Thank you! Marcus
ОтветитьParabens Otimo Video .
ОтветитьValeu @marcuscesarproducoes! Voce viu o meu outro video de Samba Enredo 101? Abracao Marcus
ОтветитьGreat,,,, Thanks for sharing it,,, Un abrazo from DOM REP!!!
ОтветитьJamaica Still!
ОтветитьHi Marcus, maybe you are my relative, because my last name used to be Santos as well. I've been living in United States for over 15 years now. My married name is McConnon. Anyway, I love your musics.
Ответитьsamba over the rainbow....
Ответитьwell explained, obrigado
ОтветитьVery Good You should play more to demonstrate ;)
ОтветитьMonstro !
Ответитьthis guy was so happy to teach me.
ОтветитьCool! I have a LP Caixa, but with the snares on it sounds like shit. How to you tighten it up to sound more like a normal snare drum when you have the snares down?
ОтветитьGenial, sube algo mas dificil para la proxima please n.n
ОтветитьHe's a dang octopus!
ОтветитьBeyond cool! This guy is the groovemaster!
ОтветитьValeu Carlos Marcus
ОтветитьValeu Breno! Marcus
ОтветитьHi HaveYourselfaCup Did you try rolling the little nob on the side of the caixa? That should tighten the snare closer to the drum head! Let us know how that goes! Marcus
ОтветитьMarcus sempre representando musica brasileira lá fora. Keep it up man.
Ответитьi'll search this. tks a lot i've learned plays atabaque. these videos have helped me in my study. tks again. Jah bless you and your life.
ОтветитьMuito booom !!!
ОтветитьValeu Alynne! Marcus
ОтветитьThank you FatMyke! Marcus
Ответитьsuan mey sarcer tranks muey buens tawors melar sader sors
Ответитьyou are the man
ОтветитьThis guy is the brazilian Jared Falk
ОтветитьFoda irmão!
Bahiano tb e super orgulhoso te estar representado na LP por vc!
Tamo junto
Marcus is awesome!!! Great attitude and amazing skill!
ОтветитьGostei de voce menino! Super simpático e boas explicacoes!
ОтветитьPERGUNTA: - Voce faz Esses Videos Tutoriais para os Brazukas ou os Gringos???
do oyu speaking portugues??frances??oclahoma??domenikan??pablones??
Mas the lessons are very good and easy to learn guri.
nice drumming on the surdos Marcus I loved it keep trying
Very cool. I really like it.
Wow! So much more complicated than it always seems :) My question for you--As an American, I can detect very quickly where people are from within my country based on their speaking accents (New Orleans, New York, Boston, etc.) As a percussionist, can you do the same with rythyms? Can you tell, for instance, "that player is from ______ (this part of) Brazil, Honduras, El Salvador, etc.?
Ответитьvc toca muito parceiro
Ответитьvc é bomm
Ответитьbuenisimo marcuuus!
Ответитьtem q se BR mesmo, beautiful!
ОтветитьMASSA ...
ОтветитьEsse é o meu professor
ОтветитьVery nice tutorial!
ОтветитьMr. 🐙 🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙
ОтветитьReally great instruction! I like your vibe! Thank you for sharing, and Long Live Bahia! <3
ОтветитьMassa. Parabens
ОтветитьMuito legal!👍😊✌️
Ответитьthat lesson was good
ОтветитьWhy would u dislike this ;-;
ОтветитьGreat, how long did you have to practise?