10 Worst Items Ever Tested? Let’s Find Out!

10 Worst Items Ever Tested? Let’s Find Out!

Project Farm

1 год назад

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@alexking2599 - 09.03.2025 04:42

Your videos are really informative and cool but it kinda feels like you're yelling at me the entire time and makes it hard to listen :( subscribed anyways!

@nuts5388 - 01.03.2025 10:03

I think the ZSP jackstands warrant some sort of court battle, there’s no way they should be advertised the way they are legally

@rickwardrop1877 - 22.02.2025 23:05

I like this resource!

@MeowCat-z4y - 19.02.2025 02:02

I hope this video is causing these tool manufacturers to go back and improve their products. It is really helpful to see what is the best rather than what is the most expensive. Very relatable.

@zachworrell9114 - 18.02.2025 15:49

At less than a third of the cost I feel like the cheaper battery isn’t to bad

@DVGSIBLNTHE - 12.02.2025 23:14

Seeing those jack stands made me cringe. I have been using my grandfathers ramps he made and they are now 60 years old and still stronger than those jack stands.

@harpo6203 - 05.02.2025 06:04

have you tested windshield crack repair kit?

@alandavidson4106 - 29.01.2025 14:55

Great videos I like your style 👍

@CDXLIV444 - 27.01.2025 00:14

That 3/8 ratchet looked like a kid's toy lol. Started giggling as soon as you showed it.

@rodgersandrodgers8191 - 25.01.2025 01:44

If the Milwaukee cost almost four times as much, and the amatite gives about half the operating time... It seems like the Milwaukee is not a better buy???

@MrMasterFlash - 24.01.2025 00:21

I'm very surprised Knipex wasn't on top. They have a stellar reputation/

@markfloriojr.2170 - 20.01.2025 03:22

Back when vaping was more mechanical style and not disposables we used alot of 18650, 20700 and 21700 MaH batteries but always stayed with name brand.

@Jay-Kaizo - 18.01.2025 21:41

I'm actually kind of glad that it took me a little while to find this channel. I have such a big backlog of videos to watch :)
Hey Todd, I wonder if you'd consider doing a pressure hose test like how you did the garden hoses? That was really valuable for me. I know commercial-grade pressure washers are unrealistic, but I think it would be cool and valuable information for a lot of people in the pressure washing field. One 4 GPM pressure washer can help do some really good testing on a few of the cheaper and more expensive brands and that's the line where most guys get their feet wet in the business, but is also a great machine for a homeowner. Another thing that we're always concerned about is loss of pressure and GPM for larger hose lengths, filters, fittings, etc. Anyway, thanks for all you do. No one does it better!

@snoopyshultz - 17.01.2025 20:13

"you can turn your drill into a circular saw " No just NO

@329376676 - 16.01.2025 11:49

All 10 made in one single country, achievement unlocked I guess.

@gersonhay984 - 16.01.2025 08:07

Thats a Fun one.

@KingCuba - 14.01.2025 06:19

Jack dancing….I love it.

@CrazyFunnyCats - 13.01.2025 19:49

The dance moves!💃
😂👍✨☕️☕️☕️✨ Cheers bud!

@unncommonsense - 13.01.2025 08:21

I can hardly believe that the ZSP jackstands cost twice as much as most of the competition and were flimsy and shoddy. Shameful.

@dvaoa2910 - 30.12.2024 20:16

"BTW...this gas that goes back to the canister is highly explosive" 😆😆😆

@IanMacDonald-x1d - 28.12.2024 06:49

I wonder how many false advertising lawsuits could take place with this entire channel being submitted for evidence, love your videos by the way

@Gordy-g9z - 27.12.2024 22:28

It’s hard for me to believe someone would buy those jackstands but I could see a young teenage mechanic not knowing any better getting himself killed

@gregfeneis609 - 26.12.2024 23:59

I thought I'd buy a coffee grinder. Have you rated coffee grinders yet? Maybe you don't do kitchen appliances?

@christianwalter2939 - 26.12.2024 17:34

I really enjoy all of your videos. You spend a lot of time and effort doing these. Thank you

@F-c5r - 26.12.2024 09:04

keep up the good work

@Dwayne6692 - 25.12.2024 14:00

As for jack stands we always use welded truck stand back in 50s to 90s.

@RoberinoSERE - 25.12.2024 10:50

Generic Chinese battery specks are all lies. Its a chinese characteristic to lie about a product.

@billyfromla1117 - 23.12.2024 20:39

The worst and best compilations, now the most expensive per category compared to the top performing cheaper option.

@TylerObrien-s6g - 22.12.2024 16:23

Performance tools rn: 💀

@charlesronk2989 - 22.12.2024 05:00

Come up with a test to keep mice out of a stored car. You can simulate the car with mouse houses of some sort.

@monsterblues - 21.12.2024 01:19

I would be Project Farm's best friend, except that I came in last place.

@morokeiboethia6749 - 21.12.2024 00:12

Jesus with that much blade wobble I don't see how that product was allowed to make it to market. That thing is going to injure somebody fast.

@ShayFeral - 20.12.2024 03:09

You missed it big with the UltraFire. You shoulda said "It's liar liar pants on UltraFire!"

@gregorybolin4672 - 18.12.2024 11:37

I would rather have hard direction change on a ratchet those kobalt flip constantly when using😡

@timmay676 - 17.12.2024 18:03

Appreciate your honest and hard work. Waiting for your test on hand held flashlight 😊Thanks

@L4ND.SH4RK - 16.12.2024 15:53

Thanks for saving me some money, but I would not trust a riveted jackstand with a go-kart... what are those morons thinking?

@scottsherwood8555 - 15.12.2024 22:30

I loved the dancing techniques of the zsp jack stands! Hahaha 😂😂 WOW! What a horrible jack stand!

@scotwright3787 - 08.12.2024 02:40

The dancing jack stands 😂 🕺

@rayju9998 - 06.12.2024 16:44

You can just tell that this guy has a great sleep schedule

@tbonestillz - 06.12.2024 08:47




@bbseal6174 - 05.12.2024 10:46

the best item you'll ever test will be a soldering station !

@scottrichards3587 - 04.12.2024 23:54

I thought the federal govt was supposed to protect citizens. Many obviously aree sleeping on the job😑

@watercop5115 - 04.12.2024 17:53

I really enjoy your presentations, mainly they are based on personal facts, no HOPALA

@SwagAddict88 - 04.12.2024 13:32

190lb for nails on diagonal cutters WOW

@cibermesias - 03.12.2024 13:58

Please, never add a Spanish audio track to your videos again. The translation sucks as hard as the girl voice.

@LorenzoBlanco - 02.12.2024 05:37

At $7.00 it might have a performance issue …😂🤣
