TiE SoCal Angel Fund | Ramesh Patel | ChatGPT event

TiE SoCal Angel Fund | Ramesh Patel | ChatGPT event

TiE SoCal

1 год назад

7 Просмотров

Checkout our recent event, "Why OpenAI's new ChatGPT will change the future of every industry"! Our panel of experts discussed the innovative capabilities of Chatbot technology and its potential to transform the way we work and communicate.

With over 160 attendees, it was one of our most successful events yet! We've put together a video of the highlights and insights shared by our panelists, which you can watch now.

We're excited to share this video with you and showcase the amazing discussions that took place. Our attendees really delved into the possibilities of ChatGPT and how it can change the game for businesses and startups.
We're also pleased to announce our next event, the TiE SoCal Angel Investor Summit 2023, taking place on April 6th, 2023, in Sheraton, Cerritos, CA 90703. This event is a must-attend for entrepreneurs and investors looking to connect and learn about the latest trends and opportunities in the startup world.

Don't miss out on this exciting event! Be sure to check our website for more information and to register. And, as always, don't forget to use the following hashtags: #openai #chatgpt #chatgpt3
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