10 Things EVERY Hardcore Gamer HATES

10 Things EVERY Hardcore Gamer HATES


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David Brodin
David Brodin - 30.06.2023 09:36

So this is kind of back on long tutorials but instead no tutorials at all like when switching into a new game series and youre going in late in the series and they dont tell you any of the controls or anything

Metal Faced Gamer
Metal Faced Gamer - 28.05.2023 08:00

Everything call of Duty has done after Black ops 2

Saturnsonic - 10.05.2023 04:56

title should be 10 things every gamer hates, no need for the hardcore. speaking of hardcore gamer I respectfully disagree with you, I'd argue that in order to be hardcore you need to play a lot of games. and I mean a lot of playtime not number of games. but if that's what you meant then L agree lol

Bryson Child
Bryson Child - 29.04.2023 02:14

I honestly LOATH tutorials that you cant skip.

Ion Manascurta
Ion Manascurta - 22.04.2023 20:03

When you play a game for the 999th time and you still have to click OK on all the tutorial prompts. Many newer games have the option to turn them off but not all of them.

Nightmare fuel
Nightmare fuel - 27.02.2023 18:29

Most people nowadays are fine with health regen it's a pain in the ass to have to run all over level looking for health pick ups

Kenny with a gun
Kenny with a gun - 30.11.2022 12:19

The thing I FUCKING HATE is that a specific game wont let me play due to the error I mean like I WAS ON A HIGH LVL AND GOT SO MANY CHARACTERS and now I quit gaming

Elis1CZ - 09.11.2022 17:01

for example fortnite u buy 5 or 6 comics 1 cost like idk 3 dollar lets say and in each comics u get some cosmetic item btw most of them suck and when u buy all of them u get some special skin and then 2 weeks later they put it in game sho for like 2k vbucks and thats like 4 comics idk the money

Augustine Hernandez
Augustine Hernandez - 14.10.2022 04:38

I like the Mario impression ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

BlackPainty - 05.10.2022 21:19

When you get bad teammatrs

Quad - 03.10.2022 21:28

Suffering for playing every level of dmc

Zachary Cardon
Zachary Cardon - 30.08.2022 01:28

My biggest gripe about the gaming market is the 3D platformer famine that's BARELY beginning to sprout a small oasis.

Fiji Water
Fiji Water - 25.08.2022 13:29

First time I've ever heard Falcon say motherfucker.

Fiji Water
Fiji Water - 25.08.2022 13:25

As soon as you think "wow I have more health than I thought" you get wrecked .

Fiji Water
Fiji Water - 25.08.2022 13:24

Having to play every difficulty individually to get each achievement/trophy.

KiiD KAMIKURA - 17.08.2022 01:16

Number 3 should be number 1

TheVoxbox13 - 14.08.2022 08:13

Nice to see Just Cause 2 getting some appreciation. Such a good game.
Beautiful, too.

Jacob Flame caster
Jacob Flame caster - 10.08.2022 10:12

The Lego Star Wars 1s first few levels are secretly a tutorial

Chris Nemec
Chris Nemec - 08.08.2022 14:59

One thing I find annoying that you didn't mention is endless ads and product placements. Another is controls that are slower than a snail to respond. You aim and shoot but by the time your bullet get out of the gun, the target has moved on and also filled you with a bunch of holes.

Autokilla - 03.08.2022 16:01

I just hate how in some multiplayer games there are always the players that go out of their way to tell you how much you suck at the entire game only because your on the losing team. League of legends being a prime example. Like, playing all the time and being on the losing team for any reason and some people go out of their way to tell you how horrible you are for no reason other then to put you down

Chris Carpenter
Chris Carpenter - 02.08.2022 11:39

dripfeed. omg that's so stupid.

Boss Mode Critical
Boss Mode Critical - 30.07.2022 06:31

That difficulty lock always has had me puzzled

The EngNeer
The EngNeer - 25.07.2022 14:58

Unskippable cutscenes!!!

rtujg - 25.07.2022 00:20

Meanwhile my modded skyrim: " I AM PERFECTION! "

Saul Goodman
Saul Goodman - 21.07.2022 18:37

“Press w to walk forward”

Kevin Maiuri
Kevin Maiuri - 14.07.2022 05:47

i hate the optional and useless "collectables" tasks in many games (newer Tomb Raider games, Assasin's Creed games, etc.). I get that maybe some people actually like to run around the map and collect artifacts or notes or whatever because they like the back story insight or that kind of exploration and yes it does give you extra stuff you can do for more xp or whatever but other than that its useless. There are some games that gathering all the collectables will unlock an achievement if you care about that sort of thing, I however would prefer obtaining something useable and cool if I'm gona hoof it across vast maps collecting stuff that I don't care too much about and is very time consuming. By useable I mean give me some cool outfit and or weapon set or maybe even both for my character once I have collected all the collectables or something because I feel its boring and pointless to just run around a map collecting a bunch of crap that there's no use for and not get anything for it other than some achievement or nothing at all.

Leloup6760 - 11.07.2022 20:55

When a game is made with vast multiplayer capabilities,
but the gameplay style makes it impossible to play solo.
It really turns off players that just want to play a good game by themselves,
but are forced to play with rando people, just to get through game at certain areas.

yeiko I rasuk
yeiko I rasuk - 10.07.2022 12:39

Sekiro lol

Erik Vergil Kjærulff-Dinitzen
Erik Vergil Kjærulff-Dinitzen - 05.07.2022 16:58

having to grind to the fun stuff when you make a new character

m c
m c - 05.07.2022 10:14

Nerfing literally everything that's good. I like, earned that man.


I hate buying a brand new game and then ps Plus gives it away a few months later... Lookin at you FF7 Remake.

Sean Brooks
Sean Brooks - 17.06.2022 06:45

One thing i hate: pay to win "premium" equipment like world of warships

Báh Môa
Báh Môa - 11.06.2022 04:27

#2 = FF being now just another action RPG (just like a ton of other action RPGs that already exist) by getting rid of turn based combat ..... C'mon! just go and play Nier.....

Lizette Albasini
Lizette Albasini - 29.05.2022 15:04

What I hat as a hardcore gamer is people keep on talking games are addiction or it is pointless I'm sorry is not everything then that I just watch a video where a guy talk about that and the comments I fucking burned that comment section.

Raynnus Vettmore
Raynnus Vettmore - 24.04.2022 15:39


demonpride1975 - 21.04.2022 01:38

i know 1 thing i hate more then anything, items that are lost permanently because you didn't get them when the chance came up, perfect example, the bobble head in your fathers office at the beginning of fallout 3, or the bobble head in col autumns room before you leave, if you don't get them at the time, booom gone for good, and i think that is fucking stupid.

Magne Seier
Magne Seier - 20.04.2022 20:31

Your right with these ALSO we understand these and these are soooooo true

tubebammy - 22.03.2022 04:15

I don’t think modern games do this anymore. But when there’s an unskippable cutscene to a villain that is impossibly difficult to defeat and you have watched the same cutscene 5 billion times. Lookin at you Ansem/Riku

superbadgerdoom - 18.03.2022 07:03

You can use your keyboard to leave comments. Push the corresponding keys to write words.

SuicidebyYourMom - 15.03.2022 23:35

I was just complaining about this a couple of days ago but my last favorite thing in modern gaming are hand holding tutorials. Hell, I'm to the point in which I'm sick of them in general. I'd rather be dumped into the world to figure it out in my own.

RaphBlade7 - 13.03.2022 12:31

Personally I don't really have a problem with Tutorials, even when they tell you how to move as every game could be someone's first. Sure it can be annoying for experienced players, I've played modern games that have no tutorials that really should've had them (or fighting games that lack a proper training mode).

Hernan Gallo
Hernan Gallo - 08.03.2022 02:03


bob builder
bob builder - 03.03.2022 02:38

i dont remember the witcher 2 tutorial being that bad? i guess it was quite long but it wasnt like handholding

KennyMCcormick - 12.02.2022 20:05

This video needs a follow up!

Brian Kristensen
Brian Kristensen - 05.02.2022 23:51

i hate that you pretty much dont get the entire game on launch date..... theres often a major update within a couple of weeks

Carl T. Manning Jr.
Carl T. Manning Jr. - 02.02.2022 02:57

I hate how dumb the AI is in nearly every game. Really lacking the “I”

holyheretic - 01.02.2022 18:11

... Why was Mario Spanish?

Stacie Freshener
Stacie Freshener - 31.01.2022 09:35

Im not hardcore ( like I was semi hardcore previously - if Im even allowed to call myself that ) , but I understand these. Some games like DS can not be for casuals and some games that are mainstream , should have Options from easy , normal , hard and etc so that all players can enjoy . Its like exam , pass or top , its upto you . Everybody loves a game that is not harsh to start but hard to master. A game that makes you happy when you spend your time. Because your not here to sit and feel sad that others are living a more better life , youre here because you know this game demands something that you want to be . And the time you spend was worth it. Its not about ego , its about the most satisfactory thing , that is getting what you deserve. If you play more , you should be appreciated. I played so much and still suck online, I once almost went depressed because of video games but Now Im not , Im just a lustful frustrated gamer but enjoying my losses and victory. A good loss is where you do your best , even your heart cant lie to you that its sad because you gave your best and thats all you want when you cannot win.
