Dr. Michael Greger | How Not To Die | Talks at Google

Dr. Michael Greger | How Not To Die | Talks at Google

Talks at Google

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@pmccord9 - 16.12.2022 01:34

This quack is a paid shill of Big Agra. "Public service" my a...
On his plant based diet, yes I bought his book, I became obese, anemic, B12 deficient, had IBS, was prediabetic, and suffered calcium deficiency, so I broke teeth and needed hip replacements. Look at him does he look healthy?

@ramspeedmusic - 20.12.2022 17:37

Stop worshipping this guy. He practices horrible science and using anecdotes and out of context analogies to “prove” his points. Humans need saturated fat and cholesterol to thrive. If you want to argue with evolution go ahead, but you’ll fall flat on your ass. Get away from this basic bitch science that is faulty, and dig deeper. I say this because the science has changed and Ancil Keyes, lied about sugar decades ago and we are not getting better. There’s more to the body than calories and sludge in a pipe like these dumb asses like to compare our arteries to. Remove your cognitive dissonance. Be open minded and let science thrive. Gregor is a horrible scientist if you want to even call it that.

@eskinnalin9684 - 25.12.2022 07:13

Blessings you

@DentfreeEurope - 27.12.2022 00:41

This is a must see and listen to, for those that are already sick and want to recover quickly, and even if any illnesses are ''so said'' irreversible, it's always a gain to go on a whole food, 100% plant-based diet, and the more raw, the better !!! Yes, there are only positives, no negatives !!
Listen to this whole video, don't miss any of it, OK ?!!

@diegonayalazo - 27.12.2022 06:03

Thanks for sharing

@tedhuntington7692 - 29.12.2022 22:58

brilliant work- epochal e-book

@rayzella13 - 31.12.2022 20:41

So basically go plant based & workout

@4himsanctified - 07.01.2023 07:02

Get rid of refined carbs; refined flour and sugars.

@tybrady1935 - 16.01.2023 07:51

You can tell Dr Greger just loves talking about a whole food plant based diet, and that’s so cool!

@laurenkinghorn - 24.01.2023 16:16

Thanks so much for entertaining us while teaching us how not to die, Dr Michael Greger! You make even the most serious subject easy to digest. ;)

@shalupriya6368 - 24.01.2023 20:44

Brings new insight into our relationship with diet, health and overall well-being!

@grant9047 - 13.02.2023 09:09

I tried to stop eating meat and then eventually went back, but I'll try to stop again lol

@grant9047 - 13.02.2023 19:10

John Wayne got stomach cancer, not lung cancer

@berlg.3382 - 15.02.2023 22:46

This is the last person anyone should aspire to look like. Frail, lizard-esque, balding, horrible physiognomy, pale, low T, probably can’t do 50 pushups in a set. Yet, giving diet advice? No thanks.

@epicherbalism - 02.03.2023 22:17

I didn't watch the whole video, but I do wonder if there's any differentiation in meat; processed vs quality. Ex; a hotdog is as similar to wild caught anchovies (both animal products) as potatoes chips are to broccoli (both plant based). Just saying because if it's not broken down in that way then it's the same as analyzing a plant based diet on a population that's eating lots of fake, fried "meat" and potatoes chips but are still fully plant based.

@dowddash - 19.03.2023 23:32

The funny thing is I actually got scared when I saw my blood pressure at 110/70, was like omg that is so low, is this dangerous?? Then found out 120/80 wasn't ideal like I thought, but borderline to getting high blood pressure.

@tommyfreudenthal8084 - 25.03.2023 02:01

If he could stop acting as if his stuff is the end all be all it would very much help.

@shuttlesmasher828 - 25.03.2023 04:44

This guy looks like a clown

@annacichocka7734 - 26.03.2023 18:03

To haters: tell me again how a plant based diet is a 21st century trend for bunnies, put in place by the tyrannical overlords to screw you over 🤔😆👏

@OliverLeveritt - 06.04.2023 23:04

I have studied this for decades. I have researched for decades. I have followed numerous doctors for decades. I take into account things like Blue Zones, Mediterranean Diet, and more. MANY people / doctors negate any and all grains, and advocate things like lots of Omega 3 bearing fish, vegetables and legumes, with moderate amounts of poultry. I like to look at the real "source" of the information. Google is NOT a reliable source of information. Google is part of the Soylent Green One World Order. Nowhere else have I found such an aggressive support for vegan diet. Vegan diet is not a normal thing in mankind, and only exists among the very few who CHOOSE it. The OWO approach is to strip us of all animal based foods. It is already happening. This Fast 'N' Furious presentation smells like a be gaslight session. Excuse me while I go tend to the pain of all the hot smoke that just got blown up my ass. NO civilization in the history of man has been vegan.

@OliverLeveritt - 06.04.2023 23:09

The longer I watch this video, the more it looks like a ridiculous cartoon.

@OliverLeveritt - 06.04.2023 23:13

Excellent video propaganda. Kudos. This guy jumps so fast and changes graphics so fast that no one can keep up with him. Well done. Excellent example on how to disguise facts and truth.

@OliverLeveritt - 06.04.2023 23:16

Excellent blend of medical statistics enhanced and altered by unfounded statistical graphics and fast talk.

@OliverLeveritt - 06.04.2023 23:21

Vegan Supplemented Diet????? How the FUCK would anyone EVER know how to adopt a VEGAN SUPPLEMENTED diet? Supplemented with WHAT? The longer I watch this video, the more it STINKS -- like BULLSHIT.

@OliverLeveritt - 06.04.2023 23:45

Respiratory / Kale. What a fucking fast-talking huckster that says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. All these claim of "13 day", "two week" etc. improvements are absolute BULLSHIT. I'm outta here . . .

@deenzmartin6695 - 13.04.2023 06:28

this guy is a scam artist of the first order.

@vikitheviki - 17.04.2023 03:15

How not to die? Eat meat, ditch carbs fruits and veggies.

@ankafiedler704 - 07.05.2023 13:16

Basically, I believe that a vegan diet is healthy. But I have a question: what about carnosin? It'sc contained only in meat and seems to be very important for us. Do vegans have to take an appropriate dietary supplement, or is there another way? I would be very happy about your information on this!

@lucysamsonite2542 - 19.05.2023 03:51

Cant you eat some meat? I love meat and eggs too.

@letsjustgetalong - 22.06.2023 05:57

What an awesome guy!🤩

@AzerPaul - 21.07.2023 17:08

Wow, so much info—and cogently argued. Convincing case for whole food eating. Thanks, Greger.

@dariansergo8451 - 30.07.2023 17:24

Having a google sign in front of you while having a lecture speaks enough

@susanswinny588 - 13.08.2023 17:04

When my cat Harry passed away a couple of months ago, it sent me into a significant grief period that, in turn, led me to lose my appetite.
I looked at the situation and determined that it wasn't worth dying over.
My response was to begin eating the easiest readily available food until I could move past it all.
I was already on a calorie reduction diet due to being 50 pounds overweight.
Since I wasn't interested in adding insult to injury by eating badly, I started eating instant plain unflavored steel-cut oatmeal with flaxseed (the way it already comes in the package) mixed with water and microwaved for 2 minutes. I added fresh raspberries or blackberries or blueberries.
If I was tired of berries, I instead added banana and a spoon of peanut butter.

After eating 2 packs of this oatmeal each morning and a green salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar with a pack of tuna in water or some canned black beans rinsed with water for lunch for 2 months I made an amazing discovery...

I began to feel so much better.
I lost 9 pounds in 2 months.
I began to sleep better.
So I googled oatmeal to see what the deal is.

Apparently I'd stumbled onto a way to not only lose weight without having to think about it, but also improve my mood like a light bulb switched on.

I still missed my darling kitty, but it was no longer emotionally impacting me in the same way.

I read about Betaglucans and the overwhelming health benefits believed to be true.
And oatmeal (no gluten) is a food naturally high in Betaglucans.
Oatmeal also increases the precursor to serotonin, impacting depression and anxiety.
Another benefit that attracted me was a way to help osteopenia, which is possible with Betaglucans.
Of course there are many more benefits, including reduced triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood pressure.
There's also normalization of insulin sensitivity and colon cancer and other colon related issues like IBS and diverticulosis.

Now that I feel so much better, I'm considering everything that Dr Michael Greger is talking about in this video.
I already went to his web site and signed up for his emails.
I'm inviting emails to sell me on vegan lifestyle.
Yes, I'm listening, Dr Gregor.
Thank you, sir!

@davidtirschman6288 - 13.08.2023 17:22

Dr Gregor I have heard of your work and watched your video. After a few seconds I can see how authtarian you are. I have had health issues for most of my life and suffered the arrogant self righteous attitudes of many so called health experts. I will not hear another word you claim as advice. I am not going to be tricked by doctors who cherry pick Data to present their case.
Some people love to use a sentence here and a phrase there cobbled together presented as fact.
If this is your method you are amongst most health charlatans. I accuse you of nothing only state that to use many studies to try and scare the audience is amongst the most selfish means to manipulate. Dr Keyes was amongst others who used tactics like these to cause a great deal of needless suffering and anxiety of many. Remember every doctor and health care person has to look into the mirror and see what is staring back at them. I posted this not to judge but that anyone who claims to know about health must also examine their selves as well. May God's grace be with us all and honestly lead everyone to truth. The days of misinforming people is over and all health practitioners we be held accountable for their actions.

@user-gd6of4ld2x - 17.08.2023 00:11

This guy saved my life.

@susanfabrican2244 - 25.09.2023 23:29

Dr. Greger is the one who let me know I do not need to eat animal products to be healthy and that they don’t do me any favors when it comes to my devastating family history of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, circulation amputations… Thank you, Dr. Greger for saving me from this terrible family fate! 🙏👍🌱💕

@gregoryglavinovich9259 - 30.10.2023 22:13

Why don't you teach this in grammar school and junior high school ??..????????

@SherylPaulFTP - 06.12.2023 16:02

I am 76 I have eaten a plany based diet off and on for years. Will I still gain health from eating plant based and how quickly. No serious health issues

@highlanderhorses - 18.12.2023 03:21

I have returned to a whole food plant based diet after flirting with some animal protein for a few months. My body said, “NO”!

@mauricebiron8773 - 26.12.2023 11:28

A real jokester , set up by the food industry.

@JBDazen - 15.01.2024 23:43

What the heck? What is going on with this guy? I've never heard someone present like that. He's trying to be aloof but he screams at the same time.

@user-ec8dy3ir4w - 22.01.2024 17:38


@Sushi2735 - 08.02.2024 00:53

Doctor, brilliant man that you are, you talk WAY TOO LOUD WITH A MIKE!!! PLEASE……
BRING IT DOWNA NOTCH 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

@cjmills9334 - 15.02.2024 04:55

Talks very fast, glad it has subtitles :)

@user-ew5pq3ek9q - 19.02.2024 06:40

Your lecture was profound and the truth had me hilariously laughing more then I ever had in my lifetime. Excellent for the stupidity evident in the system is profound

@aidanclare6602 - 06.03.2024 18:31

This lecture was a very pivotal part of my change in diet. In my mid 20s I had this notion that I was indestructible and that I could eat anything I wanted. After some health scares I eventually became vegetarian. During the pandemic I had time to think about a lot of things, and eventually found the idea of harvesting sentient beings for food when I knew that better, cheaper and healthier alternatives were available was inexcusable, so I became full vegan in 2021. I have more clarity of thought, improved sleep, and I have not been sick in at least 2 years, no COVID or even a cold. I am not saying my experience will necessarily be the same as other people’s, and I’m not saying a vegan diet will solve all your problems, but it’s a step in the right direction and it seems most nutritional research supports that.

@magicf7076 - 24.06.2024 11:27

Luntatic. Period.
