Zakat is Purification | Ayoob Karim

Zakat is Purification | Ayoob Karim

Dr. Omar Zaid

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@FA069 - 14.12.2023 12:51

I have always been confused over two words in Quran Tazkiyah of the same root zakah...and another one taher/Mutahher..In most of the Quran translations they have been translated has purification which is absolutely one side taher actually means purification but Tazkiyah is clarification and Zakat is all about what ever you have understood using the process of Salat you need to provide clarification to the people ..And salat is the process of learning concepts of Quran with your research and deep toiling.

Surah 9: ayat 103 is good example where both these terms are used so both cannot mean same

@aariskhan6761 - 14.12.2023 21:47

As salamu alaikum, Dr Zaid. It's not on the topic but what is your opinion about hijama, the cupping treatment.?

@shirazbukhari7502 - 15.12.2023 01:39

There are two Muslims in the world sir. I see it on my screen. I see no chances of all other Muslims even scenting fragrance of the heaven except you two. Don't take this statement of mine out of context dear.

@asma.nooruddin - 15.12.2023 11:53

Salat -> Zakat Surah Al-Baqarah 2:3 purify with the rizq which Allah has given us. And the best rizq to us is the pure preserved written Quran.

@michaelfletcher9844 - 18.12.2023 14:35

I disagree with my brother, according to the Dictionary of the Holy Quran, by Abdul Mannaan’Omar, on page 322. Zakat, by giving charity or spending in the need to help others is a form of purification. The most valuable thing we have is our time. We can also purify our souls by helping others. The word Zakat is generally translated as an Islamic tax, or charity or alms, however, none of them renders its full meaning.

@mkrao100 - 19.12.2023 06:03

You are a doctor?!

quoting from Esack, Farid (2005). The Qur'an: A User's Guide. Oxford England: Oneworld Publications.
According to tradition, Muhammad described the experience of revelation:

"Sometimes it is revealed like the ringing of a bell. This form of inspiration is the hardest of them all and then it passes off after I have grasped what is inspired. Sometimes the Angel comes in the form of a man and talks to me and I grasp whatever he says."
At times, it was also reported that the experience was painful for Muhammad. For example, he had been heard saying, "Never once did I receive a revelation without thinking that my soul had been torn away from me."
You can show this to any psychiatrist he will tell you that the subject (Muhammad) was suffering with acute schizophrenia(hearing voices and hallucinating characters like Gabriel) and the associated auditory hallucinations called tinnitus. It is just that medieval tribals superstitiously believed schizophrenia to be prophecy. Islam is nothing but a mad medieval Arabic tribal cult of rapists and thugs. Isn’t it?! You imitate medieval tribal and call him prophet! Give me one prophecy that he made for good of humanity? Zilch! None.

@thetru123th - 19.12.2023 13:26

Since the Quran was revealed
in Arabic language so take the
Arabic language meanings not
the Persian language

@thetru123th - 19.12.2023 13:26

Stupid people don't understand that
the very first translation of the Quran
was invented between 8th and 9th
centuries about 4 generations after
the death of Prophet (pbuh), in which
Quranic language was taken different
to the standard Arabic to defne the
Quran in their own meanings

@thetru123th - 19.12.2023 13:27

Allah's ibadat means to serve
Him not to worship Him.
Serving Allah is to help poor
people ( Muslims and non
Muslims ) financially or in any
way which is possible for you
regularly, doing good for
humanity. Islam / Quran is
secular, it has NO rituals, just
God's laws which are secular
not religious

@thetru123th - 19.12.2023 13:27

80 percent of the Quran talks
about salah / salat. In short,
salat is to help poor people
financially or in any way which
is possible for you, doing
good for humanity, staying
away from bad deeds, doing
good deeds, being upright
honest, righteous, just etc.etc.

@thetru123th - 19.12.2023 13:28

Wa aqeemus salata wa tuz
zakata, salat and zakat are
together in the Ayat, so you
read ritual prayers 5 times a
day but do you give zakat 5
times a day too ??? No you
don't, you give zakat once a
year which is unquranic
method and also you're not
doing salah of the Quran,
you're reading parsi namaz/
Hindu namaskara. I'm not
saying that you should give
zakat 5 times a day, lol. In
short, whenever you make
money / profit / income etc.,
give the surplus / extra
amount out of it to the poor

@smhealthchannel1202 - 29.12.2023 04:53

Great learning
