Welcome to Maru's Widow Mine HELL - Starcraft 2

Welcome to Maru's Widow Mine HELL - Starcraft 2


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@fuzzwobble - 20.12.2020 17:53

Maru: Watches Finding Nemo.
Seagulls: "Mine! Mine! MIne!"
Maru: "Quick! Write that down!"

@mohammedhijaz6992 - 12.12.2023 22:20

If I was solar I would have gg'ed that 4th game at the 10 minute mark. He held on well.

@jesusruiz9611 - 02.11.2022 23:30

por lo menos que creen un mecha parecido al gestador pero no igual sino segun la adaptabilidad terran en la que esa nueva unidad sea más grande del tamaño del tanque de asedio que cada vez que las minas sean reveladas se unan entre ellas parecido a los zorgs de los power rangers en la que muchos mechas animales se unen para crear una versión enorme humanoide y así que pase igual con las minas viudas que apuntó de morir se unan para transformarse en una mina viuda grande que tenga más vida y se defienda con sus propio armamento como fusiles o ametralladoras y qué vaya creando poco a poco minas viudas más pequeñas pero más veloces y más dañinas y que vaya dejando minas y al igual que una madre entre en modo ira cada vez que eliminen a sus bebés que en realidad son robots en miniatura algo parecido a arachno de mutants genetic gladiators en la que un mutante es una especie de araña mecánica que tiene en una parte de su anatomía que no se como se llama pero es un trasero enorme que almacena sus huevos en la que el mutante tiene sus versiones en miniatura a las que cuida como una madre protege a sus hijos

@aurum6664 - 01.07.2022 01:43

Solar killing his own Queen
people: ha what an idiot
Maru killing his own unit
People: it's about sending a message

@maximilianrediger98 - 09.10.2021 01:15

Maru be putting minerals in the fiction section of the library

@gambitcharr6418 - 11.09.2021 17:54

Maru making Solar his bitch this match.

@brettstout-rojas5833 - 28.07.2021 20:28

It's sad how useless ultras are in lotv.

@noskalborg723 - 17.06.2021 09:30

is BeastyQT's Raven-widowmine something that just didn't happen?

@raphaelsiccion3025 - 15.06.2021 07:32

What a trash caster

@chuckosram3467 - 06.06.2021 02:26

widow mine drop looks so satisfying but when u notice resources lost dont feel so op

@apple_doom8965 - 05.05.2021 22:06

Oh i am the 97 000 viewer who watching this :D

@GRIZYBAER - 04.05.2021 19:36

Is the other commenter Day9? He seems more annoying now than before.

@TangledThorns - 01.05.2021 20:20


@Gllmour - 19.04.2021 17:03

Who else can play like that against a top Zerg player??

@daplebdatisplebby - 15.04.2021 12:08

Lol that commentator.. stop fucking whining about mine. The fucking problem is that zerg took that much drone lost and still able to produce them back while taking more than half of the match like nothing. It is so fucking impossible to play as terran for normal player nowadays.
You want to know why maru play defensive? Because it is impossible to go offense when your t3 units still die to t1 zerg for a third of the value

@kestazas - 13.04.2021 17:07

I think solar sold get burow this is painful

@deathbyzergling - 24.03.2021 20:20

Holy fuck is that Day[9]? That's a blast from the past! How's he doing?

@ICHBinCOOLERalsJeman - 24.03.2021 12:21

love how day9 has so little clue of whats going on, its like he is casting a different game half the time. Maru with double the army supply Day9 "did Maru overcommit, is there not enough army?"
there is a difference between trying to keep things interesting and being outright blind

@maki5082 - 23.02.2021 19:49

this must be what ww3 will be like with all this bombing...

@22736419 - 22.02.2021 11:36


@Blank15356 - 30.01.2021 16:58

This was brutal to watch, I actually recoiled each time those mines landed.

@eternity7820 - 27.01.2021 06:37

Queen punished for not being able to deal against hellions

@DeineKreativeSeite - 27.01.2021 03:09

why isnt he builingmore spores?

@claytonsmith3749 - 21.01.2021 07:51

does anyone have a build order for maru in these?

@svetoslavmihailov6554 - 19.01.2021 19:54

WHY is day9 here wwwwhhhyyyyy :(

@cgtow2759 - 17.01.2021 00:59

Game looks so fun but omg ive already spent hours learning league of legends lol

@Junebug89 - 16.01.2021 01:14

Damn zerg production is wild. When a protoss loses 5 workers to a mine drop the game is over, when zerg loses 75 drones he can still make it even... sorta. I guess mine drops probably hit protoss a bit earlier than these hit Solar too.

@peaceofmind188 - 09.01.2021 03:43

why not build a few extra spores on the outer section of his base ...?

@Sherudons - 08.01.2021 11:45

To be fair that is a really good tactic I say, if you keep forcing the other player to stop mining or die over and over and get a pick off or 30 in this case, you could catch up freakishly fast.

@Scawtsauce - 05.01.2021 01:37

Holy shit either solar sucks vs widow mines or Maru makes them imba af

@AndrewBryanSapigaotarsonis - 04.01.2021 14:56

Great to see Maru's TvZ become monstrous once again. For a little while, he has struggled against Rogue, Leenock and even Reynor.

@NoobCannon1234 - 02.01.2021 22:06

Day9 was wondering what his name was. what Terrible commentator,

@Cizzzeron - 01.01.2021 16:01

I need a way to know when he is casting. So nostalgic.

@lutzrambo8191 - 30.12.2020 15:10

I stoppped playing SC2 after HotS and sometimes think "hey maybe hop back into SC2" then in see games like these and remember "ah right, im no micro god and this looks like the opposite of fun...."

@ImaginaryMdA - 30.12.2020 08:49

That's kinda painful to watch. :P

@MurdersMachine - 27.12.2020 06:53

I hate when pros fly a whole gaggle of mutalisks into a terran expo, and then run from a single missile turret. If they had just pounced on the turret quickly, they would have killed it before losing more than a single muta, probably not even that. And then they would have free reign to the SCVs.

@marekz2799 - 26.12.2020 00:29

2021 Maru is back!

@Erebus2075 - 26.12.2020 00:06

mines are fine :P apm needed to respond vs. damage it does not an issue at all hehe..
wp maru :D

@loganjames7887 - 25.12.2020 11:34

Day 9 😂. The only one having more fun in his own world than day 9 is .. nobody.

@PresidentialWinner - 25.12.2020 06:04

So why didn't solar build a ton of spore crawlers against those mine drops? It seems like a solution.

@jean-philippeberube8805 - 24.12.2020 21:32

Glad to see Day9 back at it again!

@edmundkempin3653 - 24.12.2020 18:51

I have to ask this of Solar's play though: Why not build 1 Spine 1 Spore in every mineral line? . Would cost some minerals but saves him massive amounts of APM

@golasticus - 24.12.2020 17:18

While I'm not sure how accurate Day9's technical analysis is, it can't be denied that he's incredibly entertaining to listen to. Wish he'd cast more SC2 in the future.

@anima94 - 23.12.2020 15:25

This channel got me back into the game again

@deeepinsomnia - 23.12.2020 01:48

widow mines are soooo stupid

@cpypcy - 23.12.2020 00:15

Is this minecraft? :D

@Babyoldman1 - 23.12.2020 00:10

as a zerg player... this was too painful to watch
