Instagram Spring Cleaning - Removing Bots + Fake Followers

Instagram Spring Cleaning - Removing Bots + Fake Followers

Jasmine Star

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Juman Mohammad
Juman Mohammad - 30.03.2020 21:09

One way that helps is searching in your followers with random repeated letters, numbers, etc. I write: fff, and I get like 5~10 accounts that are clearly ghost followers, or I write: @@ / & / $$ , and usually ghost accounts pop up, makes a bit easier :)

Daniel J. Cox–Natural Exposures TV
Daniel J. Cox–Natural Exposures TV - 09.11.2023 05:43

Do you have a suggestion for how to find a quality Virtual Assitant that can do this kind of work? I'm ready to hire somebody to help.

Trobadour - 26.10.2023 05:53

Where can I hire a virtual assistant that won’t scam me? I’d don’t mind paying someone to do that for me in a legit and manual way.

Anette Lanette
Anette Lanette - 20.10.2023 04:54

once I started going in a removing bots from my account, I saw a huge improvement on account who were actually engaging and seeing my content

Samantha Milani
Samantha Milani - 10.10.2023 02:57

Do you recommend any virtual assistance for this matter?

1moddymod - 16.07.2023 17:14


1moddymod - 16.07.2023 04:18

How to hire a VA ???

It Is About Time
It Is About Time - 23.05.2023 21:09

And what about those, the minute you post something they startcommenting "send this to this page...."

Morgiu - 16.05.2023 14:57

Hey guys! I have collected more than 110.000 follower and I would like to clean my profile. But they are toooooo, any advice?

Sadia Hakim
Sadia Hakim - 12.02.2023 06:25

Hey Jasmine, someone is buying me thousands of bot followers, I cleaned them manually, and 30 mint after removal, 200 new bot followers came. Thou am not sure if someone is buying me these followers, or are they automatically coming. What to do? It's my creator account, i can't keep ot private as I'm a writer and want to publish.

€ashf!zzy - 10.12.2022 10:52

we should not pay to have bots removed Instagram needs to sort out its surroundings

chi - 11.09.2022 04:39

Hmmm... You're proposing a virtual assistant in the U.S. that will work for $10 to $12 an hour. That is exploitation. If people can't afford to pay their VAs a living wage, then they shouldn't hire them!

The Lape Homestead
The Lape Homestead - 31.08.2022 19:57

And all their pics are posted in one day or over the course of a few days.

Michelle Cannon
Michelle Cannon - 24.08.2022 20:01

My issue is suddenly I have lots of men following me. I don't know if they are genuinely interested in what I'm posting, or they are creepers. And there seems to be no way for me to find out.

Joy Mungai
Joy Mungai - 27.07.2022 06:44

Thanks for the video.

Another way to spot a bot/fake follower if not sure, check the date on their posts. All of them will literally have the same date.

BasketCase420 - 13.07.2022 23:47

Instagram needs to have a better that doesn't just restrict comments it restricts bots with certain emojis certain and phrases

Kelsey Maize
Kelsey Maize - 15.06.2022 00:32

loved this video. i have over 10k followed and need to do some MAJOR cleaning out. do you have any recommendations on where to find a virtual assistant?!

Stephen Boluwatife
Stephen Boluwatife - 04.06.2022 21:37

How will you know bot followers

Root TheLucario
Root TheLucario - 30.04.2022 04:22

This has been a problem on Instagram sense for god knows how long

Hardcounterrr CR
Hardcounterrr CR - 10.04.2022 21:40


Mia Mia
Mia Mia - 04.04.2022 19:22

in a perfect rosy cozy world, these techniques are effective. Real World=NOT! have more than 30k followers, and these bots/fake followers only come back by the 100s after spending hours removing them. IG has dropped the ball and I am starting to believe IG is behind this. Spending time on social media reporting, removing, and blocking fake followers is time consuming, exhausting, and defeats the purpose of social media.

Rhianna Dickson
Rhianna Dickson - 31.03.2022 09:14

hey lovely! Why are third party cleaning apps bad?

DfctvM3rp - 10.03.2022 23:13

I know this is old, but are virtual assistants still useful for this? Anyone know where I'd go to hire someone?

shahal - 07.03.2022 18:49

App name

Vishrut Chandra
Vishrut Chandra - 03.03.2022 00:31

I am not a bot! I had eliminated several unwanted followers who I presumed to be bots. My story views went down a lot as well as likes! My story views not going up, please help!

Annie Baldry
Annie Baldry - 26.02.2022 21:15

Love it! Shooting in the wild. Really enjoy your on location videos

Tarek kamsh
Tarek kamsh - 17.02.2022 14:16

I have 70,000 fake followers I want to delete them how?

BoozCheez - 17.02.2022 03:11

Is it better to block them than remove ?

Katie Austin
Katie Austin - 10.02.2022 19:27

How would you recommend finding a virtual assistant that does that sort of service for someone’s social media accounts? Are there any specific company’s that are trust worthy that do so. TIA

Courtney Hunkele
Courtney Hunkele - 05.02.2022 01:28

If I have multiple accounts on my instagram app, then how can I get rid of them and get down to one instagram account?

Jake Rivers
Jake Rivers - 30.01.2022 01:29

A big question for me is should I remove ghost followers? People I know and that do follow me and view my story but NEVER like or comment on anything...

Linda Holman
Linda Holman - 10.01.2022 17:10

I CONTINUALLY delete! I went away for Christmas, came back and had over 3k fake and mainly Nigerian followers. I now have 33% male followers. This isn't good. I have deleted 1k today - but this is too time consuming and too depressing. I am a content creator and have worked hard to build my account @lindasstyletips - Now I'm beginning to think I should call it a day. ???

Fortminorproject - 09.01.2022 23:15

Iam just trying to grow naturally on all my social media accounts. Thank you for this .

The G.O.A.T
The G.O.A.T - 03.01.2022 11:50

I have a question. How do you know if their bots?

Noers💯 - 29.12.2021 04:20

They annoying as frick

Lauren Dorr
Lauren Dorr - 17.12.2021 20:24

Hey found this video extremely helpful! Do you have any good recommendations for who to hire to clean up accounts?

Josh Williams
Josh Williams - 16.12.2021 00:39

How can I stop bot and fake Instagram accounts from following my Instagram for good? I recently put my profile on private and removed all the bot accounts and need to put it back on public but I’m scared. What can I do?

Candi Fluffbottom
Candi Fluffbottom - 08.12.2021 23:34

But wouldn't it be more effective to block them than remove them? Cuz if you remove them, can't they just follow u again? Blocking them and blocking any new accounts they create will remove them permanently.

Parampreet Singh Makar
Parampreet Singh Makar - 06.12.2021 21:50

Easy way to remove ghost followers??

Sterling Silver
Sterling Silver - 03.12.2021 20:17

Thank you!

🦆The Sleepy Duck 🦆
🦆The Sleepy Duck 🦆 - 23.11.2021 05:33

I’m a little late for the party 😭

Thank you so much, you’re a life saver 🤣 I got scammed by 2 “art promotion” accounts thinking that they were gonna help young artists like me and promote my work 🙄

Instead I got an overwhelming amount of bots on my page that follow me but DONT engage (which is one of the reasons why I went on insta in the first place, to engage with other artists and communities)

It’s disheartening that this is a legitimate problem on the site and insta is doing nothing about it 🙄

Craftlife - 14.11.2021 18:19

I just started an Instagram public page and keep getting this annoying and disgusting account soliciting sex and I'm trying to remove it. I've blocked it 4 times and it keeps appearing. How do I get rid of it?

Emilio Larocca
Emilio Larocca - 13.10.2021 13:55

Maybe this can have value for people like me who used bots.
Cleaning up fake comment is also good? I've used a bot 3 years ago for some months :( now I my profile is penalised and the only things missing for this spring cleaning are those comments spread out everywhere. So I've downloaded all the data, checked on the comments I gave and the list is endless... thousands of them!

Redman - 20.09.2021 19:59

I wanna hire a professional. How do I go about doing that ?

Aidin Hashim
Aidin Hashim - 12.09.2021 05:49

dah kalau takleh nak follow yg large follower camano kalu kita mmg minat nak follow org tu..susah la bila ada bot semua ni... semak doh

Andrianna Hopkins
Andrianna Hopkins - 07.09.2021 04:26

Thanks Jasmine, I started doing it right after watching your video last night and I am telling my friends to do it too ☺️

Karzey Lhamo
Karzey Lhamo - 02.09.2021 06:34

Yesterday I remove 200 today morning it’s 700 more bot or gost followers!! It’s irritating 😠

Karzey Lhamo
Karzey Lhamo - 02.09.2021 06:33

No matter how much I remove thn thy keep on increasing

Moriah - 23.08.2021 03:23

I hope this really works because I get so many s*x bots on my stories...gosh I hate it🙄 Thank you and see to try this.
