The Lord of the Rings... 19 Years Later

The Lord of the Rings... 19 Years Later

The Gold Man

1 год назад

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The Gold Man
The Gold Man - 29.09.2022 22:29

Many have pointed out that Tolkien hated allegories, this is correct. I made a mistake in this video and mentioned certain things Tolkien likely made allegories too. I was wrong. With that being said, even though certain aspects of LotR may not have been allegories, the inspiration is clearly still there. Tolkien may not have made allegories, but the Catholic and European influences in lord of the rings are clear

Gunnar001 - 21.09.2023 01:39

We’re so lucky this trilogy was made when it was. Just before the Dark Times. What a moronic WoKe dumpster fire it would’ve been if made today.

Pretzel Man
Pretzel Man - 20.09.2023 13:25

I have seen all 3 lotr films around 25 times each
And that includes a good healthy smattering of the extended editions too
I dont have a problem

gijbuis - 18.09.2023 22:55

When I was a student, 3 days before sitting for my final examinations I stayed in bed reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy from cover to cover... Oh, btw - I did manage to scrape through my finals!

Gray Boats
Gray Boats - 18.09.2023 13:01

Start of the genre for more adult. Well lets just say RE Howard kinda beat him to it by 10 years.
Though as a pulp overlooked due to pulps being lowbrow.

waldo putty
waldo putty - 18.09.2023 08:26

when lotr movies came out, i waited until all 3 movies became available on dvd before i binge-watched everything during the same weekend.
screw amazon for messing with lotr.

wulfhart - 16.09.2023 21:31

this trilogy will be remembered like the Illiad, the song of Roland or the arthurian megends

FieryVigil - 16.09.2023 14:31

The only real issue I had with the battle of Minas Tirith is the ghost army. They could have achieved a much more badass flank with rangers in a way similar to the books but that would have made the ghost cave bit kind of a waste of time and would have required more setup which means even more characters and more film. I know why they didn't do it, it's just that the invincible ghost army that rolls directly through everything the characters have been fighting and dying against made the struggles in the earlier parts of the battle feel like a total waste of tension and drama.

John Bailey
John Bailey - 15.09.2023 19:26

The point of the adventure, according to Tolkien, through Gandalf, was the Scouring of the Shire, that is, the Hobbits growing up and defending themselves from all enemies after Sauron... So, as masterful as Peter Jackson's movies were, they missed Tolkien's point.

Mike - 15.09.2023 08:49

Great book. Absolutely shit movie. Right up there with people who have absolutely no sense of taste and class. Still, it did prove how dumbed down society has become.

Alex Kos
Alex Kos - 14.09.2023 19:19

What I love about myself is that even when the show is not that good (Rings of Power) I still find a lot of things I can enjoy in the show :D

Jaws Trock
Jaws Trock - 14.09.2023 07:08

Problem with the ending is not it's length.. it's all the fakeout black screens, that we associate with movie ends.

Jaws Trock
Jaws Trock - 14.09.2023 06:58

Watch the effort of practical effect, costumes and everything.. and remind yourself of the budget..


BEARDofPOWER - 14.09.2023 06:13

Imagine making a movie and having intense reverance and adhereance to the source material, and subsequently doing it justice. Modern hollywood could stand to have a reminder of this

Andrew Matthew
Andrew Matthew - 13.09.2023 00:06

I don’t want the story to end.

wa1w - 12.09.2023 23:19

Weinstein is a dork-a-bork, and probably has a short attention span, but just remember that Tolkien wrote one book and the publisher wanted to break it into three books. Tolkien was upset that the title of the third book gave away what was going to happen.

Don Benjamin
Don Benjamin - 12.09.2023 20:57

The silmarilion sadden me. Imagine this the creation of the word.
A war between gods.
A war of elf's against the boss of Sauron
The coming of men's and the rise of numenor

The defeat of the boss of Sauron. It would have been perfect, they only needed to follow the book

Tarkis - 12.09.2023 00:17

Thanks Chatgpt for summing that up

Vignesh Subramanian
Vignesh Subramanian - 11.09.2023 22:53

Ralph Bakshis LOTR is underrated is what I have heard from many film stans. I have also heard it is a lot more darker and gruesome than the trilogy despite the fact that it sums all three books in one movie.

Zach Paulson
Zach Paulson - 11.09.2023 16:05

He wrote it specifically with catholicism in mind. Look it up

Alex Trill
Alex Trill - 10.09.2023 21:11

Thank you for defending the long ending and putting its purpose into words. I always felt it was perfect, but never quite could put the finger on why. You both said the things that needed to be said and explained my own feelings to me.

Jordick - 09.09.2023 11:27

In my opinion the biggest failure in the Rings of Power TV show was that the writers didn't respect the source material at all.
The only thing these show writers had to do to make the show successful was to stick what was already established. But instead they decided to twist the source material and give it their own twist. And the rest is history.

Leo Fawkes
Leo Fawkes - 09.09.2023 01:22

the legolas slide is actually kinda realistic, he has no weight.

81Mace - 08.09.2023 21:28

Ugh... Can't believe I'm going to say "in Harvey Weinstein's Defence" but he (loathsome though he otherwise is) actually wanted the Lord of the Rings to be TWO films, just like Peter and his team originally planned also, but his company couldn't finance it unless they made it into one.

Dazuko - 08.09.2023 16:58

The endings always make me tear up 😢

Dazuko - 08.09.2023 16:58

The endings always make me tear up 😢

Naomi - 08.09.2023 08:16

Whatta well done video :)

SirWap71 - 08.09.2023 00:27

The books are the ultimate, much much better than the movies, especially with the Hobbit. I 'pinched' it from my sister in 1978 to read ( it was her school project at the time) I was 7, she was 14. I was hooked on Tolkien books from that time. In my years I still cannot find any books (except one) that are as engrossing and written so perfectly. There are more characters that are missing from the films that are in the books, Tom Bombadil, a big part of the Hobbit, basically the 'God' part in the Hobbit, (the first the last, kinda character) was left out of the films.
Terry Brooks the author of Shannara Series of fantasy books is a very good author of this age. Even though Terry Brooks' Shannara series was made into a tv series (2016) it was let down by the production team ( I doubt any of them had ever read a Shannara book), it wasn't shown how I and many others saw it from reading the books.
I have always thought his early books (The Wishsong era) should of been made into a full blown movie. I mean Eragon (Christopher Paolini ) got a full blown movie for that book, I bought the series of books, it wasn't an epic series imo.

Lucifer Neverchanges
Lucifer Neverchanges - 07.09.2023 21:38

I never thought Weinstein could be a bigger piece of shit then he already was, but then you tell me he wanted to condense The Lord of The Ring in a single 2 hour film.

KathrynB621 - 06.09.2023 18:53

My mom always let my brother and I skip one school day every quarter. I would always skip school the Friday a major movie came out. Harry Potter and LotR were those movies!

pio paolo valenzuela
pio paolo valenzuela - 06.09.2023 14:20

Every Night i am praying God please make an Aragorn Video Game

Eastern Traveller
Eastern Traveller - 05.09.2023 16:45

What kind of name is jay ar ar tolkien?

ectasy66 - 04.09.2023 16:57

I hope they do movies for the gaps, the things that happened in between each movie. That would be big. Like seeing the Shire over run then taken back., etc!

Diablo - 03.09.2023 11:08

This is why we don’t get movies like this anymore. They are SOOOO MUCH WORK. But that’s why they are so special.

Daniel Peterson
Daniel Peterson - 03.09.2023 05:50

I never got through the Silmarilians, but I tried.

JAY KANUCK - 03.09.2023 01:19

If they decided to redo Lord of the rings in 2023, they would inject they’re own politics and beliefs within the story. Unlike what Peter Jackson did. I think Peter Jackson had the right idea to honour J.R.R. Tolkien. Having said that nowadays, it seems all that matters is representation over quality. I miss movies that were high on quality.

IwIRQ - 03.09.2023 00:37

i agree with you on the ending. If anything, i would love to see even more! Like Gimli going back to glimmering Caves, and starts building there.
Or When he helped rebuilding Minas Tirith. And even more, even though that is a long time after The movie ends, but when legolas and gimli sails off to Valinor. Because thats when the last members of the fellowship actually leaves.

Xavier Duran
Xavier Duran - 02.09.2023 21:55

I have a movie marathon watching all three every December

OttogiCurry - 02.09.2023 19:05

Ordinary hobbit? ORDINARY HOBBIT?!

Keith Mayhew Hammond
Keith Mayhew Hammond - 02.09.2023 05:46

Waiting for Gandalf to save the day from the East I think is also heavily influenced by Tolkien's Catholic beliefs. It is the story of martyrdom starting with Christ as the foundation. It is easier to face death if you believe there is hope. Temporary things can sometimes make people go into battle to begin with but it quickly loses its luster. It is only the whole picture that keeps a soldier from despair. In the immediate battle it is the hope in Gandalf's promise of bring help. In the whole plot it is the knowledge that all these times to risk their lives is to ultimately assist Frodo carry the ring. If they had thought Frodo had lost then they would have completely lost morale.

Oe Homestead
Oe Homestead - 02.09.2023 02:41

Right... Hardcore Tolkien fans had only negative things to say about both PJ and the movies, even before they were released. "Has PJ even read the books?!" Many changed their minds after actually having watched the movies though ;-)

cgrant26 - 01.09.2023 18:00

The PJ LOTR movies still hold up amazingly well and the Hollywood idiots producing crap today either don't have the slightest clue why or worse, know exactly why but they're trying to tear it down it because it doesn't jive with "the message". It's gotten so bad that a moderately decent movie like Top Gun Maverick hits it out of the park because compared to all the excrement being made these days, it looks like an absolute masterpiece.

Death Beak
Death Beak - 31.08.2023 21:30

T2 slays. Tf you talking about!?

zzgkmzz - 31.08.2023 20:58

Am i that old?

Dan_CreaMundos - 31.08.2023 15:14

I couldn't agree more about the ending being perfect. Even if they skipped a part at the end, it was the best ending it could have. And Elijah Wood's acting was seriously fantastic, specially in the last film.

cobaingrohlnovo - 31.08.2023 11:13

Never seen it

Jee Bay
Jee Bay - 31.08.2023 10:47

Tolkien didn’t invent orcs, the Uruk-hai yes. late 16th century (denoting an ogre): perhaps from Latin orcus ‘hell’ or Italian orco ‘demon, monster’, influenced by obsolete orc ‘ferocious sea creature’ and by Old English orcneas ‘monsters’. The current sense is due to the use of the word in Tolkien's fantasy adventures.

Xabiso mbilini
Xabiso mbilini - 31.08.2023 09:12

The whole PG-13 thing was a turnoff for me.

John Doe
John Doe - 31.08.2023 05:29

The Lord of the Rings is not a trilogy. It's a single book in three volumes (:
