Movie Catfight - Beautiful Villainess punched out cold by the feisty heroine.

Movie Catfight - Beautiful Villainess punched out cold by the feisty heroine.

Andrea Stellaris

1 год назад

4,263 Просмотров

I Man - Bikini Clad head Villainess (Cindy Higgins) knocked out cold by one punch from the dark haired heroine (Ellen Bry).

I Man has the stunning head villainess who is bikini clad and high heeled attempting to seduce the hero. The heroine walks in on them. As both hero and heroine are in the villainess's lair she is feeling safe not knowing what the heroine is upto.
Only to have the heroine walk upto her and punch the beautiful villaines out cold with one punch. She has to then be cradled carried and hidden as the couple makes a get away. She is hidden because if her henchmen see there boss knocked out cold it will be trouble for the couple.
Perfect scene where the bossy seductive villainess is easily taken down nby a feisty heroine.


#CATFIGHT #one_punch_ko #knocked_out_cold #cradle_carried #bikini_villainess #high_heels #punched_out #villainess_defeat #ellen_bry #Cindy_Higgins
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@steveelessiak6921 - 11.11.2022 13:20

Indeed, it's a nice one-punch knockout that sends the sexy villainess to drreamland. We get a great close-up of the bad girl's legs and heels when the hero carries her in his arms. Love the moment when the heroine opens the cupboard. Her smirk smile is priceless.
Too bad that the hero and not the heroine locked the cupboard at the end. That would have made the scene perfect.
