Ableism is The Bane of My Motherfuckin' Existence

Ableism is The Bane of My Motherfuckin' Existence

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@phoenixthornton1421 - 15.09.2018 17:52

As a disabled person I think society has a long way to come until we are properly included into society I’m from a town in the uk and not a lot of buildings are accessible this is against the equality act but no one seems to care I can’t access a specific night club and banks and other buildings it’s time to make a change people and be more Inclusive of minority groups

@tristanarnaizcobiella8715 - 01.04.2020 22:34

I really admire this people, even their disabilities the fight every day to have the best life they can, and we should help them because we are equal and they deserve it because they are heroes, there is people that don’t respect them, as a cousin who has a very similar problem got bullied at school and he had to leave the school and the teachers didn’t tried to help him, they can do a lot of stuff and we should encourage them and help the if they need it because they deserve it.

@madcripple1747 - 12.04.2020 01:59

I identify with so much of what was said in this video. As it was becoming apparent Im disabled in childhood, EVERYTHING became about forcing me to 'be normal'. I should have most likely been in a neck brace at the very least by the time i was 11, and I shouldnt have been pushed to do physical activities that hurt me. I will be 40 soon and just now got an electric mobility aid. Ive needed one for at least a decade if not more. My body is likely more damaged than it needs to be because I was forced to mask so much of my disabilities. my new wheel chair is freeing!! I havent had this freedom of movement since I was in my teen years!! I actually went to an art museam before this covid19 lock down happened - and I was able to actually go around and see the art instead of being blinded by the pain of standing up and the increased cognitive difficulties that come with exertion for me

@thedeccc3252 - 04.09.2020 09:33

ableism doesn't exist stop making up words

@eeeooo4908 - 01.09.2021 18:14

This is so great. Yall are beautiful. I wish people would grow a brain and listen to what yall are saying and perpetuate positive shit instead of the harmful rhetoric they normally spout

@speakingfingersnetwork - 02.09.2021 11:13

Credit: Reading prompt from Team CREA-DSRO

@Kcoolin - 03.04.2022 23:06

RIP Stacey Milbern

@jesuswillraptureusinoctobe669 - 19.05.2022 17:58

hello, I believe the doctors were right to straighten Stacey's head. A head weighs about 10 pounds, which if left to one side will cause that side to be overworked. We have to be Careful to Not Call everyone a bigot, or that will make us one.

@bassdvant - 19.05.2022 22:08

I would be open to hearing this a lot more if it wasn't for the bad language.

@annetheriault9127 - 11.11.2022 10:07

Why use a vulgarity in your title?

@SeanLawlorNelson - 13.09.2023 21:49

I so relate and agree with both of these apt teachers as a legally and medically disabled American citizen.

@SeanLawlorNelson - 14.09.2023 19:34

A valuable and articulate voice here.

@cameroniizuka - 23.02.2024 06:17

i think it's kind of ridiculous though for barnard to post videos like this and pretend they care about the lives of disabled people while also actively silencing palestinian artists and activists trying to bring awareness to the mass disabling event that is a genocide...
