4 Steps To Great Sleep Without Sleep Training

4 Steps To Great Sleep Without Sleep Training

Emma Hubbard

1 год назад

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Surbhi Chouhan
Surbhi Chouhan - 13.10.2023 11:10

13 month old waking up every hour for feed.its became a habbit now..what can I do plz send some help

N'cita Willey
N'cita Willey - 26.09.2023 10:01

But following all these guidelines I understand will help with sleeping at home in their cot. But what's going to happen if they need to sleep while we out and about? And they only used to dark and quiet room to sleep in?

aidagalito - 22.09.2023 23:20

Been there, done that. Actually we do everything that is said in the video, yet our 6 months old baby won't nap for over 30 minutes and wakes every 2 hours at night. Probably because he had severe reflux as a newborn and got used to sleeping on top of us as well as eating small amounts very often. Amyway, I'm in hell. Not being able to sleep is torture

KA - 19.09.2023 00:33

I’ve got a six week old and hates naps and bedtime . At least that’s what it looks like . I try to put her down for naps but she fights to stay away and same for bedtime . I try everything but nothing works . She even sleeps for 5 mins and then wakes up with a jolt even if it’s deadly quiet . Not sure what to do. She’s also breastfed and clearly a light sleeper . I only manage to get her to sleep and stay asleep in my bed but in her Next to Me Cot she never sleeps for long enough. Please help !

invioletsky - 30.08.2023 11:32

My observation for good sleep is to have a transition routine not only for night sleep but also for naps. I started putting my baby in the crib with a quiet music toy above her before she has started showing signs for being tired. She would continue to play with it for a while and than fall asleep with no additional help or sucking anything. My baby is exclusively breastfed but I never use that as a way to calm her for a nap.

Joanna Jade Gopaul
Joanna Jade Gopaul - 21.08.2023 22:10

This worked like a charm ...thank you so much 😊❤ been watching your videos since I was pregnant and now my boy is 10 months

minimoe2008 - 13.08.2023 15:16

any tips for newborns?

Tulip Garland
Tulip Garland - 09.08.2023 13:54

Hi Emma, in another video I think you said babies naturally have a later bedtime, can you please explain why that might be? Thank you ! I find your videos so helpful and am currently following the thrive program as well as the exercises program :) Cheers !

shadow dragon
shadow dragon - 03.08.2023 21:21

This is all well and good but my 18month old is in bed with me every night she dies t sleep through if she sleeps for 2hours isa long time for her to sleep

Lindsay Wait
Lindsay Wait - 28.07.2023 00:03

Thanks for sharing! I haven't used sleep training with my kids but we do all 4 of these things. Of course each kid is unique, some sleeping better than others, and there are phases like teething or travel that mess us schedules. We just don't stress and the kids seem to do the same!

Maia Maia
Maia Maia - 26.07.2023 06:09

It was a nightmare when my son went to daycare and could not fall asleep since the environment was not "optimal" like home (dark, cool, noisemaker). I am doing differently with my now 5 months old because I cannot set her for "failure" of not being able to sleep at school once the time comes. The teachers have very little patience with the kids who do not nap and expect them to stay in their cot for the whole 2 hours nap window. Tell that to a 2 year old.

Kailey Enns
Kailey Enns - 22.07.2023 04:32

I sleep trained my 3month old sleeps from 7 pm to 7am. 👍🏼

Car - 20.07.2023 14:15

Amazing advice! I feel validation that waking up my daughter at 7 am is OK and necessary after watching this with her approaching 6 months in 5 days. Everyone would always say LET HER SLEEP, But I knew as she gets older it would effect her wake windows and nap schedule.

Dava Beardsley
Dava Beardsley - 13.07.2023 22:36

Does this work with newborns?

Lauraiamgroot - 13.07.2023 05:44

Hello, do you please have any tips for a one year old? (my baby is 10,5 months.)

Amanda Linares
Amanda Linares - 11.07.2023 09:27

I have a slightly different issue. my baby likes to be held to fall asleep, but does not necessarily want to be held to stay asleep. however she Does not like to be lowered into a playpen or bed And wakes up instantly. I don't know what to do

Karlea Marie
Karlea Marie - 17.06.2023 06:03

Okay so when they are ready for their nap do you just lay them in the crib and walk away? Cause mine I have to rock FOREVER and when I set him down in the crib he just wakes right back up, and I follow all the wake windows

sara - 05.06.2023 01:36

Even when he's tired he won't sleep more rhen 10min. So by the first Nap after ten minutes all he does is yell the rest of the day. This is my third child I have never experienced this and i'm losing my mind

Ashley M
Ashley M - 27.05.2023 19:43

My son just doesn't want to sleep because there's too much to see and explore, lol. I remind myself that this too shall pass 😆

Sarah Cotter
Sarah Cotter - 18.05.2023 18:52

Would you wake up at the same time regardless of what time they go to sleep? My little is normally asleep by 10pm, up at 8am. But during this four month sleep regression, she sometimes doesn’t get to sleep until 1:30am! Would I still wake her up at 8am??

Neha Sharma
Neha Sharma - 15.05.2023 16:29

How to wake them up? If we try to wake my child, she crys alot and get irritated.

Divya Saluja
Divya Saluja - 08.05.2023 14:46

Hi Emma,

I have been following routine for my baby. He is an year old and wakes up v frequently at night. We are really worried as we cant rest at night. Please help us

Ciara - 04.05.2023 23:32

my 15 month old sleeps through the night, except he’s dependent on a bottle to fall asleep during nap time and bedtime. any advice!

Gemma Artner
Gemma Artner - 02.05.2023 13:02

Would these tips also make a difference at 9 weeks? Or is that to early to really make a difference with his new born sleep? 🤔

Ashley W
Ashley W - 01.05.2023 23:36

Quiet bedroom. Does that count white noise??

Kayce Victoria
Kayce Victoria - 30.04.2023 18:32

My 6 month old has started being restless during sleep. Like she has restless legs..... for about 2 weeks or no..
We co sleep. Shes on the boob a lot. We sleep maybe 5 ish hours peacefully.
Im wondering if the restlessness is "normal "

Alexandra Rozsa-Hrabinski
Alexandra Rozsa-Hrabinski - 15.04.2023 22:14

My son is 8 months old, and he gets extremely tired but will continue to keep playing if he's being engaged with. Also, he tends to only have 30-minute naps or just won't nap at all even after showing tired signs.

Also, whenever he wakes in the morning, he's happy, but whenever he wakes from his naps, he's quite upset.


plaidyissues - 11.04.2023 09:29

1. Wake your baby at the same time.

Is my baby sleep training me?

Richard - 10.04.2023 06:02

Is there a guide for babies under 6 months? Currently have a 5 week old and having trouble getting him to initially sleep at bed time...

Blessed - 07.04.2023 03:10

This is fine if your baby doesn’t have to go to day care. I can’t control them putting mine to sleep. At home mine is on a good schedule at daycare she’s on their schedule and sometimes doesn’t sleep at all

Laura Vidaurre Teixidó
Laura Vidaurre Teixidó - 06.04.2023 03:17


Ashley W
Ashley W - 28.03.2023 05:08

A quiet room? Most people say white noise 😫

Enmanuel Diaz
Enmanuel Diaz - 25.03.2023 07:16

Wake up!? I new my baby to sleep in! 😂

S He
S He - 20.03.2023 02:00

Thank you so much. All thoses tips are so on spot

Liz - 05.03.2023 20:51

How do you sleep train a toddler/more than 12 months old?

Qiuhong Ke
Qiuhong Ke - 03.03.2023 10:39

Hi. My baby is 11 months and still need to get up one or two times for feeding. Should I stop the night feeding and how to do this? Thanks!

MJ Wong
MJ Wong - 22.02.2023 15:15

Just wanting to clarify: isn't REM deep sleep?

Ella Vate
Ella Vate - 19.02.2023 05:31

One thing I sort of intuitively did with my son when he was ~6 months+ was as soon as we woke up we'd look at the morning sun 🌞 (not directly of course) but to set our circadian rhythm and he has always been such a champion sleeper! ✨ It might be worth a try for other mamas

sarikatimmi - 19.02.2023 02:30

my child has gotten worse w age. at 21 months she now needs to sleep in my bed next to me and nurse constantly. it’s exhausting

Diana Andronic
Diana Andronic - 12.02.2023 22:26

Why my 7 month old baby don't want to sleep after being awake for 7 hours in the day ? Normally she sleeps after 3 h being awake, but sometimes the schedule gets crazy...

SIMplyAlli - 11.02.2023 08:30

My daughter is 4 months old and hasn’t slept good at all for over a month, almost two. She wakes every hour to 2 hours and sometimes it’s only 30 minutes. She’s always slept alone and does not like to take naps. She cries all of the time at night and nap time. Her doctor suggested to start to sleep train her already but that is not working either. Any advice?

Hafsa Tariq
Hafsa Tariq - 10.02.2023 21:40

What does 30 minute window means

Chandi Love
Chandi Love - 10.02.2023 03:24

This seems much more realistic and less draining then sleep training. I am a second time mom, my son is 4 weeks and my daughter is 6. With my first I sleep trained her, letting her cry it out... it worked but it was hard to do mentally and emotionally and everytime she got sick it would ruin the whole training we did. And she got sick a lot (mostly after vaccinations) so we would have to sleep train again and again. This time I'm doing it different. I'm not to worried about sleep training, I know my son will get on a schedule eventually and besides they grow SO fast, I'm embracing it all much more this time around.

ngerstner753 - 09.02.2023 06:02

My struggle with getting into a routine is having an older child. So my baby might sleep until 630 every morning if she wasn't interrupted. But she sleeps in my room right now, and my 3 year old is often up by 530, sometimes 6, and comes and wakes us up. Then I have to leave to get her to school at 815, so I'm unable to get the baby a decent nap until I'm home around 9. So the day just sort of starts bad. Then I pick up my toddler at 1pm, so that can often cause problems with naps. Very frustrating. I feel like my baby is getting very overtired and not sure how to deal.
