She looks so pretty in this video (she always does but I love the aesthetic today the pink boys and eyeshadow and wispy lashes are so cutesy)
Ответить(I have not watched all of the video)
I feel as the people who killed the people left in the attic may have been people who have not gotten their money or maybe certain gangs? I'm not really sure though. Just a thought.
The description at minute 24 sounds like the other mother from Coraline🤔
ОтветитьI know this is from an entire year ago but I wanted to dig one out from way back. And you are so darn cute in this! 😆💕
ОтветитьHe's not dead it's a fake body double.
ОтветитьI was born in 2014 😯
ОтветитьDude was like quiboloy in philipines
ОтветитьWe already knew JYP was shady by the way he treats his artist. Enough said 💁♀️
And was this the incident Spring Day is about?? 😢
Yep their are billionaires that will never show off anywhere coz there’s a lot of reserves in them
ОтветитьMaybe the people strangled themselves and the manager just stacked them. After it was all done he killed himself. Spooky but possible.
ОтветитьCrazy it seems like Asians in particular are always worried about rumors like they're a teen in high school
ОтветитьJYP 🙀no religion? But I’ve seen videos of him preaching
ОтветитьOmg who cares if its her husband or not geez ppl are so weird how they judge sh** there telling a story just listen
ОтветитьI'm Korean but grew up in America since I was 6 years old. Korea is SO fucked up. The society is materialistic as hell second to China and the corruption is everywhere.
Ответитьwhere's the part 2?
ОтветитьI cant take your video seriously with your face lmao please chill out 😂😂
ОтветитьIsn’t JYP currently holding Doomsday Christian Seminars in Korea? People reported that his members are specifically targeting young western women who travelled to SK for K-pop to attend these seminars
Ответитьthats crazy
ОтветитьThis reminds me of the guy who claimed to be the messiah and r worded his female followers
Ответитьeverything i learn about jyp is literally insane dad lore
ОтветитьThere’s a giant chunk of the people missing that escaped that could have chickened out or continued elsewhere but they could have done all that semi easily unfortunately
ОтветитьSeems like some group killed them all and made it look like a cult mass death thing. It's crazy that I was a baby when this happened
ОтветитьOh my gosh, I DID cry at the end of this one!!!! 😅 The ending to this tragic story exactly what I know we all were hoping for-definitely a surprise on this channel for sure. A welcome one 😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Keep up the amazing work guys!! I know I can speak for everyone in saying that we love and appreciate all of the work you do regarding these cases. Mwah!! ❤❤❤❤
When the intro is 'aspiring artist feels misunderstood' 😭😭
ОтветитьMaybe they overthrew her
ОтветитьOnce saved, always saved is DEFINITELY heresy.
ОтветитьCult(s) doesn't make sense, how come people fell for it tho?
ОтветитьDang, that company sounds like my ex with all the legality to keep their secrets and 'good name' out of people's mouths. Kudos to you and your team for handing this well.
The ferry one is going to be a rough ride. I cried my eyes out for a long time when I first researched into it.
Is there anyone here that can expound upon why Korean cultures punish the woman if they are sa'd? I am not being sophmoric but culturally want to understand.
ОтветитьSounds like Scientology 😂
ОтветитьSouth Korea is just another form of North Korea base on my opinion watching your channel. There's so many psychopath elite slaving people for money , so many cult like Japan but worse. I hope islam grows in Korea , rid of these false belief of divinity on human being and idols and before society falls. Christianity are Favourite choice for psychopath cult because it is fallable belief system , not just korea but Everywhere
ОтветитьThe word you use for Park with sharp features etc. sounds like my Uncle Billy's description of a Crone! Eek!
This sounds like mass suicide, but the Leader Park going first, and the guy that was hanged having a complete ligature mark all the way around is strange! It is like they killed her, each other and him, but that doesn't really explain the evidence unless some unidentified others killed them all, but what happened to the millions in missing money? This sounds like Amway back in the 1970's it was like the first most prosperous pyramid/Multi Level Marketing business! So, his Cult/Religious Salvation Sect is like Scientology meets Amway...Damn!
These are very questionable business practices that may not be illegal, but are definitely Ethically, and morally Hinky. And, the fact that they are running businesses that people's lives rely on for there safety and security... So, these products and services are in literally puts lives in danger like the Victims of the Sewoll Ferry! Governments in the countries where these types of businesses need to crack down on these unskilled and truly dangerous practices!
It doesn't take a genius or a conspiracy theorist to draw a connection between draw a connection between the business action between "Ahae" or Young Child and that horrific and heinous both that made her followers call he "Baby" the Cultish Business practices need to be stopped as they like certain billionaires in the US are using their money to affect the lives of ordinary citizens as these Korean Billionaires negatively effected the lives of many...And, these two call it religion ... The loss of life should have them all suffer all the indecency, hardships, etc their religion and business practices to their followers and ordinary civilians that have suffered like the Ferry victims, their families and loved ones for eternity in the worst level of the 13 Hells!
The word you use for Park with sharp features etc. sounds like my Uncle Billy's description of a Crone! Eek!
This sounds like mass suicide, but the Leader Park going first, and the guy that was hanged having a complete ligature mark all the way around is strange! It is like they killed her, each other and him, but that doesn't really explain the evidence unless some unidentified others killed them all, but what happened to the millions in missing money? This sounds like Amway back in the 1970's it was like the first most prosperous pyramid/Multi Level Marketing business! So, his Cult/Religious Salvation Sect is like Scientology meets Amway...Damn!
These are very questionable business practices that may not be illegal, but are definitely Ethically, and morally Hinky. And, the fact that they are running businesses that people's lives rely on for there safety and security... So, these products and services are in literally puts lives in danger like the Victims of the Sewoll Ferry! Governments in the countries where these types of businesses need to crack down on these unskilled and truly dangerous practices!
The word you use for Park with sharp features etc. sounds like my Uncle Billy's description of a Crone! Eek!
This sounds like mass suicide, but the Leader Park going first, and the guy that was hanged having a complete ligature mark all the way around is strange! It is like they killed her, each other and him, but that doesn't really explain the evidence unless some unidentified others killed them all, but what happened to the millions in missing money? This sounds like Amway back in the 1970's it was like the first most prosperous pyramid/Multi Level Marketing business! So, his Cult/Religious Salvation Sect is like Sciebtology meets Amway...Damn!
This is very Ethically Hinky Business practices that may not be illegal, but are certainly Questionable!
credo, o silas malafaia da coreia
Ответитьwow this has changed me i have cancelled my knee surgry
ОтветитьCan someone please link the second video I can’t find it 😢
Ответить6,000 officers and bunker breakers and they miss one false wall?
ОтветитьNOT 1987!!! This is what FNAF was actually based on. (This is a joke pls don’t do anything to me wealthy and powerful people, I’ll even say “allegedly” to make y’all happy, ok?)
The incompetence and corruption of the authorities in Korea is always astounding
ОтветитьWhat is it with Koreans and religious fervour / cults? I remember a few years ago China expelled all Korean missionaries. Not surprised.
ОтветитьShe makes it seem like death cults are common in SK.