My FFXIV UI Setup | HUD Tips & Tricks + Job Change Menu!

My FFXIV UI Setup | HUD Tips & Tricks + Job Change Menu!

Zepla HQ

3 года назад

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@ZeplaHQ - 15.09.2020 15:47

This video doesn't go over my keybinds, as that's going to vary depending on what's comfy for you personally. But for those curious, I use 1-6, Shift 1-5, Ctrl 1-5, Alt 1-3, and a bunch of random letters, like Q and E, shift+Q and shift+E, C, shift+C, ctrl+C, and so on. I also use a few extra gaming mouse buttons. You can free up Q and E by changing "Strafe Left" to A and "Strafe Right" to D, & then using your mouse to turn. I freed up C by making the Character Panel open with Page Down. Basically, buttons like "C" that are near movement keys are better for combat abilities, and I like to put menu buttons further away on the keyboard from QASD.

@ChiiBomb - 30.04.2023 14:57


@GURGLEGUY12345 - 23.01.2023 11:55

Wonder what the simplified Black Mage gauge looks like...

@EveOrthyniusNova - 01.01.2023 10:58

as one who uses a pretty decent sized tv instead of a monitor, I honestly dont have enough hotbars to make fancy huds

@aiellamori - 29.09.2022 11:53

My ui is so tiny because I play in 4k, but honestly, I really like how it looks. Nothing cluttering the middle of my screen and I'm fine with that. Especially with buffs and debuffs, you see the icon pop up temporarily with a + or -, so I don't need them in my face personally. Same with my health, my health and mana is top left and really small, because you get a health bar above your head anyway

@BlazeHeroic - 10.09.2022 04:45

Hi all, has anyone figured out if this works in Endwalker? I just tried it and it doesn't seem to work. Tried it in both individual and shared macros and nothing works.

@Darth-Geralt - 09.09.2022 22:13

What a beautiful eyes, ah yes nice vid tyvm

@Tenkuu-san - 20.08.2022 22:52

I konw this video is a bit old, but could you recommend an alliance raids HUD? The default one feels rather cluttered, I'm rather inexperienced with messing with the HUD, and I would like to be able to free up the middle of my screen, mainly.

@NajaAn - 02.08.2022 16:13

OMG I am brand new to MMO's and I have small hands with no MMO mouse so this was extremely helpful so I could organise all my stuff a bit better for ease of use and to sort out my OCD needs! 🤣 If only there was a way to save your custom hud settings to apply it to another character on a different data centre!!

@MagnusFr33 - 15.07.2022 11:46

You can have a macro that toggles one or more hotbar like so :
/hotbar display 4 [on/off]
This will alternatively hide/display hotbar 4

@B1az1ngSuN - 11.06.2022 08:55

Recently built a new PC and had this for my old set up. When I logged into ff14 today on my new rig I about had a heart attack lol! So glad I found this. Thank you Zepla and community. It's amazing what you have done for all of us and I really appreciate this. <3

@youtousim - 30.05.2022 14:47

Only 2 minutes in and already learned 2 very important features. Much appreciated!

@duknuts - 23.05.2022 07:10

the EASIEST job change menu ive seen THANK YOU. everyone else has these hacker level impossible macros and settings omg

@sassyTarynh - 21.05.2022 06:15

so how can i move an enemies ultimate gauge? my normal character has it off to the side but when im playing with friends on a different data center that gauge is in the middle of the screen and its quite annoying. it doesnt show up in the hud layout screen and i cant move it like i can move the chat box.

@hammsuke3981 - 12.05.2022 10:15

Hi Zepla, im new to ffxiv and i like your explanation about this hud and macro bc it's really confusing me to learn alone 😔

@666Davee666 - 04.05.2022 00:11

I JUST started play FFXIV ....Well i play it 12 hours daily and its incredible how the customization is well done ;)

@Ben_R4mZ - 20.03.2022 10:25

You heard it here first folks, bigger is better. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(plz don't ban me i love your videos)

@WantWhatever - 21.02.2022 13:51

A note from way in the future, when making macros to change gearsets, you can also use the class abbreviations, i.e. "BRD" "BTN" "DNC" if you only have one gearset for that class. That way your macros don't break if your gearsets change order.

@asoca1337 - 17.02.2022 04:46

how did i not found out about this earlier! Thank you so much Zepla

@toisseanimefanforever - 08.02.2022 19:18

Oh I did this where I have a macro that just turns the bars on and off but yours looks way nicer. Edit: two months later I changed it to this and it's nicer. I also have a dance animation based on the snap animation one.

@cassiofeiteira5274 - 06.02.2022 18:50

it helped me a lot! thanks

@mgmlucy - 02.02.2022 05:23

Thanks a bundle, feel it's improved alot now!

@ZacharyNealyoufoundtheonlyone - 30.01.2022 20:13

10000% helpful. First time making macros and where better do it than on a fantastic game. Thank you!

@reemeruxd - 22.01.2022 15:20

i’ve been PLD my whole play through (lvl 85 now) and had no idea about the aggro marker x.x

@timvanloo6 - 13.01.2022 02:51

Only problem I have with the three lines of skills to use is that my fingers don't stretch from ctrl to = so I guess I have to customize them somehow to include letters or something.

@dark666105 - 10.01.2022 13:28

Why use the flying text? other than seeing oh wow big number, do you actually use that in decision making? Just seems like it adds A LOT of unnecessary clutter to me.

@mamaicymouse - 10.01.2022 03:54

Thank-you, this is just what I was looking for, you answered all my questions in one video! Like others, I have found the HUD to be a bit overwheming with the changes you can make. I've been wanting to find a way to simplify my HUD when in a party and was not sure how to do it.

@blocksheep4899 - 03.01.2022 16:08

Every time i swap job my actions reset. Is this normal? Like they dont save from one job to another.

@guillermocastello03 - 30.12.2021 02:11

How can I add a third bar to my actions? Currently playing with the default action bars and need some help

@ScentofLaceration - 08.12.2021 01:41

No "bigger is better" comments how wholesome.

@Yhoshua_B - 27.11.2021 22:10

Just recently started playing about a month ago and I'm finding this video SUPER helpful. Thank you for making it!

@Hirotoro4692 - 26.11.2021 14:21

You can also keybind the gear set list directly thus eliminating the need to make a fancy menu using a second layout

@magnmadsen - 25.11.2021 13:18

As a bard I need to see my DoTs on targets larger. How do I do this?

@mastermill79 - 21.11.2021 16:31

Thanks so much for this, I'm playing the trial as Paladin and my bars are slowly filling up and UI is messy atm.

@Superspd - 15.11.2021 01:44

If you want the class switcher Macro to automatically switch back to your main layout without making a bunch of macros, you can also do this:

Make your Class Swap Macro that you will use to bring up the class select layout and enter the following into the text box:
/hudlayout 4
/wait 3
/hudlayout 1

This is assuming your main layout is 1 and class switch layout is 4; just change them to match the layouts you are using. The value after wait is the time in seconds before the next line is executed. I find that 3 seconds is plenty of time to find and select the class you want, but if you feel it is too short or long, just change the value accordingly. And if you fail to click what you want, you can always just press the macro key and try again.

@MaxJoplin - 14.11.2021 10:44

I need to know more about your chair.

@tonykruy5962 - 07.11.2021 20:33

this help me a lot, my UI kinna of a mess, have all class/job lol. ty for amazing video

@joelsmith7078 - 03.11.2021 17:10

And 900 hoirs in, I have just discovered there's a faster way to switch jobs than opening the character menu and then going to saved gear list...

@asim4919 - 30.10.2021 07:34

ty you so much this video helped a lot

@TheSortilege - 27.10.2021 03:25

Can you get the enemy targets cast bar to show up even if you are t targeting them? As a healer that would be awesome.

@Soitisisit - 17.10.2021 02:30

Your macro icons make me cry. How do you tell all of those M's apart?

Great video though! I wish it had answered the question I have. I'll post it here in case you or anyone else knows: How do I have the hotbars change when my weapon is sheathed/drawn?

@jessebrophy9679 - 16.10.2021 01:53

I would love to go this in depth with my UI but then an expansion hits and wipes all my alterations making me have to start from scratch... any ideas on a solution?

@smithanimal - 14.10.2021 19:34

This video is incredibly helpful. I'm a brand new FFXIV player and these QOL changes get me excited to play the game. Thanks!

@Bongbong013 - 13.10.2021 19:00

What about the dialogue box that pops up in the middle of the screen when bosses say their quips, can you move that?

@MapleWhale - 05.10.2021 23:25

Wow this looks so useful!
I'll come back to it some day when I'm not overwhelmed with a lot of things I don't understand yet, since I just started playing this haha

@nicnqc7929 - 30.09.2021 02:53

Woahhh. as a tank main im pretty much squinting and waiting for the boss tank buster, so i could time my invun for maximum duration, when it drops... thnx now i dont have to squint anymore.. xD

@Caelen_Tigris - 28.09.2021 23:23

I don't know if you've since heard about this, but I use a completely different method of making hotbar macro menus. You can use a command to copy one bar to another, so I set all bars but 9 and 10 to not-shared. With my crafters, I have plenty of unused bars, so I use their unused 5 6 7 and 8 bars as my menus. I copy one of those to either shared bar 9 or 10, depending on what I want to show up. I put 9 and 10 together, vertically, on the right of my screen. Bar 10 lets me select all my little menus, such a hotbar for mounts, or a hotbar for tank and healer gearsets. I also make macros to switch the bar shown in 10 to make it have pages, allowing me to expand the macro menu beyond just one set of buttons.The little menus are placed in bar 9. This allows me to use the same two bars as a menu across all jobs without having to use a layout for it. That means I also have access to all 8 non-shared bars for my combat job layouts, while my crafters handle the menu bars. I don't remember where I first found this idea and how to make it work, but I've since refined it for my own personal use. If you've never seen this done, I'd be happy to show you how it's set up and how it works.

@BlackRoseThornEtna - 24.09.2021 19:04

would of been nice if her cursor wasn't hidden in this video.

@lil_ins - 23.09.2021 12:54

Isn't there a keybind in settings that makes you change layouts, so u don't have to make a macro for it ?
