Life's Biggest Paradoxes

Life's Biggest Paradoxes


11 месяцев назад

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@pixelmolester - 31.01.2024 04:30

There must be a difference in chances to die by thinder when i sit in my home and wslking outsde when there is storm around.

@F---AUsername - 30.01.2024 20:06

One paradox used to boggle the mind was why do men have nips? They said it was a leftover piece of evolution but idk. I dont think it is cuz theres been men and women simce the beginning of time. So i ask again, why are male nips, so unexplainable? Also why do some ppl sniff their own farts and if u ask them they say they dont smell as bad as they rly do to someone else? Also, where do the socks in the dryer really go? God truly does work in mysterious ways

@greghannigan4702 - 29.01.2024 15:39

I make 6 figures and I have not been more miserable on my entire life. I wake up do the same thing everyday. Is literal groundhogs day, I don't even keep track of days or dates anymore. Wake up, eat, go to work 12-14 hours, eat, shower repeat.... I need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep if I work 12 to 14 hours that only leaves me 2-4 hours a day outside of work Which is about what it takes me to eat and shower every day, Then I go to sleep and repeat. I used to have fun, Do stuff outside of work, Have a life but I just don't have the energy anymore I cant operate on 4-6 hoirs of sleep like I used to in my 20s and 30s. It hits different when you get in your mid 40s. In fact I quit my 6 figure job because I was happier when I had last money.... Then I realized I can't survive on less money....

@siggyretburns7523 - 29.01.2024 02:11

Yes, maybe I shouldnt be alive. But I am. I beat out a million other sperm cells to win the egg. I was born on a planet that has the right temperatures, food, water, a sexual drive so that others can be gifted too. Ears to hear, eyes to see, jokes to laugh at. A mind to fill full of super cool things this world has to offer.
A paradox? Naaa. Extremely good luck? I doubt ir. If it was luck I'd win the lottery and stop talking to all you people. J/k 🤪 Maybe its just a really cool God? I mean, I could never create a human outside of the reproductive process. Its like, the dumbest dude in the world is capable of fathering the next Miss America, but cant make ice cubes without burning them. And what about the countless other things we take for granted?
I would have to say nobodys that lucky. It has to be God.

@AdawnisSull - 28.01.2024 15:35

The word, 'pointless' should not exist. For, if anything is given the title as pointless, the very fact that the point is, that the point being called pointless is the point. Therefore, pointless can not be without itself thus resulting in conclusion that nothing is equal to pointless and something is equal to pointless nothing and everything is something that points to nothing. Get my point? No? Well that was the point. Here some brownie poi...ok point made. Is a point and dot the same? ..... 😂

@christinedowie2859 - 27.01.2024 09:33

"Everything has led to this moment " Elon Musk moment maybe? 😮

@christinedowie2859 - 27.01.2024 09:17

Ahem.... Einstein or his wife. Look at the times.😮

@christinedowie2859 - 27.01.2024 08:55

In truth you nearly got me hooked until Pinocchio. Paradox is why you would even presume his nose would grow with truth and remain the same with a lie. Ridiculous sense. Opposite truth dude AI or other. Who knows nowadays. Talking cat?? 😮

@sidvicious332 - 27.01.2024 06:03

This might be the dumbest video ever. It's trying real hard to be thought provoking but its all just word play. There is ALWAYS a hole in one of the sides. Always. These type of videos will limit the way you think, not expand. Think for yourself.

@sidvicious332 - 27.01.2024 05:42

Safest way to travel is to walk, not fly.

@bencollins9770 - 27.01.2024 02:00

More likely to die by shark than vending machine, I’ve seen mor3 vending machines than sharks👍 so I think that might have something to do with it. I feel as if I saw more sharks than vending machines that would change a lot.

@Thundralight - 26.01.2024 15:47

When you think about it the billions of years our universe has existed we only exist a few minutes

@RS66788 - 26.01.2024 05:44

Such a dumb video

@thedream8838 - 26.01.2024 05:37

Tyler 238: I think you meant how many people run away from this channel.

@thedream8838 - 26.01.2024 05:29

Is Aperture short for Aperture Thinking by any chance, or is it a coincidence?

@gliza - 26.01.2024 05:25

The real question is…how many people are killed by vending machines while swimming in the ocean?

@HaidenG39 - 25.01.2024 11:10

It's my 3rd day being homeless, sleeping in an old office room in an abandoned building. It's a horrible existence. I really do wish I did not exist, or this was all just a dream. I want to wake from this hell.

@frogfarmer3551 - 25.01.2024 08:10

Ive never been able to drive because of anxiety. The vast majority of people get into at least 1 car accident in their lives.

I would be lost without gracious sidewalks

@TheOverThinkTank - 25.01.2024 07:56

Maybe we arent likely to get killed by a shark because 99.999999% of us stay all the way away from sharks. I'm not going to go out and play with sharks because the statistics say most of us are safe.

@willyD200 - 24.01.2024 22:52

It should be fairly obvious, most people only seek some type of financial security. At the lower end of the spectrum would be, minimal effort paying the average family's, weekly- monthly - yearly, etc. debts . I think mid- range on the scale would introduce ability for savings, schooling, annual vacation, ability to update various items such as; vehicles , diet, appliances, top notch medical ins..
The top end would have no real worries, not affected from economic manipulations, luxury items with maintenance Big ass Boat, extended 1st class globe hopping etc.etc.
Its time most of us are seeking. Time for creativity and learning. If you enjoy learning than nothing is more important having the time for it.

@done8140 - 24.01.2024 14:56

Of course your more likely to get killed by a dog than a shark... How many sharks do you see running around here ? 😂

@grimdolll - 24.01.2024 10:50

Let me know man

@5541james - 24.01.2024 07:15

If you go swimming in shark infested waters, every day for a swim, you’re telling me those are the odds? If you never step foot in the ocean, the odds are zero. So to me the whole thing just depends on some more factors.

@TinyPendle - 23.01.2024 14:23

I’m not sure if this is considered a paradox, but I just farted. Please help.

@KnowMad1 - 23.01.2024 09:43

Are you just throwing these stats out there? How are they calculating this?

@noahbaker9263 - 22.01.2024 15:43

This video sucks, get on with the paradoxes already. Also, “if aliens were real we would have seen them by now.” So many things wrong with that statement, wake up.

@PenisInElectricSocket - 22.01.2024 07:09

The plane thing didn’t age well.

@kidsyx - 22.01.2024 05:22

I dont understand the birthday paradox. Out of a group of 23 people theres a 50% chance that two of those people share a birthday.. it happens to us personally all the time and we never question it. Like, qre we just naturally attracted to people we share a birth date with?

@danieldevito6380 - 21.01.2024 13:01

I was lucky enough to take over my father's electrical contracting company when I was 26. The company literally runs itself and, at 38 years old, I've had the time and the money these past 12 years to just enjoy life. I know just how lucky I am and I'm extremely grateful because I was utterly miserable going into work every day. I felt like I was just watching my life go by.

@JuanJimenez. - 21.01.2024 10:16

Does it really matter? I'll still touch myself every night all the time. Smh

@macstyle2012 - 21.01.2024 01:46

Take a Uber to risk the chances of being hit by a drink driver LOL, are Ubers excluded from being hit by drunk drivers?

@BurninatorTheTrogdor - 20.01.2024 22:16

The shark thing is always dumb because most people rarely go in the ocean. If you surf or spearfish it's probably going to happen. Especially diving.

@nicolajean4335 - 20.01.2024 21:04

life is truly a paradox in itself and what you make of it. i kno someone who won $20,000 in the lottery but he played everyday for 20 years, losing most times. i think you have to live in slight delusion and only do what your compelled to do, and almost rework ur brain against the basic things society wants us to be and be more aligned with your own path that god made for you

@ephemera2 - 20.01.2024 19:16

Well, there's a lot of shit although true is not accepted by society. Spend your money on experiences rather than things. The happier you are during an experience the better and no one can pay to have the same experience you did. Well that's why people like drugs. You're told you'll buy it and then it'll just be gone and you'll want more. But, the experience I had while on them was twice as good, at least, than the experience you had sober, that is, unless some Karen imposes their will upon you dishing out synthetic consequences. Oh, but that is addiction and addiction is bad. Unless what it is you are addicted to is "legal" then it's ok.
Also, to those age x and below with parents and other "loved" ones old enough to be part of a prior generation screaming at you for being a failure because you can't seem to earn enough money to stay out of debt and/or support yourself, remember that they have NO place in that argument because, the further back in time you go back to December of 1913, they could afford more for each hour they worked and the reason they made more and you make less is because value was stolen from the future in order to apply it to the present, meaning they had it easier than they should have had it and you have it harder than you should be having it and it's their fault. The federal reserve, and every single other centralized bank system ever, was built on oppression and victimization to move wealth to those who already have wealth and so those who allowed such a system to be implemented and continue to allow it to run are part of the problem. If at the very least every single person just made it known that they don't support verbally and never physically did anything out would go a long way to ending it.

@grantjones1299 - 20.01.2024 18:45

Y’all really wan me to believe Aperture don’t smoke weed? Lol

@theholydemonofficial8165 - 20.01.2024 13:37

15 minutes in and bro brought up post nut clarity

@LACOCOL69 - 20.01.2024 11:44

I would of rather be dead than be in this situation. Just having met women in red ! I hate her so much I rather be dead ! I rather be dead than be her slave 💯

@misadate8688 - 20.01.2024 11:11

ah shit, my bad, gonna fix that real quick

@sidman7272 - 20.01.2024 03:49

Interested in the "Backwards Paradox"

@mohammedtoqir6506 - 19.01.2024 23:55

I got to comment on your opinion about life expectancy was 35 before this is a total lie as my great great grandfather and then grandfather both lived to the ages of 90 and 95 and my great grandmother lived to 120 and i bet many people would say that its the other way around people are now dying a lot quicker younger that a fact people ate more healthier but less food we now over indulge and eat a lot of take aways chicken and beef that have been genetically modified and because it making the powers to be richer they will not give up the poison they feed us. Have a little think on that.

@kilnmaster - 19.01.2024 15:47

God is great

@Jordany9yard - 19.01.2024 13:52

Life’s a game of odds!! From now on I’ma live by that motto

@jamesdean3548 - 19.01.2024 08:32

You should have noted that the odds of writing a New York Times “Best Seller” increase when you are a left-wing, DEI activist compared to a white conservative.
