Entire Black Ops Cold War Zombies Storyline Explained to Vanguard Zombies, MW3 Zombies & Black Ops 6! (Call of Duty Zombies Storyline Explained: Dark Aether Complete Timeline)
I have posted an updated MASSIVE entire Zombies Storyline video from World at War to Black Ops 6 that also includes major updates to this Cold War section too, watch here -
**UPDATE** I have posted a follow up video on the FULL Vanguard Zombies Story too -
Today, we have the entire Call of duty Zombies Storyline explained from Vanguard Zombies to Black Ops Cold War Zombies for the Dark Aether story arc. This story follows directly on from the Aether story from World at War to Black Ops 4 Zombies and is a soft reboot. The only returning characters are Samantha Maxis and Eddie Richtofen, with Campaign Characters too, such as Grigori Weaver and Colonel Lev Kravchenko. This video covers the complete storyline for Die Maschine, Firebase Z, Outbreak, Operation Inversion, Operation Excision, Mauder Der Toten, and Forsaken and sees Requiem and Omega go head to head in an Aetheium Arms Race. This video is the complete Call of Duty Zombies Movie - All Cutscenes for the Full Dark Aether Storyline from the beginning to the end.
Whilst this video isn't a complete explanation of The Aether Story, from Nacht Der Untoten to Tag Der Toten, it does recap the important events to know going forward into this new story. This video features every single Call of Duty Zombies Easter Egg Quest step storyline-wise within Black Ops Cold War Zombies and features their respective intro/ending cutscenes.
Many familiar characters are featured in this video: Dr. Edward Richtofen, Stuhlinger (making up a part of Ultimis, Primis, and Victis), Dr. Monty, The Shadow Man, Samantha Maxis, Dr. Grey, Kazimir Zykov, and more.
If you would want me to make another video on the entire Exo Zombies storyline, Call of Duty WWII Zombies Storyline, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Zombies Storyline, or Call of Duty Zombies Chaos Storyline let me know in the comment section down below! I will likely be making an updated entire Call of Duty Zombies storyline video, from World at War to Vanguard Zombies in the future.
Share this video with ANYONE that you think would be interested in the FULL Zombies Storyline!
This video took a huge amount of effort to make and I'd like to give a huge thank you to the following:
Some of the beginning edit -
Kingman for some of the B-Roll
His Cold War Zombies Retrospective video -
The following talented artists for a bunch of fan-made renders and animations -
TZ Ghosts for a bunch of the custom-made Call of Duty Zombies cutscenes to better visualize events on the timeline that we've never seen before:
Hellz for some of the animations -
Some B-Roll footage from -
The Call of Duty Wiki for some information -
As well as Margwa -
And last, but certainly not least, Treyarch, Sledgehammer Games, and Raven Software for providing the world with years of memories and joy, through ups and downs, thank you for everything.
0:00 Intro
0:56 Recap of Aether Story Ending on Tag Der Toten
4:28 Introduction to Black Ops Cold War Zombies Story (Projekt Endstation)
12:29 A Tale of Two Orphans
14:42 Formation of Omega Group
15:37 Samantha's upbringing and an extremely important event
18:36 Operation Undertaker
20:32 Onslaught and Formation of Requiem
21:39 Die Maschine Storyline
25:43 Bridging the Gap - Aetherium Arms Race Begins; Samantha gains powers
35:08 Firebase Z Storyline
38:54 Outbreak Storyline
41:40 Operation Inversion Quest & Maxis interrogations begin
49:51 Operation Excision Quest
53:43 Mauer Der Toten Storyline
56:02 Outbreak Zones Expand and race to capture The Forsaken ensues
1:00:47 Forsaken Storyline
1:13:18 Vanguard Zombies Storyline
1:29:08 Black Ops 6 Zombies story in *2024 (The Boy, The Old Ones, Samantha, Janus, Richtofen)
1:41:47 What happened to Dr. Monty & The Shadow Man ("The First One")
1:43:15 Outro
Video made and owned by TheGamingRevolution.
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