Marvel Fans HATE Me!

Marvel Fans HATE Me!

Dylan Is In Trouble

4 года назад

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Tzofia Koch
Tzofia Koch - 04.10.2023 00:38


Paxielle - 26.08.2023 22:46

Im a woman and hate that scene. Its so fake and forced. Like they show so many male friendships in marvel and no women friendship

SugaNee - 17.08.2023 15:17

I love how Dylan preemptively knew and accepted being in trouble, lol

Kyle Broflovski
Kyle Broflovski - 26.07.2023 18:02

Bro, who the fuck cares? these marvel fans retarded as fuck and get offended when you don’t like something that they do

Celestial Mage
Celestial Mage - 14.07.2023 19:01

If I had to pick a corner I’d choose your corner Dylan 💜

allyson Cipollone
allyson Cipollone - 02.07.2023 02:53

The videos where you address people getting mad at you is my favorite.🤌

Ashley Webber
Ashley Webber - 01.07.2023 12:15

i agree so much with youuuuuu. i prefer the infirm war scene with wanda, nat and okoye because it’s just three women in a fight and it feels freaking natural compared to our forced the endgame one feels.

and i say this as a massive marvel fan

Jazz Senford
Jazz Senford - 02.05.2023 04:21

He makes a fair point about BW. She's dead in universe then they make a movie about her. TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY, THE MOVIE IS SET 7 YEARS IN THE PAST😵‍💫

Fernysha Ambeau
Fernysha Ambeau - 30.04.2023 09:31

With all Marvel movies I have to watch them twice to really take it in but both times I was like “What is this scene for?”

Hawk Man
Hawk Man - 15.04.2023 21:20

Your opinion about the female empowerment scene was so based.

Alex Bebout
Alex Bebout - 21.01.2023 03:03

Who's here after watching the boys mock the womens empowerment scene😂

Hua - 15.01.2023 03:55

Three years late, but I don't understand how people had a problem with what he said. It wasn't put the most elegantly, but I think you'd have to be looking to be offended not to understand that he ultimately meant it was a stupid scene because it just feels very forced, which I agree with. Marvel should have actually made female lead movies much earlier, like Dylan said, if they wanted to prove that they actually cared. Having a scene like that at this stage felt like they were pandering and trying to win brownie points, it was awkward and cringy.

Holly Olivia
Holly Olivia - 15.01.2023 03:40

Honestly, I love Marvel, but recently their movies haven’t been as great as they used to be. I’m on Dylan’s side

Guilherme Novo
Guilherme Novo - 17.12.2022 23:37

Oh I didn't know you didn't like recomendations so totally ignore my recomendation of Robots(2005).

H3ly4nw3 - 17.12.2022 22:06

the bamboo, help! 😂😂

VENI VIDI VICI - 17.12.2022 20:14

You call this content?

TheJeannag - 02.12.2022 13:43

I took the last sip of my tea a few seconds before Dylan wishing for Cap to "keel over on the bench" and thank god for that because I would have spat it out with how suddenly I burst out laughing X'D I now need a Dylan's Cut of this damn movie just for the jokes X'D

TheJeannag - 02.12.2022 13:38

As a female viewer, did I quite like seeing so many cool female characters on screen together? Yes, and it felt like a cool tribute to Natasha and her sacrifice because none of those characters would be on screen if she didn't start it. Do I also think that was the stupidest most ridiculous scene they could have ever done of all the choices they had? Absolutely yes XD I had both feelings happening simultaneously watching that the first (and only) time. And I have enjoyed every single roast of that scene I have ever seen X'D

Levi Cleanerman
Levi Cleanerman - 27.11.2022 16:44

The entps are okay and accept rejection.

Joline Fields
Joline Fields - 22.11.2022 00:12

❤😂🎉😢 awe wish I was there for you you over marvel every day

Yoshino - 21.11.2022 07:05

Don't listen to them Dylan, u a legend and I rooting for you buddy!

Alex Halal
Alex Halal - 25.10.2022 21:03

People are just soft nowadays and will complain about everything

CosmicRiptide - 15.10.2022 12:13

Eh Captain Marvel wasn't that great

CosmicRiptide - 15.10.2022 12:10

As an AFAB non-binary person, I hated that women lining up scene it felt so forced and like ha ha yeah MCU women are so powerful! Like buzz off and give me my Black Widow movie two decades ago
It makes zero sense for all the female heroes to line up and all the males to be somewhere else like why

allison birch
allison birch - 01.10.2022 07:29

The stuff that bothered me wasn't what he said about the woman scene bc I pretty much agree. As a huge marvel fan it was just frustrating to see someone not understand the relationships between Clint and Nat and Tony and Peter. But I could understand if he hasn't seen all the movies I could see where he is coming from.

Kylie Wood
Kylie Wood - 19.09.2022 21:13

As a marvel fan, I’m just mad he doesn’t watch all the movies and actually pay attention to all the little details building to the last movie and he roast characters on a whim because he didn’t take the time to understand their significance

Isla - 31.08.2022 20:10

when Misoa's head popped up 🥺

Audrey Heng
Audrey Heng - 26.08.2022 12:37

I don’t understand why people are calling Dylan sexist. He’s never said anything sexist before and usually right after that, he clarifies that he didn’t mean it that way and it just came out wrongly. And even though he may have butchered the Endgame video with his cluelessness, it was all a joke. This is a comedy channel, their all jokes, don’t take jokes so seriously, especially if it’s just about movies and shows and not real life stuff. Like if it was about 9/11 then I get why people are pissed. But it’s just a movie.

Sunflare - 12.08.2022 21:38

I’ve heard that the marvel owner or something a super sexist, and that’s why there were no female led movies for a while. Also they would have released Black Widow sooner, but Covid hit and they had to postpone it.

Pink Watermelon
Pink Watermelon - 05.08.2022 02:30

Princess Protection Program really traumatized you, huh? Damn

gongtangjeu - 14.07.2022 17:57

misoa is adorable ❤️

Roll3r - 14.07.2022 16:06

Nah nah tell them to get off the internet if they can’t take a joke

Lamia Dollers
Lamia Dollers - 07.07.2022 11:47

I don't hate Dylan...its the voice of his or the way he laughs...💖

Rabid Cupcake
Rabid Cupcake - 03.07.2022 12:11

I had this discussion with my bestie when we re-watched Endgame recently. She was moved about it and I was like "lol wut?" The scene is pandering, at best, and so obviously forced that it's nearly unpleasant to watch. Every single hero in that scene? Bad ass, always here for them. But it really was how Dylan said it: If they cared SOOOOO much about empowering women and prominently displaying these incredible heroes with nuanced, intense back stories, they would have effing done so in a film. But they didn't. Because they don't consider PoCs, women, or LGBTQ+ folx as marketable. Endgame is an awesome film, but that scene is like a defect to me. Maybe it wouldn't have been if they had not shoved it in our face like "look LOOK all the ladies are together LOOOOOOOK" and done it in a way that actually made sense.

Kaartikey Bhatia
Kaartikey Bhatia - 21.06.2022 20:19

They should take notes from the boys tv show on prime to do a female empowerment scene lol

Mice - 21.06.2022 19:05

I was gonna skip throught the video but you know how to time yourself when you are ranting and somehow make the video interesting.

frushshie - 15.06.2022 07:21

dylan, why ain't you joining the sadistic buffoons club - where we enjoy real people suffer - we're open to having new members 🖤

Gabriel Moralez
Gabriel Moralez - 15.06.2022 06:27

Honestly when I did watch the video I did genuinely get pissed on how he was treating the movie…but I also kept reminding myself this what he does that’s his whole channel lol 😂 so I paused it for minute continued to watch the rest of it..AND GAVE IT A LIKE 👍👍🤗🤗

Luke - 08.06.2022 14:49

I really think you would love ant man. It’s so good and funny

sophwitchproject - 05.06.2022 20:57

Don't worry. You won't be bullied by those dislikes anymore.

MicheleOneL - 04.06.2022 03:51

Can’t believe you got hate over that. As a woman, that scene took me out of the movie and made me physically cringe. So pandering. Believe it or not, I don’t watch superhero movies to see women act like strong men…

Lee Moncure Smith Rodríguez
Lee Moncure Smith Rodríguez - 31.05.2022 23:46

Careful with that ring and those skinny fingers! I need full blown surgery and a skin graft. Same index finger. Worst thing, they had to graft in brown skin that’s a different color for my finger!
One day it was too hot and my fingers swelled. The ring was stuck and had to be cut. My finger started to explode with fluid.

Lee Moncure Smith Rodríguez
Lee Moncure Smith Rodríguez - 31.05.2022 22:57

Funny, you were ahead of your time. 🤣 Now, everyone roasts those movies.

Kate Robinson
Kate Robinson - 31.05.2022 12:19

A similar thing happened to me-someone spread rumours that I said something racist and it sounded it out of context even tho it wasn’t and now at school groups of girls keep shouting racist at me. Fun times 😅

Neo Dernier
Neo Dernier - 27.05.2022 05:02

and people wonder why i dont like marvel

Neo Dernier
Neo Dernier - 27.05.2022 05:01

and people wonder why i dont like marvel :/

Nika Guemoes
Nika Guemoes - 26.05.2022 14:52

my issue with the endgame video was that he was laughing when Tony and Nat died and years after the movie I'm still crying about it

terron jackson
terron jackson - 24.05.2022 05:50

Watch "the suicide squad" then watch "peace maker"
