Munching Across Morocco Ep.2 - Casablanca Fish Market / Fried Fish

Munching Across Morocco Ep.2 - Casablanca Fish Market / Fried Fish

Chris Kermis

2 года назад

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@kamikazitsunami - 12.07.2023 21:09

I love fried fish with chermoula sauce And probably had it once a week. Plus I'm totally addicted to zalook (cooked Moroccan eggplant salad served cold with bread) which I make all the time and I just bought the ingredients to make again probably tomorrow. You were right on your other video about having plenty of vegetarian options there. Their cooked eaten cold salads are amazing. I've been eating them since I was 15 every summer. Also their carrot salad is delicious as well and I will be making that this week too.

@aber6441 - 20.08.2022 07:14

As someone who’s from Morocco and live in UK there is a huge difference between the fish here and there. Fish in UK is never fresh, taste fishy because it took minimum a week or more from the source to land on your plate all frozen and sometimes you can even feel it’s like it was grown on a lake for consumption. Uk doesn’t import fresh fish, contrary to Morocco the fish quality is good and all local due to a high resources Moroccan cost are known by, good qualities and many European countries rent a lease to fish on the Moroccan costs, even Russia does, you will always buy fish from The market which was dropped by fishing boats early morning, you got lots of type of fish and it just taste so good because it took less than 24h from the source to your plate

@azertyqwertyma - 24.07.2022 20:39

That was lentilles actually cooked in the moroccan/best way. That was a fresh tasty meal.
