Dying to get through the US-Mexico border | Unreported World

Dying to get through the US-Mexico border | Unreported World

Unreported World

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Jason Mitchell
Jason Mitchell - 08.09.2023 09:11

Sad shit

jazzridez - 05.07.2023 15:51

. THE BORDER PROBLEM SOLVED Anyone that thinks along the line of a fence, a wall or any structure is an IDIOT. There's ONLY ONE WAY TO STOP THE INVASION of THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA and that is the following. Children try to follow this thought pattern. Along the southern border, for instance, install fortresses, let's say, every 10 miles. These fortresses could be as simple as the ones installed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, will be constructed by the draftees and enlisted personnel with supervision by experts in the many different trades. That education I'm sure can be used later in life by these soldiers. The training areas will be the 5 miles in both directions of each fortress, to overlap each other.
Along the 5-mile stretches in both directions can be small outposts and watch points for just watching and maybe some “target practice” at something coming north. The many different areas along the border have the many different terrains that are found all around Planet EARTH that the armed forces may have to deal with. Armored Divisions of the Army can go learn how to operate the equipment and maybe even shoot something coming north. The Air Force can fly over all the border to back up the ground forces and maybe shoot or drop bombs on something coming north. The Navy and Marines can take care of the 2 points at the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico and will no doubt get to shoot something going north. What a great place to train the Army, they can have target practice on stuff trying to go north. The National Guard can go there for weekend fun and games training and have practice shooting northbound moving targets.
With every inch of the southern border covered by training and exercise missions 24 hours a day with lookout posts with loaded weapons aiming south, I don't think anyone is going to be coming northbound and anything going south, well, that's exactly what we need, Tens of Thousands going south on an hourly basis for many decades. Just imagine the gamut of new technology that can be designed for the many different topographic areas along the Southern Border. Practice with military exercises all along the border shooting stuff coming north and I mean every inch of it from ocean to gulf. Training at ground level, above in the air and underground too.
Minimize the personnel at the existing installations in the USA, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Special Forces and send them down to the border to train and maybe shoot something that is invading The United States of America. Less taxpayer money spent at the existing installations and divert it to the border and it’ll probably cost less than the "FENCE" / “WALL” would cost.
Can anyone else see the practicality of this Logical Plan. I could go on and on into specific detailed design but the Gov't has a lot of school taught idiots that can screw up even this Plan. Did anyone understand the above or am I the only ONE that gets it. Oh, That's right I am the ONLY ONE. I know this because of all the people involved I came up with this Plan. I'm still surrounded by COMPLETE IDIOTS.

Portrait Art Academy
Portrait Art Academy - 21.05.2023 23:42

Always about money… everything 💰

M Rasic
M Rasic - 18.04.2023 05:55

They make me sick.......they come here 1ST THING BREAK LAW🖕🖕🖕🖕 They're criminals they need leave....anyone who hires an illegal immigrant IS NOT AMERICAN

Asmelash Tesfay
Asmelash Tesfay - 08.04.2023 14:34

Thank you to important information about the mexico 🇲🇽 US

Andres SancheZ
Andres SancheZ - 26.03.2023 16:59

This supposed to make us sad but no it makes us mad they bring their problems with them it’s true American woman killed by these Mexicans and children that’s why no sadness here

Debbie Gilbert
Debbie Gilbert - 22.03.2023 04:03

Stay in Mexico no one else gets to come here without a visa or papers. Stay where you are we’re tired of taking care of illegal aliens break the law you can’t get jobs when you get here stay home.

Richard ngarirena
Richard ngarirena - 06.02.2023 00:06

Any migrants are you follow sprue you people who Patrol desert you follow the migrants not the Mexicans even idiots to tell you that you are migrants you are the worst so take care for me

Admin - 31.01.2023 02:57

Oh well

CBear926 - 19.01.2023 22:43

Seems like you have a problem with us defending our border. But I bet you don't mind when the US defends the UK's border huh?

nico Nine
nico Nine - 18.01.2023 01:52

The humanitarian cost. In South Africa we don't have the option of terra firma. Its sink or swim. Somewhat of a leftist leaning this documentary

David Ben-Abraham
David Ben-Abraham - 11.01.2023 03:56

When people are desperate, they'll do anything.

Sergio Murillo
Sergio Murillo - 05.01.2023 12:13

Wat u should look at is ..how many kids south of the border go missing coming Here

alicia lucas
alicia lucas - 30.11.2022 23:33

One word for me, SAD!

Belltown Daisy
Belltown Daisy - 29.11.2022 10:14

My neighbor in Fort Misery- I mean Myers- Florida worked under the table for the police department cleaning the offices. At $3 an hour!

Belltown Daisy
Belltown Daisy - 29.11.2022 10:09

Invest in yourself. If you are borrowing thousands- or selling your lands/home- to cross to the U.S. to be exploited working for someone else you might as well borrow the money to open a business.

Maurice Humphrey
Maurice Humphrey - 18.11.2022 19:23

Look, EVERY country has a right to defend it's borders. Every country (including the countries these people are fleeing from) has an immigration process for admittance. Why should the USA be any different. If any of us here in the USA ILLEGALLY crossed the Mexican, Guatemalan, Honduran, Salvadoran borders, WE WOULD ALL BE DEPORTED BACK TO THE USA!!! Some of the most savage serial killers and gang & cartel members have crossed the border illegally. We have too many criminals of our own, so we don't need more of somebody else's criminals. So the question that needs to be asked is, do we continue to try to secure the border, or, do we just simply sit abck and let EVERBODY who wants to come here into this country? Maybe Americans should flood their borders and see how THEY would respond. These people need to stay home and FIGHT like hell to make their governments better. That's what Americans would do. They guy at the end lied. I think even HE knows that the USA's border security measures are effective, how else could he have been caught twice? I don't buy the bullshit that he has crossed over twenty times because the USA could just lock him up as arepeat offender for a long period of time. We need to do MORE to secure the border. While I am simpathetic towards people's suffering, I don't feel sorry for these people who are clearly breaking the law to get here. THAT is criminal as well.

R L - 10.11.2022 05:02


Donna Grantham
Donna Grantham - 30.10.2022 00:21

They can't work here legally

Donna Grantham
Donna Grantham - 30.10.2022 00:18

Why should we house and feed illegals when Americans need housing and food? Americans should come first

Isobelle.In.London - 06.10.2022 16:42

how do these people find these coyotes but the police can't?

smacdsmaccers - 06.10.2022 12:55

The Mexican Slave Trade

Lobsang Pertin
Lobsang Pertin - 13.09.2022 12:02

There should be more civilians working to stop migrants. Or in no time Americans will be kicked out of USA by the migrants.

gina hickerson
gina hickerson - 09.09.2022 08:37

Well are there any men who have died in that desert?

Julie and Jeff Schaffer
Julie and Jeff Schaffer - 02.09.2022 00:59

I feel bad for those immigrants but we can't let everyone in our country otherwise they'll be no job for our children!

Mark Williams
Mark Williams - 01.09.2022 15:03

Land mines & target practice.

Joseph Crenshaw8474
Joseph Crenshaw8474 - 30.08.2022 06:10

Ella llora sin lágrimas She cry without tears so cute.

J&T Dior
J&T Dior - 18.08.2022 22:10

I hate how The minute men call immigrants terrorists

Cliff Messer
Cliff Messer - 16.08.2022 14:23

Well look what happened when Biden took over here came thousands and thousands from four or five different countries with all the drug runners and the human traffickers and thieves Rapists ex cons taking full advantage. Look at the border now. Something has to be done about this. This country can not take this much longer. Thousands of our people have died from the fentnal and the criminals the gangs they need to round the bad ones up and send them back. We don't want or need them.

Silvester Reid
Silvester Reid - 15.08.2022 01:07

This story is about 4years old ,but i wonder journalist scientists ,e t c ,they speak a lot about devil road devil mountain ,e t c , but they don't talk about God the almighty why Is it so.

3rd Coast Born Texas Rasied
3rd Coast Born Texas Rasied - 11.08.2022 16:30

Big Money even if stop drugs this is big money nobody crosses for free

Punjabi university Get educated
Punjabi university Get educated - 02.08.2022 02:47

My7 year old punjabi cousin got lost and died here

♡ Daisy ♡
♡ Daisy ♡ - 02.08.2022 00:45

Whyte mf's think everything is theres

Joe Hernande-
Joe Hernande- - 25.07.2022 01:06

Guess who deported blacks to Africa the UK what hypocrisy they come over, and gives all kinds of criticism but the Royal Navy stops skiffs full of immigrants mostly blacks what hypocrites

Ion Racer
Ion Racer - 24.07.2022 23:38

That sheriff is a fuckin idiot. Those people are doing jobs no one wants to and he wants to just get rid of them all? What a dumb ass

Jahid Samed
Jahid Samed - 24.07.2022 06:25

Good on migrants flood it in

Scott Menard
Scott Menard - 09.07.2022 20:49

God speed minute men..
Keep up the good work..

Mpiro ka Joseph Mgcokoca
Mpiro ka Joseph Mgcokoca - 01.07.2022 23:52

Why are you showing her face?

Joe Ronquillo
Joe Ronquillo - 25.06.2022 00:21


Radiant Y C
Radiant Y C - 16.06.2022 23:02

Mr.white man.... your the original immigrant lol

El Comalito Kanab
El Comalito Kanab - 06.06.2022 06:45

The same problem happens in England, they cross from Africa.

Tyler Joyner
Tyler Joyner - 25.05.2022 12:06

Can’t blame them

Practical Occultist
Practical Occultist - 17.04.2022 03:38

Hopefully our police and border patrol get even more money. This needs to stop. It devalues everyone else's wage and creates way more crime. This is coming from someone living nearish to the border in AZ

Donna Grantham
Donna Grantham - 02.03.2022 21:57

Stay home how are you going support yourself here?

Donna Grantham
Donna Grantham - 02.03.2022 21:55

Mexico doesn't help America

kim Layne
kim Layne - 17.02.2022 11:07

I dont like this reporter, he sounds very liberal and not smart and conscious of whats really going on in the U.S.

dads midnight creation
dads midnight creation - 27.01.2022 17:05

they get cheap cocaine what more could a man want jesus christ stop moaning

Rita Federici
Rita Federici - 27.01.2022 00:15

Wow ! my wish is that countries would just give people a chance ✌️❤️

dadotron deslo
dadotron deslo - 23.12.2021 15:32

