"They Make Me Vomit" Oscar-Winning Actor BLASTS Hollywood's Woke Agenda

"They Make Me Vomit" Oscar-Winning Actor BLASTS Hollywood's Woke Agenda


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@rolandtraynor - 23.06.2024 11:20

I agree with Richard ,,, thank you ..

@AdventureDriver - 23.06.2024 11:21

Selecting people based on criteria other than their ability to do a certain job is discrimination and will lead to a decrease in quality.

@blakkno666 - 23.06.2024 11:36

Funny how they didn't replace the lead roles with white actors in the remake of 'The colour purple '..... 🤔

@walterj2364 - 23.06.2024 12:22

The woke mind virus is destroying society.

@AW-kr9fl - 23.06.2024 12:46

Woke stuff is ridiculous. Like he said it’s so patronizing and I support social justice for minorities. But when you get to a point where every movie needs a black transgender woman in it to tick a box it’s pathetic.

@Flup2 - 23.06.2024 13:00

Hollywood has been racist and patriarchal, not recognizing people of color for their talents, not allowing blacks to attend the awards ceremony, blackface roles being praised even though they could have been played by a black actor of equal talent...Hollywood was ruled by white men, in an era where racism was everywhere. That's a fact. So I get that The Academy wants to actively set diversity rules for award eligibility in an effort to change. Eventually we'll enter a phase in civilization where rules like that are no longer necessary but people of any color are given equal opportunities and recognition.

You can still make movies the way you want, art is still art, and filmmakers and actors can still express themselves freely. That hasn't changed. If you set out to make a diverse movie in order to be eligible for an award, you're not making art, but a commercial product.

@googlelimp9834 - 23.06.2024 13:11

I'm white and I thought white chick's by two black guys was brilliant but yet now people we can't play to be black? Or gay we can only hire them? It's garbage

@TheSometimesWhy - 23.06.2024 13:18

Isn't it funny how a lot of old white men are threatened by trends that erode the systems that gave them their careers? Yeah, it's not in the least bit funny...

@BeardLAD - 23.06.2024 16:19

DEI is the definition of segregation, segregation based on bias towards superficial qualities that bare no impact on the skills required to do the job.

It’s like if a movie crew & cast were boarding a bus, and only those who ticked certain boxes got the jobs - the seats at the front - and those who didn’t had to stand or even give up their seat for someone who represented a particular group or class deemed worthy of that seat…

…regardless of who was better at the job.

This is an old conversation, a propagandist trope.

@warlorddk2070 - 23.06.2024 16:54

If you dont want the woke agenda to be a thing simply unsucscribe to netflix, Disney+, apple TV, stop buying tickets to any movie showing its interest in Woke agendas… Dislikme any woke trailer dont buy products from companies that push it if possible.

@tyronewashington230 - 23.06.2024 18:13

Imagine if American movies where made for adults instead of children. Who excited about that next comic book movie?

@seandarby3770 - 23.06.2024 18:34

I totally agree with Dreyfuss here, on all accounts.

@kh894 - 23.06.2024 20:49

Actors are overrated anyway who even cares about Hollywood and movies anymore it's a dying artform

@debt1306 - 23.06.2024 20:51

The problem is not including minorities, it’s going out of the way to not include minorities. Actors by definition are acting, pretending, portray a character not themselves. So they can within their range play anything. The roles should go to the best suited for the role, obviously if there is an actor who looks like the character and is capable of giving a good performance then yes they should get the role, but you don’t need to cast a person based on religion or sexual orientation. For years gay men have being playing straight men and I suspect actors have played characters that don’t share their personal religious beliefs. Its called acting.
In modern times there is a such a wealth of black actors that the need for black face is very very unnecessary and insulting, so black actors should definitely play black characters. However, It is interesting that it seems that we are now to except black actors cast in historical white roles and are criticised if we don’t include them, but we are damned for past white actors being used to play black characters. Odd. Surely if we wish to move on from the obvious discrimination of a bi gone age then we should cast appropriately when it comes to race because we can, but there it should end. It should always be the best available actor for the role and this may have to include chemistry with the other actors cast.

@bull419 - 23.06.2024 20:59

The standards of Hollywood have to change because for years Jewish actors and Jewish Hollywood producers have held sway that no one else can get a break, If Richard does not see that then he's blind, open the doors for actors and directors of color just to get an even break not a handout, not spare anyones feelings but to level the playing field. White people are so afraid of change.

@Spacejunk63 - 23.06.2024 21:02

This whole woke movement is totally bogus.

@nickmele9968 - 23.06.2024 21:31

It’s monkey business

@kb7128 - 23.06.2024 21:32

There will always differences because we were BORN different! Accept the gifts each ethnic group can contribute to the world and not hate each other. I lived in a very diverse neighborhood and they were the absolute best people. I now live in a “less ethnic” neighborhood and after 23 years here, I only associate with one neighbor. Richer people are sometimes a bit snooty and pretentious. They saw I’m Italian and didn’t like it. Wow. Hard blow to my reality.

@DeanH92 - 23.06.2024 21:40

I bet black people love knowing they’re shoehorned into media, not because the creators want to, but because they have to

@youssefshakespeare2135 - 23.06.2024 23:43

He lost me when he said black face is ok...

@markbeer6559 - 24.06.2024 00:48

Yes Richard Jaws Dreyfuss playing the Carcharadon carcharius, well spoken you great white shark !

@CP-lv8ot - 24.06.2024 02:07

Here's where you have to recognize the bullshit with left wing ideology...its ALWAYS a one way street serving their interest. If restrictions are going to be placed on white actors, then apply the same standards across the board. No more blacks playing historical white figures or pre established characters that were already white.

@dave3124 - 24.06.2024 02:15

100% spot on

@TwilightxKnight13 - 24.06.2024 06:17

They are ACTORS! Their very purpose is to take on the persona and pretend to be someone other than themself. It is astounding that someone would have the nerve to tell an actor they cannot portray a character that is different than themself. Ridiculous! Does it work the same in reverse? If a male actor, or a white actor, or a straight actor cannot portray a female character, or a black character, or a gay character, then a black actor cannot portray a white character, and a woman cannot portray a male character, and a gay actor cannot portray a straight character. Let's see how well that works out for them. The lack of "common" sense today is astounding!

@novaste1238 - 24.06.2024 12:34

The man has a point.

@PizzaLord - 24.06.2024 16:43

Speaking of vomit, movies and TV these days just feels like neanderthal brains with neanderthal ideas vomiting their resentment over anyone watching and trying to pass it off as entertainment.

They do it in the patronising manner of someone who just assumes that the audience won't even notice that they are being lectured to by someone really stupid.

Mostly far more stupid than the audience watching.

@lrvogt1257 - 24.06.2024 18:03

To intentionally ignore systemic racism and bigotry is to perpetuate it. There are MANY jobs that don't require one singular best person. Most employees must simply qualify as competent like, grips, and stage-hands, extras... though it's common to hire relatives and friends regardless. To this day women too are grossly underpaid in the media.

@lrvogt1257 - 24.06.2024 18:05

Movies have tended to exacerbate bigotry by whitewashing reality. The audience now is very diverse and when films don't reflect that it distorts the public perception of reality which makes seeing things as they actually are seem unreal to them.
What are we talking about? An award. It's not about making whatever film you want and attracting any audience you want, it's about the respect of your peers who have voted for this change because maybe people don't respect systemic racism and bigotry like they used to.

@joaohenriquecarinhato8343 - 24.06.2024 19:03

Utterly supporting dreyfuss

@yajirobi6207 - 24.06.2024 20:04

Don't worry about it too much people it's just America because if you go ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD it's still the same. Violent. But not this.

@lrvogt1257 - 24.06.2024 21:41

I only agree that actors should be able to play any characters they want. In a play you can get away with more than in a film because the venue and the audience sets up different expectations. I'm certain Mr Dreyfus would play Hamlet beautifully but on film it would seem ridiculous and that's probably not what the producer is going for.
The problem is that the film industry excluded minorities for those roles for so long that there has to be some adjustment to the point where it feels real to the audience. Apparently the members of the Academy don't feel progress is moving fast enough. When minorities are equitably represented like real life without prodding then then there won't be an issue to deal with.

@viperrecords3288 - 24.06.2024 21:59

People care more about looking racist than people of a different race or gender or minority.

@garabandal8690 - 25.06.2024 01:36

Anthony Hopkins played Othello in a BBC production.

@Keyser1976 - 25.06.2024 02:11

atta boy richard

@thomaslord7995 - 25.06.2024 09:32

A white guy could not have played Albert Popwell's part in "Magnum Force", just as a black guy could not have played Harvey Keitel's part in "Taxi Driver".

@ea1615 - 26.06.2024 08:08

This shows how stupid the world is at the moment. A white woman, a black man and a black woman from the LGBTQ community all go for the same job. The white woman is better qualified and has more experience, the black man has not so much experience but is equally qualified, the LGBTQ woman is not so qualified and has no experience but gets the job because of her sexual preference.
Its CRAZY. People are goi g to be given jobs because they are gay? So why not put "im gay" on the job aplocation, whether you are gay or not.

@user-kd2lb6zw6t - 26.06.2024 10:39

The WOKE agenda rubbish is being fed to us by force, and it's trying to make us slaves to it.
As for the film industry today, it's for the garbage-can!! I'm sorry for the new actors/actresses that are forced to participate in these stupidities, just to make a living.....

@silvergirl7810 - 26.06.2024 10:52

It’s like telling a painter what colors they are allowed to use. My dad said many years ago that PC would destroy our country and I really thought he was crazy- he’s been right about EVERYTHING!!!

@lrvogt1257 - 26.06.2024 17:24

"I'm very annoyed that I can't demean women and minorities and exclude them from my industry without criticism. How woke."

@carloslozada470 - 26.06.2024 19:03

If they can do that in movie's why not congress

@carloslozada470 - 26.06.2024 19:04

Rd Jr played a black man in tropic thunder

@user-dj5kr1vf6e - 27.06.2024 01:15

This is one reason why I stick with the classic movies that were made long before Hollywood went WOKE!

@husq48 - 27.06.2024 09:24

She's looking at him like he's from Mars, tells you all you need to know about her!

@jessalynncarnes5489 - 27.06.2024 21:31

Imagine a movie staged in Ireland in the 1700s where there are literally NO BLACKS, MEXICANS OR ASIANS...nothing but WHITE PEOPLE! Now imagine you CAN'T get an academy award for this movie simply because it would be historically inaccurate to add those ethnicities to your movie. So this means we'll NEVER see a movie like this made EVER AGAIN simply because it will bomb at the box office if they add those ethnicities because the audience KNOWS it's inaccurate, OR they'll leave it white like it should be, and it's never going to get the recognition it deserves simply because of an all-white cast. These rules are CLEARLY RACIST.

@finddeniro - 28.06.2024 13:52

The Best Film pulls one into to Passion..Feeling.of the Sitution of the Characters. Simple. Harsh..funny ..The Feeling..

@sabrinazalar8667 - 30.06.2024 22:12

This reminds me of giving all the kids trophies for participation! Are we crazy? How does that instill a competitive spirit in our kids?

@RemyRAD - 09.07.2024 11:04

Just as Richard Dreyfus has said. It's an art form. It's no different than Mel Brooks. Having Hitler. In spring time. For Germany. And played by a bunch of Jews. Playing Nazis. And how was that politically correct? German-Americans would have been offended! That's not how my uncle used to be! He was far worse! And stuff like that.

For many years I played a man. Then I realized I was a woman. And I never change my career. To be more womanly.. I was an engineer.. In a male dominated career field. And that was the only way I could get into it. And that's why God with a fucking warped sense of humor. Tried to make me sort of male. And I did not find that very funny! So I fixed that years later. And with the help of the doctors from Hopkins. And they'll take you on unless you're really screwed up. Like me.

And so this is art. It's not a social affair. It's not an equal rights affair. It's art. I mean if Donald Trump wants to play God? That's the only one we should disallow. Because he doesn't pay any taxes. What kind of, American, is, that? A fraud! But I digress.

They have taken the Art. Out of the Art. Now it's a coupon special.

@robertgraham5709 - 13.07.2024 10:03

Richard is 💯 percent correct.

@grouchomarx6156 - 17.07.2024 00:10

J'adore Richard Dreyfuss. Sans,doute l'un des derniers géants avec Clint Eastwood.
Ras le bol de l'inclusion, du politiquement correct, du wokisme et autres débilités importées des cerveaux débilisés de la gauche américaine.

@thomasoconnor3803 - 20.07.2024 16:14

Dreyfus is right
