Asmongold Reacts to "Nostalgia & World of Warcraft" by MadSeasonShow

Asmongold Reacts to "Nostalgia & World of Warcraft" by MadSeasonShow

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@Lornext - 05.06.2023 07:34

It is so funny to look back on these videos...
Classic was and is still so much bigger than Retail.
Sure they ruined Classic with Retail elements, but those who liked older versions of WoW were always right.

@Zephhi - 10.09.2020 13:05

Older games were just better, it's not nostalgia. I've gone and played so many games I didn't play as a kid and I acknowledge that they're better than 90% of shit today.

@mortalrage11 - 21.02.2020 19:46

If classic wow came out today it would be compared to tge other mmos today which means classic wow would be a joke compared to swtor or dc universe online or guild wars 2

@RinrinFran - 18.05.2019 19:05

Back when Devs make games so players should learn...nowadays it's the players bitching and whining about the difficulty of the game instead of taking time to learn -> forcing devs to make a "easy" mode for them...

@AirJig - 16.05.2019 03:23

in b4 microtransactions

@Goodborni - 15.05.2019 10:53

Runescape made it boys, dw WoW classic will surpass current WoW too, and lets hope this will be a big ass sign for developers to listen to its players

@XxXVideoVeiwerXxX - 13.05.2019 20:00

Wow was great because you had to interact with people to learn and conquer new content.

That is the main reason. The mechanics and systems in vanilla were shit

@zivkobabz - 13.05.2019 14:47

Some games are affected by nostalgia .. and then there's games like super mario bros 3 ... my nephew got the switch online thing and everyone from his class loves it .. there's 25 years between me and them.

@ChrisJohnson-vi3ed - 12.05.2019 22:53

I never got to play Classic WoW in the day, but I now play it on a private server. I like it more than the main game. The graphics are terrible compared to modern WoW, but the game itself is difficult, and when I level up or get loot it feels rewarding.

@Zufazos - 09.05.2019 03:44

Blesh ya son

@phillipbarbee1594 - 06.05.2019 17:47

This is right up your "Classic Wow can do no wrong" outlook. Bias video for a Bias opinion.

@DotaIchiban - 04.05.2019 01:35

As a guy who never played Vanilla Wow back in the day I can say that current WoW was fucking boring as shit, I tried playing a Vanilla WoW private server, and gahdayumn it feels good the sense of achievement its insane. its not about the nostalgia if a low life casual like me actually liked vanilla more than bfa

@AussieRoberts - 03.05.2019 15:34

Zelda games are absolute trash, Most overrated crap to ever come out.

@vonborgah - 01.05.2019 23:14

Wow Classic should be pre Cataclysm all the way to WotLK

@marcinzysko1653 - 30.04.2019 14:54

This how these annoying "back in my days" old people are made.

@LetsBringPeace - 30.04.2019 14:28

Lets not kid ourselves. wow would fail miserably if released today.

@TelosLore1 - 30.04.2019 09:56

Yep i first started WoW in BC. Loved it but my piece of shit computer back then was laggy as hell.

@novach9035 - 28.04.2019 23:53

well some of this is bullshit, i started playing wow during MoP and i really liked it (yes i like MoP). But now i only play WotLK private servers because i have more fun that way, so no, old games are not only good cause ofm nostalgia

@alberthcuayla1587 - 28.04.2019 22:08

Melee is a circle jerk group. Literally want to ban Puff just because is a different gameplay than Others Top Tiers.

@Mazxlol - 27.04.2019 10:10

old games were created really well to make sure people like it and in return made a lot of money. new games are created by algorithms filled with microtransactions for maximum profit

@Geddn - 27.04.2019 05:57

I dont think he mentioned morrowind by name once yet he mentioned 3-4 before it. Wonder if hes afraid of Bethesda hammer

@randompersonontheinternet25 - 27.04.2019 02:49

I started at the very end of TBC/beginning of Wrath and never played Vanilla. The rose-tinted goggles/nostalgia argument doesn't hold up because I don't have nostalgia for the Classic WoW era. I started playing classic private servers in WoD and I love the game because it's fucking amazing and immersive. Is it perfect? No, but it's still one of the greatest games of all time, if not the greatest IMO.

@randompersonontheinternet25 - 27.04.2019 02:38

"Wow, that's a real triangle" lmfao.

@petterituovinem8412 - 27.04.2019 00:32

graphics aren't everything

@petterituovinem8412 - 27.04.2019 00:31

super mario world is one of the best game ever made, it's still as good as it was when I played it as child, I still play through it from time to time.

@stuarthyslop7216 - 26.04.2019 23:08

Asmongold is a complete bellend

@johnschmidt2123 - 26.04.2019 18:39

Member waiting in line for games and systems to come out? Was like a party.

@johnschmidt2123 - 26.04.2019 18:33

The old log in screen and music takes me back.

@johnschmidt2123 - 26.04.2019 18:24

N64 super smash bros for me

@iambarnowl - 26.04.2019 15:53

Brack and his sh*t eating grin reallllllly do trigger me. Clueless sack of arse.

@sagephil - 26.04.2019 14:59

We played these games when we still had a sense of wonder left in us, which is why we remember them so fondly.

@jamesfield1674 - 26.04.2019 14:38

Ocarina was my life back in the day so good, the quality was so good.

@troxxar714 - 26.04.2019 13:44

the thing is with nostalgia the only games that u find nostalgic are the goods ones, i dont remember the shitty ones, an example today is w3, heroes 3, etc still revelant today and fun to play if u take the time to reinstall them

@johnrudge5459 - 26.04.2019 12:35

Love crossfire ^.^

@iambedlam - 26.04.2019 11:04

I never played Vanilla (joined during WotLK) and I gotta say I am way, WAY more excited for Classic than retail.

@Guemmel01 - 26.04.2019 02:08

I don´t think ist about the game itself but more the feeling you had playing it. When you buy a game today you dont buy 100%. DLC and mikrotransactions are the curse of modern gaming.

@rivalintraining - 26.04.2019 01:41

wow classic will fail because unlike smash wow vanilla is a long probably the longest progression system ever asking people to do month long grinds to lvl 60 is not going to happen people have kids, jobs, life has moved on though we wish it hadn't

@BKPrice - 26.04.2019 00:45

Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.

@Jw4t - 25.04.2019 22:52

I want to see and play classic WoW but completely overhauled with a modern game engine that takes advantage of today's hardware. The renditions using the unreal 4 engine looked amazing. I was a huge fan of vanilla, tbc, and wotlk and I miss it.

@Venumidas - 25.04.2019 22:13

Wrath was the best expansion

@GrendalWins - 25.04.2019 21:59

I feel like that Madseason guy is gonna fall asleep talking ... sooo sloppy lol

@telrenaur2845 - 25.04.2019 21:20

Lmfao maddeason so monotone his jokes are funny af

@poppaDehorn - 25.04.2019 20:54

twisted metal was the best battle royal ever created.

@19RD88 - 25.04.2019 20:23

There’s a reason WoW used to have 14 MILLION subscribers, and now today in BFA:
drumroll please

1.7 Million.

@Nemesistyx - 25.04.2019 20:17

Heres the truth, Wow was a solid graphics game with lots to do. everything was a layer on layer of grind or investment. You were forced to interact a lot to make it easier and you made friends and communities because of this. Sure some parts are rough and need slight tunning where bliz failed to continue instead went for BC too soon.

Edit: why there is hate on nostalgia of vanilla is because people wasted tons of hours on a game that consumed them and they regret it. The rest of us remember it in nostalgia.

@yukira2566 - 25.04.2019 20:04

i have lvl 60 hunter i dont touch the account since classic :)

@chriscarr2603 - 25.04.2019 19:57

Dizzy the egg Atari
Kirby dreamland game boy
Metal gear solid
Silent hill
Resident evil 2 all for the ps1
My best gaming memories apart from the 14 years I’ve dragged myself through Wow

@randomstreetcat7428 - 25.04.2019 19:55

I used to love a game so much when i was 13, it's called APB. Now, you'll hear the whole bs about it and i know, and it's true, i wont deny it. But why I miss it so much ? Is it only nostalgia ? well , you just answered that for me.
APB was so shitty it was some next level difficulty to kill another player. You could buy your way into killing people yes, but eventually you will find yourself losing against a STAR 555 just because the one with the f2p gun was expecting your gun to be better, so he trained to be a better player.
When i first started, i hated the game and everyone so much, and while being angry i realized how far had i became. I was an angry 14 yo screaming the hell out of my lungs but i reached Gold rank. And i was playing against GOLD players with p2w guns. And i won. Most of the times. And i realized that it was possible to beat the p2w system of the game. And if i suck i suck. I lose. But there's a chance to win against all odds. and that's what i miss so much about it.

@tva4642 - 25.04.2019 19:52

I can bring tears to your eyes; resurrect the dead. I form in an instant but I last a life time. What am I?
