Top Corporate Learning Management Systems: Best LMS for Training and Development

Top Corporate Learning Management Systems: Best LMS for Training and Development


1 год назад

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@inkofthedragon - 22.10.2023 21:05

Hello, I am a dog trainer. Each of my clients will receive new exercises per week. I need an easy way to add exercises to my clients profile. It would be ideal if I could finish up their in person class, then go to my car, load up an app and simply select the specific exercises from a database then add to their profile right there. So it's not so much courses I'm looking to build but rather have a huge database of exercises that I can select from to add to specific client's profiles. Is there an app or service that fits these needs? I've been searching all over but all I can find is services that offer course building. As in a select group of students can enroll in the same course. In my case, each client will have their own unique set of exercises that can be updated each week. Sorry for the redundancy in explanation but it's difficult to explain :) Hopefully you can help steer me in the right direction, thanks!
