Pov: you fell in love with right person in wrong time (walking while its raining)

Pov: you fell in love with right person in wrong time (walking while its raining)

Bebek Pitonlar

2 года назад

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natalie .
natalie . - 24.09.2023 17:16

it hurt

xzsenax - 16.09.2023 15:18

I'm not sure 'bout "Is He right person?" but I want He is the true person, i want He can complete me, He can love me with my everything...It was the wrong time,maybe he was the wrong person.Perhaps I did wrong and I'm such an idiot.

Kordova - 15.09.2023 08:44

I made a vent comment on her just under a year ago. Its crazy that its already been a year.. I will never see her again.

y do we exist
y do we exist - 13.09.2023 19:40

There's this cute guy that I think is pretty interesting. I would catch him looking at me often like he wants to say something, but he never initiates anything. I just wish he would say something because I'm too shy and he's more outgoing than me. Now, I feel like he doesn't really like me that much, and I'm only eye candy to him. </3

🌌 Hunter 🌌
🌌 Hunter 🌌 - 13.09.2023 07:49

Pov: You feel in love with the right person at the wrong time damn that hits hard for me 💀😭😭😭💀

我是你的跟踪者 - 09.09.2023 14:40

i miss listening to this kind of playlist... but im not that broken anymore.. every time i listen to this kind of playlist it give me flashback about me and him. and it just makes me even more sad😥😥😕😕

Mint - 02.09.2023 19:30

Im in love with fictional character but its not real

Just your Average Goober
Just your Average Goober - 01.09.2023 05:25

She is in good hands now. but I dont know if i can move on... She was... the right Person to fall in love with..... i just Can't feel love anymore....

yeyien - 31.08.2023 20:05

at least we've got to say goodbye :))

x0cx10 - 31.08.2023 04:26

abby :(

SSJJ - 30.08.2023 09:41

Being 20 only a year into starting my adult life. For 3 years I was with her best 3 years of my life. I had some struggles but she was always there for me and i was always there for her. But about two months ago she broke up with me. Life goes on I know I wasn’t perfect she wasn’t either. Maybe we got together at the wrong time. Everything was perfect maybe I was blind I know i could have done better. Working 3 shift all the time constant ot always tired all the time I thought I did the best I could.

Omar Gutierrez
Omar Gutierrez - 30.08.2023 09:29

What da heeeeeeeee

King Of fire
King Of fire - 30.08.2023 09:25

How did I find this video while walking in the rain

Chris Zablocki
Chris Zablocki - 29.08.2023 08:15

Did i really?

minnie - 29.08.2023 06:02

i need him so badly why did we have to end like this he realised 2-3 weeks ago and got over me last week and was waiting for me to break up with him like the stupid little coward he is but i love him we've been besties for 3 years and dated for a year

DryerLint - 29.08.2023 05:28

Nah cuz it’s almost been a year but it doesn’t hurt any less. I’ve been getting these chest pains lately whenever I think about him.

lol321f - 29.08.2023 01:17

This is literally my Spotify play list 🥲

Remmy Klickman
Remmy Klickman - 29.08.2023 00:51

Hey everyone just wanted to say to keep going, never give up! i know that you might be hurting, but its going to okay. you will eventually find a partner that is right for you. im so proud of you, keep going <3

xTFLogical Ohio
xTFLogical Ohio - 28.08.2023 16:22

did I fall in love? yes. hopelessly, deeply, irrevocably, in love. was she perfect, in every sense that mattered to me, then and now? without a doubt. was the timing right? No. no it was not. was there a time where I felt it was right? yes, however by then, it was far too little, too late. I'd had my chance, and royally fucked it, because I couldn't get over my own ghosts, and just try to be fucking happy. so she ended up with someone else. I hated it. them. myself. for what felt like all the right, yet all the wrong reasons. I hated my weakness. my indecisiveness. I hated him for being less of a hot mess, and "sweeping the girl off her feet", so to speak. I hated her, for being the only woman I'd ever let past my barriers. the only one to make me feel something other than hollow. other than apathy. and the only one to so completely, utterly gut me, without even knowing it. Yeah, I was "alive." before her, sure. But when I met her.. I actually felt like I could breathe. like I could run a marathon. then, like a series of haymakers you can't dodge, it all came crashing down. I retreated deep into myself. I feared committing to her, and failing her. failing us. so I shut down, and she moved on. that was some time ago, and still I wonder.. still I kick myself, for not getting things together fast enough. Sure, I could try to win her over. but she's happily with the other guy, and I'm no homewrecker. and now here I sit, alone, in a darkened room, listening to sad music, and reminiscing on my failures. what a world, hm? what a world...

Ducks - 28.08.2023 07:23

I Like this dude so much at my school were friends we went to homecoming together. Why just why wont he see me more then anything else

Jack - 28.08.2023 05:08

met her when I was in highschool she was starting college the signs were there. then she became my neighbor, ran into again in college a bunch of times. she even dropped hints at us going out on dates. idk i just wasn't in the right mental or ideal situation. it bothered me but i don't think it bothered her. ....

Gabrysia🌈 - 28.08.2023 00:22

I’m in love with this playlist and i’m in love with right person wrong time

Jben - 27.08.2023 13:46

She’s sleeping right next to me… I love her but she doesn’t love me; I’m just a rebound — I see the writing on the wall. Hurts.. it really fucking hurts

Liam Hannigan
Liam Hannigan - 27.08.2023 04:14

Bro I didn’t know what love was until I met her she is perfect and will always be perfect no matter wha 😢💔

shamira ranon
shamira ranon - 26.08.2023 20:22

Fell in love with wrong person

Kyleops - 26.08.2023 06:52

she said it’s just help with homework on ft. now there done with that and he’s playing basketball she’ll call me in a second, and hour later i make a little joke sayin “it’s been a lil longer than a second i think” no reply for a lil while although she’s still on her phone an hours goes by and she’s still “i’m trying to hang up he won’t let me” i don’t know what i did wrong thought we coulda been perfect thought she meant what she said when she misses me and we have a cute little who misses the other more i’m starting to think i won those because she didn’t mean it

Galexzander.. - 26.08.2023 04:04

Man, loves rough
y’all do the greatest things; flirting, late night calls, anything couples do
then they reject you y’all don’t speak for a while
then it starts up again
and ends the same way
then they start dating your best friend
then break up with them and then start flirting with you
but it ends weird….

DaGoofyFrog - 26.08.2023 00:12

So many things got in the way.. I just want to start over with her..

Jackaboy Awesome
Jackaboy Awesome - 25.08.2023 11:28

Yeah, sometimes falling in love sucks. Like the title says, right girl wrong time.

I tried so hard, but despite my best efforts, I still failed.

Natesuki - 25.08.2023 10:01

Ah yes, my favorite impossibility. Me falling in love with the right person 😭💀

gageb.18 - 25.08.2023 08:00

i just want to feel true love again… maybe with you… maybe without you. i don’t know anymore. everything has changed so much since we split and all i can say is that i miss you so much all the time and i hate myself for it.

Oliver Parsons
Oliver Parsons - 25.08.2023 05:17

I know I'll never feel that happy again and there's no way I'll ever be loved like that again

•Everlong• - 25.08.2023 01:56

i remember maybe 3 years ago, i used to watch these types of videos because i didnt know much about music, now i watch them for inspiration to write my own songs!

The Eternal
The Eternal - 24.08.2023 12:44

I Just Want To Find The One In Such A Lonely World With Hollow Hearts And Empty Skulls

Easily Easy
Easily Easy - 24.08.2023 09:28

They're happy, that's all that matters to me

oof - 24.08.2023 08:11

a week ago i had to split off from the most wonderful person i've met and will ever meet. we were together for over a year and i was ready to give away anything, to drop everything in my life and follow him to the ends of the earth and over to spend my life with him. he was, is perfect, and i know i'll never again click with someone as well as i did with him. we broke up because he said that we wanted different things out of life and that splitting now would hurt less than if we did 5 years in the future arguing about things like whether to have kids or not. i understand it completely, and we're still going to be friends, but it's not the same, and i'm trying so hard not to fall apart every day at the thought of what could have been. he was my everything and now i have to act like we had nothing. it hurts.

Lucas Zani Sisti
Lucas Zani Sisti - 24.08.2023 06:26

I was there... And played Peral Jam Black, Bruno Mars If I Was Your Man, Golden Hour, Broken Seether, Aerosmith, Metallica...
There's still love here. I really wish, that the girl I met 10 years ago, still exist. Unhappilly, there is just a stranger that I know very well, with another guy. Not even a Guy, just a boy. The proposal, the roses, the candles, the wine, everything on the trash. Now Its me, what was once our apartment, the dark sky and the rain. I wish you guys should never been thru something like this, ain't no good man or woman should be this heartbroken. I really hope that y'all stay strong, shit happens, god is good ALL the time, and good things come for those who wait. God bless you all, if you read all these.

Isaiah - 24.08.2023 05:38

I’m in a breakup situation, more like I’m afraid of one
I’m too scared to pursue a relationship with my crush bc I feel like it’s the wrong time; if we became friends a few years earlier or later on in life it would have been perfect

Ludwig Amadeus Haydn
Ludwig Amadeus Haydn - 24.08.2023 04:01

But like what do you do when she's still in your only friend group you've ever had

SudsBuccheegee - 24.08.2023 00:54

It’s such a feeling when you felt so much love toward that person and then you told them. But it wasn’t enough. Left as acquaintances. Worst part is, they left and deleted all their social media accounts. And now you can never tell them again that you miss them so much that it hurts to think about yourself because it’s the only thing that is left of them. You. You are the only one who can remember them the way that you did. And now they’re gone. And there’s nothing you can do to stop it. And you’re all alone, again. But you still have to go to school, without seeing them in class anymore. Not seeing them walk around during lunch. When everyone acts like nothing changed, but everything changed. It’s not the same. And there’s nothing you can do to get comfort. Listening to the songs that reminds you of them only hurts you more, on get a stronger and unforgettable, longing feeling. You can never get rid of it. You try to let go, but it only makes you feel more lonely. You don’t want to be okay without them. And you feel so alone. Never being able to see them every day during school, never seeing them every morning and start with hearing their voice, seeing them just smile and be happy. You miss that, watching. And now, you don’t know how to feel. But you have to keep going anyways, because what else are you going to do? It’s just simply…horrible. Thanks for reading this far, but idk if there’s anything you can do to help me :]

Ciali McGinniss
Ciali McGinniss - 23.08.2023 18:14

I rly needed this playlist rn

AloneGraph777 - 23.08.2023 11:30

I don't miss her ass

Mack - 23.08.2023 07:33

i've never been in love, letalone a relationship, but this playlist is just making me so emotional. idk if i'm just tired, or what, but it is. goodnight, friend..

rory eunice
rory eunice - 23.08.2023 07:32

Hello again my dearest friends, heartache, pain, and sorrow. After saying I didn't know if I wanted to try again and being found by someone who i thought genuinly cared for me, I stay and try for 3 years to be discarded in 3 weeks. Even though it was long distance she was coming to me and I waited patiently. But I guess I truly will never be worth happiness and love. And honestly, I'm becoming fine with that. I help, they take. It's what I was born for.

Knight - 23.08.2023 05:31

Мы познакомились с ним в игре. Ночью мне просто было нечего делать, так что я решила поиграть немного. Тогда я зашла к нему в мир, и я даже не думала, что все обернётся так. Я забрала все, что было мне необходимо, и кинула заявку в друзья, чтобы обратиться как-нибудь вновь. Хотя я думала, что через пару дней уже удалю его. Но в итоге мы сдружились, что довольно удивительно, если учесть мои социальные навыки. Ради игры с ним я не спала ночами, и радовалась его сообщениям, как ребёнок — новой игрушке. В Новый Год он был первым из тех немногих людей, от кого я получила поздравление. И новогодняя ночь была одной из лучших. Я все ещё помню, как мы с ним играли до утра, а после все сошлось к праздным разговорам. Помню эту глупую улыбку, играющую на моем лице, когда я делала все новые и новые скрины. Это было весело.
Но, конечно, я оплошала и в случае с ним. Были некоторые моменты расставаний, о чем я сожалею сейчас. Но я знаю, что он не осудит меня. Он часто говорил, что всегда поймёт и простит меня, и пока что он держит своё слово. В случае с ним я четко уверена, что он не держит на меня никакого зла.

В общем, милый мой Омар, просто знай, что я действительно дорожу всеми моментами вместе, и тобой в общем. Ты освещаешь мою жизнь, словно солнце, выглядывающее из-за туч. Возможно, я не могу ответить тем же, но просто знай, что я люблю тебя. 🫂🫂

Helix - 23.08.2023 05:17

Полина ты просто лучшая !!! Просто самое яркое солнышко из всех всех солнц . Самая красивая прекрасная просто ну отпадик 🎉🎉

Dilnura Hakimjonova
Dilnura Hakimjonova - 23.08.2023 01:36

For 2 years i had a crush on the one boy but i acted like i didnt and was really rude to him . Maybe therefore he looked me like im big headed prideful and the second year of knowing was we applied to same uni and we studied at the same place every single day we bumped into each other then i tried to be nicer and nicer than i was supposed to be actually i strained so hard make him believe im the best and on insta i playfully copied his note and he send me 😊face which i deadly hate right before new year. And the next day at new year night he send warm wishes. I was really mesmerized that my tricks worked. Even at that time i was trying to prove myself something i don't know what it was maybe changing his my mind bout me or just making him fall for me was it
I actually thought he will turn out to be the boy that i had felt he would like emotional and nerd nothing like his age but he wasnt. Every single time when we texted i was uncounciously falling for him harder and deeper i had no idea. Every time i convinced myself and him that we were friends.but i stalked him tmthen i found out that he was the same to other girls but actually he said he had no girl friends and no online interaction with them. After having found i was nobody to him i blocked him like 1 month everything was over but i felt kinda emptiness in my life kinda one piece of my life apart and i tried to his attention again by posting the things he send me .One he did same i was shocked and unbelievable happy 😊 but untill one week we didnt texted and finally realizing that all of the stories was bout i texted him first. First thing he said was why didn't you do that 1 day earlier only one day i was waiting for you and for 1 week every single morning we texted nonstop he was happy and i was happy.but again he was relentless said u should have texted me one day early and i wish everything was as it was. In a week i fell in love with him again even though I didnt admit at all and one day i said it. After 2 days he answered,, im sorry u should have i should have texted u 1 day early unfortunately i promised one girl that i have known for so long maybe cuz i felt lonely when u were nt here maybe to get over u but i did im sorry,,
After that without even answering i dod blocked him i avoid him never talked him never gave him chance to change something
Now im thinking maybe it would be different if i did let him talk to ne at once maybe it would different. After that awful confession i finally realized how i was madly in love with him i cried nonstop for days i tried to run away from my own mind that sure impossible thing but it was the one which was giving pain i wished i could have erase my memories. It is cuz im really prideful or i dont think myself worthy to him i decided not to give him a chance later on as well

Chris Wikoff
Chris Wikoff - 22.08.2023 23:00

She was perfect, she was everything i want, everything i love. She said we were like two puzzle piece, a perfect fit. i still remember reading the journal entries from the day she first saw me. i still remember the cake we baked on our first date. i will always remember the first time she talked to me and how beautiful her voice was and her smile when i respond. ill always remember our first kiss. the first time we hugged. i will never stop loving her. But i had to ruin it, my fucking BPD had to throw it out the window. It hurts so much seeing her in the halls with her new boyfriend. it hurts knowing that he abuses her. it hurts knowing she wont leave him. it hurts knowing that no one i tell take me seriously. i blame my self that she ended up with him. i drove her away. im the reason she is in pain. Im the reason she is sad. I wish i could sacrifice my self if it means she would be happy, at least then i will have done something with my life. i love her so much. Alyssa, if your reading this, im sorry. i will always love you more than anything.

eun - 22.08.2023 18:22

