Jim Cornette & Brian Last Discuss The Jimmy Snuka Episode Of Dark Side Of The Ring

Jim Cornette & Brian Last Discuss The Jimmy Snuka Episode Of Dark Side Of The Ring

Official Jim Cornette

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Dudeist Monk Matthew
Dudeist Monk Matthew - 08.09.2023 06:14

No, that guy really thinks the dungeon of doom is real

HABITUAL LINE STEPPER - 01.08.2023 06:25

I want a Jim Cornette Dark side of the Ring

Mark Benish
Mark Benish - 23.07.2023 01:00

The most bizarre thing of Snuka dark side episode is that he gave Nancy’s friend a bag of cocaine as an apology for threatening her life.

dildonius - 23.07.2023 00:35

Apparently Vince once told a journalist trying to grill him on the Superfly Snuka situation something like "Look, I'm in the garbage businesses. If you think I'm going to be hurt by the revelation that one of my wrestlers is really a violent person, your're sorely mistaken."

dildonius - 23.07.2023 00:24

We need a Dork Side Of The Professional Wrestling Ring episode about how Jim "Corny-Cornhole" Cornette is a secret Freemason.

RicksTalentedTongue - 14.07.2023 21:28

Because Vince McMahon is a Freemason and Sullivan is a Satanist and wrestling shoots are mostly works. Jim shows his true colors when he pretends to hate Trump with his irrational TDS, the entertainment industry got the go ahead to hysterically sell that nonsense to legitimize the uni part as two warring factions. Jim is chronically full of shit.

David C.
David C. - 07.07.2023 18:57

Cornette still putting up the smokescreen for Kevin Sullivan and Pat Patterson

Jon Via
Jon Via - 06.07.2023 05:26

Corny as Columbo is my favorite animation!!! Uh just one more thing Russo...

Richard Clark
Richard Clark - 20.04.2023 14:52

He killed that woman and got away with it 😢😢😢😢 and I am so tried of wrestling personalities, making it seem like this guy was all good he’s a murderer

Jc Boy
Jc Boy - 21.01.2023 06:00

objectively and technically, you can't say for sure Snuka killed Nancy. Don't be a dumbash as usual. If Snuka did, he should rot wherever he is. If not, a disservice to him. But nobody will ever know for sure, so far.

DAVEY 38 - 13.01.2023 10:55

Brian is an arrogant crotch sniffing mark.

David the Custodian
David the Custodian - 06.01.2023 14:16

I know this episode was posted 2 years ago, but I actually don't think the dark side people did a good job with the portrayal of Jimmy Snuka as somebody who actually committed the crime. They ended the episode with a string of interviews with people who all said he didn't do it and he wasn't the type of guy to do that kind of thing. His wife even said she didn't think he did it. They did show him being declared not fit for trial on the issue right before he died, but I still think the amount of people who came in at the end and said he wasn't that type of guy makes it seem like there is a question of his guilt.

Jabrock Obiden
Jabrock Obiden - 16.12.2022 22:29

Dark side is leftoid trash

Joshua Bacher
Joshua Bacher - 23.11.2022 00:18

Dark Side of the Ring: Katie Vick. Also, a commercial aired during this video for the AEW Video Game featuring Plumber Jon Moxley.

A Surly Barber
A Surly Barber - 04.11.2022 01:15

Piper didn't hit Snuka nearly hard enough with that damn coconut.

Mister Mason
Mister Mason - 04.10.2022 15:14

I just watched this episode again and man that cop and Tonga kid are totally full of crap. Especially that cop, he couldn't make eye contact if he was a chameleon and Tonga kid lied only because he idolized Jimmy. Which was pathetic.

Tariq Busy
Tariq Busy - 08.09.2022 19:13

If Snuka really had killed her then the cops wouldn't have went with any story to not convict. The host here is being a little too presumptuous here. Before JC can even discuss it, this dude lets us know that one tv show has persuaded him that the guy is guilty. THEY HAD 30 YEARS TO CHECK THIS OUT and nothing came of it. Let's not tarnish SNuka's legacy over it. Dark Side of the Ring wants money anyways.

try me
try me - 17.07.2022 02:11

What about bruiser brody

Obadiah Von Death
Obadiah Von Death - 15.07.2022 19:24

Snuka was a fucking lunatic!

Walter Clark
Walter Clark - 25.06.2022 11:03

Everytime I think of Jimmy Snuka all I think of is that episode of Piper's pit when piper hit jimmy in the head with the coconut. Classic angle and funny segment.

Sundance Lance
Sundance Lance - 21.06.2022 10:47

Legend has it that Hogan said he was there,🇺🇲

SpaceD_0ut_Ace - 20.06.2022 19:48

What was the thing with Kevin Sullivan? What is the controversy or whatever?

MARLON - 19.06.2022 00:30

Don't Believe ,. DarkSide Of The Ring:. Jimmy Superfly Snuka. Those guys,. Are Liars !!!!!!!!

MARLON - 19.06.2022 00:27

Let The Late Jimmy Superfly Snuka,. Rest In Peace. Jimmy ,. Loved his Family,. Fans / People. I Don't Believe,. Jimmy Killed Anyone,. At All.

Jake Jones
Jake Jones - 08.06.2022 07:58

See this one yet pisskey Wade??

Charlie Wise
Charlie Wise - 06.06.2022 02:23

My dad responded to that call. Rogers lived in Haddonfield

Craig - 01.06.2022 11:13

They should do a Dark Side of the Ring on Jim Cornette and his Freemason activities

Daniel Markle
Daniel Markle - 09.05.2022 07:12

I want a Dark Side Of The Ring episode about The rivalry between Vince Russo and Jim Cornett. And let the two of them say whatever the hell they want to say. That would be one hell of a funny episode

Spc Luna Dope
Spc Luna Dope - 06.05.2022 23:11

people with money would never get together in secret and discuss ways to get away with things or coverup crimes, thats outrageous and anyone who believes that should be shot on sight

Brent W
Brent W - 19.04.2022 19:27

I wish they would of interviewed Gino Hernandez mom. I think it was a shock to many when she revealed even tho Gino was against it she ended up dating SNUKA. I maybe wrong but I want to say she said they got married. Gino would of been so proud. His mom came off so well n the Gino doc. Very classy woman

Carter - 15.03.2022 08:34

As a proud Satanic Freemason, I take offense to being associated with Vince McMahon.

Jehsun - 10.03.2022 05:30

If anyone from wrestling is in the Illuminati, it’s John Cena. Uses way too much symbolism. There’s more people too…just watch old matches.

boostimalaka1 - 21.02.2022 18:34

Jimmy Snuka said on Opie and Anthony with Jim Norton that on the way to Allentown Pennsylvania, they pulled over to use the bathroom and Nancy was trying to leap across a stream and slipped and hit her head. That was before Snuka was charged.

Miller Miller
Miller Miller - 12.02.2022 20:30

Would Cornette go to AEW???

Ian Holl
Ian Holl - 11.02.2022 00:39

Jim Cornette is fantastic!

Fair Knowledge
Fair Knowledge - 09.02.2022 18:56

Lmao. He said that Vince was a Reptile creature lmao. This has me dying. You need a show on TV or stream. Frfr

Neethan3247 - 01.01.2022 01:09

If Hulk Hogan had committed murder during the height of Hulkamania, then Vince would have helped cover it up. Same thing happened here with Super Fly. It was too late for Jimmy to be held accountable for his actions, however, maybe one day (very unlikely), Vince will have some answering to do.

josh portie
josh portie - 30.11.2021 17:02

No freemasonry didnt come from stone masons. It comes from the Jesuit order. Calling them satanic is a bit unfair granted the high level masons according to their own books do worship Lucifer but they think hes the great architect. Largely freemasonry was a way for the Roman Catholic church to take over protestantism. Accusing people of things they might not know is fruitless.

FreeMind69 - 19.11.2021 05:45

Snuka: She fell and hit her head brudda!
Sam Fatu: I don't remember that...

OneLungLarry - 29.10.2021 01:26

basically lived my entire life about 3 blocks from the allentown and bethlehem border, I will confirm the police we’re corrupt and some still may be.

metalmutherfucker101 - 24.09.2021 20:07

It's not easy to listen to either

Rush_Man - 24.09.2021 00:41

I think after dark was just put in place during corona sniffles and not meant to last. It was beyond hideous. They were all possibly drunk. I know I would have been.

Seraphim Watson
Seraphim Watson - 21.09.2021 09:40

He killed her and Vince bailed out his top star !

the virus
the virus - 10.07.2021 00:51

Satanic Freemason lol 😆

Ryan Paradissis
Ryan Paradissis - 09.06.2021 19:00

no it is all different crazies.

Black Napalm
Black Napalm - 08.05.2021 21:58

Snuka : Vince I just beat Nancy to death with my bare hands
Vince : But you're still coming to work right pal?
