Air Layering Plant Propagation Pods - My Results & How To Use Them!

Air Layering Plant Propagation Pods - My Results & How To Use Them!

2 года назад

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Ken nvc
Ken nvc - 14.09.2023 16:47

hey, do we need to mist the soil before air layering or dry soil still work fine?

Dave Dunn
Dave Dunn - 10.09.2023 20:16

You've probably realised by now, but the bit of plastic sticking out along the edge is a clip to hold it shut, you just have to bend it over and it clips it together. 🙂

Dragan Stafilov
Dragan Stafilov - 11.08.2023 08:57

I want to try this on my hazelnuts. Is it good to do this during fall and should I water it?


Barbara Benjamin-Creel
Barbara Benjamin-Creel - 23.07.2023 17:52

I have had a box of twelve of these for several months and am so happy to have found the video the tells me how they actually work. Also I want to say, I find your whole attitude just delightful. Thank you so much for the video.

EDC Glassworks
EDC Glassworks - 14.07.2023 06:36

I just ordered some and decided to look at some videos to see how to use them beat and I found your video.
Thanks for the video your awesome

Cheknit owt
Cheknit owt - 03.07.2023 06:10

Well done👍

convince me
convince me - 01.07.2023 19:46

I broke mine trying to open it and not a single video shows how to do this

Keith Schneider
Keith Schneider - 26.06.2023 23:59

Be careful of a root graf tree. You'll have different root stock, original root.

Josh - 26.06.2023 07:04

Do you have to add water to the pod while it's on the mother plant?

Miss Kim
Miss Kim - 17.06.2023 18:28

Good to see nice results! Exciting to see them do so well! My cuttings methods have had mixed results, so I’m trying the pods this year. I need some rows of shrubs, pricey when you need a hedge or two’s worth of them. They do say to wet the soil or mixture (like coconut coir, or peat moss…which is flammable, fyi, people, don’t use peat moss to mix with potting soil (your potting soil may already have it in there, too, check your label), in a planter or bed and pop an incense stick in it, that’s how I learned it’s flammable, it caught fire when it burned low…I guess a cigarette butt would also catch fire, so…it’s good to know…or add sphagnum or orchid moss, vermiculite, etc. to the soil to make it easier for the roots to form, and using rooting hormone will improve the results. They do say to water it or keep it damp, a turkey baster would be perfect to easily get some aimed just in the top, the pods are funneled to allow for watering…the balls have the ability to drain excess moisture, so with all those instructions, it’s good to see them work without all the recommendations. 

Just go for it and stop spending a fortune on plants! I love that you showed everyone we don’t have to follow every little suggested detail to have great success! Plants want to grow and don’t know they have so many rules to follow. 😊 Wish I’d known about them 5 years ago, I’d have some good shrubs and fruit trees going by now! Better late than never! This is very encouraging, cuttings require much more work and have hit and miss results.

I started a few yesterday, did what is usually a “dude mistake” and went ahead to try them without really doing my homework on whether to pack the dirt tightly or not, stuff like that. Most didn’t need a zip tie (they have the thin, long buckle now, but I did break the first one just a little, so zip tie for sure), I used one on a couple, just the upper corner on the unhinged side. I learned to leave thorns on roses just below the pod to help make sure it doesn’t slide down, forgot to put on the rooting hormone at first, but know they’ll still root, maybe now I’ll see how much difference it makes when I cut them off. And I made up a mix of some of the ingredients to lighten it all up. Some say to pack the dirt tightly for pressure to help it make more roots, I was thinking it would make it harder, they’d have to fight for space, so I’ll have to research and test that. 

Guess it would be interesting to test wet/dry, (wet probably most effective there), different mediums and tightly packed vs. not so tightly packed all on one shrub, take notes of which pod is which, and see if there’s a visible difference. Also dark or colored vs. clear ones that let you monitor root growth, how light affects them, since typically roots grow in the dark, under the soil. So many different bits of input. 

I wanted to say I really enjoyed hearing a familiar accent since I’m out west now, and miss the East Coast. Makes one a little homesick. Great gardening in the Garden State! You’re keeping the reputation up! 😊🌱🌸

Rare - 17.06.2023 05:01

Thank You so much !!!

TalkingGIJoe - 16.06.2023 18:39

Sorry of I missed it but how long did you leave them on?

Rift Valley
Rift Valley - 13.06.2023 07:33

I don't know what I did wrong but it didn't work on my mango tree branches in Florida

An Dus
An Dus - 13.06.2023 05:24

Very detailed. I asked for an apple and you gave me the whole darn tree, THANK YOU, well worth the watch. 😘😂

Karl Lazlo
Karl Lazlo - 11.06.2023 01:54

What a great video, cant wait to try this with blue atlas cedar. Thank you.

Peppatega - 06.06.2023 02:07

After you planted your new tree did you cut off the branches? I saw people saying to cut the old leaves off but i wasn't sure what you did...

teeshy hedding
teeshy hedding - 04.06.2023 12:07

If a plant has a lot of leaves in the way do you just cut them off before you put the ball on?

Heather Mitchell
Heather Mitchell - 03.06.2023 03:58

Hey that’s so cool! Have you noticed if the new plant is already mature since it was a mature branch? That would save so much time!

Emile LaLonde
Emile LaLonde - 02.06.2023 16:12

Just bought some that's awesome!!

Phyllis Delesandro
Phyllis Delesandro - 14.05.2023 14:16

I just bought these! Can't weight to use them right now! As always thank you for your guidance.

Leon Andrews
Leon Andrews - 05.05.2023 05:53

Thinking to try these on some very good bearing hybrid tomato plants.

rustyknightjustme - 02.05.2023 01:58

I love your enthusiasm! It made my day

Andrew Hggj
Andrew Hggj - 20.04.2023 16:51

My one question is which direction do you put the pod. On one end there is a clip in the part for the stem. Clip at the top or clip at the bottom. Basically which way up do you use them?

Scot Johnson
Scot Johnson - 14.04.2023 16:11

Thanks for this video. I just got some of the pods and am anxious to try. Your enthusiasm is contagious!

Joshua Fernandez Photography
Joshua Fernandez Photography - 06.04.2023 17:15

Thanks so much for sharing this! You do awesome work! I wonder if a modified pod would work as well? For instance, a mini disposable water bottle with a 1/2" hole at the bottom and cut clamshell style. Then you could hold it together with some reusable fuzzy wire. :)

316yankees - 05.04.2023 12:59

Did you put water?

Josh Davis
Josh Davis - 04.04.2023 00:40

Rooting powder helps I'm sure

Steven Feil
Steven Feil - 26.03.2023 23:08

This partial scraping will work for some plants. For many you need to scrape all the way around and down to the dead wood.

Zoe Lopez
Zoe Lopez - 22.03.2023 08:22

Will this work on cuttings

Curly-Haired Country Gal
Curly-Haired Country Gal - 11.03.2023 06:58

Can you brainstorm the timeline with me? Say I'm wanting to sell peach/apple cuttings in the spring- when do a put the ball on, when do I take it off, then do I need to keep the propogated plant inside over the winter?

B.M. - 10.03.2023 14:07

Awesome. Was this pod here the 5cm (2inch) or the 8cm (3inch)?

chao - 17.02.2023 21:42

Hi, how often do you wanter the pods?

Richard Slusher
Richard Slusher - 19.01.2023 20:58

OMG! I am so going to do this in the springtime! I've been looking for a way to propagate my blackberry plants. No other method seems to work!

Lyle Morrison
Lyle Morrison - 11.01.2023 02:04

I recently air layered 30 Vitex from 3 shrubs. I also only waited a month. I had nice footballs on 27 of the 30. I potted them. After 4 months, the root system was developed enough for me to plant. I now have a nice Vitex hedge started along my back fence to eventually block out a nosey neighbor.

L Burr’s Shiny Hunts
L Burr’s Shiny Hunts - 20.12.2022 21:43

Will they work on blueberries? I don’t have fig trees, but I have blueberry bushes, crepe myrtle, azalea, and knockout roses.

whitehorse - 28.10.2022 21:04

I just bought a set of these. what a great idea!

James Wiggle
James Wiggle - 10.10.2022 05:05

these pods definitely have improved. i had the "original" (not sure) ones from 2016...and they are almost the same as the current ones. the current ones now have that buckle on the left side. in the was annoying to put it together

Sugar Wolf
Sugar Wolf - 05.09.2022 02:46

Just did this on my old childhood apple tree. Just used a little Clonex on the inner bark.... FINGERS CROSSED! How often should I add water to the pods? I used peat moss

Morgan Flaherty
Morgan Flaherty - 15.08.2022 08:19

Just wanted to mention you can reuse the zip ties if you put the end of it back through it and then pull it through there are videos on how to do it that I didn't make

kekayu - 10.08.2022 08:57

Thank you

Karen von Bargen
Karen von Bargen - 26.07.2022 22:25

In the fall, when the leaves are off the fig tree, cut a 12” chunk off the fig tree and stuff it in a pot of soil or in the ground. Come spring it will leaf out and voilà, new fig tree. It’s literally that easy.

KAHELANATOR - 25.07.2022 23:50

Mahalo for the info. I have a few pods, but haven’t tried until I found your video. Wish these were available sooner. I had a very rare mango tree I would’ve liked to graft. Too bad.

Dawn Morning
Dawn Morning - 14.07.2022 19:48

Great video.

Robbie Davidson
Robbie Davidson - 05.07.2022 02:51

You are the reason I bought my pods, they work far better than my old method.

Jane Haley
Jane Haley - 10.06.2022 19:53

No soil, wrong ph. Same with peat moss. With spaghmum moss soaked in water day before. Spaghmum moss works better. Six weeks would be better. But larger diameter I would wait the six months and use the plastic and foil method. But for these tiny diameter plants these rooting balls are fine. But hey do what makes you happy. Your excitement is adorable.

Jane Haley
Jane Haley - 10.06.2022 19:47

Figs LOVE TO BE MESSED WITH. What I mean by this is gently bending the branches down as if they're above you and you're picking off of them them it stimulates growth. And LOVE EPSOM SALTS SPRINKLED AROUND RAIN LINE. Just below the canopy of leaves. I had very old fig trees in our yard. When we moved there. They were not producing very many figs and if they did they were tiny. I started fertilizing them with Epsom salt and a fertilizer spike for fruit trees. Because the branches were a little above my head I would have to walk the branches down gently so not to snap them off. And I noticed year after year when I was doing this the tree actually started to grow again and produced a heavy crop twice a year And to boot they were very sweet. Give it a try you may find that your Fig tree in the ground just needs a little bit of love.

Garden Exhibitor
Garden Exhibitor - 30.05.2022 05:34

How could you maintain moisture level??

Krod Krod
Krod Krod - 19.05.2022 01:15

I have pear trees that i air layer like this. But i use ziplock bags a towel and zipties. I've done up to 6 per branch and it works. You should use rooting compound and a tiny bit of aspirin. I'm at 100% success on these and i have made thousands over the years.

Chad Fourman
Chad Fourman - 28.04.2022 04:20

I have ordered a dozen and am excited to try them now! Hope they work as they have for you!

rayikaikin - 24.04.2022 07:10

i tried air layering for the first time a couple weeks ago and wish i had these! next time
