.06.2021 19:27

Thank you so much for this self love video. I’m a mom in my 30’s and I wish I would have started at a young age. I have three little girls and they are in a dance academy currently. It has been rough getting all three of them to different dance classes on different days. Next season they are going to take turns in dance academy and we will work at home with the others. It’s so costly. They really like your videos :)

@hombadancecrewhdc6578 - 02.06.2021 18:00

First I wanna say thank you so much for the motive video.. I'm one of the dancers that I had to do every thing by myself cuz I'm living in a country doesn't care that much about dancing specially when I was younger then the war came and I had to spend 11 years of my life teaching my self dancing and get to know many styles and fall in love with them and now after 11 years I have my own dance crew and hundreds of dancers working with me after I tried so hard to spread the culture of dancing in my area giving them hope and always teaching my dancers to lean on their self and never be afraid when they have to cuz they can do it and dancing is totally worth it ❤️

@sarrattasworld1697 - 06.06.2021 03:48

I can't really afford dance lessons and I think you for making this video I can only take a dance class once a week at my school and you know other than that I don't have the proper technique

@madeline569 - 09.06.2021 15:13

Just want everyone to know It's never too late to start
No matter if you're 16 or 86, tall or short, full bodied or thin. You can do this

@SometimesIdream333 - 10.12.2021 01:53

You are so wise with such a healing vibe. 💜🙏

@sonia-jb1hv - 13.01.2022 22:40

ok this warmed my heart and gave me so much hope tysm ❤

@abiodunade8242 - 18.01.2022 01:52

How do you deal with feeling like your not improving. I practice so much but I feel like I’m stuck in this beginner phase and I’m never gonna get out of it

@ann1e_ruth - 27.01.2022 06:56

I’m trying to self teach myself dance because of my upcoming school dance team tryout! Your videos most definitely help with my journey:)

@Lavenderr_69 - 26.04.2022 12:54

I am a self taught dancer. My family is not wealthy at all. My parents think only study can make you successful. But I know I can dance . I wake up at 4.00 AM for dance practice when my family is in a sleep. I don't have any seperate room . When I get chance I start to dance . I really enjoy it. After watching your video I gain much confidence. Thanks a lot

@study-tube1 - 12.11.2022 17:57

I always wanted to dance but couldn't really learn because my parents don't wanted me to learn dance! Then I saw kpop it was like my inner child was screaming to learn dance no matter what ‼️
I don't wanna be professional dancer . I just wanna dance like idols because I love it 🤎
It's not my career but my hobby ✨🦋🤎

@woodspriteful - 16.12.2022 06:25

Self-motivation is my biggest challenge. Frequent relocations, constant change in life routines, plus being a mom and frequently getting sick or getting injured causes regular interruptions to my movement practice, but I've noticed that when I pick it back up again, I'm stronger than the last time I picked it up, even if I've been set back. Almost 40, I move for my own health and personal pleasure, not to become a professional, but I want to get stronger and more skilled as I age. Having a home in my ever-more-liberated and spirited body for as long as I'm able to is my goal. I really appreciate Miss Auti 💓

@scouttheboston3005 - 09.04.2023 07:22

Thanks so much for this video! I’m a self taught ballerina and thanks to you, I’m actually making progress!!

@user-hd4zd7ou6n - 17.04.2023 03:01

I'm 14 years old and very interested in the performing arts, especially dance. My parents can't afford lessons and so I'm teaching myself a lot. However, I really want to get lessons someday, so I'm saving up while I teach myself. Thank you so much for this encouragement!
