Does Quantum Mechanics Imply Multiple Universes?

Does Quantum Mechanics Imply Multiple Universes?

World Science Festival

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@Pandaemoni - 04.05.2024 10:19

That was a nice explanation of Everett's idea. I had always imagined it as saying that each measurement was "generating" (in some sense) new universes, but I find it a lot more comprehensible to me, humble researcher, that I am simply being drawn into a superposition with the particle I am trying to measure, preserving the outcomes I was expecting to see. That gives me metaphysical agita, making me wonder what I mean by "me" as it maybe I am just a mathematical object (and then add the holographic principle to that), but my philosophical discomfort isn't evidence against it.

@justopinion1000 - 04.05.2024 00:49

Wow. First verse of Surah Fatiha in the Quran says about "Lord of the worlds" in plural term which means there exist more than one world. This has been told more than fourteen hundred years ago.

@Bobby-dh9qh - 04.05.2024 00:49

32 minutes wasted. All they said is we don't know and can't know.

@user-vadimsirbu - 03.05.2024 21:31

The main Idea of Today's World Science Festival, which sadly the most promising Scientific Minds watching you gotta understand that there's CORRUPTION in Science, too, cause we are not here gathered to discuss unknown Marriage, but to explain a sort of entanglement phenomena.

@niranjansaikia9379 - 03.05.2024 20:24

Quantum Reality is Magic Reality..happy to see both of you on this mind boggling topic..I love both of you..Thanks a lot..❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊

@groovycoolies2517 - 03.05.2024 20:02

Quantum Theory Explained. " In every realm of possibility there is an infinite outcome. but in the end there is only one". Neural Pathway Analysis vol.1. Perceptions Of Reality, Individuality , Destiny, And The Evolution Of Meaning.

@neutrino7892 - 03.05.2024 18:17

Brilliant talk. thx

@Robinson8491 - 03.05.2024 17:05

When will the next one with Carlo Rovelli be on?

@user-fl7oc5vv6g - 03.05.2024 16:59

❤❤❤. Where is the scientific interest and curiosity? BIG ERROR in measuring the Universe, black holes, dark energy,... Let me judge all this by the result of a direct experiment, gentlemen of physics
Let's do the Michelson-Morley experiment on a school bus and determine the speed in a straight line - this is exactly the experiment Einstein dreamed of. Perhaps we will see the postulates: “Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta, and Dominant gravitational fields control the speed of light in a vacuum.” There is a proposal for the joint invention of a HYBRID gyroscope from non-circular, two coils with optical fiber, where the light in each arm travels 16,000 meters, without exceeding the parameters of 0.4/0.4/0.4 meters and mass - 4 kg.

@JimEadon - 03.05.2024 16:10

So much pseudo-science. Might as well listen to Astrology.

@thornbloodstone6275 - 03.05.2024 15:30

To me I think your misunderstanding the theory of light when it comes to entanglement, light travels so fast that it stops time so attaching a packet of information to a light particle means that this particle exists across space time and that at any point along that line the data could be receivable. I don't see how this is quantum theory but more has to do with the theory of relativity and light as a constant. One particle is here in the now the other is in the future and will always be in the future as light travels through time.

As for the multiverse theory well, there should be an equation that says, "ignore all other dimensions in the multiverse except the observable known universe".
You could have endless variations of the universe, but none are observable and can be disregarded variable meaning you only have ONE UNIVERSE even if the math says otherwise in whatever crazy fantasy you come up with and the math says it could exist but could never be proven to be observed or measured.

Just keep the multiverses to Star Trek shows as it's not real science more science fiction.

Let me know if you ever pass an entangled message through a Blackhole because it could prove if they exist or not, if the message is received on the other side of the blackhole then light is not affected by gravity.

I don't see how light is affected by gravity if light is traveling at the Constant which technically stops time, how does gravity & mass effect particles like light when time has stopped.

@siamakmis - 03.05.2024 15:05

With do all respect to both legends professor Nassim haramein eloquently explained about these ambiguities in quantum mechanics,,

@rajeevgangal542 - 03.05.2024 14:25

Spin up and down are two states and maybe more for observers but a dart can be in an infinite no of places on the board or off it and in infinite orientations. Also why a superposition with only yhe dart thrower but all content in the universe? The entire universe has to split infinite times for each possibility and its combos. Dafter than Copenhagen. Love Sean and his podcast

But daft is daft

@afifakimih8823 - 03.05.2024 11:40

Two of My favourite physics communicator/ physicist...💜❤️

@dominiqueubersfeld2282 - 03.05.2024 09:19

We have to keep in mind that the contemporary man has exactly the same brain as the cave men who lived as hunter-gatherers 20000 years ago. By that time the human brain was well adapted to track buffaloes by following their dung. This explains why the same brain struggles to accept the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Physics given by Niels Bohr in 1927, and prefer to follow intellectually lazy solutions like the multiverse concept. Unfortunately, the multiverse idea belong to religion, not to science, because it does not satisfy Karl Popper's falsification criterion. The Copenhagen Interpretation remains the only coherent interpretation, even if it's less glamorous than the multiverse.

@joshsater4044 - 03.05.2024 07:20

Great closing statement by Mr. Greene. The universe does not have to bend itself to our intuition and understanding! It may be weirder than our brains are capable of imagining.

@workingTchr - 03.05.2024 06:21

The "shut up and compute" school isn't that way because they're "practical" people who don't care about the fundamental nature of reality. It's that quantum phenomenon are so utterly counter to the way we think about things that our cognitive ability appears to be inadequate to the task. "Shutting up and compute" is not about being practical. It's about being modest. Given our evolutionary origins (we were not "made by God"), it's reasonable to think that our cognitive ability is the result of our ancestors' need to survive in a macro level, and so it's reasonable to think that it might not be up to the task for the quantum level. When I look at the double-slit experiment, I have to throw up my hands. My logical apparatus crashes. Maybe AI can figure it out and explain it to us. And it might say, "Well, the best I can tell you is that there's a multiverse. It's not really a multiverse, but that's the closest your going to get to what's going on." Would I rather have "close to" or "You're not smart enough to know"? I'd prefer the latter because it's more honest.

@Hiphiphooray490 - 03.05.2024 05:54

Many worlds is a mathematical fantasy that doesn’t impact the only universe I care about.

@gsyl655 - 03.05.2024 05:30

Whenever I read about this topic I think about how we perceive information when we are dreaming. In such a state, it seems we have the ability to morph in and out various situations at random, with no regard to space or time. Could it be that our brains experience quantum-like behavior? I've seen very little research into this area, specifically with brain activity during dreaming. Dreaming is such an illusive state of mind, but there appear to be moments where the dreamer can actually control the narrative to a certain extent. It's almost as if the dreamer becomes a conscious observer and can influence the path of random chaos into some sort of controlled outcome, albeit if just for a few seconds. Like consciously tossing the dart towards the bullseye instead of the wall or the ceiling.

@troglokev - 03.05.2024 05:26

No. Shut up and calculate.

@yeti9127 - 03.05.2024 02:14

I can listen to these guys for hours..

@markoszouganelis5755 - 03.05.2024 01:29

🌈Thank you!

@johannesburgreal441 - 02.05.2024 23:43

if the concept of physical matter reality is given up, and reality is instead viewed as virtual, then quantum physics makes perfect sense.

@babyyoda3118 - 02.05.2024 23:41

So much time and energi on thoughts about multiverse! That is not even close to the scientific method, not more than all the stories about UFOs imply there might be aliens here!

@jensklausen2449 - 02.05.2024 23:03

I think it is maybe probably necessary to invoke something more than the physical brain because current AI is so difficult to teach doing tasks people and animals find simple and do a lot of every day.

The so-called open-ended problems.

Like driving a car from A to B and cleaning up a table for instance. Because in open ended problems something that rarely happen and are not considered in the program will nevertheless sometimes happen rather often and the AI will due such situations at some point continue into areas of diminishing returns if not stopped, experience seem to have shown. And the AI program will have no way to likely get back into an area of positive return.

Unlike in closed problems like chess and go where only a legal move can happen into the next time step of the problem and a look qualified into the future of the game can be accomplished by the AI without often missing something important for the end goal which is to win the game.

To make the signals in the brain solve open ended problems well-coordinated collapse patterns may happen all the time in the high field strengths over small distances that are present all over the brain. Like for instance the high electric field over the cell membranes.

Those patterns will then have to be generated by something much more advanced than current AI and may be part of the unconscious realm in man, but can sometimes be commanded by a conscious decision, like now I want to raise my arm instead go lowering it.

It could be that the many daily open-ended problems and more are solved in more ideal worlds like those found in the works of Plato and Swedenborg.

So maybe we do sometimes know what set branches of the many worlds tree we enter, because we choose so consciously.

The Pear Lab at Princeton claimed, maybe righty to show that people can influence the collapse of the wavefunction by what they want to happen.

Probably vastly more universes in Everett’s description contains no biological life than biological life.

Yet people and oneself always seem to be in a universe that contains biological life also when they make no conscious choices like when they are sleeping.

It should be very unlikely than we in Everett’s description will be in a universe with biological life in a month, I will think because we and others will fail to solve maybe open-ended problems needed to survive in the meantime. And there may be other guided processes that are needed for our body to survive in the physical world.

Maybe we are also talking about some sort of higher guidance here also responsible for intelligent design of the code in DNA, and beyond.

Maybe our physical bodies would drop dead nearly instantly if the higher guidance disappeared.

@irisalajem3318 - 02.05.2024 22:19

So entanglement only applies on particles being observed by humans? What does it mean without an observer? Thank you for an amazing and inspiring conversation 🙏🏻

@danielpaulson8838 - 02.05.2024 21:51

This was way too short. I could listen to these two dialogue all day. Incredible communicators and teachers, both in very similar ways. They make the complex, somewhat approachable.

@zarat5151 - 02.05.2024 21:33

No it doesn't! Stupid

@bd7491 - 02.05.2024 21:07

If you became two when one is happy it's opposite has opposite emotion you have choice to be happy or sad but you force the other you to be the other.oh allis energy and energy is controlled by though.

@Witnessdomaining - 02.05.2024 21:04

Brian Greene and Sean Carroll... What a meditation!

@Interloper12 - 02.05.2024 20:44

I don't know why but I feel like the Brian in the intro and outro is an AI Brian doppelganger.

@sangeet9100 - 02.05.2024 20:32

About the EM theory having been seamlessly embedded in QM, right away while gravity is still outlier - scale of QM is in the realm of particle physics, and atomic particles prominently display electric charge and/or magnetic moment, making it an "automatic" fit, whereas gravity has been on a much larger scale (I don't know much about quantum gravity concepts). Maybe while trying to quantize gravity, one could also approach the task from the possibility of EM as some sort of space-time distortion

@marcobiagini1878 - 02.05.2024 20:30

My name is Marco Biagini and I am a physicist; I want to explain the “observation” problem in quantum mechanics because it is often misunderstood even by many physicists.
In quantum mechanics the state of a physical system is described by the wave function and does not have defined values ​​for all the physical quantities measurable on it; on the other hand, only the probability distributions relating to the measurable values ​​for these quantities are defined. Once the measurement has been carried out, the system will have a defined value in relation to the measured quantity, and this involves a radical modification of its wave function; in fact the wave function generally describes infinite possibilities while for an event to take place, it is necessary that the wave function assigns a probability of 100% to a single possibility and 0% probability to all the others. If all other results are not eliminated by imposing the collapse "by hand" on the wave function, the predictions of subsequent measurements on the same system will be wrong. The transition between a state that describes many possibilities to a state that describes only one possibility is called “collapse of the wave function”. The time evolution of the wave function is determined by Schrödinger's equation, but this equation never determines the collapse of the wave function, which instead is imposed by the physicist "by hand"; the collapse represents a violation of the Schrödinger equation, and the cause of the collapse is therefore attributable only to an agent not described by the Schrödinger equation itself. The open problem in quantum physics is that the cause of the transition between the indeterminate state and the determined state, cannot be traced back to any physical interaction, because all known physical interactions are already included in the Schrödinger's equation; in fact, the collapse of the wave function is a violation of the Schrodinger's equation, i.e. a violation of the most fundamental laws of physics and therefore the cause of the collapse cannot be determined by the same laws of physics, in particular, it cannot be determined by the interactions already included in the Schrodinger's equation.

After one century of debates, the problem of measurement in quantum mechanics is still open and still represents the crucial problem for all interpretations of quantum mechanics. In fact, on the one hand it represents a violation of the Schrodinger equation, that is, a violation of the fundamental laws of physics. On the other hand, it is necessary for the laws of quantum physics to make sense, and to be applied in the interpretation and prediction of the phenomena we observe. Indeed, since the wave function represents infinite possibilities, without the collapse there would be no event; for there to be an event, then there must be one possibility that is actualized by canceling all other possibilities.
This is the inescapable contradiction against which, all attempts to reconcile quantum physics with realism, break.

Quantum mechanics does not describe reality as something that exists objectively at every instant, but as a collection of events isolated in time (i.e. the phenomena we observe at the very moment in which we observe them), while among these events there are only infinite possibilities and there is no continuity between events.

In fact, the properties of a physical system are determined only after the collapse of the wave function; when the properties of the system are not yet determined, the system is not real, but only an idea, a hypothesis. Only when collapse occurs do properties become real because they take on a definite value. It makes no sense to assume that the system exists but its properties are indeterminate, because properties are an intrinsic aspect of the system itself; for example, there can be no triangle with indeterminate sides and no circle with indeterminate radius. Indeterminate properties means that properties do not exist which implies that the system itself does not exist; actually photons, electrons and quantum particles in general are just the name we give to some mathematical equations. The collapse represents the transition from infinite hypothetical possibilities to an actual event.

Quantum mechanics is therefore incompatible with realism (that's why Einstein never accepted quantum mechanics); all alleged attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics with realism are flawed. The collapse of the wave function represents a non-physical event, since it violates the fundamental laws of physics, and can be associated with the only non-physical event we know of, consciousness. Therefore, events can only exist when consciousness is involved in the process. However, the fact that properties are created when a conscious mind observes the system in no way implies that it is the observer or his mind that creates those properties and causes the collapse; I regard this hypothesis as totally unreasonable (by the way, the universe is supposed to have existed even before the existence of humans). The point is that there must be a correlation between the existence of an event (associated to the collapse of the wave function =violation of the physical laws) and the interaction with a non-physical agent (the human mind); however, correlation does not mean causation because the concomitance of two events does not imply a causal link.

No cause of collapse is necessary in an idealistic perspective, which assumes that there is no mind-independent physical reality and that physical reality exists as a concept in the mind of God that directly creates the phenomena we observe in our mind (any observed phenomenon is a mental experience) ; the collapse of the wave function is only a representation of God's act of creation in our mind of the observed phenomenon and is an element of the algorithm we have developed to make predictions and describe the phenomena we observe. This is essentially the view of the Irish philosopher George Berkeley, and in this view God is not only the Creator, but also the Sustainer of the universe. The fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics is that reality is not described as a continuum of events but as isolated events, and this is in perfect agreement with the idealistic view which presupposes that what we call "universe" is only the set of our sensory perceptions and that the idea that an external physical reality exists independently of the mind is only the product of our imagination; in other words, the universe is like a collective dream created by God in our mind. Idealism provides the only logically consistent interpretation of quantum mechanics, but most physicists do not accept idealism because it contradicts their personal beliefs, so they prefer an objectively wrong interpretation that gives them the illusion that quantum mechanics is compatible with realism.

@andrewblack1575 - 02.05.2024 20:26

Nature always goes for the lowest energy state. Many worlds doesn't fit this.

@JM-jv6cb - 02.05.2024 20:23

I don’t think we all agree quantum mechanics is super duper. At least duper important but not always super duper

@stavmangr - 02.05.2024 20:01

Buddha said 2500 years ago things appear from nowhere and disappears to nowhere also in our universe there are many sentients beings that they live in and there are trillions of other universes with sentients beings that the live in and some of these universes are enclosed to each other but the beings that live in can not realize that because they are in other dimensions .
Emptiness is form and form is emptiness , the union of emptiness and form to the ignorant mind appears as the world we live in.

@NakedSageAstrology - 02.05.2024 19:58

You have proof of the Multiverse every day. Much as the ancient Mandukya Upanishad of India says - Throughout Waking, Dreaming & Deep Sleep, all universes separate, yet interconnected through the 4th universe.

The ancients called this universe "Turiya" or, the 4th

You are That 4th in which the other 3 appear within & retreat.

@richardhunt809 - 02.05.2024 19:53

Many Worlds is an interpretation of QM. Instead of saying that one of the superposed states wins and the others disappear, it’s saying that the others continue to exist in some other universes. But if we can’t see or interact with these other universes then in what sense do they exist? Purely in our minds, I say. This explains nothing at all.

@davidevans2810 - 02.05.2024 19:20

No, quantum mechanics does not imply “ghost particles” that “exist” in another universe so as to create wave inference patterns. All of these things are happening in one single universe. The particles are moving through space time and space time is made of possible pathways. These pathways are just as real as the localized particles.

This non-locality part is not representative of extra universes, but how space time functions.

The reason QM doesn’t properly track possible pathways is because that isn’t even part of the theory. The theory is blind to space time. Therefore, it can only talk about particle behavior in a limited and incomplete manner. This is a “gap”, and “multiverse” is the “hypothesis of the gaps”. It does not include how particle interact with spacetime. It isn’t magic, it is missing information.

@tresajessygeorge210 - 02.05.2024 19:14


@danielpaulson8838 - 02.05.2024 19:09

Multiple universes going on and on for trillions upon trillions of years makes a lot more sense than a one off that just started 14 billion years recent. Bublenucleation in the energy.

@J.DaviesArt - 02.05.2024 18:26


@petetap4255 - 02.05.2024 16:51

Given that multiple particles occupy a space, each with individual waveforms then ,what happens to particles when you include constructive and destructive supposition within the system?

@ronaldkemp3952 - 02.05.2024 16:48

Multiple universe were proposed a long time age to explain away the notion of an intelligent designer. The constants in nature are finely tuned for everything to exist in harmony so that the universe didn't wink out of existence a fraction of a second after it began, lasting for almost 14 billion years and counting thus leaning on a designer who planned out the perfect conditions for matter, space and time to exist for an eternity. The conditions required for this single universe to last longer than a second could not have happened by a random chance or by coincidence.

There is no evidence indicating other dimensions, other universes besides our own. No parallel ones branching off this universe through the random choices we make. No evidence what-so-ever. In fact, back in 2000 scientists were debating on multiple universe, and predicted that gravitational waves would prove they exist. They said gravitational waves would travel slower than light because multiple universe would interact with the wave, causing it to lag behind the speed of light. Then in 2015 LIGO was built and confirmed, gravitational waves travel at the speed of light. They do not lag behind the speed of light. Evidence contradicting the notion of multiple / parallel universes.

Believing in multiple universe is no different than believing in the tooth fairy or boogie man at this point seeing evidence doesn't support them. Anti-religious, blasphemous claim by man denying his creator.

I know for a fact that God is real. I see signs of God everywhere, all the time. I've never seen signs of multiple universes.

@Worteltaart - 02.05.2024 16:19

Sean, you need to start hitting the gym a bit more enthousiastic! There's a gravitational pull beginning to show around your waistline!

@shahenshahen425 - 02.05.2024 16:11


@johnrichardson7629 - 02.05.2024 15:04

No. It's silly.

@sheerazkhanday6182 - 02.05.2024 14:52

My favorite players

@publiusrunesteffensen5276 - 02.05.2024 14:47

Carroll about GRW : "It will be ruled out soon...". Would love to see his bottle suddenly disintegrate at that moment!

@crehenge2386 - 02.05.2024 14:35

The sound effects are necessary for americans not to fall asleep xD
