The Difference Between Reformed Theology and Calvinism | Theocast

The Difference Between Reformed Theology and Calvinism | Theocast


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@trishanoren2437 - 28.06.2024 03:30

Our FatherGod and Lord Jesus
only recognize born again/John 3:3
Christ followers, Transformed from
death (inherited sin-nature) to
LIFE in Christ on earth to enter
Holy Kingdom Life in Heaven!!!
There are NO man-made
religious denominations
in Heaven!!! Only born again
Christ followers are
It’s just that simple!!!!!!!😍

@LokiIsFree - 16.06.2024 22:10

Unfortunately, while this is an interesting topic, and both of you seem quite knowledgeable, the presentation is terrible.
Listened all the way through and am no closer to what either of you consider the differences. Better to make an outline, define terms, then stick to the point of the video. Won't be back to this channel.

@geoffmckenzie2608 - 08.06.2024 00:46

Gosh, you guys and your man-written confessions. SMH
45 minutes to espouse anything except the Gospel. Anything except Scriptures.
Theo-cast ... thought it would be about God. John and Justin Cast

@merrillbartle4174 - 02.06.2024 21:32

I’m an R C Sptoul Refirmed, Christian, you talk a lot, but say nothing really about the subject your discussing?

@ap101x - 29.05.2024 14:59

Is Matthew Henry a Calvinist, but I don't know if he ever state the fact?

@DNYS8N - 23.05.2024 21:28

I don’t agree with the ultra predestination and I don’t deny it on some level.

I think the fallen nature of man and once saved always saved does not belong to Calvinism. I always thought Calvinism is backloading lordship under predestination. I’m not trying to be smart I do think the way to talk about a doctrine is it’s more controversial points first.

my head hurts from trying to figure out whose who. Piper, is not lordship salvation?

I’m safe because I’m predestined but my family was picked to go to hell? I just can’t go there brothers.

@SheilaODrane - 21.05.2024 18:31

Forget categories and labels, as these are not arguments.
All Christians believe in salvation.
The difference between Calvinists and non-calvinists is HOW salvation happens.
And the Calvinist view of the "how," of salvation is basef on their view that Adam's sin changed human nature.
There is no scripture evidence that human nature changed. The choices of Cain and Abel disprove the "changed nature."

@SheilaODrane - 21.05.2024 17:54

The Catholics, call all Protestant Christians, "reformed."
Protestants argue about who is reformed and who isn't.
Yes, Calvinism, is one version of "reformed." It does not represent all the reformed versions.

@zbeta1322 - 20.05.2024 14:45

17 minutes in and you haven’t said anything thing out of scrip yet. Who’s Flame?… who cares?

@christlife76 - 05.05.2024 17:19

If we are predestined to be conformed into the image of Jesus. It's as simple it can be

@GuyRoberts-bk6qd - 05.05.2024 10:16

Wow Guys !!! Thank you so much for sharing this video !! I'm trying to learn what i believe ( like what catagory I'm in ; like what yall are talking about ) . So far I think I'm like you guys , Reformed?? Please help me figure this out lol 😂

@franklinbross2602 - 30.04.2024 06:26

Typical calvinists and reformed

@alennazarpour5020 - 24.04.2024 03:55

As a confessional reformed Presbyterian, I appreciate you two trying to portray the difference between historical reformed faith with what these days is being redefined as Calvinism and how it is negatively impacting the church. So many that I personally know have admitted that once they started adopting the covenant theology and they began to study the scripture through the lenses of the covenant theology, it was then that the true understanding of the gospel exploded on their conscience.

@jeremylakenes6859 - 23.04.2024 16:42

Calvinism and Systematic Theology requires piety too….to Calvin and Luther and Augustine

@jeremylakenes6859 - 23.04.2024 16:31

Although I disagree with many aspects of reformed theology and even the dangers if having a systematic semantically disambiguated set of propositions as lenses to see God’s Word, I do extremely appreciate you guys sharing the difference between the “new” calvinism and the old. The new is cultish and I completely agree with the sacerdotal charismatic weirdness that comes from, mostly, Master’s Seminary.

Pietistic and revivalistic Calvinism is what McArthur and many others have pioneered today. They have hijacked a systematic that is repeatable and seems quite Biblical in order to make a new movement of sacerdotal servitude.

In other words, older reformed thinking (although I disagree with how it views scripture) is a read it, teach it, move on with it mentality.

Whereas the newer Calvinistic movement is an almost charismatic forcing of theological piety and reliance upon the master’s seminary (among others) teacher in order to create a “theological revival” where new leaders can take the charge and baton and serve God. “Who is with me! Hoorah!” It relies upon convincing people that scripture says what they say it says (and Calvinism is convincing initially) and when people walk with a teacher through “ah haa” moments, they trust the “ah haa” leader into a new identity. They essentially become baptized into that leader’s teaching.

Piety precedes a successful cult

@jeremylakenes6859 - 23.04.2024 16:01

Systematic Theology is not scripture and does not supersede scripture.

Augustine and Calvin did not write scripture

@jeremylakenes6859 - 23.04.2024 15:56

In Adam all died? Read the rest. In Christ all are saved! Sweet! We are universalist now!

Sinful nature is not Biblical. Read Romans 1-2… turning from natural things to…sin.
Doing by their nature the things of God / law.

@TylerJames-yu5hf - 19.04.2024 21:41

You said “keep reforming” while going back to how uninspired men thought. Going back?

@TylerJames-yu5hf - 19.04.2024 21:10

Oh you weren’t even trying to hide that you are Calvinist. I haven’t gotten to the substance yet. Why don’t we just go to the Bible.

Paul would call this carnal.

@TylerJames-yu5hf - 19.04.2024 20:52

Not all the reformers were Calvinist but that’s now what the Calvinist call themselves to go rogue.

Either this video is an attempt to deceive or just very naive.

@user-bz7hw4gx5n - 18.04.2024 15:02

The more I’m learning about the young restless and reformed, the more concerned I get. … I don’t think many Calvinists have worked through the implications of their ideology, especially for the reprobate.

@gideonboots1008 - 17.04.2024 19:54

I've recently come to rest in reformed theology after a long time in the charismatic movement.. reformed is just biblical and only our emotions would stop us accepted God for who He has revealed himself to be..100% sovereign..

Brothers I need advice please..

Regarding John Macarthur and John Piper who gave me good grounding on the basics of reformed theology BUT then I heard them both conflate works and faith as both being necessary for salvation .. this just isn't true.. we are saved by faith alone in Christ..

Why then would you endorse both Macarthur and Piper when they are clearly preaching a different gospel?

@tinabrogi - 17.04.2024 03:13

Talk about a word salad! I watched hoping to gain clarity, but I’m even more confused now! Can you guys just stick to scripture and explain your views from scripture?

@mrgrossism - 08.04.2024 16:32

Reading Romans WITHOUT someone else's presuppositions is "flat out incredible". Everyone should give it a go. I would advise anyone to do the opposite of what these 2 gentlemen advocate - read the Bible for yourself. Do not marry yourself to a set of doctrines someone else has developed.

@joshuahernandez9052 - 06.04.2024 00:37

Maybe it's just my lack of education, but it was really difficult to understand what you guys were trying to say in this conversation. What I was able to understand I did agree with, but what I was not able to understand it sounded like you were saying that we don't have free will to choose through faith to believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. It sounded like you were saying God chooses through us to believe in Himself. We don't have a choice. And everybody else he doesn't choose is going to hell. If that was the case, why does John 3:16 say whomsoever believes? That sounds like we have free will to either choose to believe in God or not. I do agree that we don't save ourselves. He chose us first because we weren't around before the foundation of the earth. He saves us by grace through faith. We can not separate His foreknowledge from how He predetermined. He is all-knowing. He knew all hearts before the foundation of the earth. He knows who is going to choose to believe in him or not. Please help me understand if that was what you guys were saying or not, and if not, please explain in layman's terms. Thank you.

@AReformedBeliever - 29.03.2024 20:33

this is nonsensical. Calvinism means to be a follower of John Calvins theology, not mearly the 5 points of TULIP. So yes, Calvinism = Reformed. "Reformed" Baptists aren't truly Calvinists.

@ChristisSaviour - 29.03.2024 01:06

Calvinism isn't the gospel. Calvinism, Lutherism....all isms are man made.

@lmorter7867 - 25.03.2024 17:36

Theological determinism is associated with both Calvinist and Reformed theology correct? I don't see how theological determinism is biblical because it denies the basic laws of logic.

@rickward2977 - 22.03.2024 03:37

Calvinism is NOT Biblical. It’s dangerous heresy.

@deezTX - 19.03.2024 09:38

Great topic, I have been doing more research not only for myself and our family and our growing son's faith, he too is searching for more deeper faith and does not care for "Protestant" faith and is now looking into the Orthodox faith ... due to exactly what yall have been saying, the "splits" here and there on calvinism, reformist, etc, etc... it's like we all need to attend a theological degree. Thank you for being open and speaking on topics like this.

@elsamusoy - 18.03.2024 17:55

Calvinism is a FALSE GOSPEL. Jesus died for ALL of us (John 1:29), (John 3:16,17), (John 4:42), (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15), (Romans 5:18), (1 Timothy 2:6), (1 Timothy 4:10,11)...etc. Because He is an incredibly loving and merciful God!

A “god” who has billions of souls in His hands, all of them sinners, and who, being able to choose, chooses the immense majority to destroy them in hell!!, not to save them… could be sovereign, but He is NOT a God of love, he is NOT a merciful God.

My calvinist friend, you are not going to like what follows. But it is very important that you know. I very much fear here is the deep and hidden root by which calvinism penetrates so easily into the corrupt human heart. Well, here it goes:
You are not better than anyone. God didn't see anything special in you. Nothing. You are not worth a cent more than any of the billions of souls that your “god” is going to send to hell without any possibility of choice. The only reason God could choose you without violating His character, without being a respecter of persons, (Romans 2:11) is because He knew in advance that you would respond positively to His call. “For many are called, but few chosen. ” (Matthew 22:14)
These are the chosen ones! Those who say: Yes! to the marriage of the Lamb.
To give someone freedom of choice… Yes! That’s love!! "I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; CHOOSE, therefore..." (Deuteronomy 34:19).

Also, the Bible does NOT say that we are totally depraved beings. Be very careful friends! This statement could well come from the mouth of satan himself, who is completely depraved. We still carry the image of God! Let's not forget it. And because of that, we can BELIEVE and respond freely to God's call for salvation.

That limited atonement is an abomination. Heresy of great caliber. There is nothing exclusive or limited about the cross. Nothing!! He paid for ALL our sins (Isaiah 53:6), (1 John 2:2), (John 12:47), (1 John 4:14), (Hebrews 2:9). That is why Jesus commands us to preach to every creature in every nation.

Irresistible grace? Not only is it a heretical concept (Acts 7:51), but it is absurd in its essence. Grace is a gift by definition. A gift that cannot be refused... is not a gift, it is an imposition.

Once saved, always saved, no matter what you do, it is one of the devil's biggest and best lies. The Spirit of God is not up to nonsense! The entire New Testament is full of warnings, from Jesus and Paul, against apostasy. Warning someone of a danger that does not exist is stupid. The Spirit of God would never do such a thing. We need to study the Bible, but we urgently need to take off our Calvin glasses so we can see. Prayer and fasting. By the way, cessationism is another heresy. All the gifts of the Holy Spirit operate today for the glory of the Lord. God wants you to know it. (Sorry for my english)

@tumipeele8174 - 15.03.2024 11:40

Does someone who has received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and lives a life guided by scripture and the Holy Spirit, go to hell because they are not aware of or don’t subscribe to the Reformed Baptist 1689 and TULIP?

@pmarieb4083 - 13.03.2024 21:44

Why can’t we all be one? God never intended for there to be religions!!!!!! They do nothing but divide!

@pmarieb4083 - 13.03.2024 21:43

I know someone who speaks and believes like a Calvinist but will not directly admit he is a Calvinist….why is this? There is great confusion in their teachings and sometimes I wonder if that is on purpose.

@pmarieb4083 - 13.03.2024 21:41

Thanks you….so reformed means Calvinism????? Thank you!!!!!!! I was so confused.

@jugsbts - 29.02.2024 19:38

Please get to the point faster

@southernpatriot6169 - 26.02.2024 18:52

You can attempt to explain this away all you want but the truth is that those in the Reformed camp do indeed adhere to Calvinism!

@John-Christchurch-NZ - 23.02.2024 08:04

God seems to be in the process of deconstructing the effects of Reformed Calvinism
in my life so I came here wanting to find out what you thought the difference between Reformed and Calvinism was.
Not much
Calvinism is a construct deduced from things said in the Bible and is definitely not the Gospel
Jesus is
The Bible under the Holy Spirit speaks for itself
He doesn't need the philosophies of man
I so disagree with many statements you make
I left here wondering what religion you are

@bucky91361 - 21.02.2024 21:49

Would it be safe to say that all who hold to Reformed Theology are Calvinists but not all Calvinists are Reformed?

@daveperryman291 - 21.02.2024 17:11

Well, you spoke for quite a while and taught me nothing.

@SibleySteve - 20.02.2024 19:44

Former IFB, found Calvinism etc in seminary early 90’s. Be careful knocking biblicism. You have traded the pagan pantheon of IFB for the Belgic pantheon of fatalism that flows from an over zealous epistemology of certainty. Historically you have left the first 1400 years of Gospel unaccounted for as if the reformation is 2,000 years old. I would recommend you read the works of Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Polycarp, Tertullian, Origen, the Cappadocean fathers, Clement of Rome, Clement of Alexandria, Jerome, Anthony the great, John Cassian and the Gallic monks of Lyon. You think you have left dogmatism behind but you still have that virus in your devotion to Calvinism. The Bible and the gospel anchor is to the Logos and not the reformation alone.

@alanhaskins7688 - 16.02.2024 15:59

I came to believe in 'Calvinism' by simply reading God's Word the Bible.
It took a while to come to a more rounded understanding of Biblical Christianity of course but I simply believed what the Bible said about the mercy/justice/holiness of God; the utter hopelessness and fall of man. It all fits together and far exceeds any other understanding of the revelation of God's truth.
Always continuing to learn and be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

@1861olesamule - 15.02.2024 06:52

My problem is that I've never read of either title of these respective beliefs referred to in scripture. Wouldn't it be better to just call yourself just a Christian? Nothing more or less. Just a member of Christ church? Speaking the way the Bible speaks and it would cut down on a lot of division and confusion.

@Wesleydale754 - 14.02.2024 21:46

Just curious, my understanding was that only Presbyterians are truly reformed since covenant theology dictates infant baptism. How can baptist be truly reformed?

@user-wh8cm1uw1d - 13.02.2024 23:23

There is simply no peace, rest, or security in Calvinism - It's the "Other Gospel" Paul warns us about! The moment your eternal security rests on your efforts to preform rather than faith in God's finished work - You've circled back to a works based faith!
