The FreeToPlay Controversy Is Unjustified...

The FreeToPlay Controversy Is Unjustified...


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@chops5084 - 09.06.2024 13:46

The people complaining can't even survive the first 2 min of the game. The whole lobby dies to mobs even on norms. The free game lets you experience the core game and nothing more. I paid for the game so i get full access. 30$ for a game in 2024? Pretty good deal cobsidering i have over 1k hours in the game so far.

@RudyTheNinja - 20.06.2024 03:34

$30 for a unity dungeon asset pack is greedy af
Released but still looks unfinished in every way possible, not just the visuals
Been playing Hunt Showdown, that's a game worth $30

@annoying2147 - 18.06.2024 22:15

He thought that something here is not very clear.
This is not even a damn free to play, anyone who enters a dungeon will destroy you with 1 damn attack unless it is another free to play like you, "experience the core game" most can't beat a normal mob and you want Do it with completely initial equipment, ignoring the fact that you can equip yourself in the dungeon equally, there is no point in playing it, you don't have a reward, you don't have anything.
"It's only 30 dollars" For the love of God, do you think everyone has their damn opportunities equally? There are people who don't have enough money to give, they don't have a card, they don't have enough money or they have to spend it on something more important.
It's not even a Triple A enough to be worth 30 dollars with the little content it offers.
I can't even try different characters or because I would have to delete the one I already have. What's the point of that?

@j.d.4697 - 18.06.2024 17:38

It's "free with limitations", then just $30 to get everything.
IMO it's a bad version of "free to play" but a great version of a demo. I think it's great but the naming is not optimal because people who are used to games like PoE that are 100% free and only monetized via cosmetics and a bit of QoL will expect the same here.

@ryanoliver4823 - 16.06.2024 17:37

So it's free to try

@magmachicken4402 - 16.06.2024 17:29

Free; and odd concept.

@cheapshot3286 - 16.06.2024 05:09

My issue with its F2P model is its literally not true. The free part is just a demo, only being able to have one chracter is limiting to the point of ruining the game for me. Not to mention after taxes and conversion the game comes out to almost $50 CND and since we have to use the in game currency there dodging ever being on any steam sales. Is the game great? Yes will i play ot again? Probably, but getting smacked by the $50 price tag after reading it only cost 30 and seeong how 99% of skins are also blocked by a pay wall killed my enjoyment of the game

@dr.lemonpie1904 - 15.06.2024 19:52

You are going to deep on HR, when the problem its not HR in my opinion its clearly the character slots and trade

@Montaph - 15.06.2024 09:36

They just needed to make it a demo. Free, unlimited hours, but restricted gear/normals only/one character. That is absolutely in line with a demo. Additionally, steam already has a button for demos, so they don't need to create an entirely new label.

@Morboeatspeople - 15.06.2024 06:47

Path of Exile really has the best model. I bought cosmetics that I didn't want, just to support a game I love. The day I discovered I could zoom-in on my character? Priceless.

@ReadySetMoses - 15.06.2024 04:05

If Destiny is your most favorable comparison, I know the monetization is fucked lol

@JTB_Ronnie - 14.06.2024 18:27


@northsouth1256 - 14.06.2024 13:33

If its not justified then it wont get review bombed. Clearly many people are unhappy

@northsouth1256 - 14.06.2024 13:31

Its justified!!!

@MCR.88 - 14.06.2024 07:45

10 percent of Runescape is still 100 times of Dark and Darker.

@diamonz6590 - 14.06.2024 04:13

Bro I saw free to play, i got hyped and now i cant even spend the gold i have

@MaddixCuhming - 14.06.2024 03:08

I like the free to play cuz if ya really like the game you can buy it but since it’s free you can just enjoy a few matches with friends for free and guilt trip free

@gonzalocornejo9267 - 13.06.2024 07:11

welp, another guy who doesnt understand the issue, and barrier himself saying people arent good enough to experience the hr xd, how many times i heard that already -.-
i bought the game, and i can put myself in the shoes of my friends that doesnt purchased and yeah, is bad, having to play 1 character, not having much to progress in terms of items or skins or buffs from said skins, and having a lobby that can almost 1 shot u or tank everything u throw at them, is bad, there is no denying it, and also they dont have the market, non the items they extract xddddd is a loot extraction game, and u cant even use it properly...
i understand your view, but you are very lost my friend, u sound like another non empathic person talking about the game, there are a lot, but stil, there are more people putting themselves in the position of F2P and actually understand the issue better that this video xd

@hamzabicer6554 - 13.06.2024 02:49

I think the main reason people review bombing is limitations themselves not different modes or whatever. Destiny 2 is not a fair comparison it has its own community dark and darker doesnt, its new. But really, not having multiple characters is a major turnoff, i am having lots of fun atm but if i get bored of my character i am just gonna have to quit bcz its a chore to gear up again.

@R4G3L3GiTSn1PZ - 13.06.2024 02:00

isnt most of destiny dlc free now

@GrubstakeTheGreat - 13.06.2024 01:36

The concept of this game is cool, but I was extremely underwhelmed when I played.

@insaneindividua1 - 12.06.2024 18:35

If you buy the "premium" account and think, "I don't like this, it's not really worth the $30 that I spent on it" you can't refund it because it's not a dlc, it's a micro transaction. Make it a dlc and it won't be scummy.

@SavaZalen - 12.06.2024 16:42

i want more character slots honestly as a f2p mayb 2/3 slots alteast
cant make up my mind to rlly buy the game with just 1 limited char slot

@DrownedLamp - 12.06.2024 08:46

Saw it was free so I downloaded it. People really love finding things to hate.

@MrHeadshot07 - 12.06.2024 06:21

remove the game from F2P problem solved dont give false hope

@jaredh923 - 12.06.2024 00:39

Free players are a parasite on every game they touch. The game has been free for 1 week at this point, and the normal dungeons have already been reworked, and double potions and bandages are given for free every run now. So sick of these subhumans. Whine until everything is so easy its unfun, then they drop it and move on to the next. RIP Wildstar, Tera, Dofus, Wakfu, Everquest, etc

@pandaog0478 - 11.06.2024 23:30

Will the game become priced after the demo/trial era has ended?

@ImpEranwel - 11.06.2024 15:43

I see that a lot of people here are missing the point of view of the people who complain.

It doesn't matter that those people cant play in hr. The idea of limiting access to modes that are more or less part of the main game and not some story mode DLC in a competitive game, is basically alienating people and telling them how they're supposed to enjoy their game. Can you imagine if the doors to the troll's room wouldn't open and a pop up would appear saying "You can't access this area because your level is too low". If I'm a new player and gonna perish to a troll, let me do that. Let me do bad choices instead of limiting what I can and cannot do.

Apparently normals are also now limited to only white gear. I don't know, I don't play the game and I hardly noticed this being mentioned. This change is also not good either. It goes back to the over protective, micro managey argument I wrote above about hr. Instead of just limiting the type of gear you can loot/bring to absolute minimum, how about making the variety of players mixed, but introduce something to balance the disparity in level and gear, like for example adding environmental hazards that can be triggered by a player which would either insta kill or do a lot of damage. You could also add things like hidden passages or short teleport portals that would help escape from other players. I still see that darkness and sources of light in a game called DARK and DARKER is still not utilized much if at all, which would also potentially help make the gameplay more organic.

@Michu0609 - 11.06.2024 12:51

why not...
Normi = White /Green/ Blue
HR = Minimum Gearscore 150

@1Maverick2 - 11.06.2024 10:28

It cracks me up that they think removing the "free to play" now is going to help. Now they're screwed.

@boogalooter7280 - 11.06.2024 04:42

Free to Play has meant a specific thing for a long time. you're all just sycophants, this is IM dropping the ball, which is exactly how even they framed it

@zakkeith1508 - 11.06.2024 03:37

POV you railed against tarkov for 3 days straight and then another game does even worse shit and you try to justify it

@danielfraga1897 - 10.06.2024 22:25

The real issue it that when D&D first appeared on the scene, high roller, multiple character slots, and stash sharing were all free. Clearly these don't need to have money charged for them, otherwise they would have done so at that time.

Now D&D comes back, and they've pay-walled all these previously free features that made the game fun and popular to begin with.

The worst part though is how elitist, snobbish, and possessive the D&D community is being towards players raising criticism over this. Idiot jackasses who mistreat new players and create segregated groups of elitism ("Hold the Liners" vs "Timmies") is a recipe for a dead game. Hopefully the Dev addresses the D&D community soon by telling them to drink a tall glass of STFU.

@MegaMooer - 10.06.2024 21:50

Disagree that locking gear out of normals looks bad. For FREE, you'll take what you're given. If you wanna use things locked behind the paid edition, its only 30 bucks.

I have no sympathy for the whiners. Amazing free game with tons of content. Even more content is available for less than half the price of most other games.

Review bombers acting like this is some huge contreversy when it isn't. Save that energy for when something real is going down like the Helldivers Sony PSN BS.
Review bombing DaD over this is just foolish.

@howlcyphers9307 - 10.06.2024 20:45

Back to having griefers in lobbies now greeeatttt. They need to fix gbmm

@ImBananaElite - 10.06.2024 20:19

F2P experience be like:
Normal only huh ?
Could be ok, was fun enough in the playtests, shouldn't prevent me to get hocked.

Everyone dies to traps and trash mobs

Where are the players ?
The PVP used to be fun in normal, is the game dead ?
Is it why they tried to go f2p ?

Inventory full, decide to extract
Game crash due to random server message

"They still have those issues ? might be because it just went on multiple platforms, f2p, good thing I extracted before anyway"

Reconnect, go to check what level is the traders guild nowadays, find out I will not be able to trade

Fuck ! ok I can still see myself patiently completing all the parts of a purple set in my stash. Let's try another, hopefully I find players this time.

Message pops, can't go with my green weapon and torso I found

Wtf !
So that's why there I found nobody on the lobby, that mode is so lame few players plays it except all f2p noobs that die immediately anyway.
What is the point to do a f2p version of a looter extraction arena if I can't equip the loot, and there is nobody to fight.
I'm already turbo limited after the first game, they don't even let me time to get hoocked that they ask to pay
Go to check how much space that game took
Calm myself and decide to give it another try

Well I dropped my grey weapons so either I be part of the problem and kill myself in a lobby to get another one and be part of the problem or I sell some of my trash and buy one from the vendors.

proceed to do option 2
Server crash again

Fuuuuckkkkk !!!
Tried another game, was also empty, went to hell extracted again with shit I can't equip, had another server crash and uninstalled

What they could do to fix it in my opinion:
Allow normal entry up to blue (included)
f2p players will have time to pass the phase where they get killed by the first problem, won't quick after their first success and you will have a bit of fight against blue / green people.
Yes we will see more paid players going to shit on those lobbies but there is a reason people liked this kind of game, you win few but moslty get but *f and want to become as good as those paid players.
So eventually you will be converted once you get the hang of the game, selected few skills, got your stash full but a lot of it is good stuff for other class (linked storage) and you want to see what's up with the high roller.

@vultrex1839 - 10.06.2024 20:13

Ironmace can't get a break. People are disgusting for review bombing the game because they can't read. Sad

@barryhoggle2354 - 10.06.2024 18:47

All they had to do to fix this was put the word demo instead they chose to put free to play come on now LOL

@ahappyplace6619 - 10.06.2024 18:29

Ahh, respect to you peg boy. Ill forgive your previous transgressions, for now.

@SERBIANseljak - 10.06.2024 18:19

will this game be full realized on steam?

@frozware5063 - 10.06.2024 18:10

"free to play" obviously if you are a new player you are going to get angry when they lie to your face, I am new to the game and I felt scammed when I saw the paywall for equipping better equipment, calling it f2p in 2024 this type of monetization is a clear scam, if they called it a demo it would be justified and no one would get angry, but fp2 by current standards, at least in my experience is always based on paid skins, some exclusive paid thing, and it wouldn't bother me if a weapon would be paywalled or a dlc with a class or character, but limiting you so much that you need 30 dollars to play the game in horrible conditions. It would be good if they put at least a way to get red fragments over time to access the paid version just by playing a long time, so people who do not want to pay for the game at some point have the opportunity to go premium and thus have a larger player base or something like that.

@Rickytonaify - 10.06.2024 17:39

I really just wish we had at least 2 character slots. And limiting the high roller is dumb, anything i come out with i cant use anyway so whats the point. This is less than a demo or playtest. Im just fodder for people who actually play

@ccloudleaf - 10.06.2024 17:15

Oh they added gear requirements for normal? That's really cool I haven't played in forever.

@jorgeantuna5882 - 10.06.2024 17:15

As much as I want to sympathize with these players, they’re not special. This happened to me when I first started playing, but I loved the game and got better to the point where I can do well in high roller

@cdeppracing216 - 10.06.2024 17:14

SWTOR has been doing this same thing for years

@Rooster70 - 10.06.2024 16:23

I feel so bad for IM on this. After all the hard work, one innocent marketing error is causing them a lot of grief and potentially harming the future of the game/playerbase.

@dahblackness - 10.06.2024 16:03

Vigor is a free to play extraction style game … it does not do this so idk what the devs were doing but they were keeping there other FREE TO PLAY EXTRACTION MODELS and there are multiple cycle frontier and hawked included … so to not BARE MINIMUM give us 2 characters and we can bring in green gear in “normals “

It feels like they are saying if you want to feel the experience of an extraction shooter you should pay us , which is fine but don’t say it’s. FREE TO PLAY GAME … except you can do half of what the game is about

You can leave with loot but you can’t KINDA go in with loot unless you spend money , don’t care about the characters to much .

But it’s the only extraction shooter free to play I’ve seen that literally makes gear useless like there is no point to finding gear unless you spend money .. that’s bad .

@ET_AYY_LMAO - 10.06.2024 14:37

These zoomers wouldnt even want to play high roller, I have been playing the game for 6 months and I still enjoy normal mode more because it feels more balanced for noobs

@TacticalTushie - 10.06.2024 14:02

Every single launch lately has started as mostly negative then the real reviews come in. It's like the people who buy prebuilts don't know you can get games outside of steam

@itsSwiffty - 10.06.2024 12:13

I own the game so im not biased but its not unjustified at all. When originally on steam the game was free to play, not free to try. Then the drama happened and it was removed from steam. Then the next steam players hear of it is that its coming back to steam and is F2P a.k.a free to play. A demo or trial version is not free to play its a demo. Sdf literally says it himself in the first screenshot you show that he shouldnt have worded it as F2P. When you set the expectations of everyone returning to the game as F2P only to log in and find out you literally cant play 70% of the game without paying for it is obviously a bad look. It really is that simple. The first time it was on steam it was free, now its back and most of the content you could play for free is now paywalled.
