I would love Albion (although I know we will never get them as a racepack 😊)
A race between the pure Chaos Gods factions and the Empire. Albion.
The chaos dwarf definitely needs an expansion on their hobgoblin units as having 75% of your armies being made up of only 3 units is quite limiting
ОтветитьHell yes more dlc the merrier
ОтветитьI'm love OVN Albion mod dlc like Warhammer Irish/Scottish
ОтветитьI. NEED. FIMIR!!!!
ОтветитьI want Nippon and Ind!!!!!
ОтветитьI think the idea is great. Mini races would give the world substance but also provide challenging factions to play, essentially "minor powers". The other cheeky thing CA could do is phrase these factions as "Warlords" so they do not represent their entire race, but rather a sample. Making sure GW does not have to worry about canon conflicts if they decide to touch these factions later. It would give the community something to chew on between major releases as you mentioned as well. It could also be a fun way for CA to test out systems for upcoming games.
Hobgoblins, Fimir, Halfings, Beastfiends, and Tigermen I feel would be the easiest nonhumans to implement due to existing/in development assets and a general indifference to their status at GW currently. I would also like an Eastern Vampire/undead faction but I feel Cathay is a bit of a sacred cow lore wise.
For human factions, Southern Realms and an Eastern pirate/bandit faction(if Nippon is not coming) would massively help. Empire clones banished and Cathay having a dissenting human faction seems like a win.
Even under non-ideal circumstances, which is I believe the current situation, the addition of these so-called sub-races would greatly improve both the game and its financial success.
I really hope that they add them all to the game.
I really do hope to see Tilea, Estalia, and Araby get their own rosters. It would be awesome I don't expect it but it would be cool.
I really hope GW realizes how useful CA would be in promoting new races for the Old World by getting people intrested in them.
Also still hope to see another Custom LL in Border Princes.
More niche factions for existing races sound great to me, but to be honest, mini race packs sound like an absolute disaster. A race pack with a single LL and a roster made up mostly of recycled units sounds like it'll be received by the community about as well as Blood Pack DLCs. CA would still have to come up with good race AND faction mechanics for them and would likely never touch them again because it would be very difficult to justify from cost benefit perspective. Just seems like a lose-lose for everyone. Would MUCH rather have things like Fimir, Halflings, etc be shuffled into exiting factions (Norsca, Dogs of War, etc) and give their respective LLs the inability to recruit main faction units until they complete some key campaign milestone (like Skarsnik, Ostankya, etc).
ОтветитьHidden Centar mercenaries! Kugens!! Goblin Khanate!!! Araby! Minor Norscan factions! Albiooooonn!!!!
ОтветитьFimir would be great for Norsca as a subrace like how the Champions of Chaos lord are to give more variety to armies rather than Throgg being the only non-human lord option. And bringing more Fimir units and characters would give Norsca even more options to play around with as well.
And I'd also like to see the Amazons added to the game as well as potentially a subrace of the Lizardmen.
We don't know how long the game has in production, so why introduce new sub factions rather than fixing existing ones?
I think this conversation should happen, but after the eventual Nagash/Tomb Kings rework happens.
Sub-Race FLC would be a great way forward
ОтветитьI'm thinking ind, nippon, kuresh, far east lands could all become a game of their own, Total War Warhammer 4? these are big extensions of land
ОтветитьNippon Nippon nippon
ОтветитьAll I care about is Ind and Khuresh. Araby too, but that mod is so well designed right down to the campaign visuals (unique city models) and siege maps that we don’t really even need CA to get involved. Actually, I wish CA would pay the modders a huge lump sum and integrate Araby as-is into vanilla
Ответитьi dont think they can do dogs of war as a pure dogs of war faction most units are a single entity so you would have to base most of it on Tilaia and then they would have most of the other units as RoR units with the ability to get other RoR from other factions as well.
ОтветитьI would LOVE Tilea and Fimir factions
ОтветитьThat all sounds good, I would be happy with a map pack though. It cant take that much to expand the map roster. Having so few maps in siege and battle makes this huge world feel small.
ОтветитьI feel like GW is caught in an unwinnable situation with Araby.
Updating the lore to be less racist will annoy a lot of old fans. Not updating the lore would make it unmarketable. Either way, the bottom line hurts.
Which is a shame, I desperately want them as a real full-on Faction. Just their real world inspirations, given Araby takes things from Marrakech to Istanbul to Tehran, and the folk lore from those regions could give them a very interesting fleshed out army.
I want more Cathay this year🥹
ОтветитьWhat nonsense. No. It’s a dumb fucking idea. You don’t need to pay per faction. You’re being an idiot.
ОтветитьNate you know we’re not getting Araby as a faction. You should stop peddling it and instead address the problem with Araby. Or do you not realize it? It goes back to their stance about Warhammer World building… today. That Warhammer is a fantasy drawing upon Earth, not Earth (or however it was phrased).
Maybe you don’t know it because you don’t know Islam but unlike the Empire or Bretonnia being inspired by fables Araby has outright straight lifted many aspects of Islam and Arabic Culture to the point that it’s blatant cultural appropriation (cause you know, many people were casually racist back then without even understanding that (Nippon and the Pygmies are even worse examples)). At best Araby is poorly done cultural appropriation and worst it is outright racist. It’s in the same category as Nippon and the Pygmies. That’s why it’s on the back burner and needs a major rewrite just like the other two.
As long as they keep adding races, i'll keep buying them.
ОтветитьSo many videos like this feel like asking to pay for something modders have done or will inevitably do for free eventually.
Let CA focus on the big DLCs after Slaanesh. I want my mercenaries and Nagash and Thanquol.
When is the Slaanesh DLC?
ОтветитьThanks for Space Marine 2. Love the content.
ОтветитьA lot of the sub races people suggest imo like Nippon, Amazonians, Pygmies and whatever are uninspiring utter rubbish, some others are kinda interesting like Araby, Southern Realms and Khuresh. I'm always of the opinion of reworking to increase quality of quantity, the game is plenty bloated enough, as wide the ocean but as deep as a puddle so giving certain factions like Kemmler, some of the Dark Elves, Nosca etc proper interesting unique mechanics to get them up to speed with some of the quality reworks like dwarves and the upcoming Kislev and new races like chaos dwarves. This of course going hand in hand with fixing AI. making sieges fun are a pipe dream at this point and understandably complicated by OP warhammer fantasy stuff like monstrous units. How do you place a massive monstrous entity in a city without it destroying a building with every step so just leave it be.
ОтветитьId buy a fimir dlc so fast
ОтветитьI want to see halfling badger riders and giant badger knights!
ОтветитьI like new lord experiences but are the rosters complete? I would hope that each lord pack would combine themed units and a hand full of grab bag units for existing play styles. But if we are going subraces there are limited number of updates before the end of TWH3 (even if it's 1,2,3 years) we really ought to prioritize the most important/missing lords before any super niche content.
Ответитьnot to be a prty pooper, but araby is already in the game if you can manage to click on a steam workshop mod. fully fleshed out race, mechanics, units, the whole nine yards. and at the most competitive 'pricing' possible. hard to see CA putting up anything that can realisticly compete with that tbh (that said, it would obviously be welcome if they do find a servicable solution)
ОтветитьI want halflings because it is a very funny idea to take over the world with the Warhammer faction equivalent to the short bus. Zharr-Naggrund shall fall beneath a volley of boiling soup.
ОтветитьWhat if instead of races with lords and heroes we got minipacks that include only units that would be recruitable by most races as long as you control certain provinces where these races live, for example, The Moot for halflings, Albion for Albion units, certain jungle provinces for Amazons, etc.
ОтветитьI am not certain that these sub-races would need lords (legendary or not). in my opinion it would make more sense that these groups would be "forced" to serve in the armies of their overlords and never command their own (they would have heroes though). I wouldn't mind "Lords" and "legendary lords", but I don't think it is necessary or even the most logical thing considering the small seize of their forces.
That said I would like at least five units + at least 1 hero-type (say three low tier units [each filling their own niche in the roster], one medium tier unit and finally one elite type) (more would be very much appreciated though)
I also think that most sub-races need to be accessible to a number of races: for example halflings become accessible to most human factions, the dwarfs and ogres, Amazons are accessible to most humans, elves and lizardmen, .....
so say every sub-race gets one or two home- territories where you can build a number of unique buildings (including but not limited to building for recruiting units of the race and which will have a garrison of mostly native units) and once you have acquired the province and fulfilled a quest change you not only can recruit the units in that province but you also get the possibility of building their recruitment buildings in the major cities of your empire as long as you hold those territories.
I think after this slaanesh trio dlc, I would really like them to change things up.
Thrones and Omens were good, and i hope the next will be too, but the 3-faction DLC simply take far too long for them to create. We are going on 3 months without even a roadmap of things to come or an idea of what the next dlc will be (other than it'll have slaanesh).
Would be awesome to get more than just 2 dlc a year
Quick reminder that we get only one new race since wh3 realse in 2022 - chaos dwarfs.
People already speculate about end of support.
Thats crazy dont you think?
Mini Dlc Cult of Ulric. Long time to wait...😢
ОтветитьI agree, Araby would be great, but I really hope that if ‘new’ factions get brought in, I’d rather see Ind and Kuresh brought in. I think they could get away rewriting these two factions into the lore and making it marketable to people of India, and Bangladesh. 🤷🏼♂️
ОтветитьThe hesitancy behind implementing Araby frustrates me. Cultural diversity is great in fantasy. Some parody is even okay if it’s balanced out with things that are respectful to the source culture or things that are novel and have less connection to existing things
I think the main barriers to CA implementing the faction would be
-Fear of backlash from racist people
-Fear of backlash from people calling them racist
-genuinely not having the right culturally competent staff to do it correctly
If it’s the first one, well then fuck CA. If it’s the second one, who cares about that anyways. If it’s the third, they shouldn’t give a crap if they genuinely have a good, respectful product to stand behind.
If it’s the last, well then maybe it’s for the best that they just don’t do it at all. Even if it is a lame excuse shrug
We iz not orcs, we is SAVAGE orcs.
ОтветитьWarhammer 3 really did show how stupid it was for GW to kill Fantasy.
ОтветитьThanquol. Nagash. Halflings. Monkey king or Yin Yin. Egrimm van Horstmann. Update for Teclis. Fix Bretonia cavalry/cavalry and chariots in general. Update the factions for battling for 8 Peaks. Give Skrolk Plague update. Small update for Dark Elves and High Elves. Obviously we still need the Slaanesh DLC. Vampires need a slight tweaking.
Maybe add StormVermin, but verminlords arent needed. Id still welcome giant daemon rats though.
I do feel like Dogs of War could be a combination of the various southern realms factions and then maybe toss some things to Sartossa to make Aranessa actually be more thematic for what she is (since she's not a vampire lord and actually isn't a part of the Vamp Coast in lore). Any Halfling additions could also see some use for the Empire and while quite unlikely Araby or Amazons would be interesting additions, either as part of an existing race or part of Dogs of War potentially. Though I'm more so leaning on that Dogs of War will be basically Southern Realms plus maybe a couple of other things. An FLC alongside them could be finishing up Bretonnia and reworking them a bit.
ОтветитьI think the map needs to be enlarged before they add more things. Expand Araby, fix Southlands shape, expand Naggaroth and the Eastern Steppes
ОтветитьGW pushed Fimir pretty heavily in the early days, probably because they were considered an original GW IP (unlike dwarfs, elves, etc.). They were the only enemy taken out of Heroquest after another company got the rights to the game, due to GW owning their IP. For whatever reason (there is one obvious controversy that comes to mind), they never really ‘landed’. I bet GW has a stack of unused concepts for them, which CA could use to flesh out the roster. I always found them kind of cool, but there were only two forgeworld units available for them. The Balefiend got a sculpt, but that was never released.
ОтветитьThey absolutely need map expansions for Tilea/Estalia or they'll just be a non-presence in every game where they're AI-controlled. If we presume the two of them will have diplomatic bonuses to keep them at peace then the following plays out:
>Tilea has to split its attention between between two LL enemy factions in Skavenblight and Sartosa and inevitably one will gain enough ground to threaten their capitol. There's also LL-led Wood Elves, Dorfs, Ogres and multiple flavors of Greenskins as looming potential threats who might lunge if they sense opportunity.
>Estalia will be at the mercy of OTHER factions' performance, i.e. if Ikit, Khazrak, or Grom start snowballing they're just going to die. On the flipside if Order flourishes in the campaign then they have no opportunities for expansion because they have Bretonnia on one side and Tilea on the other, and they'll be stuck on one province until a super-faction comes to murder them.
We've simply hit the a point where the map is packed with Legendary Lords, and it's now limiting opportunities. Without mods its almost impossible to confederate all Helf factions or get Teclis into a magic duel against Malekith because you aren't able to prevent one of them dying on the vine before you've even gotten a tier 5 settlement.
I've said it before and I'll defend it until I die - we need Total Warhammer 4.
A new game with a completely new campaign map engine that can facilitate a larger (actually spherical!) world and launches with Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, Araby and DoW (a.k.a. Tilea & Estalia) as the preorder faction.
Giveaway in description! I wanted to expand on something we spoke about a while back as I do think this is the best way forward.
Late post been swamped with some work stuff should be normal schedule tomorrow, bloody paperwork :D