Glenn Beck: US political divide like 1920s Germany

Glenn Beck: US political divide like 1920s Germany


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John Q I. See . U…
John Q I. See . U… - 08.06.2023 19:36

... Yes a great divide for those that think politicians do things-Are politicians dictators? They should be acting on behalf of people and clearly that is an impossible thing because there are WAY too many people with different thoughts to have a few reps-

Margaret Norvell
Margaret Norvell - 06.06.2022 22:15

The same group that destroyed Germany and Russia are now destroying the US.

Aneil Jaisingh
Aneil Jaisingh - 23.10.2021 11:28

Glen beck is one of the people who started this shit when he kept going at Obama on Fox News during the Obama years 🤦🏾‍♂️

Kronniichiwa - 01.06.2021 17:36

To me it looks like Weimar Republic inflation + discrimination from 1930s

Deborah - 20.01.2021 17:33

Wrong. You do not understand evil. You cannot engage with evil. It will run you in circles as it has up to this very minute. Wake up.

a. - 09.11.2020 02:35

Never thought id ever agree with beck

Aj A
Aj A - 08.11.2020 09:19

vybzkartel daddyofive framed bradmondo gottalent cuestar.

Asht0n - 03.11.2020 02:15

Beck has always been right.

Distilled Bye LIfE
Distilled Bye LIfE - 30.10.2020 05:00

Bryan, maybe not reporting on a fake Trump scandal you know to be false for almost three years? Just an idea...

Greg Chapman
Greg Chapman - 27.10.2020 18:47

Honestly I lived in Germany. They learned after WWII to talk things out. I still work everyday with Germans, you can disagree there and have a beer afterwards. They can be good friends and disagree. We need this wake-up call on the US today. Admit when you think your leader is wrong and admit when he is right. We are all Americans. We need to start agreeing to disagree or we will repeat what other countries have already been through.

jorge lopez
jorge lopez - 31.08.2020 06:20

Marxist nurtures from conflict and resentment. Result: 100,000,000 dead,courtesy of Lenin, Mao, Stalin , Castro, Pol Pot and Ceausescu. Method: Procust's bed.

CornerTalker - 10.07.2020 01:13

One Rubio omitted, "We are a nation in which people are buying guns and stocking up on ammo."

Jack Buckley
Jack Buckley - 02.07.2020 03:07

Mr. Beck is right in referencing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We need reconciliation now more than ever. I'm afraid the great man of peace wouldn't recognize the U.S. today. I doubt he even would be heard among all the screaming voices from left and right. Mr. Beck knows his history and he's totally correct in his comments here. Above all, as he points out twice, we MUST return as a nation to the tenets of MLK, if this country is to survive for much longer as the United States.

Marc - 16.06.2020 23:11


bennyd53 - 03.06.2020 16:38

Been thinking this for years!

bigbaba1111 - 01.06.2020 15:04

The liberals and their aggressive and intolerant woke ideology are to blame for the divide. Like their crap like White privilege and white guilt.

Stelter himself is a liberal partisan fucker.

C F - 17.05.2020 11:00

I didn't watch it. Did he take some responsibility for that?

353535336373373 - 15.05.2020 21:20

It’s really not

Damian McCreedy
Damian McCreedy - 03.05.2020 11:58

You sound like a dweeb rebuttling interviewers after they leave your a fuckin moron

Gog Mclaine
Gog Mclaine - 25.03.2020 00:31

Try to have discussion about Weapons of mass desrtuction in Iraq. It is impossible.

Gog Mclaine
Gog Mclaine - 25.03.2020 00:26

Glenn Beck" Conservatives have to move to red states and buy farmland"

Johansen Yoyanovich
Johansen Yoyanovich - 07.03.2020 07:28

A group of people who feel hated and attacked, like so many conservatives do, will continue to elect someone like Trump because they feel like they have had their voice taken away... If you criticize anything and your a conservative then you are given a label...if you are a liberal, you can say anything and it is considered free speech. The backlash is the rise of Trump...and it will continue until we have a Right Wing militant party that is seeking payback. I guess this is the pendulum going to swing way to the other side of cultural divide. And those who hate, will become the hated. This is just human nature. Just study history, there is nothing new here.

Johansen Yoyanovich
Johansen Yoyanovich - 07.03.2020 07:22

For all who are bashing Glenn Beck, It takes two sides to play this political and cultural game of one-upsmanship.

james morton
james morton - 03.03.2020 05:10

The "WINNER" in the white house is a LOSER & a SOCIOPATH.

Dawn Lawless
Dawn Lawless - 29.12.2019 03:37

He was right all along!

Amysway Barton
Amysway Barton - 09.12.2019 01:15

CNN is worse today.

scott left
scott left - 28.11.2019 22:42

People only watch the channel that most supports their view, but the news programs are the real extremists, and 99 percent are democrat and symbioytic at that....the left is the violent side now....the extreem sides not withstanding.

worldtravelerall7 - 08.11.2019 04:51

he's not completely wrong. it's anti-fascists against fascists. how does it feel to side with the nazis, bunghole beck? he tried to be a decent human for 2 minutes until he started bleeding money, then he jumped right back on the trump/nazi train

J M - 05.11.2019 00:38

yep it's exactly the same fascism and evil or democracy and good
good always wins in the end truth always prevails

Gregory Morris
Gregory Morris - 09.08.2019 02:07

America wake up bring back the Fairness Doctrine this stops one side telling story both sides equal time.

Rex Ablett
Rex Ablett - 09.07.2019 18:00

The problem is that ultimately one side is going to be right...or at least more right, on every issue. It’s not about winning. It’s about acknowledging that the bulk of good ideas come from the left and the greatest moderators come from the centre. The right is broken into two sub-categories, the scared and the stupid. The two are not mutually exclusive...

Tree Hugger
Tree Hugger - 07.07.2019 19:31

Glenn Beck is a proven liar. I don’t understand why the media still feels the need to keep him relevant. He’s nothing but an Provocateur who will say and do anything for money and attention.

Tom Truett
Tom Truett - 06.07.2019 08:42

The man who wasn’t there.

Iost in space
Iost in space - 06.07.2019 04:40

George Castanza interviews Beck.

J R - 06.07.2019 01:55

I'm not saying only bigots, racists and idiots make up the Republican party, I'm just saying if you're a bigot, racist or idiot the Republican party is a good place to be...

WhyNot StayHonest
WhyNot StayHonest - 05.07.2019 08:28

Its nowhere near the same. This is offensive to the Germans because its talking down the issuess of 1920s Germany when comparing it to todays USA. Even todays Germany has a bigger political divide than todays USA.

John Calvin
John Calvin - 24.06.2019 23:25

From the comments on here only liberals watch CNN.

Robert Weekes
Robert Weekes - 19.05.2019 04:09

Well Brian Stelter actually looks reasonable in this interview.

Sarah Tucker
Sarah Tucker - 11.04.2019 06:07

People in america are not divided, its the media that's divided, you can't get along on screen, the people in the white house can't get along, you fight like cat's and dog's, and try to make each take side's, who's, Republican, who's democrats, who's who's that. This fighting within the house of politicals are not there to flight, you were voted for because we though you could do the job without predigested, but no you can't even do that, I one of the people in the US is saying were here to do a job and keep our counties safe without making people choose who is right and who is wrong we already know. We don't need more people coming in to the US and creating chaos to want to come to America you come here to help. Not to fight not to exploit, not to fight over the taxpayer's money. There are already to many greedy people in the world, you want to come in to America give people who already live here respect, you just don't walk in to a person's house and start digging around, now do you. Would you like that if someone came and did that to your home? And if you I or all can't, or don't like some one, move out or move on. Or stay s do the job Right.

Be Proud
Be Proud - 22.03.2019 01:30

Keep it up Glenn👍.! Love ya man!

Respectfulwisdom - 24.02.2019 01:02

Wow! Thank you, Glenn! It all makes sense now. The "win-win" attitude and all the crazy conspiracy theories will destroy this country! Not Good! Social media is making everyone sick!

Someone - 30.11.2018 07:19

Glenn Beck is the boy who cried wolf.. (and is still the boy who cries wolf)

Larry Primeau
Larry Primeau - 23.11.2018 21:09

He's acting. remember..he's a Mormon which equals a deeply flawed phony..don't be duped by the rational talk.

Tamila - 13.11.2018 00:02

I hate the Clinton News Network. They are biased and racist mis- communicators

Sue Smith
Sue Smith - 23.10.2018 12:29

My friend, Juan Pierre Griffin, was the last active duty soldier stationed at Fort Ord, California 25 years ago. It wasn't President Clinton that sign the order it was the former President Bush... Go figure

Thermal Chill
Thermal Chill - 22.08.2018 18:15

If @CNN is looking for answers in Glenn Beck, it goes to show how phony the media is.

Betta Blue
Betta Blue - 24.07.2018 10:05

Beck is nothing different than what he was before. He is also wrong about Martin Luthier King and not using the press to show the horror of what was happening in America during his leadership. That was exactly what helped change things to bring Civil Rights to African Americans. Beck is a right wing Libertarian who only knows how to criticize.

E - 01.07.2018 04:01

Funny to see how much this interaction changed in just 4 months when Glenn Beck came back.
