Overthinking Kids TV Shows - Eddache

Overthinking Kids TV Shows - Eddache


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@LevitationMaster - 26.12.2023 19:08

Not gonna lie I had nightmares of the toucan from the night garden. It wasn’t just the birds in general, it was literally just the toucan

@KamaKamilowska-gl9dj - 23.12.2023 04:55

"im off to double hell. Woo!"

@ImGoingSupersonic - 18.11.2023 23:44

"CBeebies" is just BBC backwards.

@atlantic85 - 29.10.2023 03:23

You can’t really fat-shame daddy pig when he’s the only one in the family who has run marathons

@stevan_the_google_fotos_studio - 22.10.2023 01:09


@LoneWolf13-0 - 05.10.2023 03:09

Not Props Pig roasting the heck out of Daddy Pig😅

@MrKenwayYT - 19.09.2023 13:13

Rudolph Hitler

@legometaworld2728 - 19.09.2023 08:22

Any Bluey fan over 5-years-old:

@Greenlivezmatter - 17.09.2023 21:09

I remember watching bing

@Robin_Russo - 16.09.2023 06:24

Great run time.

@notyetimnot406 - 03.09.2023 19:58

petition to add the scrumpy poos the justin beiber baby thing (couldn't get their name) and the pippity ploppity to in the night garden

@mm123gchannel9 - 16.08.2023 00:22

I feel like the reason why a lot of people think way too deep about shows like these is because they often see things more from a world building perspective instead of artist’s or marketing perspective. From a viewer’s perspective you can only interpret the show from the final product, so some of the “weirder” choices or implications are easy to put in question. But in reality, most creatures can make creative choices wether it makes no sense to an outsider’s perspective, because some of the choices are ether done to push an artistic vision or to simply the type of audience they want. For example, why do some shows about kids don’t have any adults? Simple answer, to better appeal to kids by making them the main and only focus. Why do some shows have humanoid animals or creatures? Simple answer: It’s more creatively and visually appealing than regular humans. Why do a lot of shows brake basic logic like fire under water? Simple answer, creators don’t often don’t care or don’t about the logical implications of something as long as it’s fun to do.

@oddoutsstudioofficial - 16.07.2023 09:29

ngl, duggee is good...

@sharpshark9076 - 08.07.2023 09:20

Can someone please explain why in the Bing intro, the panda takes off their shorts and just keeps walking in their underwear??
Please, this has bugged me ever since I first saw it...

@buddyzilla4557 - 06.07.2023 00:06

Um.. we do it for a few reasons. Its a more complex societal situation than a keyboard phychologist answer. Yes, we tend to look for relatable situations in media but most of these fan hyptheosis are not actually relatable to most people. We do tend to seek more imaginative and adventurous concepts. We get a thrill out of this. There is a reaosn why fictional storytelling is so popular. It acts as a form of escapism and can distance oneself from reality. One of the biggest ones I never hear anyone tlak about is the educational system and societal expectations. We look for deeper meanings because we are taught from an early age that they exist and we are better people if we find them. Think back to gradeschool english classes when your teachers would ahve tou write about your feelings toward specific parts of a story and what they meant. When you discussed fables and the lesson being taught. Think to high school and college where you had to read classic literature then discuss the hidden sybolism and purpose of the piece. We were all taught about writing techniques to sublty send messages and express higher concepts in media works. Simultanously were were taught this was good. This was a sign of good writting, good media and smart artist. This further imparted the message that WE were smarter and better for noticing these. We are trained to WANT to get the higher, deeper meaning. It means we are not only fans of good higher level media but better ourselves for it. Our culture relishes in the concept that having more access to something others dont, even if just by factors beyond our control, makes us better. Inside jokes are funny because they are jnclusive to thsoe good enough to get it..even when relaly thats not the case and it can just be an act of bullying. Having a talent others font makes you better and more valuable..even if you just naturally are good at it from birth. Having more knowlage makes you smartter and more sophisticated than others..even if you dont truely understand it in a usable manner or only do because you had more educational resource accessabilty. Having worth stemmed from inclusivity is a staple of human societal nature, espeoclal when it comes to pre-established, steuctured systems. Our education systems tell us it is important to find deeper meanings in media so it makes us better for having that skill. Thus, we try our best to do just that to prove ourselves. Is it coincidence this raises the more acessable public expression of it is allocated? No. An interesting byrpoduct however, is conceptual incest. We want to find deeper meanings in popular nedia to feel smarted and more cultured for liking it but what constitutes? Political satire? Self reflective quanderings? Existential explorations? Dark shit? Just genrally, really dark shit, like murdered children? The more discussion occurs and popularized in mediums like online platforms where trending and pandering is the focus, the more generalized and homogonized the "deeper meanings" become. It isnt about sitting something specific toward a relavant politacal flaw or perosnal expression. It is about creating appearences. As long as it covers something dark/serious and/or says something about religion, politics, social structures, mental illness etc. that aligns with a very general and popular view or says nothing at all, is deep by nature. Its such a meaningful thing that all the children in the rugrats are dead and a figment of Angelica's imagination because..its dark..and incorprets mental health..and what it says about mental health is that..its dark..yeah, no. It doesnt say ANYTHING deep and portrays a very ignorant, negative steriotpye of phycholigical truama/mental health issues but as long as peope inadventantly just accept it as deep, it gets the job done. We are programmed to just know as a fact that finding deeper meening in media is good on us but now the defination of what counts is being altered through new menas of socialization createing a corrusption of the automous concept that no longer meets its purpose. It once recognized that artistic expression through creative means is a good manner of sharing diverse views but revserses intk turning all media into an outlet for the same few concpets to be shoehorned in as its popualr following. Its bringing peope together not under the umbrella of complex commentary experienced uniquly, but gloating attempts through lack of creativity and narrowing. Take the same popular concepts for "hidde. Meanings" apply them to a piece of media, claim it as your genius relaization and draw attention to just thsoe elements across a wide grouping of individials so that becoems the main focus for all media released. What creepy/dark concept was the creator hiding? Not..what personal view, experience or lesson may the creator have been indicating through their writting?

@buddyzilla4557 - 05.07.2023 23:29

Aligators are aslo strictly North American where elephants are only natively gound in the Old World. They could have made it a crocodile which is found in both the new and old world. This would have also made the relatiknship have further menaing as they do naturally coexists and there is even a Rudyard Kipling short story about how it was a sneaky crocodile who gave the elephant its trunk in an attempt to eat it. They specifically chose an alligator, however.

@buddyzilla4557 - 05.07.2023 23:21

Don't go talking about having a stroke of your pokety in a kids' show episode, you pervert. It wasn't clever nor well hidden..It's a shame you have kids. I feel bad for them and their loser father with the swelled head making cheap videos he thinks he is talented for,
; but just meets a sick cringe fetish for mentally ill adults. Congrats..you made fun of stroke victims and a cheapshot inuendo joke. As long as you make that green it doesnt matter how or why right?

@anempireruledbymario - 27.06.2023 16:00

Pocoyo is one of the most Kids Show there is out there. It's almost, a masterpiece if you could.

@ozguricoglu5969 - 24.06.2023 20:36

forget everything and look at to lenght of the video

@ethribin4188 - 24.06.2023 11:23

Babies are natural sociopaths.
As they have not the developed the capacity to not be yet.

@Velociraptor1066 - 26.05.2023 18:22

I met you today at comic con as spider man

@purplegurple804 - 23.05.2023 02:11

hey duggee is actually a good show tho

@picturethis2296 - 20.05.2023 21:22

I want to see an In The Night Garden horror show
+ I've seen all of them

@BowlingSoup - 16.05.2023 23:53

-like Edison of something

@vlad_makes_stuff - 12.05.2023 22:51

This is basically every Game Theory episode

@TheRedneckRoman16 - 08.05.2023 21:32

This has nothing to do with the content of the video but an ad popped up the second the end of the 'g' in Bing left his lips and it is hilarious to me.

@poplaflop909 - 05.05.2023 06:20

Rudolf Hitler is now my favorite insult

@notbill202 - 02.05.2023 14:45

So Happy is an…

@aviangreeneunicornsandrain7067 - 26.04.2023 05:51

MArY hAd A liTtLE laMe iT’s FleEcE wAs WhItE aS sNow

@somemonkeythingfrombjsofal4654 - 25.04.2023 00:02

That’s A Weird Lookin Fckin Dog.

@nananan1760 - 18.04.2023 19:15

Why is the video 9 minutes an 11 second long 🤨

@Skrillswat_forces26httyd - 16.04.2023 08:08

The in the night garden was my favourite childhood show

@the0wolf15 - 14.04.2023 18:23

If I ever get kids, I will NEVER let them watch Peppa Pig. They literally fat shame the father every damn episode

@lovepuddingmybeagle - 13.04.2023 11:24

the episode where charlie(i think) puts a potato in bings car toy thing is and then i think he smashes charlies tower but idk that might be another episode

@lovepuddingmybeagle - 13.04.2023 11:14

oml i used love bing when i was like 4 i dunno

@anime_man9874 - 13.04.2023 06:37

rudolph hitler

@anime_man9874 - 13.04.2023 06:31

so close to a million views
