Amanda the Adventurer - All Secrets, Endings and the Story Explained

Amanda the Adventurer - All Secrets, Endings and the Story Explained


1 год назад

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Super Saturn
Super Saturn - 20.09.2023 00:06

Wait when she says I’m out there somewhere that means that was her speaking not the monster inside of her there 2 different people so she wanted to tell us that she’s out there trying to reach to us 😮!

R0blox_k1tty c4t😽
R0blox_k1tty c4t😽 - 19.09.2023 07:42

Good job watched it all. Best explanation on you tube. 🎉❤ super horror bro

Legomoviefan2008 - 17.09.2023 20:12

One of the things i like to think of about movies. Or games in this case. Is how adopted kids birth parents could had felt about they’re kids and the future they had. Like as a positive example. Lewis’s birth mother from meet the Robinsons could had felt very proud for her son making a beautiful future. An negative example is tai lung from Kung fu panda. His birth parents could had been very disappointed or depressed of how they’re son went from being a warrior to a bad guy. While this is not a animated movie the idea of how Rebecca birth parents could had felt about they’re daughter is depressing. Imagine your daughter or son getting adopted by a lovely man and both your child and they’re adopted parent gotten killed by demons and trapped in a tv show. That is pure depressing! I always believe that when people die they found they’re lost ones in heaven and they would say what happened to them or god will tell them if they’re still alive or dead. Imagine dying waiting to see your lost live one and when you do to heaven and when you finally came to heaven. They were trapped and they never came to heaven. That is just a depressing though…
Yeah that was a bit too much…

brayden pressley
brayden pressley - 17.09.2023 07:51

Really hope there is some kind of
Cleansing dlc where we save amanda and wooly and clense the demon from amanda

brayden pressley
brayden pressley - 17.09.2023 07:22

We not gonna talk about how riley became a piece of meat in the butcher ending and how all the other pieces of meat are probably humans who met the same fate?

Martin Aziz
Martin Aziz - 16.09.2023 20:02


Swiftbreeze_the_void - 16.09.2023 19:14

The sheep when she became mad
|||| <-- legs

Edit: damn that bday song is 🔥 😂

Dramallamadog - 16.09.2023 15:15

During the tape where Wooly tells Amanda it's his birthday, if you don't type Wooly's name he gets sad and says something about Riley forgetting him. His name in the subtitles goes from Wooly to ????

I thought that was a cool secret

SurrealKit - 14.09.2023 21:41

So Hamelin like the Pied Piper? With the icon of the company being a mouse.

Nero - 14.09.2023 20:42

What i also find interesting is the name of the Broadcaster Its symbol is a Mouse/Rat and its Called "Hameln"

Hameln is a German city which has a Legend about a Ratcatcher who used a Flute to Lure Rats out of the city and into the River to drown.
After he got rid of the Cities Rat problem the People did not want to pay him his promised loan so he became angry and returned days later to use the flute to this time lure out the Children. They followed him and where never seen again.
Which could be why rebecca dissapeared ... she got Hypnotised by the TV and followed Something/or someone outside.

dodo_fart196 - 13.09.2023 01:32

I think i have a theory that is called HAMLEN and someone said that theres a pied piper of hamlen. So in secret tape 1 the door was open in the tape, so i think that something called the children.

Nathan - 12.09.2023 08:24

What happeneds if you type: UHH

Lowfurts - 09.09.2023 00:25

This is why Wooly is a GIGACHAD!

fartboy23 - 07.09.2023 04:41

such a well written game. making the small child recite the 3 demon lords of hell is such a unsettling scene as it doesn't make sense but can tie to the entire company being some sort of cult possibly sacrificing the child actors to hell. (being the reason of both Sam and Rebbeca going missing)

NACHOS - 06.09.2023 06:43

That's crazy

Cassidy - 02.09.2023 14:39

There is the hat sticker

Safiya Kaleem
Safiya Kaleem - 02.09.2023 13:36

When the television turns red and there is a banging noise of human maybe Rebecca is trying to get out of the demon thats in her her or maybe thats a flash back that how kate died or maybe amanda was killing kate and the names from the secret tape that amanda would say if u say it it was baa sheep and pie man or something else i really dont remember it that much but that was the demons names and at the part one of amanda the adventure people say that ur the demon if u turn around and see in the game so ya i hope it helped❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊

thomas cosgrove
thomas cosgrove - 31.08.2023 12:34

You are close about the demon but for your information that demon is Amanda

Ed Romero
Ed Romero - 29.08.2023 02:16

I found that doll in the attic very cute and the way she gives you a tape is also cute.

ConstantBit9 - 28.08.2023 20:02

Amanda: "The patient is getting rowdy!"
Also Amanda: laughs in German "And zat is how I lost my medical license..."

J'Kai Crawford
J'Kai Crawford - 27.08.2023 05:59

Everybody gangster until Riley types out "Sam"

AJ - 27.08.2023 05:56

Wooly doesn’t seem like a parent at all Lmfao. It’s odd that people look at his character as being parental and not as one of a caretaker

Hi leave me alone
Hi leave me alone - 26.08.2023 15:40

Maybe Wooly is the presumed employee who created the tapes and was essentially spying. They got caught and became him as punishment. It could be why Wooly knows so much, and why he doesn't seem to be on either side, in a sense.

Sajin Bala
Sajin Bala - 26.08.2023 04:27

Hamelin is also the name of the town where Peter pied piper happened taking all the kids

FactionParadox - 25.08.2023 22:34

Interesting how the company is called Hamelin, as in the Pied Piper of Hamelin, the man who stole a town's children away after they refused to pay him for deaing with their rat infestation.

♡Śhėñćåï♡ - 25.08.2023 08:57

“Sit back and relax”
Proceeds to show Amanda about to kill us while saying relax

Logan McNab
Logan McNab - 24.08.2023 15:53

The opposite of a live is dead

Logan McNab
Logan McNab - 24.08.2023 00:36

The only reason

Jordan McHighlander
Jordan McHighlander - 23.08.2023 21:51

A theory I have after reading comments is that the line about "rotting" does not refer to Rebecca's physical body. Instead, it refers to the part of her soul that's trapped in the tele/tapes. Basically, the demon consumes more of her soul when she gets agitated or angry. This would explain why she used the current tense of "rotting" instead of past tense and why she gets less stable as the game goes on.

Because the kitten is treated as a stand in for Amanda, I believe Amanda thinks that if she stays in the tapes then the demon will consume all of her soul. Out of fear, Amanda wanted to escape the tapes by any means necessary. I think Amanda killing Wooly was because she thought he would try to stop or control her. Amanda sharing her secret might've been her choice of last words if she didn't manage to escape.

Christian Young
Christian Young - 22.08.2023 07:01

I like how when the girl disappears from the living room and the front door open there’s a brand new Hyundai Palisade parked on the curb😂

c2thaD - 22.08.2023 03:09

without ever playing the game and watching this purely to gain an understanding over this series:
1) with the four outlines on the ground it insinuates to me that there are at least 4 souls trapped in Amandas universe.
-Jordan (Wooly) Possibly chosen as a companion soul to pacify Rebeccas soul and keep her company/docile. he was "built into" the universe as Rebecca was; giving him similar/lesser abilities to Amanda (can communicate, distinct from other animals and is humanoid, can "manifest" or create his own tapes? Given a "special place" in the universe to exist between episodes... Case was made in the video that Wooly could also be Sam, but he projects more little brother energy and we know Jordan and his sister were close as his sister was the one initially looking for him after he went missing.

-Lauren (The kitten) She bacame "lost" during the home video featuring her parents. The conflict between Rebecca/Amanda makes her upset if you choose not to help the "lonely kitten" because she is there truly by herself and alone, and Laurens mother mentions that Amanda was her "best friend" during one of the tapes (withdrawn kids typically find companionship in things like their imagination, tv shows/movies, dolls/toys etc. and being separated from her parents and isolated in the body of a cat who cant communicate at all would make a young child feel pretty isolated.)
-Kate (The fox) Was investigating the tapes, ended up trapped in the tape universe and was possibly killed/consumed by the demon. Play on Kates intelligence and sly/cunning nature discovering the truth Hamelin was hiding in plain sight. She got "stuck in the trap" due to her curiosity and sticking her nose where it didnt belong and it eventually got her not just "killed" in the physical world, but had her soul consumed by the demon/Amanda to prevent her having any more influence on potential future victims or people suspicious of the studio.
-Rebecca (Amanda) Speaks for itself... For whatever reason (we have no history of Rebecca before her adoption, cant remember if they mention specifics of her biologocial parents but perhaps she is an orphan? perhaps Hamlin has had more influence on her life than what we know?) All we really know for certain is her early years were hard, but she has a strong spirit and still maintains her adventurous/independent nature while having major difficulties in situations that rewuire trust.
2) To tie things up neatly, I believe Sam to be the disguised man. Although it being the whistleblower would make sense as well, there is nothing to say that Sam and the Whistleblower werent working together or that the Whistle blower at least knows what happens to Sam and feels some sense of responsibility for everything that happened with Rebecca and eventually the other children.
3) This is purely speculative and a leap, but in the Mario universe there is a running theory that the reason inanimate objects and things like clouds, hills, and even consumable items have eyes is because they are imbued with some form of consiousness/soul which gives them their otherworldsly features and power. Looking at the buildings and the objects, especially in the case of the butcher shop(s) suggests to me that the "prison" isnt even necessarily the tape universe everything is trabbed in, but the "demonic programming" that binds them to their role/function that in turn allows the universe to exist... Like everything someone a victim to the demon was becomes building blocks for the code in its pocket universe it lives in. The victims become what powers, makes up and exists in "Amandas world".

lol im done speculating now, great video very informitive in comparison to many others on here that offer very little dossection of the information.

Fresh Account
Fresh Account - 21.08.2023 20:52

Amazing explanation bro, i didn't wanted to play it but was curious what is the hype about this

케이트 - 21.08.2023 01:16

Pov :kate is us when there are only 3 tapes she died because of amanda and the new version is the new kid named riley

SickQueen - 20.08.2023 18:56

That moon symbol is a potato
